• 2 months ago
PT Caturkada Depo Bangunan Tbk (DEPO) menilai prospek bisnis di paruh kedua tahun ini akan lebih menjanjikan dibandingkan dengan periode sebelumnya. Untuk itu, perseroan berencana akan menambah tiga gerai baru di tahun ini hingga tahun mendatang.


00:00Emitten Retail, PT Catur Karda Depo Bangunan TBK,
00:09assesses the business prospects in the second half of this year will be more promising than the previous period.
00:14For that reason, the company plans to add three new branches this year until next year.
00:21PT Catur Karda Depo Bangunan TBK Director Irwan Irawan Nur said that the company sees semester 2 will be better
00:29than the previous one, and this is driven by a number of factors such as the stability of political leadership
00:37and the existence of the US dollar, so it is expected to be a catalyst for Indonesia's economic growth in the second half of this year.
00:45However, Emitten, which is affiliated with Depo, has also planned to open three new branches
00:51by preparing a capital spending allocation of Rp260 billion this year,
00:56where the capital has been absorbed as much as 49% used for land purchase, construction, and operational support.
01:11And next we will discuss the US economy agenda, there is data on consumer credit in June,
01:18then still from the US, there is data on continued unemployment claims and also early unemployment claims,
01:25while from China, there is China's import and export on a year-on-year basis in July,
01:30from the Euro zone, there is the ECB Mekol data, and also from Indonesia, there is data on the confidence of Indonesian consumers in July.
01:37From Japan, there is a summary of the BOJ opinion and there is also a year-on-year bank credit in July,
01:44then from India, there is data on the decision of the Indian flower tribe.
01:48The Emitten Agenda, Altho TV, made a statement to the European Union,
01:52planned on December 31, 2023, by the TBK newspaper.
02:03Yes, you can watch the full story on the television screen.
02:10For the Asian main stock market this morning, as you can see on the television screen,
02:18for the Asian main stock market, mostly weakening this morning,
02:22for Nikkei, it opened to weakening 1.96% at level 34,402,
02:27STI Singapore opened to weakening 0.13% at level 3,245,
02:32KOSPI Korea weakened 0.9% at level 2,445,
02:36and Hang Seng Hong Kong strengthened 1.38%.
