
  • last month
00:00And we are back here on Monday Night Raw, Jim Roster, the King of the Ring, King Trish
00:13Stratus on her way to the ring.
00:14I have never in my life seen Mr. McMahon in the mental state we have seen him in just
00:20moments ago.
00:21JR, that's a $30 million airplane.
00:23This contest is scheduled for one fall.
00:24Introducing first, from Toronto, Canada, Trish Stratus.
00:26What a beauty.
00:27$30 million airplane.
00:28What a body.
00:29And speaking of bodies, tonight Raw is being brought to you by Bowflex.
00:30Get fast, easy Bowflex results.
00:31Six weeks guaranteed.
00:32Call 800-301-9781.
00:33And by Fruity Delicious.
00:34Fruity, Fruity, Fruity Skittles.
00:35Fruity, Fruity, Fruity Skittles.
00:36Fruity, Fruity, Fruity Skittles.
00:37Fruity, Fruity, Fruity Skittles.
00:38Fruity, Fruity, Fruity Skittles.
00:39Fruity, Fruity, Fruity Skittles.
00:40Fruity, Fruity, Fruity Skittles.
00:41Fruity, Fruity, Fruity Skittles.
00:42Fruity, Fruity, Fruity Skittles.
00:43Fruity, Fruity, Fruity Skittles.
00:44Fruity, Fruity, Fruity Skittles.
00:45Fruity, Fruity, Fruity Skittles.
00:46Fruity, Fruity, Fruity Skittles.
00:47Fruity, Fruity, Fruity Skittles.
00:48Fruity, Fruity, Fruity Skittles.
00:49Fruity, Fruity, Fruity Skittles.
00:50Fruity, Fruity, Fruity Skittles.
00:51Fruity, Fruity, Fruity Skittles.
00:52Fruity, Fruity, Fruity Skittles.
00:54Fruity, Fruity, Fruity Skittles.
00:55Fruity, Fruity, Fruity Skittles.
00:56Fruity, Fruity, Fruity Skittles.
00:57Fruity, Fruity, Fruity Skittles.
00:58Fruity, Fruity, Fruity Skittles.
00:59Fruity, Fruity, Fruity Skittles.
01:00Fruity, Fruity, Fruity Skittles.
01:01Fruity, Fruity, Fruity Skittles.
01:02Fruity, Fruity, Fruity Skittles.
01:03Fruity, Fruity, Fruity Skittles.
01:04Fruity, Fruity, Fruity Skittles.
01:05Fruity, Fruity, Fruity Skittles.
01:06Fruity, Fruity, Fruity Skittles.
01:08Fruity, Fruity, Fruity Skittles.
01:09Fruity, Fruity, Fruity Skittles.
01:10Fruity, Fruity, Fruity Skittles.
01:11Fruity, Fruity, Fruity Skittles.
01:12Fruity, Fruity, Fruity Skittles.
01:13Fruity, Fruity, Fruity Skittles.
01:14Fruity, Fruity, Fruity Skittles.
01:15Fruity, Fruity, Fruity Skittles.
01:16Fruity, Fruity, Fruity Skittles.
01:17Fruity, Fruity, Fruity Skittles.
01:18Fruity, Fruity, Fruity Skittles.
01:19Fruity, Fruity, Fruity Skittles.
01:20Fruity, Fruity, Fruity Skittles.
01:21There he goes, here he goes!
01:38by Victoria, a two-time Women's Champion, and Trish goes on floor and shivers.
01:45That'll make you shiver.
01:50Nice drop kick, look out.
01:54A Victorian drop kick all the way to the outside.
01:57And, look out, and there's Canada there, and
02:01Trish just mounted Victoria there on the outside.
02:05I think that early slap by Victoria was a bad strategy.
02:10How aggressive is Trish here tonight?
02:14I love an aggressive woman.
02:15I know you do.
02:16I've heard that.
02:17She looked like Trish, look out.
02:19The clothesline could be over.
02:21Near fall.
02:23I don't count Victoria out yet, and Victoria.
02:26Trish up, and baby, victory roll.
02:29And Victoria powered out of the victory roll.
02:32I mean, Trish is taking it to Victoria.
02:36Now, some Stratusfaxing.
02:39Stratusfaxing countered by the stronger Victorian to the backbreaker.
02:46And now, Victoria with a lateral press, got a near fall.
02:51I'll tell you what, when the boss says he feels gnarly,
02:56and those veins start popping out.
02:59Yeah, but that was before he saw the graffiti, the DX on his face.
03:05$30 million corporate jet.
03:06Come on, get it out of Victoria.
03:08Your hair, Trish.
03:12Victoria taking Trish by the hair.
03:14Face first to the canvas.
03:16No, no, no, no.
03:19And now, Victoria showing her strength.
03:22And Trish showing her-
03:23Nice counter.
03:24Oh, baby.
03:25Into the head scissors.
03:29Trish certainly locked up, as would Victoria, shot at the women's title.
03:33There's a cover.
03:34Falling in the clothesline.
03:35Got another near fall to Trish.
03:37Oh, man.
03:38Right to the side of Trish's head.
03:40Right in the temple.
03:41The knee driven sternly into the temple by Victoria.
03:45Oh, boy.
03:49Trish, the beauty from Toronto, one of our favorite cities.
03:56She's one up.
03:58Goodness, Victoria's got straight up her head.
04:03How'd she get up from that?
04:04Hurricanrana, nice high risk move that hit for Trish.
04:09But you gotta hit it for Victoria.
04:11I can't believe she's still standing.
04:13Not only is she still standing, look at this.
04:16Victoria looking for the widow's teeth.
04:18Trish sliding outside.
04:22Now some satisfaction.
04:25Trish with the ropes.
04:26Got it.
04:28Trish hits the stratus faxon, the hook, and the three.
04:35Here is your winner, Trish Stratus.
04:39Yeah, that was a great match.
04:42Now, wait a minute.
04:43Get out of there, Trish.
04:44No chance, that's what you got.
