
  • 2 days ago
00:00The winner will be in line for a championship opportunity and hell hath no fury like a woman scorned.
00:06Charlotte Flair certainly was fired up a week ago. We can only imagine what she feels tonight.
00:11Understandably so. Charlotte Flair raised many salient points last week here on Monday Night Raw.
00:17Particularly that, that she is the opportunity.
00:22Charlotte Flair was out here spitting truth last week, period, point blank.
00:26You say spitting truth, but listen, I'll give credence to some of what Charlotte Flair said, Corey.
00:31But here's the issue, everything Charlotte Flair's accomplished, everything she's done here at WWE,
00:35don't you think it's a little bit beneath her to come out here and basically rant on a soapbox?
00:41Charlotte Flair shouldn't require a soapbox, Byron.
00:44The Queen deserves the platform of the entire WWE Universe.
00:49And Charlotte Flair's gonna get just that next on Raw.
00:57WWE Raw continues. Behold the Queen, Charlotte Flair.
01:17So here's the thing. I came back to Monday Night Raw last week
01:22simply demanding respect from the women's locker room and the WWE Universe.
01:27I mean, after everything that I have given this industry,
01:32I mean, I didn't mean to hurt anybody's feelings.
01:37I was really just simply expressing how I felt.
01:42I mean, I came back unapologetically me, the biggest star in this division.
01:48I know. And if any of those rats in the women's locker room don't want to believe that,
01:56who do you think they were still talking about at WrestleMania?
02:01And I didn't even have a match. Charlotte Flair on every single headline.
02:06That was me. And here's the thing.
02:09The ladies say they don't like me, but they don't like each other as much as they don't like me.
02:14Oh, hey, girl. Hey, it's so lame.
02:19They're all so fake to each other.
02:24And you know what? I don't even know why they're mad at me.
02:27They didn't have a match taken from them.
02:29I had an actual WrestleMania match taken from me on the grandest stage of them all.
02:34That's what we work towards all year. It was taken from me.
02:39And so what? Big deal. Rhea beat Asuka at WrestleMania.
02:45Well, I can beat Rhea. I can beat Asuka.
02:50Hell, I can beat both of them in the same night.
02:53That's why they call me The Opportunity.
03:01And you know what? I'm going to give Asuka that opportunity tonight.
03:05And I'm going to show Rhea why I am the face of this division.
03:09And I respect Asuka.
03:11I think Asuka is one of the greatest competitors in the entire world.
03:15I really do. I mean that.
03:18But it doesn't mean I have to like her.
03:20And tonight I'm going to remind Asuka how much I don't like her.
03:25And prove why I am the queen.
03:30Why I am the...
03:33The Opportunity might get a chance to tell Asuka sooner than she expected.
03:38That music means only one thing, Corey.
03:40The Empress of Tomorrow, Asuka, has heard enough.
03:43She's coming out here strutting right now.
03:46She can't take any more of what the queen, Charlotte Flair, is offering in her direction.
03:50Understandably so. I bet Asuka's ready for a fight now.
03:53I bet she's ready to take on the queen right now and make the queen eat her words.
03:58I'm not sure about that, Byron. That's a pretty bold proclamation.
04:01Let's see.
04:07Oh, wait a second. We have more company.
04:09Getting crowded in a hurry.
04:11It's the new RAW Women's Champion.
04:14Rhea Ripley. So we've already got Charlotte Flair and Asuka.
04:17And Rhea Ripley clearly also wants a piece of the action.
04:24Every woman on the RAW roster wants what Rhea's carrying on her shoulder right now.
04:28The RAW Women's Championship.
04:31Wait, wait, wait. What's going on here?
04:33You both gonna gang up on me?
04:35That's not very nice.
04:37Tonight, after I beat you,
04:40Rhea, I want you to take your pretty self over to one of these comfy chairs
04:45and I want you to take some notes on your future
04:48and take some notes on how great I am.
04:53You know what, Charlotte?
04:54I'm actually gonna take you up on that offer.
04:58But knowing Asuka?
05:02I pretty much know that she's gonna beat you.
05:08Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait.
05:11Asuka, did you hear that?
05:13She said that you were going to beat me.
05:21Do you not remember?
05:24I am the one who ended your streak.
05:28I beat you at WrestleMania.
05:32Hey, stop talking.
05:33I don't want you to talk.
05:35It's going to be me going for the RAW Women's Championship.
05:42Stop talking.
05:44I don't even understand what you're talking about.
05:46Tonight, I'll beat you.
05:51I'm fucking in love with you.
05:53I'll show you what this condescending attitude of Charlotte is going to get her in some deep trouble.
06:00Particularly with the Empress of Tomorrow Asuka later on tonight.
06:03That's possible, Byron, or the queen could already be in the Empress' head.
06:07We'll find out for sure at our main event tonight.
06:10Charlotte Flair and Asuka.
