
  • last month
00:00I mean, an absolute low life.
00:01Ladies and gentlemen, before we present our championship match,
00:07I, Howard Finkel, have a few things that I would like to get off my chest.
00:13Not after that, Howard.
00:14First of all, I'm very proud to say that this is the first pay-per-view
00:20that I've announced in this very arena since WrestleMania II.
00:28That's great.
00:28So what?
00:29What is he doing?
00:29It's a little something called commitment.
00:33And just so you know, Major League Baseball may be going on strike,
00:38but you WWE fans will always have the thing.
00:44Was this called for?
00:46What is he doing?
00:47Wait a minute.
00:51This wasn't called for, but it's very welcome.
00:54I think this has just been done.
00:55Oh, baby.
00:57It's Trish.
01:00Trish stealing Howard's spotlight.
01:03Somebody already stole his hair.
01:06Come on out and pour your heart out, Trish.
01:09I think she's already doing that, isn't she?
01:12WrestleMania II.
01:16Look at the look on that idiot's face.
01:19He looks like, how dare you coming to my ring?
01:21Look at the shape of his head.
01:23Hold on.
01:23Hold on, honey.
01:25Hold on.
01:27Two weeks ago, you slapped me in the face.
01:31Last week, you pushed me into a pool of mud.
01:36Now, just because you're in an arena of Long Island skanks
01:42doesn't give you the right to think that you're hot stuff and interrupt me.
01:47I know.
01:48I know.
01:48And Howard, I've been feeling really bad about the things I do to you.
01:53And I hope you accept my apology.
01:55But you know what?
01:56I gotta tell you, I've been sitting there in the back listening to you all night.
02:00And I gotta tell you, I never realized until tonight what a sexy voice you have.
02:08She drunk?
02:09So to make it up to you, I got a little surprise.
02:13You do?
02:15Oh, wow.
02:16Hey, Trish.
02:17Don't kiss him.
02:18You know, we might have something here.
02:20Because I'll tell you, it certainly is a dog eat dog world, isn't it?
02:24Especially when you've got the puppies.
02:31And I've got my wiener.
02:36Oh, my God.
02:37I'm gonna vomit.
02:38What does that mean?
02:40Yes, you do, Howie.
02:43But you know what?
02:44Let's go slow.
02:45How about we start off with a little hug?
02:47Or maybe a big hug, Howie.
02:51It's fine with me.
02:52A big hug?
02:55What is Trish?
02:58Howie's getting to feel the puppies.
02:59Trish, I must tell you something.
03:01That certainly is a pleasant surprise to me, what's going on here.
03:07Well, next I was thinking, actually, Howard, the real surprise is Lillian Garcia.
03:17Lillian Garcia?
03:18Oh, there's Lillian.
03:20Lillian Garcia.
03:22Lillian just slapped Howard.
03:25You think you can get away with this?
03:27Howard was probably getting a little dirty down there.
03:30Oh, my.
03:32He helped Trish.
03:33I was gonna tell Howard to tell his fans it's not polite to point.
03:36But I think Trish just took care of that, along with Lillian.
03:40It's obvious that Howard wasn't wearing a cuff.
03:43And the ladies have marked their turf as far as the big is concerned.
03:52Howard got a little bit too big for his britches.
03:54No pun intended there, King.
03:56Yeah, you got that right.
03:58Well, ladies and gentlemen, it's our pleasure now to send you down to ringside
04:02to the SmackDown announcers, who will call the SmackDown main event.
