
  • 2 days ago
00:00And I'm gonna bring it up now I'm gonna tell them all
00:06Not only did Shayna Baszler rudely interrupt our playdate with Reginald last week. She also did the unthinkable
00:13she said
00:15Now I'm only saying this because she said it so don't get mad at me. Okay, okay
00:23she said
00:26She said Lily is just a stupid doll
00:33Shayna is wrong
00:35Don't believe me
00:37See what happens later tonight when Shayna comes to play with us. I
00:42Promise it's gonna be a real scream
00:56Unfortunate events it looked as though Baszler had victory within reach the Kirifuda clutch with another bizarre occurrence
01:05Rocked the Queen of Spades and opened the door for Reginald to steal a victory
01:10Some of some people in the locker room are still calling an upset
01:13You know Lily loves the circus
01:20Alexa's playground where Reginald would get more than he expected as Shayna Baszler would take all her aggression out on the Somali
01:26You're becoming a big problem
01:29And you just saw exactly how I handle my problems so before this thing gets out of hand I
01:37think you and I need to have a
01:40A chat
01:44So I'll see you next week
01:48You're just a stupid doll
02:09Listen I know things between us have been tense lately
02:12For a variety of reasons things between us have been tense
02:16Because Alexa Bliss keeps sticking her nose in our business for some reason and because you keep allowing distractions like Reginald
02:23To cost us the tag-team titles. Oh
02:27Yeah, that was Reginald by the way
02:30Reggie is at home recovering from what you did to him last week, which was way out of line Shayna
02:36You two are gonna need out of line. You think I'm out of line. Look I didn't come here to argue with you
02:41Okay, I came here to offer you my help
02:44I've known Alexa for a long time and this is the most unpredictable and dangerous. I've ever seen her
02:51She most likely has something you think I'm intimidated
02:55By a little blonde girl with a doll. She most likely has something planned tonight. Just a stupid doll
03:03So no, I don't need your help. I don't want your help. Actually, you know what your old pal Alexa Bliss
03:09She could probably use your help because I'm going to show her exactly what happens when you cross the Queen of Spades
03:18Well, it's obvious Shayna Baszler has no fear of Alexa Bliss no fear of Lily
03:23But the question is what is Shayna Baszler walking into?
03:28What will happen when Shayna Baszler visits Alexa's playground? We'll find out next
03:46Hello everyone and welcome to Alexa's playground
03:54This is a place for friends
03:57But this week might be a little bit different, but who knows maybe after tonight. We'll make a new friend
04:03Right, Lily
04:08Come on
04:10I'm gonna need you just to be a little bit more open-minded, you know new friends come in different shapes
04:16different sizes
04:18different blood types
04:27Not known for her ability or desire to make new friends with just about anybody
04:32She said she's not afraid and this is someone right now
04:35Walking with confidence Byron. I respect the fact that Shayna Baszler wants to nip this whole situation in the bud with Alexa Bliss
04:42But I don't feel comfortable with this. I don't feel comfortable with Shayna Baszler in this environment with Alexa Bliss and
04:50Billy, I don't know that anybody knows
04:54There's someone who can look through that and not be afraid and Shayna Baszler
05:07That wasn't very nice Shayna
05:10Obviously someone didn't learn our lesson last week because you did some things that were a little naughty
05:16but like I was telling Lily, maybe things will change because
05:21We'd like to give you a chance to be our new friend
05:29All you have to do
05:32Is apologize to Lily
05:36You want me
05:38to apologize
05:40to a doll
05:42Uh-huh. Just two little words
05:45I'm sorry
05:51You are even more delusional than you look
05:55You are the reason behind Reginald's accidents
06:00More important than that
06:02You are the reason Nia and I are no longer the women's WWE Tag Team Champions
06:17That's just silly
06:19I would never do such a thing
06:21I just want us all to be friends
06:31I think it would be in your best interest
06:33to just apologize to Lily
06:57I'm sorry
07:02I'm sorry that you're just a stupid doll
07:12Alexa Bliss irate
07:14She's not taking that
07:16Apology Alexa Bliss was expecting
07:18Shayna Baszler
07:28He did it
07:32She's thrilled about it
07:56What is going on?
08:08Get the hell out of here Shayna
08:32Where is everybody?
08:52It's a stupid doll
08:56Come on
09:00Come on
09:08Come on
09:10It's a stupid doll
09:24I got this
09:32I got this
09:36It's not happening
09:38It's not happening
09:40I got it
09:54No no no
09:56No no no
09:58No no no
10:00It's just a doll
10:02It's just a doll
10:13No no no
10:17No no
