The Rain in España- Season 1 Full Episode 9 Eng Sub

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The Rain in España- Season 1 Full Episode 9 Eng Sub
00:00Minimalist design that you got going here, it's just not working for me.
00:17I have to disagree with you, mom.
00:19The design is perfect.
00:21It's a huge improvement from the previous design of this house.
00:25This feels more homey.
00:27I don't want too big of a house and closed off where family members can't even see each
00:30other anymore.
00:31Like ours.
00:32I heard you resigned because of Miguel's case.
00:38¿Por qué?
00:40For you, Luna.
00:41I knew it was important to you and Kiera.
00:45I didn't want to disappoint you.
00:48I know we're not the same people anymore.
00:50I want you to understand, Luna, that I'm really trying.
00:55And I want you to give me a second chance.
01:02¡Magsitabi kayo!
01:03¡Nandito na!
01:07Hey, the Boracay trip is set in stone, ha?
01:10I already declined two photoshoots for this.
01:13Don't worry.
01:14That's why Bia went home for our vacation.
02:55Oh, thank you!
03:01I'm so excited!
03:02We're going to win this, ha?
03:04You don't remember what you did with Calyx, right?
03:07No, ha?
03:08Are you in school, Rica?
03:10I remember your story.
03:11The one with the bathtub.
03:12You didn't do that!
03:13¡Nandito na!
03:14I did a tittle.
03:15What tittle, Yana?
03:17Tickle, tickle, ha?
03:18Can I do it again?
03:22Oh, no.
03:23We're going to do a tittle and a Calyx and Luna cheer!
03:32Wait for me.
03:46Why don't you want to tittle?
03:48You're already a single.
03:50You can come back later.
03:53My bathtub!
03:55Can you fix my bathtub?
03:57Don't get ahead of yourself.
03:59It's a big decision for you to go back to your ex.
04:01And it's been a long time since Calyx and I broke up.
04:04You didn't do anything but study and work, Luna.
04:08Via, I'm on a date.
04:10Okay, it's just that it doesn't work.
04:13It doesn't work because you don't want it to work.
04:16It's understandable.
04:17After what happened between her and Calyx in the past,
04:20Luna's still scared to fall in love again.
04:22But I have to say props to Calyx for stating his intentions.
04:25No more mind games.
04:27Yeah, actually, Calyx seems to have matured.
04:30In his sight, he's so caring to you.
04:32He's so husband material.
04:34Oh, that's it.
04:36What's stopping you?
04:38I don't know. I'm scared.
04:40I don't know if it's worth trying again.
04:44I get you.
04:45But how will you know if you won't try?
04:49What's worse that could happen?
04:51You survived a heartbreak, right?
04:54Yana, I don't want to get hurt like that again.
04:57Who says you will?
04:59What if it all works out?
05:01Calyx hasn't asked for an answer yet, right?
05:04So, you still have time to think.
05:06That's right.
05:07Just use our Boracay trip to think, Luna.
05:12That's true.
05:13And don't be pressured to decide right away.
05:15Love can wait, especially if it's worth it.
05:17Hey, hey, hey.
05:19That's not the issue, okay?
05:21Did he cheat on you or not?
05:24He didn't.
05:26But he'll explain when I'm ready.
05:29Oh, that's right.
05:30You two don't know each other, right?
05:33That's right.
05:34And stop talking about love life.
05:38Luna, why are you so nosy?
05:40And we're here in Boracay. Hello.
05:42Let's just pretend that Sam's condo is a BGC.
05:47Let's just pretend that Boracay is a BGC.
05:50Here are the girls.
06:11Hello, Calyx.
06:12Hey, I just arrived here in Malaysia.
06:15Enjoy your stay in Boracay.
06:16Of course.
06:20Take care, okay?
06:22And good luck with your meeting.
06:25I'm a little bit nervous to meet the client,
06:27but he's a big-time Filipino businessman here in Malaysia.
06:32You're making me nervous.
06:34Remember, you're a bar top natcho.
06:40Luna, about our conversation last week,
06:44I'm not rushing you to give me an answer.
06:46I know.
06:49Maybe it's time to separate our trips so we can think about it.
06:55Well, I don't need an extra time to think about it.
06:58I'm already sure about you.
07:02And again, I'm not pressuring you to give me an answer right away.
07:06I'm willing to wait for it and work hard for it.
07:13And please enjoy your stay in Boracay.
07:16You deserve it.
07:18Okay, I'll prepare for it.
07:20Take care.
07:26Hey, come with me!
07:28You're so late!
07:30I know!
07:31I was about to turn off my phone.
07:32Come with me.
07:33Let's go.
07:361, 2, 3.
07:40Wacky, wacky, wacky.
07:421, 2, 3.
08:00Sorry, Joe.
08:01We're taken.
08:04These two, they're single.
08:07Very single.
08:09That's alright, ladies.
08:10Next time, you'll cook.
08:12What's wrong with you, Dedma?
08:14You only have one focus.
08:16It's because he's not single.
08:18Very, very, very complicated love.
08:23Here's the porn title!
08:24Porn title!
08:25Porn title!
08:44Your cellphone!
08:45Come back here!
08:46They're all looking at you.
08:48Yeah, your KJ!
08:49As in K-H-J!
08:52Don't tease Luna!
08:54You might get forced later!
09:10What's wrong with you?
09:11Why are you like that?
09:13You might get forced later!
09:18You're really crazy!
09:19You're still a kid!
09:21You guys, give me strong tips!
09:34Oh no, she's still not reminded and updated.
09:37I know people like that.
09:39But okay, I'll give it a try.
11:06Wow! You have an assurance!
11:09You've been here for a while?
11:10And in fairness to him,
11:11he even said hi to us.
11:14Then, he said he'll bring us food.
11:17You know, that's encouraging.
11:20You should go after Calyx first.
11:21Let's test how much he likes you.
11:24I agree.
11:25I know he already knows what he does after you broke up.
11:28But, let's show him more.
11:30Let's show him what's missing.
11:35I'll take care of it.
11:38Like this?
11:39Where are you going, girl?
11:40You look like a model.
11:42You know what?
11:43Butt out,
11:44then stomach in,
11:45chest out.
11:46Like that!
11:47Remove the shades,
11:49Like that?
11:513, 2, 1!
11:54Love it!
11:57Like this?
11:58Don't go to the air!
12:06What are you doing?
12:10I want you to ride the boat with me.
12:12You're crazy!
12:13Wanna ride the boat with me?
12:14Wanna ride with me?
12:15Then, I'll give you a ride.
12:18Let's go!
12:31Looks like Calyx can't take it anymore.
12:33Tell us your story.
12:36Wait, she has a story.
12:42Looks like Luna can't take it anymore.
12:47You know what?
12:48We need to level this up.
12:50Now, let's do a sexier pose.
12:53Yes, ma'am.
12:54We did college levels,
12:55but now,
12:56we're at attorney levels.
12:58Is that so?
12:59Yes, ma'am.
13:00Attorney levels?
13:02Attorney levels?
13:03Calyx and I will marry
13:05in a super sexy ballroom!
13:09So, this is how you do it?
13:11Yes, ma'am.
13:12It's like she's wearing a hijab.
13:14Put your hand here.
13:18Okay, let's do it again.
13:20Wait, ma'am.
13:21Let's do it again.
13:31It's perfect!
13:40Calyx is getting ready!
13:41What did she say?
13:42She's getting ready!
13:53The bathtub looks familiar.
13:59What did she say?
14:01I look beautiful, too.
14:08Our attorney levels are effective, right?
14:10Let's do another pose.
14:12Why are you doing this?
14:14I don't want to.
14:15This is the first draft.
14:17You need to do this.
14:18I don't want to.
14:19I don't want to.
14:20I don't care.
14:21I don't want to.
14:23What did you do?
14:24Don't just listen to the story.
14:27It's obvious that she wants to be alone.
14:32Did you post it?
14:34Did you send it to her?
14:35Did you text her?
14:36Fuck you, Yana!
14:37Fuck you!
14:39Just relax.
14:40Don't panic.
14:41Wait for Calyx's reply.
14:43Then, you'll panic.
14:45Just relax.
14:46Okay, ma'am.
14:47I just want to progress.
14:52Calyx replied!
14:53I'm so nervous!
14:54I'm so nervous!
14:55Just post it.
14:56Just read it.
14:57Just read it.
14:59Open it again.
15:04I'm in a meeting.
15:05Holy meeting.
15:07That's it?
15:09That's it.
15:11That's it?
15:12That's it?
15:13What's wrong with you?
15:26What's wrong with you?
15:56What's wrong with you?
15:57What's wrong with you?
16:07Why do you want to be a lawyer?
16:09Do you want to be a corporate lawyer or a criminal lawyer?
16:13Criminal lawyer?
16:14Why a criminal lawyer?
16:15So I can get you out of jail?
16:20Future lawyer.
16:21I see.
16:22What are your plans after law school?
16:24I mean, a law firm.
16:26I'm planning to open my law firm too.
16:28There's constant high pressure and expectation.
16:30It's like, I can't even do a single mistake.
16:34You know what, Alex?
16:36You're doing well.
16:44Luna, what?
16:45Are they going to go up?
16:47You're still stuck.
16:53You're still stuck?
16:54What's that? Tell me.
17:00They're just happy to see me.
17:02But I'm not jealous.
17:04I'm happy for them.
17:07I was there when they were just dreaming of becoming lawyers.
17:12Now, they've achieved everything.
17:17We've also achieved our dreams.
17:21Yes, but I'm also a bit sad
17:24because I'm not in Alex's life
17:28to witness his milestones in life.
17:33I keep asking myself,
17:36what if?
17:38What if we're still together?
17:42What if...
17:44I don't give up?
17:48What if...
17:50What if...
17:53I talked to him first before I decided to leave him.
18:01But nothing happened.
18:04I don't have anyone anymore.
18:06I chose to leave.
18:08What if...
18:09Stop with the what if.
18:13You're the only one who can look at Alex's past memories.
18:17It's already happened. It's over.
18:19Just focus on what you can do now.
18:22But if you're planning to bring Alex back,
18:26you'll have a lot of new memories.
18:30You'll have life milestones.
18:34But this time,
18:35you're there for each other.
18:41There, answer it.
18:43Maybe he wants to make new memories with you.
18:47Check the reservation.
18:53Hi, Alex.
18:54Luna, what's up?
18:56Sorry to call you so late, by the way.
18:58My meeting just finished.
19:00What's wrong? No worries.
19:02How was the meeting?
19:03Initial counseling, but it looks promising.
19:06I think he'll hire us.
19:08Oh, wow!
19:11I was worried about you earlier,
19:13but now I'm jealous of you.
19:16Why did you call me?
19:20I don't want to lie.
19:22I just miss you.
19:24Your voice.
19:26Your face.
19:28I missed you too.
19:29I posted a lot of photos.
19:32The photo I sent you,
19:33it wasn't me.
19:34It was Yana.
19:35It doesn't make any difference.
19:38You look great, as always.
19:41It just reminded me of our time in Boracay.
19:46You're crazy.
19:51Are you busy now?
19:52No, my meeting's done.
19:57About what we were talking about last week,
20:02I think I'm ready to...
20:05Luna, I'm sorry to cut you off,
20:07but there's someone at the door.
20:08I'll be back because my phone is charging, okay?
20:11Give me a second.
20:16Hey, what's up?
20:18You know my group, right?
20:21Why don't you come?
20:22Let's have some fun.
20:25I'll just take a shower first.
20:33Do you still think about
20:37our first night together?
20:49Luna, please wait!
20:51You fucking cheater!
20:53Please, let me explain.
21:06What's wrong?
21:07What happened?
21:13Why aren't you answering me?
21:14What were you talking about?
21:38I don't know.
21:41I'm so confused.
21:44Calyx is now alone with a girl.
21:49What are they talking about?
21:54You know how...
21:57how my mind changed after I met you.
22:06I know it's not us.
22:09I know that.
22:10I know that.
22:15But I feel the pain again.
22:18It feels like yesterday.
22:21It hurts.
22:30your feelings are valid.
22:33We understand you.
22:36it's not your fault.
22:40you and Calyx are my friends.
22:42So I want the best for the both of you.
22:45We're still not 100% sure if Calyx is fooling you.
22:48But whether or not he is,
22:50he'll always trigger your trauma.
22:53As long as you two haven't resolved your past issues,
22:56Calyx will remind you of that wound.
22:59What I'm trying to say is
23:01you and Calyx should have a serious talk
23:03not just about what happened tonight
23:05but way back to what happened 10 years ago.
23:09To have closure
23:11to tie loose ends.
23:13After that,
23:14you'll know if you two should stay on each other's sides.
23:19It's better for you two to talk.
23:22Calyx and you should talk.
23:25But I can't talk about the past.
23:28I know, Luna.
23:29I'm sorry you're going through this but
23:32all this he said, she said has to end.
23:36For your peace of mind.
23:42Oh no, Luna.
23:53Let's go. Let's eat.
23:55Let's eat.
24:01Let's go.
24:02Let's eat.
24:07Let's eat.
24:08Let's eat.
24:10Let's eat.
24:13Let's eat.
25:04I booked the earliest flight to get here.
25:06I can't let this wait any longer.
25:09There's something important I have to tell you.
25:12Calyx, it's too late.
25:14It's already tomorrow.
25:15If 10 years ago, I just walked away without fighting,
25:20this time I won't commit the same mistake again.
25:26play nice.
25:28I'm sorry.
25:31I'm sorry.
25:35Just 10 minutes of your time.
25:37I'm begging you.
25:55What do you have to say, Calyx?
25:57Just say it so this ends.
25:59Luna, listen.
26:01I know you heard what Lorraine said,
26:04but it's nothing.
26:06Please, trust me.
26:09We were just going to open a bottle of champagne.
26:11We were with all of our partners.
26:15That's all.
26:18I'm really serious about fixing things with you, Luna.
26:23I know I should have told you this a long time ago.
26:26And I'm so sorry it took so long.
26:31I just honestly didn't see no use.
26:34I tried explaining it to you so many times,
26:38but it just came to a point that I got so tired of everything.
26:44But not you.
26:49It's just,
26:51there was so much happening in my life back then.
27:01But I never cheated on you, Luna.
27:04Bullshit, Calyx.
27:06It's been so many years,
27:08and you're still going to lie to me?
27:10Are you still going to deceive me?
27:13I'm telling you the truth.
27:15What did I see?
27:17What was that video?
27:19Why did you kiss Amy?
27:22I did not kiss her.
27:34Alright, truth or dare?
27:41Oh, dare daw, guys, dare daw.
27:44So I dare you to kiss someone you like in this room.
27:49Hold up, hold up.
27:50Fortunately, Calyx has to go.
27:51Yeah, sorry guys, gotta go.
27:53Still have a date in Tagaytay.
27:57What the fuck is wrong with you?
28:00Don't fucking touch me.
28:02No, I've had enough of you, Amethyst.
28:04What the fuck is your problem?
28:07I'm sorry.
28:08They just told me to kiss the man that I like.
28:10Know your boundaries.
28:12I have a girlfriend.
28:14Which part of that do you not understand?
28:16Fuck, are you even a lawyer?
28:19I'm sorry.
28:20I just didn't think you'd be this upset.
28:22Are you stupid?
28:24Don't you dare fucking cry.
28:25I asked you a simple goddamn question.
28:27Doesn't your brain work anymore?
28:29You're so stupid!
28:31Calyx, I'm sorry.
28:32Remember this.
28:34I don't like you and I will never like you.
28:37So from now on,
28:39stay the fuck away from me, okay?
28:47Happy Valentines.
28:52What's wrong?
28:58Let's sit.
29:01Did you drink?
29:03Who's with you?
29:04Where did you come from?
29:08Just a little.
29:10We had a free cup.
29:12Are you with Adonis and Amethyst?
29:19I love you.
29:26I love you too, Luna.
29:30Always remember that.
29:33I will.
29:36I know.
29:38I should have told you immediately.
29:41My mistake is that I tried to settle everything on my own.
29:44Luna, it was my friendship.
29:46So I thought it was my problem.
29:51I was on the right side and I just didn't have enough courage to tell you.
29:56We were in a relationship together
29:58and I realized that I should have told you everything
30:02about that situation,
30:05about my decisions.
30:08I'm just really sorry if I failed to be completely honest
30:13with you.
30:14I love you.
30:18No matter what, I will understand it for you, right?
30:25There's a signal of jealousy.
30:28Even if your mother didn't want to insult me, I accepted it.
30:33But when I saw Amy's video,
30:37it hurts, it hurts, it hurts.
30:41It hurts, it hurts, it hurts, Alex.
30:46It made me feel so insecure.
30:50I felt pathetic.
30:53I even questioned my worth every day.
30:57I gave you everything, right?
31:06but it made me feel that I'm not the person worth loving.
31:11But it's not like that, Luna.
31:13Why do I feel that way, Alex?
31:16You couldn't let me in.
31:20I tried.
31:23I really did try, Luna.
31:27I was always waiting for a moment for you to be ready to listen to me.
31:33And maybe I didn't realize that I was dragging it for too long.
31:47You were also not yourself at that time.
31:52And so I just realized that you couldn't listen to me.
31:57I couldn't talk to you.
32:02Nor listen to you.
32:05Because a lot was happening at that time.
32:10I was so lost at that time, Alex.
32:13I was so lost at that time, Alex.
32:25I wasn't asking you to forgive me, Luna.
32:32I chased you because I really needed you at that time.
32:38So many painful things happened to me years ago.
32:43Things that I kept all to myself.
32:48I was lost too, Luna.
32:51I'm sorry.
32:54I felt so tired too, Luna.
32:59But not with you.
33:03I wanted to give up on everything.
33:07Except you.
33:12I needed you.
33:14So badly.
33:19Keoa had some lung complication.
33:22It was for his health why I stopped smoking.
33:26Keoa, eat your meal first so we can get your favorite cake.
33:30Okay, Kuya, but I need to pee first.
33:33Okay, go.
33:40We thought his illness wouldn't return after he underwent several treatments.
33:46Suddenly, his lung disease came back.
33:50The doctors found out that Keoa's lung complication became more serious.
33:55Doc, what are the findings?
33:58Doc Martinez, we found a small lung nodule in your son's right lung.
34:03But we need to conduct more tests and we are hoping that it's benign.
34:08There was a possibility that the lung nodule they found inside Keoa's lung was cancerous.
34:16I wanted to tell you.
34:18But I felt like it would add to your worries.
34:21You had your own problems and I just didn't want to meddle.
34:28Alex, where are you?
34:31Are you okay?
34:34I feel so stressed at school.
34:35I'm so burnt out.
34:37There are so many requirements and exams and deadlines.
34:41I don't know how to finish all of this.
34:45You can do it, Luna.
34:48One task at a time.
34:51Just take as much breaks as you need.
34:55Don't stretch yourself too thin, okay?
35:00I love you.
35:02I love you too.
35:15I didn't want you to worry about me so I didn't tell you about my problems.
35:21And I tried to wait for the right moment but things took a turn for the worse soon after.
35:27There was no turning back.
35:29After they found out that the lung nodule was benign,
35:32we thought that Kyo would be okay.
35:35But days later, he got admitted again because of other complications.
35:41Kyo is critical.
35:43They will try to operate on him tomorrow if his body continues to be unresponsive to the pulse.
35:50Those days were the hardest.
35:53I needed someone to talk to.
35:56I wanted to tell you everything but another problem came up.
36:00Bro, where are you? We have fucking finals today.
36:04Can we cut for it?
36:06Bro, what the fuck? You're already in the finals. You're already FA if you don't fix it.
36:10Luna needs me right now.
36:14Despite the weight of my own problems,
36:19I had to set them aside.
36:21I just knew instinctively that I needed to be there for you.
36:25I'm here.
36:26I had been keeping everything to myself.
36:30Keeping it all together.
36:32Until you found out about the video of Amy kissing me.
36:35You fucking cheater!
36:37Please let me explain.
36:39It was too late to explain everything.
36:42And you refused to give me a chance to explain myself.
36:45It is my fault.
36:47And I admit that.
36:49I was so down.
36:52I started to lose focus.
36:54My grades took a major blow.
36:56I can do additional academic work.
36:58I will do everything.
37:00The thing is Mr. Martinez.
37:02I have already looked into your grades.
37:04And there is simply nothing we can do about it right now.
37:07Even with your midterm grades.
37:09It is not enough to pull up your final grades.
37:12It is just too low.
37:14But sir.
37:16There must be something I can do.
37:18You will just have to retake the subjects again next semester.
37:22Sorry Mr. Martinez.
37:23You cannot proceed to fourth year.
37:25Excuse me.
37:33I failed two subjects that sem.
37:35I couldn't believe it.
37:37You are such a disappointment Calyx!
37:40I'm so sorry mom.
37:44Calyx I have so many problems.
37:46Why do you have to add more?
37:48Even you!
37:50I'll make up for it.
37:53I'll make up for it mom.
37:55I want to proceed with law school.
38:01You want to proceed to law school.
38:03At my lowest.
38:07All I needed was you.
38:10But you needed time and space.
38:13So I waited for you to be ready to talk to me.
38:16But it didn't happen.
38:18And what's worse.
38:19You told me you didn't love me anymore.
38:22When I was sleeping because of you.
38:24Seve was there to pick me up.
38:27Luna I...
38:29Why? What do you think?
38:31That I will still stay with you?
38:33After you fooled me.
38:35I don't love you anymore Calyx.
38:38Calyx I don't trust you anymore.
38:43So please.
38:49I didn't believe you.
38:51I could see it in your eyes that you still loved me.
38:56I love you.
38:59So damn much.
39:02I could never cheat on you.
39:06But it was so obvious that you wanted me out of your life.
39:15I almost lost everything.
39:17I almost lost my dream of becoming a lawyer.
39:20I almost lost my brother.
39:22And I lost you.
39:26I really wanted to give up Luna.
39:29I didn't know what I was living for anymore.
39:37I am so tired.
39:48I want everything to end.
40:11Where am I?
40:13Kill me.
40:17You're at the hospital.
40:21Everything's gonna be alright.
40:23It's fine.
40:33My brother needed me.
40:37And that was the reason I had to keep going.
40:41I wanted to tell you Luna.
40:44I really tried.
40:48I just didn't want to add to whatever you were carrying at that time.
40:54I'm sorry.
40:58I'm sorry that I left you all alone.
41:04I should have listened to you first.
41:08But I let my anger and my doubts get the best of me.
41:13I'm sorry.
41:16I'm sorry.
41:25It's nobody's fault.
41:29There was too much on both of our plates.
41:34I was too cowardly and weak to fight for us.
41:38And because of that one mistake, I lost you.
41:46I may have overcome my problems now and became the lawyer I always dreamt of.
41:57But there will always be a void inside of me Luna.
42:02Because I lost you.
42:07I'm sorry.
42:15Almost ten years have passed.
42:18And too much time has been stolen and taken from us.
42:26I don't want to live another ten seconds without having you back in my life.
42:32So, if you give me another chance,
42:40I promise I will never let go of you ever, ever again.
43:01I love you.
43:32I love you.
43:37I love you.
44:02I love you.
44:14We're having a party.
44:16I'll be there.
44:19See you.
44:20See you.
44:26It's so beautiful!
44:28It's really beautiful!
44:29You wanna dance?
44:32I don't know how to dance.
44:37Are you cold?
44:39A little.
44:41I have a jacket in my bedroom.
44:44Come with me.
45:00Good morning.
45:01Good morning.
45:05What are your thoughts about me, Lumin?
45:30I love you.
45:31I love you.
45:32I love you.
45:33I love you.
45:34I love you.
45:35I love you.
45:36I love you.
45:37I love you.
45:38I love you.
45:39I love you.
45:40I love you.
45:41I love you.
45:42I love you.
45:43I love you.
45:44I love you.
45:45I love you.
45:46I love you.
45:47I love you.
45:48I love you.
45:49I love you.
45:50I love you.
45:51I love you.
45:52I love you.
45:53I love you.
45:54I love you.
45:55I love you.
45:56I love you.
45:57I love you.
45:58I love you.
45:59I love you.
46:00I love you.
46:01I love you.
46:02I love you.
46:03I love you.
46:04I love you.
46:05I love you.
46:06I love you.
46:07I love you.
46:08I love you.
46:09I love you.
46:10I love you.
46:11I love you.
46:12I love you.
46:13I love you.
46:14I love you.
46:15I love you.
46:16I love you.
46:17I love you.
46:18I love you.
46:19I love you.
46:20I love you.
46:21I love you.
46:22I love you.
46:23I love you.
46:24I love you.
46:25I love you.
46:26I love you.
46:27I love you.
46:28I love you.
46:29I love you.
46:30I love you.
46:31I love you.
46:32I love you.
46:33I love you.
46:34I love you.
46:35I love you.
46:36I love you.
46:37I love you.
46:38I love you.
46:39I love you.
46:40I love you.
46:41I love you.
46:42I love you.
46:43I love you.
46:44I love you.
46:45I love you.
46:46I love you.
46:47I love you.
46:48I love you.
46:49I love you.
46:50I love you.
46:51I love you.
46:52I love you.
46:53I love you.
46:54I love you.
46:55I love you.
46:56I love you.
46:57I love you.
46:58I love you.
46:59I love you.
47:00I love you.
47:01I love you.
47:02I love you.
47:03I love you.
47:04I love you.
47:05I love you.
47:06I love you.
47:07I love you.
47:08I love you.
47:09I love you.
47:10I love you.
47:11I love you.
47:12I love you.
47:13I love you.
47:14I love you.
47:15I love you.
47:16I love you.
47:17I love you.
47:18I love you.
47:19I love you.
47:20I love you.
47:21I love you.
47:22I love you.
47:23I love you.
47:24I love you.
47:25I love you.
47:26I love you.
47:27I love you.
47:28I love you.
47:29I love you.
47:30I love you.
47:31I love you.
47:32I love you.
47:33I love you.
47:34I love you.
47:35I love you.
47:36I love you.
47:37I love you.
47:38I love you.
47:39I love you.
47:40I love you.
47:41I love you.
47:42I love you.
47:43I love you.
47:44I love you.
47:45I love you.
47:46I love you.
47:47I love you.
47:48I love you.
47:49I love you.
47:50I love you.
47:51I love you.
47:52I love you.
47:53I love you.
47:54I love you.
47:55I love you.
47:56I love you.
47:57I love you.
47:58I love you.
47:59I love you.
48:00I love you.
48:01I love you.
48:02I love you.
48:03I love you.
48:04I love you.
48:05I love you.
48:06I love you.
48:07I love you.
48:08I love you.
48:09I love you.
48:10I love you.
48:11I love you.
48:12I love you.
48:13I love you.
48:14I love you.
48:15I love you.
48:16I love you.
48:17I love you.
48:18I love you.
48:19I love you.
48:20I love you.
48:21I love you.
48:22I love you.
