
  • last month
00:00they were in the basement? I think so. The boiler room?
00:04Oh my god, what?
00:09I think, I think I'm actually speech, I mean, I don't really know, that's kind of
00:15an abrupt end to the highlight reel, I don't really, I don't know.
00:20Wait a minute.
00:22Oh, look who's here.
00:24Christian Trish and Tyson Tonko, the problem solver.
00:34Hold on one second, Chris. This isn't the end, alright? This is just the beginning,
00:40the party's about to get started.
00:42Uh-oh, this is gonna be good.
00:45You look, you look confused, Chris, you look confused, but you see, last week, you put
00:51your hands on me, and you put your hands on this innocent little angel, Trish.
01:01Oh, the little angel.
01:05It could have been so easy, Chris, you could have just walked away, but you decided to
01:09make yourself a problem.
01:13Look at that angel.
01:15And it's unfortunate for you, Y2J, that I've got myself my own personal problem solver,
01:25Tyson Tonko.
01:32Oh, this is gonna be very, very interesting, JR.
01:35Look at the problem solver.
01:37Tonko and Jericho, and Tonko getting the bear.
01:40The bear, the giant mammal, Jericho.
01:43He's fighting for all the others, Christian.
01:45Hey, wait a minute.
01:46Oh, my God, Tonko almost beheading Jericho.
01:50The problem solver, and Jericho's shoulder smacking into the steel ring post by Tonko.
01:58I think the problem is partially solved already.
02:01That didn't take long.
02:03Tonko is a scary, freaky, look at him.
02:07Look at the strength of Tonko.
02:10Manhandling Chris Jericho, and now Christian picking up the scraps, if you will.
02:16Christian's gonna get him some.
02:18Get that little angel in there.
02:22Tonko does the dirty work, and Christian, no problem.
02:31Christian's gonna pick him up, pick the angel, pick Jericho up.
02:36As Tonko restrains Jericho, clean shots by Christian.
02:45I can't believe, wait a minute.
02:49I can't tell what this has gotten so personal.
02:52Wait, wait, wait.
02:55He doesn't get any more personal than that.
02:57There's no satisfaction in that kick below the belt by Chris Jericho.
03:04That was angelic.
03:07Angelic? You're in the wrong part of town.
03:10The little angel delivered the goods.
03:15Man, not again.
03:16Jericho can barely stand.
03:18Oh, no, not this.
03:20Jericho helpless, just got nailed face first in the Unprettier.
03:25Come on, baby!
03:27This is reprehensible.
03:30Man, oh, man.
03:32Tyson Tonko dominating Chris Jericho, the problem solver.
03:37I've never seen a problem more thoroughly solved.
03:40Oh, man.
03:43The little angel that flew too close to the ground.
03:45Look at him.
03:46Chris is no angel, but Tonko is damn sure a problem solver.
03:53Good God.
03:54Christian is the man right now.
03:56Christian and his troops have literally dissected Chris Jericho.
