
  • 2 months ago
00:04Vic, how hot am I on this Playboy cover?
00:07Candace, you are too hot.
00:10But right now, we gotta go.
00:12It's time for some action.
00:14All right.
00:21And welcome back, everybody,
00:22and thanks for being with us here tonight
00:23on Saturday night's main event.
00:26The Motor City has been rockin' here tonight,
00:29and it's getting ready to rock
00:30even more on that next street fight still to come.
00:33HBK's Shane McMahon, but look at this.
00:36Oh, look at this.
00:38♪ Too much love I never heard before ♪
00:40It's about to get hot in here, J.R.
00:44The following tag team contest is scheduled for one fall.
00:48Introducing first, the team of Victoria and Candace Michelle.
00:53Of course, Candace Michelle on the cover
00:55of the current Playboy magazine.
00:58I wonder if she'd like to come
00:59to a nice Oklahoma barbecue sometime.
01:01Oh, I'm just wondering if she's gonna mind
01:06that I fantasize about her later on in my hotel room.
01:10All right, that's enough information right there.
01:11Look at this.
01:15We don't want your comments to make dateline.
01:17Making her way to the ring,
01:19from Richmond, Virginia, Mickie James.
01:23Well, ladies and gentlemen,
01:25you gotta take a look at this.
01:26Mickie James is a little different.
01:28She's a little psycho.
01:29Let's take a look at Mickie James
01:31stalking her tag partner tonight, Trish Stratus.
01:36Hi, oh my God, I'm Mickie James.
01:38I'm Raw's newest diva.
01:40I'm like your biggest fan, I mean, I idolize you.
01:42I love you, Trish, I mean, I wanna be just like you.
01:45Trish Stratus is the greatest woman in the entire universe.
01:51I'm like your biggest fan.
01:52I'm just so amped to just be standing right here beside you.
01:55Mickie, I have to talk to you about something.
01:57Really? Yeah.
01:58I mean, there's something I wanna talk to you about, too.
02:00These last few months hanging out with you
02:01have been amazing.
02:04Mickie, we need to talk.
02:06You're just too much.
02:07It's not normal, Mickie.
02:09You know, and you're just everywhere I turn,
02:11you're there, okay?
02:12It's too much.
02:13And I don't want any more of it, okay?
02:15So I just think you and I, we just need some time apart.
02:20And Mickie James volunteering to be Trish's partner tonight
02:23after it was originally scheduled, King,
02:24to be Torrie Wilson, who got a concussion.
02:27And we watch her as she's recovering.
02:30And introducing your tag team partner from Toronto, Canada,
02:35she is the WWE Women's Champion, Trish Stratus.
02:40A King that is a taste of Canada,
02:42that even the Texas Rattlesnake would enjoy.
02:44And the winner of the WWE Women's Tag Team Championship
02:48that even the Texas Rattlesnake would enjoy.
02:50Oh, you're not kidding.
02:52Six time Women's Champion.
02:54I love that when Trish chooses her outfit,
02:56she goes all out, if you know what I mean.
03:01Mickie, been a fan apparently for quite some time
03:06with Trish Stratus.
03:07Well, Trish and Mickie make a pretty weird tag team.
03:10Trish is pretty and Mickie's weird.
03:12There you go.
03:13Another case of there you are.
03:15And it's gonna be, interestingly enough,
03:21Candice, as we said, the young lady that's in the cover,
03:24this is a playboy starting it out here.
03:26Go, daddy.
03:28And Candice may be the weakest link
03:31as far as wrestling is concerned
03:33in this Diva Tag Team Match, King.
03:35Well, certainly she's the most inexperienced.
03:37Oh, look.
03:38Oh, man.
03:38From behind.
03:40When you got a corner like that vicious fix in Victoria,
03:42anything's possible.
03:44Look, look.
03:45And Candice choking away at Trish Stratus.
03:48Trish, as I mentioned, a six-time WWE Women's Champion.
03:51One, two, three.
03:55These girls get their wrestling outfits,
03:56they are Victoria's Secret or Fredericks in Hollywood?
03:59I couldn't tell you.
04:01Certainly not in Norman, Oklahoma at the sail bar.
04:03Oh, man, look at that kick behind the face.
04:04Look at that cheek shot right there, Victoria.
04:06Come on.
04:07She is a rugged,
04:09kind of a unique pinning attempt there by Candice.
04:13Victoria is a rugged individual,
04:16the strongest of all the Divas on Monday Night Raw.
04:19Watch this move.
04:21Nice move from a former two-time champion
04:23going for the cover and a near fall.
04:29Victoria, at one point, defeated Trish Stratus
04:32to win the WWE Women's Title.
04:35I got her, I got her.
04:37Face lock, a chance reapplied by Victoria,
04:42she's another one that,
04:43I don't know why her bread has risen,
04:45if you know what I mean.
04:46Yeah, I know what you mean.
04:47I don't think her biscuits are done.
04:49Look at Mickie James.
04:50Mickie James looking to-
04:52Chomping at the bit to get in there.
04:54There's the tag.
04:54The tag was made, the tag was made,
04:57but it's gonna be disallowed.
04:59When the referee didn't see it?
05:00The referee did not see the tag,
05:02and now the double team.
05:03I bet he was blinded by passion.
05:04Hey, look at this!
05:07Candice and Victoria trying a double team,
05:11a vertical suplex that was countered by Trish Stratus.
05:14Nice double DDT there.
05:16Now, if Trish can only get back to her corner tag
05:18where the referee can see it.
05:20Trish really needs to make a tag here, obviously.
05:24And the popular Women's Champion.
05:28And Mickie James holding that tag team rope.
05:31Tags are not legal, so.
05:33Rope was already held in a cheap shot
05:36by Victoria taking Mickie James right off the apron.
05:43Matrix move there.
05:45Or Matrix, as she calls it.
05:47Here we go!
05:48Stratus-faction coming up!
05:51Trish hits it.
05:52Should be all here, the cover!
05:54There it is!
05:55And how, how definitive was that?
05:58Here are your winners, Mickie James and Trish Stratus!
06:04Oh, yes!
06:06Mickie James, did he get in the match?
06:09Oh, I don't know.
06:11I don't think she did.
06:13That was quick.
06:15Trish survived it.
06:15Well, Trish,
06:18I guess this is goodbye.
06:21You know, after tonight, you said you wanted time apart,
06:25and I promised you would have it.
06:29Before I go, I just,
06:32I just wanna say goodbye the right way.
06:35Uh-oh, what would that be?
06:37That's nice.
06:37Handshake, I can, I can see that.
06:47Mickie's aiming for those lips.
06:55Mickie's a little overzealous sometimes with her passion.
06:59Here we go!
07:01That's, that's a kick out!
07:04A chick kick!
07:05Mickie James just chick kicked Trish Stratus' head off!
07:10Caught Trish riding the temple!
07:13You don't love me!
07:15Do you love me now?
07:19This woman is a psycho!
07:21Mickie James is a psycho!
07:23Well, you know what they say,
07:24hell no, no rants like this!
07:26Woman scorned by another woman!
07:30And, oh!
07:31The Stratusfaction by Mickie James!
07:35He obsessed Mickie James using Trish Stratus' own
07:39finishing maneuver, the Stratusfaction,
07:42on the Women's Champion!
07:48Boy, Mickie James doesn't get even, she gets odd!
07:52This is, you talk about a woman that's pet-goon goofy!
07:57Look at the way, check this out one more time!
08:01Would Psycho be the proper, look she's,
08:06tried to, well, she did kiss Trish, and then,
08:11and then a shot right to the temple!
08:13I can't make any sense out of this!
08:18It's pretty easy, King!
08:20Mickie James is serene!
08:23She's not all there!
08:27And a woman scorned!
08:30Well, ladies and gentlemen!
