
  • 3 months ago
00:00I'll tell you, you got to give Stephanie McMahon credit.
00:15She has stood behind Zach Galwin from day one.
00:18And up next, Stephanie presents Zach Galwin with his WWE contract.
00:24We're back on SmackDown.
00:29Zach Galwin about to realize his life long dream.
00:33Ladies and gentlemen, you've just seen why I say
00:38that Zach Galwin is the most extraordinary person I have ever met.
00:47Here to sign his first ever WWE SmackDown contract,
00:52the one, the only, Zach Galwin.
00:56I'll tell you, life is full of opportunities.
01:06Boy, this kid sees the opportunity last week, Zach Galwin.
01:14And imagine what he's feeling.
01:16Everything that Zach Galwin has gone through in his life.
01:20The cancer at eight years old, the broken home, the leg amputation.
01:25He overcame all those obstacles and he had one dream, Taz.
01:28And that dream is being realized right here tonight.
01:31And that is to be a WWE superstar.
01:33At such a young age, at such a young age, 20 years old, Zach Galwin,
01:38has such life experience from all the trauma involved in his life.
01:42But right now, he's gonna be a WWE superstar.
01:46You know, ever since I was a little boy,
01:53it's been my dream to compete in the WWE.
02:04And last week, my dreams came true when right here I pin the Big Show.
02:11One, two, three.
02:15I wanna thank Stephanie McMahon.
02:23I wanna thank Kurt Angle.
02:26And I wanna thank Brock Lesnar.
02:29But most of all, I wanna thank each and
02:33every one of you people for showing me love and giving me support.
02:41You people are my inspiration.
02:44You people are my heroes.
02:51I can't tell you how proud I am to become the newest WWE SmackDown superstar.
03:01But enough with the mushy crap, let's get down to business.
03:14Here you go, Zach, make it official.
03:24Here it is.
03:28That's some odd, the mood just changed.
03:34Zach Galwin didn't even have an opportunity to enjoy the moment.
03:40Hasn't Mr. McMahon tortured this kid enough, Tess?
03:44I would think so, Cole, but Mr. McMahon is the damn boss around here.
03:49This is his world, the world just supports a little squirrel.
03:52And he's got one little hot squirrel on his arm there named Sable.
03:56Mr. McMahon, not for nothing, but perhaps he should swallow his pride.
04:00Perhaps Mr. McMahon should let Zach Galwin bask in this moment.
04:04Zach Galwin earned this night.
04:06He earned it.
04:07He did everything Mr. McMahon told him to do.
04:09He went into the ring and won that matchup last week against The Big Show.
04:13It's Mr. McMahon's company.
04:15You can't tell this guy wouldn't have to come out here with a-
04:18How about that?
04:19Zach Galwin's proud to be a WWE superstar.
04:25Quite frankly, I think I can speak for everybody here in Toronto tonight.
04:32I can speak for every Canadian across the land.
04:37I can speak for everyone all over the world when I say we are truly proud,
04:44proud of the two of you.
04:46Yeah, proud of you, Stephanie, proud of you, Zach, and
04:52why wouldn't a father be proud of a daughter who slapped him in the face last week?
05:00Why wouldn't an owner be proud of a new superstar who was assisted
05:05by Kurt Angle and Brock Lesnar to achieve his goals?
05:09Oh, I'm proud.
05:11Oh, I'm proud of both of you.
05:13I'm also proud to announce that tonight, right here in this very ring,
05:19there's going to be a special event for
05:23you, Zach, right here in this very ring.
05:28There's gonna be a special handicap match.
05:32I got no plans for you, Zach.
05:41This handicap match will involve the individual who attempted to give me
05:46an F5 last week.
05:48This handicap match involves the WWE Champion, Brock Lesnar.
05:53Yeah, cheer all you want,
05:55because Lesnar is not gonna be meeting just two individuals here tonight.
06:02I'm gonna go in one better.
06:04Brock Lesnar will compete against what I believe to be the world's greatest tag team.
06:11That would be Charlie Haas and
06:14Sheldon Benjamin as they team up with the 500 pound pitch show.
06:22That's not fair.
06:24I don't think it's intended to be fair.
06:26Three on one?
06:29That's gonna take place here later on tonight.
06:32But Zach, the good news for
06:35you is you now are officially a WWE superstar.
06:39The bad news is, that means you work for me.
06:43And that means you do professionally exactly what I tell you to do.
06:51And if you don't, I'll publicly fire you.
06:54Vengeance is mine.
06:59Yes, it is.
07:00You see, this is what I'm ordering you to do.
07:03I'm ordering you to hobble all the way to Denver, Colorado.
07:09Yeah, at Vengeance, you're gonna have your first official match, kid.
07:16And it's gonna be Zach Gowen going one on one with the most
07:20ruthless two-legged SOB in the history of this planet, me.
07:28My God.
07:29Yeah, don't worry, kid.
07:34I know you're about to mess up your little pampers back there, but
07:37don't get that excited.
07:38Because you know what I'm gonna do?
07:39I'm considering having one arm tied behind my back.
07:43Yeah, I am.
07:45And I'm considering maybe even hobbling around on one leg.
07:52I'm considering that.
07:54Hell, I might even consider a blindfold to wrestle you.
07:57See something, kid?
08:02You're gonna rue the day you signed that contract.
08:06Because you may have survived cancer, you won't survive me.
08:13My God.
08:20What the hell did you do that for?
08:25Stable's supposed to be Stephanie's assistant.
08:32Well, someone's gonna get some assistance for
08:35Stephanie after that shot with that flip on by Stable.
08:38What is going on?
08:40But what about Mr.
08:41McMahon just putting Zach in a match in Denver at Vengeance against himself.
08:47Mr. McMahon and Zach Gowen at Vengeance.
08:50Mr. McMahon made Brock Lesnar versus Shelton Benjamin,
08:53Charlie Haas, and The Big Show.
08:55And Stable- Later tonight, Stable just dropping off General Manager.
09:00Stephanie McMahon, like a bad habit, right in the middle of that ring.
09:03Stable knocked her over with that clipboard.
09:06No chance, no chance at all, you've got no chance.
