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00:00You think you know me.
00:02And that's a triple H and quite the predicament, King.
00:09John Mercer's going to jail here in Memphis.
00:13The team of Lita and the WWE Champion, Edge.
00:27About to see a mixed tag team match.
00:31As Edge and Lita are about to take on Trish and Carlito.
00:34Not a chance to chase a dream.
00:39Not a chance to feel, a chance to feel alone.
00:47I spit in the face of people who don't want to be.
00:49I don't think this next pair is impressed with Edge's title.
00:53The team of Trish Stratus and Carlito.
00:59Certainly ladies and gentlemen, the reason this match is taking place is
01:02because of what occurred earlier tonight.
01:05Lita confronting the Trish and Trish not having any of it.
01:09And it took a little bit of double teaming.
01:13You'll see the spear by Lita.
01:15We thought Edge was gonna spear Trish as well.
01:20And then Carlito, the Calvary to the rescue of his lovely Lita Trish.
01:26But Lady Patricia, unfortunately Carlito paid for it.
01:30In the form of a super spear there from the rated R superstar.
01:34So certainly Carlito and Trish both have scores to settle.
01:39And here we go.
01:42This is a mixed tag match.
01:44Whereby the men wrestle the men, the ladies wrestle each other.
01:48Not an intergender match.
01:50A mixed tag match.
01:51Carlito and Edge, Edge came out at a lot of whining and
01:57moaning earlier tonight about not getting his due as the WWE Champion.
02:02Well, he certainly was on the cover of the John Cena magazine.
02:06Man, but Edge does have a little bit of a point.
02:09He is the WWE Champion.
02:10There's a cover, Carlito, a cover on the WWE Champion.
02:14And the big SummerSlam poster featuring all of the superstars.
02:18For SummerSlam, one of the biggest events in WWE, and no Edge?
02:23Come on, maybe he does have a beat.
02:26We are live here tonight in Memphis, Tennessee.
02:28This is a mixed tag match featuring the WWE Champion, Edge, and that lady, Lita.
02:33But you know, when I think about it, maybe like John Cena said,
02:38maybe Edge's face does scare little children.
02:40He does leave with his chin occasionally, but in any event, still to come tonight.
02:47Triple H representing DX against The Undefeated Manga.
02:49And the cover by Edge.
02:51And Edge got another near fall on Carlito.
02:55King, I can't wait.
02:57The legend, my partner, my friend Jerry,
02:59the King Lawler against the legend killer, Randy Orton.
03:02All that, and so much more tonight.
03:04Gotta feel great to compete in your own hometown, King.
03:06Well, I'm looking forward to it.
03:07Last week, for no reason, Randy Orton slapped me right out of my seat here.
03:11So maybe I can slap a little respect into Randy tonight.
03:14Been a long time since Orton's been in the woodshed as the left-handed Carlito
03:20leaving his mark on the WWE Champion.
03:23And, running knee lift.
03:25Nice move to the clothesline.
03:28And that's one for the left side of Carlito.
03:30And Edge looking to make a tag and quickly does.
03:33Edge retreating, tagging in Lita.
03:35Carlito's gotta leave now.
03:38And it's automatic for Trish to come in.
03:41Well, Carlito's certainly not treating Edge with the respect that
03:45the WWE Champion thinks he deserves.
03:47But now Trish wants to get her son.
03:49And technically, that tag is not even necessary.
03:52Once the other tag has been-
03:53Whoa, look at this.
03:54Here we go.
03:55A right hand into there.
03:57And Trish hammering away at Lita.
04:01Lita better get out of there or she'll get that pretty face rearranged,
04:04courtesy of Trish.
04:05Now, Lita bad-mouthing Trish earlier tonight.
04:08Man, what a night it has been already here to arrive tonight here on Monday Night Raw.
04:13And Trish hammering away at Lita in that corner.
04:16Referee Chad Patton having trouble restraining Trish.
04:20Well, Trish said she was gonna whip that trick, and
04:23that's the famous words from a song by a famous Memphis group, by the way.
04:30Man, reverse elbow right in the teeth by Lita on Trish.
04:35And folks, if you just joined us tonight, we saw-
04:37Hey, hey, hey, hey, look at this, look at that edge.
04:40Helped Lita regain that advantage illegally.
04:42We saw John Cena tonight do something amazing.
04:46F.U. a 500 pound human being.
04:49But check this out, this may be amazing.
04:52Clothesline off the top, that could do it.
04:54Brought the inside, the second rope on the inside by Lita.
04:58But the clothesline nonetheless effective by Lita.
05:03Trish thought she was gonna wrestle earlier tonight.
05:06For the women's title, that's how we started this night off.
05:09I was looking forward to that too.
05:10I was looking forward to seeing how Mickie James would react to losing her title,
05:14see if we lose her mind, or what's left of it.
05:16You're gonna say, I would think he was gonna react to acrotherapy.
05:19And a monologue is almost a sleeper hold.
05:24I've never seen Lita use this maneuver, but the neck is gripped.
05:29And certainly an effective maneuver by Lita.
05:33What about the kiss Trish planted on Carlito earlier?
05:37Somewhat aggressively, I would suggest.
05:39I never thought I'd be jealous of a guy with hair like Carlito.
05:42But, about hair, Lita had a double handful of hair.
05:48And took Trish down by it in this mixed tag team match.
05:51Men versus men, women versus women, under these rules.
05:55One fall match.
05:59Check out when you talk about the hair pulling man.
06:01Poor Trish winds up right on the back of her head, courtesy of Lita.
06:05Well, it proves that Trish doesn't have a weave.
06:09Trish needs to make a tag, I'll tell you that.
06:11Trish is hurting right there.
06:12That's a, certainly Edge earlier helped gain the unfair advantage
06:16by giving Lita a boost there in the corner.
06:20And Edge is counting down the days.
06:22We're 13 days and counting from SummerSlam in Boston.
06:26Where Edge defends the WWE title.
06:29Edge claims to be the forgotten man.
06:32He certainly won't be forgotten at SummerSlam.
06:34John Cena will remember.
06:35Edge is gay.
06:37Edge is gay.
06:39Edge is gay.
06:40Edge is gay.
06:41Edge is gay.
06:42Edge is gay.
06:43Edge is gay.
06:45Edge is gay.
06:46Edge is gay.
06:48I don't think Lita would agree with that.
06:50Fans in Memphis all over the WWE Champion who showed Memphis or
06:54anybody else any respect earlier tonight when he interrupted the entire broadcast.
07:00Who came out here and he's gonna stop the show.
07:01And, look out, boy, here we go.
07:08Man, that was a flying hit.
07:11So Carlito coming in to cut off Edge.
07:14Lita was dropped right on her head.
07:16She's woozy.
07:16And- Double drop kick.
07:19Double drop kick.
07:20A double drop kick.
07:22The WWE Champion and his lady friend in big trouble.
07:27Can they prevail?
07:29We'll find out when this match continues.
07:33We are back live here in Memphis, Tennessee, Monday Night Raw.
07:36Jim Ross, you're the King Lawler.
07:37A mixed tag team match.
07:39And some of the complex of this match changed King during our commercial break.
07:43Yes, it did.
07:44Carlito going off the top rope.
07:47He thawed her off the second rope.
07:48But then Lita grabbed Carlito's ankle out there.
07:51You're right, that changed the complexion of this match.
07:54Look at, she's so proud of herself.
07:56Certainly, Edge helping Lita earlier in the match.
07:59Now, Lita returning the favor, if you will.
08:01This is a very physical double date, if you will, King.
08:04Maybe this is some of that date fighting that that stupid article of study referred to.
08:11You think?
08:12The academician that finally got his work published.
08:14Right. He's been working on it since 1999.
08:17Folks, we're covering that story on wwe.com and the update on Hulk Hogan.
08:22And that's a huge story that wwe.com is all over.
08:27We'll have more on that in the broadcast.
08:30And Carlito, looking for the back cracker.
08:33And Edge had a death grip on the top rope.
08:37And that's the only thing that saved Edge's baseball slide.
08:41Well, that's why he's the WWE Champion there.
08:43I know a lot of people hate to admit it, but the guy's good.
08:47Look at Lita, look at Lita getting her licks in.
08:49While the referee was not aware of any of that mayhem on the outside.
08:58Yeah, mugging or whatever.
09:00I started to say that I would have regretted.
09:02Look at this, that lower back of Carlito pinned to the edge of the ring.
09:10Bikini damage in a situation like that.
09:13Carlito now really being punished by Edge.
09:15We know Edge is so talented.
09:17He has won so many championships here, a two-time WWE Champion.
09:23But that face does scare small children.
09:24Look at those eyes tell a great story, folks.
09:28A man that has been obsessed of becoming the WWE Champion since he was a child.
09:33I know, but now he's a champ.
09:34Why is he always in such a bad mood?
09:36I could tell you that.
09:38Little might knock out someone with 60 teeth.
09:40That jawbreaker there.
09:42And can't miss that.
09:43That's a straightforward reverse elbow.
09:45Carlito's showing great athleticism, using the ropes as an ally here.
09:50And again, a one-fall match.
09:52Mixed tag team rules, the old school, the men versus the men,
09:56the women versus the women.
09:58Look at Trish.
09:58She is so eager to get into that ring.
10:04I am eager to see the tag on Randy Orton here in just a few moments.
10:08And there's the tags on both sides.
10:11Tina just ran right into that big clothesline from Trish.
10:14Look at the drop kick.
10:15Trish with a drop kick.
10:17Nicely done for the six-time Women's Champion.
10:19Both these ladies have been the WWE Women's Champion.
10:24Hard, knife edge chop across the pectoral region.
10:28Pectoral region, okay.
10:30And Trish got some little early there.
10:32But, kick, look out.
10:35Be looking for the, spine buster.
10:38A spine buster.
10:38Let me do it.
10:39It may.
10:40Look at Edge.
10:42Edge, on earth to pile.
10:46Edge just saved Lita from losing.
10:48Plain and simple.
10:50Look at him.
10:51Tell the referee, who, me?
10:52What, me?
10:53I didn't do anything.
10:54Wait a minute.
10:55Come on.
10:56Lita, with Edge's help, was gonna just.
11:01And when there's, uh-oh, uh-oh, uh-oh.
11:06That'll leave a mark.
11:07Lita landed very gingerly on that top turnbuckle.
11:11And Edge, turned up.
11:14He saw the damage that he had inadvertently done.
11:18And now, Edge is paying for it physically.
11:20Look at Trish.
11:21Check this out.
11:22Trish, watch it.
11:26My God.
11:26My God, Edge, aiming for Carlita.
11:31I think that was inadvertently, JR, I gotta say it.
11:33I don't think, I don't think Edge intended to do that.
11:36Well, that certainly was not inadvertent.
11:38Carlito taking Edge over the top was not inadvertent.
11:42Carlito now, like a man possessed.
11:45But the women are legal.
11:46Wait, wait, wait.
11:47Come on, ref.
11:48Now, wait a minute.
11:49The ref has no choice.
11:50And Lita pins Trish, thanks to the spear by Edge, inadvertent or not.
11:58Edge and Lita.
12:01Well, the WWE champion and his lady friend,
12:06I'll use that term loosely, on both sides of the sentence.
12:12Are victorious here.
12:14That was a bad car crash.
12:19I don't know if we wanna see this again or not, but
12:21I understand we are gonna see this twice in a minute.
12:23Steve, you think this was inadvertently?
12:26All right, Trish takes Lita down, but didn't go for it.
12:32Yeah, Edge was certainly going for Carlito.
12:35Look at that from this angle right here, look at this, big time impact.
12:42Trish turned inside out.
12:44Edge showing no remorse for his spear on Trish.
12:50Inadvertent or not, no remorse from the WWE champion.
12:54I think Trish is in trouble, we need some help out of it for Trish.
