• 2 months ago
PT Esta Indonesia Tbk (ESTA) akan mulai mencatatkan saham di Bursa Efek Indonesia pada Kamis (8/8). Perusahaan eksportir sarang burung walet ini akan menjadi emiten ke-34 yang tercatat di Bursa Efek Indonesia (BEI) pada 2024.

NEST telah merampungkan masa penawaran umum saham perdana atau Initial Public Offering (IPO). Perseroan mematok harga IPO sebesar Rp200 per saham. Dengan melepas sebanyak 822,5 juta saham, perseroan menargetkan meraup dana segar dari pasar modal mencapai Rp164,5 miliar.

Dalam prospektusnya, manajemen Esta Indonesia menjelaskan hasil dana IPO setelah dikurangi biaya-biaya emisi, akan digunakan seluruhnya untuk belanja modal sebesar 7,57 persen dari dana hasil IPO. Yakni berupa pembelian enam bidang tanah dan bangunan yang nantinya akan dimanfaatkan oleh perseroan sebagai rumah sarang burung walet yang berlokasi di Poso, Sulawesi Tengah yang dimiliki oleh pihak afiliasi.


00:00Hello viewers, how are you today, straight from the AIDX studio in Jakarta, I am Prasetya
00:26I am Yowi Bowo, welcome back to Market Review, a program that covers the issues of Indonesia's economic movement
00:31You can also watch our live streaming on aidixnl.com
00:35And viewers, let's start the complete market review
00:48The Indonesian Stock Exchange is back with a new emission, which is PT STA Indonesia TBK
00:53With the stock code NAST or NEST
00:56The exporter company Sarang Bulung Walet is officially registered in the Indonesian Stock Exchange
01:00After completing all the IPO stages by removing 20% of the listor capital and placing an IPO
01:11PT STA Indonesia TBK today began to sell stocks in the Indonesian Stock Exchange with the code NAST
01:19After completing all the stages of the general offer of stock funds or IPO
01:24The Sarang Bulung Walet exporter company released as many as 822.5 million shares in the IPO at the price of 200 rupiah per share
01:35Thus, the company is capable of obtaining IPO funds up to 164.5 billion rupiah
01:43The non-cyclical consumer sector emission removed 20% of the listor capital and placing an IPO
01:50PT KGI Indonesia's security has acted as a guarantor of the implementation of the emission effect in the procurement of Indonesian STA funds
02:00In the prospectus previously issued, the Indonesian STA management stated that it would use 7.57% of the IPO funds to buy capital
02:10In this regard, the company plans to buy 6 land and buildings that will later be used by the listor as the house of Sarang Bulung Walet which is located in Central Sulawesi
02:23Next, about 18.93% of the IPO funds will be used by the listor to transfer capital to the child entity, namely PT Tunal STA Indonesia or TI
02:35The funds will then be used by PT TI as capital purchases for the purchase of 6 land and buildings that will be used as PT TI's operational office as a source of IDX Channel
02:48PT STA Indonesia Tbk or NEST
02:54To discuss our topic this time, PT STA Indonesia Tbk or NEST is here with me in the IDX Channel studio
03:02With Mr. Johan Prasetyo Santoso, the Chief Commissioner of PT STA Indonesia Tbk
03:08Then there is Mr. Pahu Anton Seswanto, the Chief Director of PT STA Indonesia Tbk
03:14Good morning, Mr. Johan and Mr. Anton
03:17Good morning, Mr. Prasetyo
03:19Good morning, Mr. Prasetyo
03:21Thank you for joining us today, Mr. Johan
03:28Before we discuss further, I would like to ask Mr. Anton about the profile of PT STA Indonesia
03:36This company has been established 24 years ago
03:43We are involved in the sardine business, namely in the trading, processing and export of sardine
03:53We are also involved in sardine cultivation
03:58This is a family business, established by my wife
04:02Until now, our factory is located in Terboyo, Semarang
04:06Okay, so it has been operating for 20 years
04:09Yes, exactly 24 years
04:11Wow, that's amazing
04:13How about the development of PT STA Indonesia Tbk?
04:17After 24 years of operation, how about the market?
04:23You said earlier that some of the sardines were exported
04:26Yes, in 1993, PT STA Indonesia Tbk was established
04:30In 1993, PT STA Indonesia Tbk was established
04:33After I finished school, I started this business
04:38I started from a very young age
04:42Even from the garage of my parents' house
04:46In 1993, we only employed tens of workers
04:51And our export was only tens of kilos
04:54After 10 years, in 2013
05:03In 2000, we were able to export about hundreds of kilos
05:12In 2013, we grew again
05:15We managed to export about 3 tons of sardines
05:19And last year, we exported almost 30 tons
05:24Indeed, if you look at the past 30 years
05:29We have grown quite a lot
05:31That's right, it's amazing
05:33From 2 kg of export, it grew to about 3 tons
05:37Now it's about 30 tons for export
05:40This is about business cooperation
05:42Maybe Mr. Johan can also explain further
05:45How with the efforts of Perseroan
05:48Collaboration with anyone
05:50Maybe you can convey this, Mr. Johan
05:52So, Perseroan has a good relationship with many parties
05:57Especially, we have a relationship with importers from China
06:02Which is our largest market
06:04And also the largest market for the export of Indonesian bird's nest
06:09Coincidentally, the importer in China
06:12Is one of the largest companies in China
06:16And has been listed in the Hong Kong Stock Exchange
06:18We need to cooperate with the market
06:25Especially the market players
06:27To distribute Indonesian bird's nest products
06:31So, the main target market is China, right?
06:35That's right
06:37So, how about the business network so far?
06:40Is the expansion focused on exporting to China?
06:43Or is there a lot of people who are interested in Indonesian bird's nest products?
06:50Actually, it's not just China
06:52But coincidentally, this bird's nest is in Asia
06:56Especially in Asia
06:58But the largest right now is in China
07:01But our market is not only in China
07:03We also export to Australia, America, Japan
07:09And many other countries
07:13So, there are quite a lot of people who are interested in Indonesian bird's nest products
07:18That's right, quite a lot
07:20And lately, health products have been increasing
07:23Since Covid-19
07:26And the bird's nest is famous for its health
07:30Maybe it can be added
07:32Mr. Anton, what is the function or use of the bird's nest?
07:36If it is used for a number of industries
07:38One of them, as Mr. Johan said, is the health industry
07:41What is the use of the bird's nest?
07:44For the function of the bird's nest
07:48It can be considered as medicine
07:56Healthy food, such as herbs
07:59It can also be considered as luxury goods in China
08:03So, scientifically, we can also find health functions there
08:08It contains high xylic acid
08:12Good for epidermal growth
08:15Also, during Covid-19
08:18The bird's nest did not experience a decrease in sales
08:22Instead, it increased rapidly
08:24So, it is believed that it also increases body immunity
08:30And naturally
08:32And it is very much believed by the people of China
08:39As a food or supplement that is very useful for the body
08:49So, what is the position of ESTA Indonesia and its business competition?
08:53We will discuss it in the next segment
08:55We will be back after the break
09:02ESTA Indonesia TVK
09:07Thank you for joining us in Market Review
09:11We will continue this interesting discussion
09:13With Mr. Johan Prasetyo, the Chief Commissioner of ESTA Indonesia TVK
09:17And Mr. Hu Anton Sismanto, the Chief Director of ESTA Indonesia TVK
09:22Mr. Anton, it can be explained
09:24If 24 years have passed
09:27In the bird's nest industry
09:29The bird's nest export has become Indonesia's flagship
09:32There are quite a lot of bird's nest exporters
09:36From 2 kg, 3 tons, 30 tons
09:40The bird's nest export has become Indonesia's flagship
09:44At this time, in the industry that you have been in for 24 years
09:49Yes, thank God
09:51All this time, we have become one of the top three exporters in Indonesia
09:59And we are also the first company
10:05That can be in the Indonesia Bird's Nest
10:11Of course, for us to reach this position
10:17We have to implement good government
10:21Yes, that's right
10:23In the future, we also hope
10:25Because the potential of the bird's nest market in the world is still large
10:32That is 1,400 tons per year of Indonesia's export
10:37So I think there is still a lot of room for our business to grow
10:42Okay, this is interesting
10:44So what is the background?
10:46You said that you have been in the top three of Indonesia's bird's nest exporters
10:50To finally choose to be a listed company in the capital market
10:55Yes, in general, the listed companies in Indonesia are generally not open
11:03So if I can say that
11:05At first, most of them are domestic companies
11:10Or maybe UMKM
11:12Well, with the IPO of PT ESTA
11:18This proves that Indonesia's listed companies are known
11:22As a closed industry
11:28Can be promoted
11:30And there is transparency there
11:34We went to the IPO
11:38So that this company can be sustainable
11:42Not only for the family
11:44But also for all stakeholders in our company
11:49Okay, that's the background
11:51You chose to be a listed company
11:53So, Mr. Johan, how about the response from the investors themselves
11:57To be one of the pioneers of the bird's nest industry
12:01Which is flourishing in the capital market
12:03Please, Mr. Johan
12:05Yes, it is proven that the response is very positive
12:08Because the demand surplus yesterday was almost 140 times
12:13140 times?
12:15Thank you also to all investors
12:19Who believe in this nest
12:21Up to 140 times
12:23It means that this is one of the innovations
12:27Which has been delivered to the capital market
12:29As one of the interesting investment choices
12:31Bird's nest with 30 tons of export
12:35How about the use of IPO funds?
12:39Mr. Johan, maybe you can also tell us a little
12:42What is the use of it
12:44Because fresh funds can be used for expansion in the future
12:47Yes, especially after the cost of emissions is cut
12:51So the use of IPO funds is for the purchase of a new nest house
12:57For the company
12:59Because if it adds to the ownership of this bird's nest house
13:03Will reduce GDP
13:06So in the end it will have a good impact on profitability
13:09It is expected
13:11In addition, we also have investments in child entities
13:14Which is to build a factory
13:19For production
13:21So increase the capacity of the factory
13:23Of course, it is expected to increase sales
13:25And the rest is for operating capital
13:28What strategy has been prepared with the use of fresh funds?
13:31How do you see it?
13:33Because Mr. Johan has said earlier
13:35To make or buy more land for the nest house
13:40Actually, the expansion is still wide open
13:42Is it only focused in one area like now?
13:46For example, in Semarang?
13:48Will it be developed in other areas?
13:51For the factory, we are not only in Semarang
13:55Our new factory is in Nemak
13:59And of course, our development is not only in the factory
14:04But also in the past
14:08Where our nest houses are also in Sulawesi
14:12And our plan is to continue to increase
14:16So it means that there are still areas in Indonesia
14:19Which can be targeted
14:21To become a nest house for the nesting birds
14:24Yes, there are still many potential areas
14:26Which will develop for the nesting birds
14:29Not relying on old nesting bird centers
14:35Okay, how about the Ginerja target in 2024?
14:39We will discuss it in the next segment
14:42We will have a short break
14:44Make sure you are still with us
14:54You are still watching Market Review
14:56We will continue our discussion with Mr. Johan Prasetyo
14:59And Mr. Antun Seswanto from ESTA Indonesia TBK
15:04Mr. Johan, let's talk about the Ginerja target this year
15:07The Ginerja target this year
15:09Rp160 billion will be used to expand in several areas
15:15Because it is one of the best commodities for Indonesia's export
15:19How about the target this year?
15:21What is the percentage of income growth?
15:24And the net profit in 2024 after the IPO, Mr. Johan
15:28We are optimistic
15:30Our income growth target is about 10%
15:34More or less
15:35For profitability, we are optimistic about 15%
15:40Okay, the range is about 10%
15:43And the profitability is 15% in 2024
15:49What are the factors that drive the growth?
15:52Mr. Antun, maybe you can explain it further
15:56What are the factors that drive the Ginerja to expand in the future?
16:00The factors that drive the growth
16:02First, of course, we have to open new markets
16:05New customers
16:07In China and non-China
16:10Of course, there are still many other markets that we can develop
16:15And also to boost profitability
16:19We will also increase our own supply resources
16:25Maybe the most profitable is birdhouses
16:28Okay, but if we look at the biggest challenge
16:32Talking about the bird nesting industry
16:35As far as I remember, this is a bird that we know
16:38An animal that we can't control
16:40Like maybe other production in other industries
16:43How do you see this?
16:45What are the challenges that may still lead to the journey of prosperity for 25 years?
16:51Okay, the biggest challenge right now is the weakening of China's economy
16:56More to global, right?
16:59Yes, that's what we feel right now
17:01It's different from last year, it's even different from last COVID
17:05It's even a significant increase in sales
17:12In the future, will you look for new markets?
17:15Maybe we will develop other countries for our bird nesting?
17:20Yes, of course
17:23As I said, we will develop other markets
17:29And also potential customers in China
17:34Is there anyone in China?
17:36Yes, there are potential customers
17:39For the local market, how is the domestic market?
17:43And how big is the benefit?
17:45Is the demand the same as the export demand?
17:48Yes, for bird nests
17:51At first, it was consumed by the Tionghoa ethnic group
17:57But I saw some national products
18:02That provide ready-to-eat bird nests
18:05It seems that this market is also starting to grow in Indonesia
18:08We also hope to have our own bird nests market in Indonesia
18:13The challenge from the management side
18:15Mr. Johan, what can we see from this?
18:18The global factor, the economic weakness in the country for export
18:23Becomes a challenge
18:25Is this an innovation or a strategy that has been mapped by ESTA Indonesia?
18:30Yes, the management has prepared to expand the network
18:35Especially to the countries that are the target of our export
18:39So it's more like that
18:40And of course, in terms of management
18:43I am the main commissioner
18:46So I supervise the next steps
18:49The planning can be implemented
18:51So that good corporate governance can be created
18:55That's what we have prepared
18:58Okay, if we talk about the local market
19:02If this becomes a pillar, where is it going?
19:04The local market that has long been a supporter
19:07From the sales side
19:09Then the marketing of bird nests products from ESTA Indonesia
19:13For the local market?
19:15For the local market, of course we target as wide as possible
19:18But especially big cities
19:21Big cities
19:23Okay, what are your last hopes?
19:25If you see this global challenge is still a barrier
19:28Then the effort to find new markets
19:31Our export as well, Mr. Anton
19:34Are you optimistic enough for the future?
19:39Especially with the fresh rice harvest earlier
19:42I feel Indonesia is the biggest exporter
19:45And from the nature of the bird nests themselves
19:48Which cannot be cultivated
19:50We are of course quite optimistic
19:53That bird nests will become a pillar of Indonesia's export
19:58And quite a large GDP
20:01Okay, Mr. Johan
20:03How do you see the prospect from Mr. Johan in the future?
20:06Yes, the prospect is good and positive
20:09Very positive
20:11Especially this bird nests industry
20:14Contributes quite a lot
20:16For the deficit
20:18Also contributes in the workforce
20:21That's amazing
20:23Because thousands of people
20:25In ESTA Indonesia alone, thousands of people
20:27Not yet in other industries
20:29Okay, that means the industry is declining
20:31It's around 125,000 people
20:34Who are stuck in the production chain
20:38From upstream to downstream
20:40Wow, that means the creation of job opportunities
20:42With the expansion of the business that continues to be done by the exporters
20:45It means the potential to absorb more workers in the region
20:48Will be greater, of course
20:50Okay, good luck for the exporters
20:52Who have landed in Bursa Efek Indonesia
20:54Congratulations once again
20:56To Mr. Johan and Mr. Anton
20:58And success always
20:59Thank you, Mr. Johan
21:01Okay, Mr. Mirsa
21:03Don't leave your seat
21:05Because we will be back
21:07With another interesting topic
21:09Where OJK obliges banks to enter the anti-scam center
21:12We'll be right back
