• 2 months ago
IDX Channel bekerja sama dengan PwC Indonesia menggelar ESG Workshop and Panel Discussion sebagai bagian untuk mendukung dan mempromosikan praktik-praktik Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) di Indonesia. Tidak hanya tentang tanggung jawab sosial atau lingkungan, ESG diakui memiliki dampak positif terhadap kinerja keuangan perusahaan.


00:00We move on to other information, the chairman of the Idea Channel cooperates with PWC Indonesia to hold the ESG Workshop and Panel Discussion as part of supporting and promoting environmental, social and governance practices in Indonesia.
00:19Not only about social responsibility or the environment, ESG is admitted to have a positive impact on company finance.
00:31Idea Channel holds ESG Workshop and Panel Discussion.
00:35The cooperation with PWC Indonesia is part of supporting and promoting environmental, social and governance practices in Indonesia.
00:45In his opening speech, the Director of Financial, Human Resources and Public Affairs, Risa Erusta said, ESG has a positive implication for all companies and business players.
00:55ESG is admitted not only about social responsibility or the environment, but also has a positive impact on company finance.
01:03According to Risa, more and more companies are starting to realize the importance of business involvement with ESG issues.
01:10This involvement is not only to meet the market expectations, but also as an effort to maintain business continuity in the midst of climate change and the increasingly complex global environment.
01:20Companies that pay attention to this continuity tend to be more stable and able to achieve long-term growth compared to other companies that do not pay attention to ESG aspects.
01:34Currently, more and more companies are realizing the importance of business involvement with ESG issues.
01:41As an incentive and an effort to push record companies to become role models, in ESG companies, BI provides five indexes related to ESG.
01:49In addition, PWC Indonesia also provides incentives in the form of record fees for environmental monitoring obligations, as well as cooperating with the International ESG Assessment Institute to assess record companies.
02:00This step is expected to encourage more companies to actively participate in ESG reporting and taking concrete steps to face the challenges of continuity.
02:09From Jakarta, Herutri Yuniarto, IDX Channel.
02:30Transcription by ESO. Translation by —
