Snack टाइम को बनाएं खास रंग-बिरंगे Open मोमोज के साथ | Mina ki rasoi #snacks #food #momos

  • last month



Welcome to Mina Ki Rasoi! In this video, learn how to make delicious and colorful Open Rainbow Momos right at home. These vibrant momos are not only a treat for your taste buds but also a feast for your eyes. Perfect for parties, gatherings, or a fun cooking session with family and friends!

स्वादिष्ट और रंग-बिरंगे Rainbow मोमोज को घर पर बनाना अब बहुत आसान है! ये मोमोज न सिर्फ दिखने में खूबसूरत हैं, बल्कि खाने में भी बहुत लाजवाब हैं। इस वीडियो में, हम आपको एक सरल और मजेदार रेसिपी दिखाएंगे जिससे आप अपने घर पर ही रंगीन मोमोज बना सकते हैं।


1/2 Organeo (ऑर्गेनो )
2 tsp onion finely chopped ( प्याज )
1 tsp Green Chilli ( हरी मिर्च )
Cauliflower finely chopped ( पत्ता गोभी )
2 tsp Capsicum ( शिमला मिर्च )
1 tsp Chaat masala ( चाट मसाला )
1 tsp Roasted cumin powder (भुना हुआ जीरा पाउडर )
Salt ( नमक ) स्वादानुसार
1 tsp black pepper ( काली मिर्च )

1 कप All-purpose flour ( मैदा )
Salt ( नमक )
Food color ( खाद्य रंग )
Refine Oil ( परिशुद्ध तेल )
Water ( पानी )
00:00If you are a momos lover, then today you have come to the right place.
00:04You must have eaten a lot of different types of momos.
00:07But the momos that we are going to make today, you might have never eaten them before.
00:12Today we are going to make open rainbow momos.
00:15It sounds a little weird, right?
00:17But don't worry, it won't be weird to eat.
00:21In fact, it will be very tasty.
00:23So let's start again.
00:25And let's make Dilwalo's favorite Espresso Momos.
00:29But open rainbow momos.
00:31Namaskar Friends!
00:32Welcome to Meena's Kitchen.
00:35So let's start the video.
00:43There is nothing too big in making Dilwalo's favorite open rainbow momos.
00:48You can make it very easily at home.
00:51First of all, we will take chopped cabbage.
00:55To boil the chopped cabbage, we have put water in the pan.
00:59Let the water boil.
01:03See, the water has boiled.
01:06Now we will put the chopped cabbage in it and boil it for 2 to 3 minutes.
01:11After 3 minutes, we will put a cotton cloth on the sieve and sieve it.
01:37We have squeezed the water from the cabbage.
01:40Now we will make its mixture.
01:42To make the mixture of open rainbow momos, first of all we will add 2 tablespoons of onion.
01:531 teaspoon finely chopped green chili.
01:582 tablespoons finely chopped capsicum.
02:061 teaspoon chaat masala powder.
02:111 teaspoon roasted cumin powder.
02:161 teaspoon black pepper powder.
02:181 teaspoon salt.
02:20You can add salt as per your taste.
02:22In the end, we will add half a tablespoon of oregano and mix it well.
02:32See, our mixture of open rainbow momos is ready.
02:37To make rainbow momos, we have taken 8 cups of all-purpose flour.
02:42We will add salt as per our taste and food color.
02:49We will add 1 teaspoon of refined oil and add water little by little and mix it.
03:07We have kneaded all the flour well.
03:12Now we will cut small balls of all the flour and roll them.
03:18We have rolled it like a puri and now we will fill the filling in it.
03:38Now we will apply water on its edge and fold it.
03:45Now we will give the shape of open momos like this.
04:04See, you have to make open momos like this.
04:08To steam momos, we have put some butter in the plate.
04:16Now let's go to steam momos.
04:28To steam momos, we have put water in the pan.
04:32Now we will put a stand inside it and let it boil.
04:38The water has boiled, now we will reduce the flame to medium.
04:44Now we will put the momos plate on it.
04:48Now we will cover the pan and steam it for 10 to 15 minutes.
04:54See, it has been 15 minutes and momos has been steamed well.
05:00Now we will take it out in a plate and serve it.
05:08See, open rainbow momos is ready.
05:16Eat it with your friends and enjoy it.
05:20For more such recipes, subscribe to Meena's Kitchen.
05:26We will meet soon in the next video. Namaskar.
