• 2 months ago
00:09Say it's just you know, he's toss or us
00:14Let me go take it's just you know, keep us algo la senora marta no chamo porque se sentía mal
00:18Y fuimos a buscarla para traerla para acá que tiene
00:24Es que creemos que se le bajó la presión porque se sentía muy mareada ya se tomó algo si
00:31No quería molestar pero las chicas insistir
00:34Ya no no no no no de ninguna manera es mejor que se quede aquí para que no esté sola
00:39Totalmente de acuerdo se puede dormir con nosotras me parece bien mañana la llevo al doctor para que la revisa
00:47Necesario ya me siento bien cuando fue la última vez que la revisó un médico
00:52La verdad no me acuerdo más a mi favor es bueno que la revisen y la chequen en general
00:56No, es que es que no ya no se acaba esa dura. No te preocupes. Nosotras la vamos a convencer y vamos a estar pendiente
01:03Gracias hicieron bien en traslado para acá
01:06suban para que descanse gracias hijo
01:59Superiora que gusto que está haciendo por aquí la superiora va a dormir con nosotras porque pasó algo
02:05Si me encontré con ester suarez se acuerdan de ella
02:08Se apareció en el restaurante en el que estaba cenando con el comandante y que le dijo quiere que le dé 10 mil pesos
02:15A cambio de que no le diga estefanía que yo fui la que le dijo la policía donde podían encontrarla
02:20Me extraña ester no es una mala persona
02:23La verdad ella me tendió la mano cuando yo estaba en la cárcel
02:27Seguro porque quería algo a cambio porque buena persona nunca ha sido siempre está buscando cómo sacar provecho
02:32Ya no se preocupe superiora como le dije ya cobramos y entre todas juntamos los 10 mil pesos y se los damos
02:39Para que ya se la quite de encima están de acuerdo si por supuesto claro por supuesto
02:44Yo puedo hablar con ester tal vez la convenció de que así no le esté sacando dinero no no no ustedes no se metan por
02:51Ella no sabe que ustedes están aquí y es mejor que no se entere bueno está bien
02:56En ese caso hay que darle el dinero yo pongo mi parte me da mucha pena con ustedes
03:01A duras penas tienen para sus gastos y se preocupe superiora con lo que nos quede del sueldo y lo que ganamos en propinas
03:08No las arreglamos
03:10Además somos como una familia no todas para uno y una para todas para mí son un regalo de dios
03:30Que te vas a acostar
03:32Si ya mi mamá está aquí va a pasar esta noche con las muchachas en su cuarto por qué
03:39Se sintió mal y les pidió ayuda yo le dije que se quedara a dormir mañana la voy a llevar a que la revisión médico
03:44Y no tienes nada que decir de lo que pasó hoy
03:47a qué te refieres
03:49Y todavía lo preguntas todo el tiempo estás preocupado por estrella estrella esto estrella lo otro todo gira en torno a ella
03:56Hasta un cliente pensó que era tu novia por favor no empieces no me voy a quedar callada
04:01Desde que llegó nada más tienes ojos para ella y yo que como si estuviera pintada
04:05Y que querías quisiera si ese cliente le estaba faltando el respeto dejarla que se defienda sola no que muy echada para elante sabes
04:12Que estoy harto de tus celos nunca les has tenido una buena disposición
04:16Ni siquiera porque nos han hecho ganar más dinero que nunca claro el problema soy yo porque estoy celosa
04:49Si soy yo que se lo ofrece
04:55Voy para allá gracias
05:13Donita que quieres hoy fíjese que anoche se me posó y debe haberme caído mal
05:21Pero hoy no voy a poder ir a trabajar me duele muchísimo el estómago
05:25Quédate quédate me da igual
05:28En realidad no te necesito
05:30Hay donita ni porque estoy enferma se comparece de mí hay que te mejores
05:39Y vieja amargada
05:42En otras noticias del ámbito empresarial
05:45Arturo Márquez quien hace unas semanas aparecía en todos los medios como el empresario del año
05:50después de las declaraciones del abogado Alejandro Castillo
05:54Defensor de la prófuga Lorena Martínez la credibilidad del empresario está siendo cuestionada
06:09Buenos días buenos días
06:12Hoy me orgía un café
06:14como amaneciste
06:16Pues que te digo igual pero ya no me pienso quedar tirada en la cama que bueno eso está mucho mejor
06:23y julissa
06:25Julissa me acaba de hablar que no va a venir que se siente mal pero no me importa a mí no me hace falta
06:31es más si no regresa mucho mejor
06:35como eres y se ha servido mucho que esté aquí
06:38buenos días
06:39al rato ya me voy al aeropuerto no te vayas a ir sin desayunar en unos minutos está todo listo
06:46va solo porque no voy a tener un desayuno mexicano en quién sabe cuánto tiempo te voy a hacer unas en frijoladas
06:52Quieres que te lleve al aeropuerto no no es necesario ya reservé un taxi desde anoche buenos días
06:58buenos días don arturo
07:00Pueden ir sentándose a la mesa en un minuto hasta el desayuno no no te preocupes solamente voy a tomar café y eso
07:09No tengo hambre y ahora que te tiene tan preocupado
07:13se cayó la bolsa perdiste algunos millones porque no le bajas a tus sarcasmos
07:18Tú no tienes idea de lo que pueden ser los problemas de la gente trabajadora
07:22claro como un irresponsable como tú no tiene ni idea de cómo ganarse la vida verdad papá qué te pasa porque estás tan alterado
07:29qué me pasa estoy hasta la coronilla que los medios sigan hablando mal de mí todo por el imbécil de
07:36castillo y lorena martínez
07:38me he pasado la vida ganando un prestigio como para que venga un cretino a manchar mi imagen a base de
07:44Suposiciones caramba tranquilo tranquilo el que se enoja pierde
07:48algo se te va a ocurrir siempre ha sido muy bueno para manipular a la gente no me provoques
07:53no me provoques
08:04Y esa risita superior a
08:07Parece como que el tiempo no ha pasado
08:10Cuántas veces tendimos las camas y arreglamos el cuarto juntas pues sí además que fue un tiempo muy intenso
08:17me encanta que esté otra vez con nosotras
08:21No voy a trabajar yo le avise a charo
08:25lo mejor es que nadie salga hoy no vaya a ser que estén este espiando el oasis
08:30de acuerdo lorena si claro claro
08:34Buenos días abuela
08:39Ya saber aquí no no solo viene pasar la noche corazón entonces prepara el desayuno por favorcito extraño muchísimo tu comida
08:48claro que sí tus deseos son órdenes que se te antoja todo
08:54todo pues vamos
09:01Buenos días buenos días
09:03Me llamaron de parte del fiscal para informarme que la señora marcia salcedo quiere hablar conmigo yo lo llame lo están esperando
09:17Señor llegó el licenciado castillo que pase gracias buenos días buen día
09:25Marcia salcedo soy alejandro castillo gracias por venir licenciado
09:30Usted cree que puede hacer algo para que me reduzca en la sentencia como te atreves
09:34te condenaron por robo a mano armada lo hice porque estaba muy necesitada se lo juro
09:39quisiera hablar a solas con mi cliente donde puedo hacerlo aquí
09:44no se preocupe no hay micrófonos ocultos no tengo nada que ocultar me permite el expediente
10:04Vamos a ver
10:09Buenos días buenos días el licenciado genaro olivares llegó temprano lo dice pasar a su oficina gracias
10:19Buenos días
10:21Bueno te trae por aquí tan temprano
10:25Me urge a hablar contigo sobre el proyecto del hospital
10:30Ya tenemos fecha de arranque
10:32Arturo no va a ser posible asociarme contigo
10:36El día que hablamos estabas muy interesado con todo lo que se ha dicho de ti en las noticias
10:41No puedo arriesgarme a que me quiten el proyecto
10:44Me haces caso
10:46Ese tipo me difamó
10:48Mis abogados ya se están haciendo cargo y lo voy a demandar digo no te puedes dejar llevar por chismes de la prensa
10:54Aunque sean solo chismes lamentablemente estas en boca de todos
11:00Sabes perfectamente que no hay mejor constructora que la mía para llevar a cabo ese proyecto
11:05Me sorprende que dudes de mí tú y yo nos conocemos de toda la vida
11:10Lo siento espero que puedas aclarar todo esto y que en un futuro podamos trabajar juntos que tengas buen día
11:23Mejor que no, es un buen día
11:26Estuvo delicioso el desayuno muchas gracias. Así muy rico muchas gracias
11:36Si la abuela viviera aquí comeremos así rico todos los días
11:40Qué interesado
11:41Ah no lo digo solo por eso no te preocupes entiendo lo que quisiste decir
11:46Yo sería muy feliz de cocinarte diario
11:49¿A quién le tocan los trastes?
11:51A mí
11:57Ah salgo a recibirlo
11:59Llegó un pedido de jarabe lo recibo y nos vamos al doctor
12:03Está bien
12:05Voy a a recoger mis cosas
12:08Nosotros nos vamos a limpiar el cuarto y el baño vamos
12:12Sí, sí toca bueno prefiero
12:16Suerte gracias
14:54Fijese que voy al doctor porque me he sentido un poquito mal estos últimos días
15:00Si me voy a hacer un chequeo
15:04Ya llegó mi taxi me voy déjame darte un abrazo
15:12Te voy a extrañar
15:14Nunca me voy a terminar de acostumbrar a que ya no vivas con nosotros
15:17Gracias charo por lo menos tú si me vas a echar de menos porque lo que es mi papá no le hagas caso
15:23Es que está muy nervioso por lo que dijo ese abogado ya se calmará y también te va a extrañar
15:29Lo dudo mucho
15:31Ya me voy bueno que dios te bendiga mijito por favor te cuidas mucho tú también bueno
18:16Una más
19:23El asesinato de juan pablo
19:26Hacia cuánto fue eso
19:28Hace dos semanas cuando entre a su oficina para pedirle al expediente
19:32Disculpeme, pero esto es muy grave. Me puedo haber informado aquí lo importante son las pruebas que pueden demostrar su inocencia
19:39Entonces de eso fue de lo que habló castillo con elisa solorio. Así es
19:45Ella podría ser inocente
19:47Castillo señaló a su familia
19:49Specifically, your father-in-law.
19:52What are you thinking about?
19:55I don't even know what to think about.
19:57I'm doubting everyone.
19:59Lorena Martinez is not a white dove.
20:02She was able to organize the escape.
20:05Even to kidnap you from gunpoint.
20:08I'm aware of that.
20:10And I know that my duty is to capture her.
20:12And why do you conflict so much?
20:14Is it because of what had to do with her?
20:19I can't deny it.
20:22But I also know that if I want to reopen the case,
20:25I have to capture her or convince her to turn herself in.
20:28I didn't want to be in your shoes,
20:31but you're playing with fire.
20:40Flight passengers, 387 with destination Buenos Aires,
20:44please board.
20:50Good evening.
21:10Bad news.
21:12We dropped the hospital project.
21:14They won't build it with us anymore.
21:17Because of what that idiot Castillo said.
21:20We're in everyone's mouth thanks to him.
21:23I don't think everyone will listen to what the media says.
21:25We have a trajectory that supports us.
21:27That is precisely what is taking us to the brink
21:30because of this man and Lorena Martinez.
21:34What you have to do is pressure Ismael
21:37to catch that woman soon.
21:39And how do you want me to do it if you don't want to know anything about me?
21:42The first thing you have to do is go back to his house.
21:45Being close to him, it will be much easier to convince him.
21:48And don't tell me I have to tell you how.
21:51If I go back, it is most likely that the one who leaves the house is him.
21:55Oh, please, how is that possible?
21:57He was the one who cheated on you with another woman and you forgave him.
21:59What do you want me to do if it's Ismael?
22:02You swallow your pride and you did it.
22:05Or what?
22:06Is there something you haven't told me?
22:10Did that bastard hit you?
22:11No, of course not.
22:13He would be incapable and I would never allow it.
22:16Then I don't understand.
22:18Daughter, you know you can trust me.
22:22I will always be on your side.
22:27There is a secret that I have been hiding for a long time.
22:31Whatever it is, tell me.
22:34It was me.
22:36I was the one who cheated on Ismael.
22:39And not with anyone, but with Juan Pablo.
22:56How is my mother, doctor?
22:58Pretty good for her age.
23:00I didn't find anything to worry about.
23:03She didn't feel well yesterday.
23:05Apparently, her blood pressure dropped and she got dizzy.
23:07Isn't that right?
23:08Yes, yes.
23:09It happens to me sometimes.
23:11Well, I didn't notice anything abnormal in the checkup.
23:14Sometimes the pressure is altered by stress.
23:16A few days of rest is enough.
23:19Thank you, doctor.
23:21Good morning.
23:22Excuse me.
23:25Why are you so stressed?
23:27A little bit.
23:28I didn't think life would be so complicated when I got out of jail.
23:32How's work going?
23:34Very well.
23:35Mrs. Rosario, the owner of the bakery, is very kind.
23:38And does she pay you well?
23:41But you don't have to worry.
23:43That's enough for me to pay the pension and my personal expenses.
23:48I'll take care of that.
23:50Let's go.
23:59I can't believe you messed with Juan Pablo.
24:03He was like your brother.
24:05I would have loved it if you had never found out.
24:08I'm very ashamed, Dad.
24:09When did it happen?
24:12A few months ago.
24:13Before he died.
24:18The relationship between Ismael and I was very bad and I found refuge in Juan Pablo.
24:23Does Ismael know?
24:27He found out recently.
24:30That's why he left the house.
24:32It can't be.
24:33I'm the last one to find out what's going on with my daughter.
24:37If I had accepted it, I wouldn't have gone to complain to Ismael.
24:41I was just going to make a fool of myself like an idiot.
24:45Now I understand why he told me he didn't know you.
24:48He told you that?
24:50And he's absolutely right.
24:53And I still went to talk to Castillo.
24:55And why did you go to talk to that guy?
24:57To stop him.
24:59I went to demand that he make a public statement,
25:02giving up everything he said against me.
25:05Did he accept?
25:06Of course not!
25:07Not even because I threatened to report him, he gave up.
25:12If that guy finds out about your affairs with Juan Pablo,
25:17he's going to destroy us.
25:19There's something else you need to know.
25:24Juan Pablo and I saw each other in a suite.
25:27Someone found out and is investigating it.
25:30And I didn't know anything.
25:33From now on, the secrets are over.
25:38I don't want any more surprises, is that clear?
25:41I promise.
25:42I promise.
25:56Do you really believe Lorena Martinez?
25:59Honestly, everything she told me makes sense to me.
26:02If it wasn't like that, why did she dare to look for me?
26:04If she really has proof of her innocence, why is she still a fugitive?
26:08She insists that only by being out of jail can she continue to investigate.
26:12I tried to convince her to turn herself in.
26:14That if she does, by imposing the sentence, the investigation work is of the court.
26:18But she didn't listen to me.
26:22The call for the fugitives was partly for Lorena to turn herself in.
26:26And to be able to solve this whole problem.
26:28She didn't.
26:29And things can get very delicate.
26:32She's aware of that.
26:35Come in.
26:38I just questioned Marcia Salcedo.
26:40She assures me that she didn't keep in touch with other fugitives while she was on the run.
26:44But she thinks that several of them will contact Castillo if they decide to turn themselves in.
26:49If that were the case, I don't see anything strange about it.
26:52He committed himself to making sure that he complies with the offer.
26:55With the statements he made, it is obvious that he is in contact with Lorena Martinez.
26:59If we intervene on his phone, it is very likely that we can find his whereabouts.
27:02I don't think we have the arguments to authorize it.
27:05Let's not lose anything by trying.
27:06If you allow me, I will request it.
27:09Go ahead.
27:11Excuse me.
27:13I'll be in my office in case you need anything.
27:23What's up?
27:25We need to talk. Let's go to my office.
27:28And now what, dad?
27:31I applaud your interest in catching the fugitives.
27:35But deep down it seems that what you want is to take revenge on Castillo.
27:39And I don't think that's correct.
27:41What happened between you is totally independent of your work.
27:45I'm not doing it for that.
27:47Alejandro is protecting a criminal.
27:49I insist. You are protecting a criminal.
27:52Alejandro is protecting a criminal.
27:54Alejandro is protecting a criminal.
27:55I insist. You are letting yourself be carried away by your feelings and not by duty.
28:00Don't get confused. Alejandro and I are over. It's over.
28:04So stop worrying.
28:26What are you doing here?
28:28Did you miss the flight?
28:32I couldn't get on the plane.
28:35I couldn't stand the idea that I would never see you again.
28:40I love you.
28:42And I don't want to be separated from you ever again.
28:51I can't believe you're here either.
28:52I'm not dreaming, am I?
28:54No. In any case, it would be a dream of both of us.
28:59I thought I would never see you again.
29:02I had a broken heart.
29:04What made you change your mind?
29:07That despite everything we've been through, I've never stopped loving you.
29:11You are the only person who has unintentionally supported me and loved me.
29:18Being at the airport, I thought a lot about your words.
29:20The ones you said last night.
29:22Which ones?
29:24That if we didn't work, it was because of third parties, not us.
29:28You're absolutely right.
29:30I couldn't afford to lose you because of others.
29:37I love you.
29:39So, will you accept me back?
29:42I'd be happier.
29:51So, what are you going to do?
29:55Go back to the construction company?
29:57No, not even dead.
29:59I don't want to deal with my dad again.
30:01Don't tell him I didn't go to Argentina, please.
30:04Do you want me to lie to him?
30:06No, just don't talk about me.
30:10Well, sooner or later you'll see each other.
30:13We'll see when the time comes.
30:15And what are you going to do?
30:17Are you going to look for a job somewhere else?
30:18I have a friend whose dad has a foundation where he hosts homeless kids.
30:23I'm going to call him to see if I can get a job there.
30:37I've been thinking and I think you should come back to live with us.
30:45I don't know.
30:46I don't know.
30:48You take me by surprise.
30:50I don't know if it's a good idea.
30:53Things have changed between us.
30:55And it's not that I've forgotten everything that happened,
30:57but I think it's time to turn the page.
31:00Do you think so?
31:02Yes. You were very generous with me when you gave me your house and that made me think a lot.
31:07I'm sorry, I judged you in a hurry.
31:10I'm glad to hear you say that,
31:12but I'm afraid that if I come back to live with you again,
31:16things will be lost again.
31:19You were very resentful with me.
31:22I was. I can't deny it.
31:24But as I told you, I can see things more clearly.
31:28And last night, you were so fragile.
31:32I thought you shouldn't be alone in that pension.
31:36I don't know what to say. I want to do things alone.
31:41Do you want me to decide for you?
31:44I want you to come back to live with us.
31:46Now, if you want to think about it...
31:49No. No, I have nothing to think about.
31:52It's what I want most in this life.
31:55Thank you very much, son.
31:57You have nothing to thank me for.
31:59And don't you have to consult it with Carmen?
32:02No. This is a matter between you and me.
32:06I need to go shopping.
32:09I'll see you later.
32:11Yes. I'm going to prepare something delicious to eat.
32:13Matias will be happy.
32:15Of course.
32:27How did it go? What did the doctor say?
32:30What can he say?
32:32It was all a lie.
32:35I'm fine.
32:38The only thing I feel bad about is Dario.
32:40Don't worry.
32:42We had to lie just to get out of it.
32:44No, but he doesn't deserve it.
32:47He was really worried about me.
32:50And I go out with him, but...
32:54In front of the doctor, I always had to be lying.
32:57Calm down.
32:59Look at the bright side.
33:01Thanks to this, your son is worrying about you.
33:04He offered me to come back to live here.
33:07How wonderful!
33:08How wonderful!
33:10That's my boss. Very good.
33:12Do you understand me?
33:14Why do I feel so bad for lying to him?
33:17I don't know.
33:19It's very good news.
33:21We're all going to live together again.
33:23Was it worth it for Esther to show up?
33:25You're crazy.
33:27By the way, I'm going to call her to give her the money
33:32and end this once and for all.
33:35Yes, of course. Call her.
33:37Here are the 10,000 pesos.
33:39I have no words to thank you.
33:42No need to thank me.
33:44All for one, and one for all.
33:56I have the money.
33:59I'll see you at the Plaza de los Tucanes in 15 minutes to give it to you.
34:04Yes, see you there.
34:07I'm very worried about her going alone.
34:09It's better.
34:11I don't want them to risk it and find out.
34:14Yes, you're right.
34:21Well, let's do the cleaning before it's too late.
34:27Well, let's go.
34:33Hi, Marta.
34:36What are you doing here?
34:38Don't get mad.
34:40I just wanted to stop you from walking.
34:42You should thank me.
34:46Here's the money.
34:50I'm going to the bar.
34:52Hey, I really like your son's bar.
34:54He seems to be doing well, doesn't he?
34:56I already gave you what you asked for. Now go.
34:58Oh, why are you so rude?
35:01Why don't you buy me a drink?
35:03It's closed.
35:04But I can come in. You invite me to meet him.
35:07No way.
35:09Now go and don't come back here.
35:11I don't want my son or his family to see you.
35:16Just because you ask me.
35:20I think I would be very happy to see you.
35:32I can't believe it.
35:36But you were so quiet.
35:41So this is your guard.
35:46I was going to suspect
35:48that you were hiding in a public place.
35:57I'm sorry, I'm sorry.
35:59The traffic caught me.
36:01No, don't worry.
36:03Hey, why did you ask me to meet here?
36:05We could meet at your house, right?
36:07No, they're watching her.
36:09From now on, we'll be seeing each other in different places.
36:12Young man.
36:14At your service.
36:16I'll order a cappuccino, please.
36:20Did you get any information about Claudio Vilchis?
36:22No, there's no trace of him.
36:24He disappeared two weeks after Lorena's trial.
36:27Does he have a bank account, a card, anything?
36:30Well, if he had them, he canceled them.
36:32Social media?
36:34I found his profiles,
36:36but nothing has gone up after the date of the trial.
36:39However, the documents he presented about the deposits
36:43coincide with the evidence against Lorena.
36:46The only thing we know about him is that
36:48he was the manager of a bank branch, and that's all.
36:52Damn it.
36:54Do you think we can find him?
36:56Yes, yes, but I can't think of anything.
36:58It's like he was swallowed by the earth.
37:00I swear, it's the first time I've faced something like this.
37:03He disappeared without a trace.
37:05What branch did he work for?
37:07Maybe one of his colleagues knows something about him.
37:09Do you have his address?
37:11Yes. Let's see, write down the address.
37:17I understand you weren't expecting me,
37:19but at least say hello to me, right?
37:21Well, we were colleagues in prison.
37:26Oh, but you're not going to stay as a statue.
37:29You're going to give me a hug. Come here.
37:35Hey, you look great in that change of look.
37:39You're another one.
37:41Well, you too, huh?
37:43Very good move.
37:45You couldn't find a better place to hide.
37:47Stop fooling around.
37:48What do you want so you don't tell anyone you're here?
37:51More money?
37:53Well, yes, it could be, but...
37:55No, no, I'm thinking of something else.
37:58Okay, that's enough. What do you want?
38:00Oh, I want to stay with you.
38:02I'm tired of going around in circles.
38:05And from what I see, you're safe here with the police.
38:08Come, come.
38:16What do we do?
38:18I don't know, but we can't let her give us away.
38:21Why was she in prison?
38:23She's a professional swindler.
38:25She was in contact with people looking for money on social media.
38:28She made them believe she was a millionaire.
38:30She invited them to luxurious restaurants, trips, yachts.
38:33And when her victims trusted her,
38:35she made them cry by telling them she had problems with her accounts.
38:38And that's how she made a lot of money.
38:41Until she ran into someone who didn't stop until she turned her back on her in prison.
38:44She's a woman without structures.
38:46She's willing to do anything.
38:48Don't be so dramatic. She's not a bad person.
38:51I don't know how you dare say that.
38:53Okay, that's enough. Don't argue.
38:55Let's decide what we're going to do. What do we tell her?
38:57Tell her to leave because I'm not afraid of her!
38:59No, no, no, no.
39:01I thought twice about it.
39:03She can give us away.
39:05Let her stay.
39:07We have to keep the enemies close.
39:09Okay, let her stay.
39:11But only tonight. Not another day.
39:15We've decided. You can stay.
39:16Oh, very good.
39:18That's knowing what's best for you.
39:20Only tonight!
39:22No, no, no, no, no, no, no.
39:24Only one night. Take it or leave it.
39:26I'll leave it.
39:28I'm leaving. And you'll face the consequences.
39:31Two nights.
39:35Two. And one more.
39:39Two nights.
39:43We all changed our names to...
39:44No, you don't have to give her details.
39:46No, she has to know how we got together
39:49so she won't mess with her son.
39:52She's Angelina.
39:58And I'm Cecilia. We work here as waitresses.
40:00Oh, as waitresses!
40:04Who is she?
40:06I'm Rebeca.
40:08Cecilia's mother.
40:10Nice to meet you.
40:12Nice to meet you.
40:14I want to thank you for giving my daughter and her friends a job.
40:18You don't have to thank me.
40:20I wanted to come visit her for a couple of days.
40:23I hope there's no problem.
40:26If it's just for a couple of days, it's fine.
40:30Thank you very much.
40:32I congratulate you.
40:34You have a very cute son.
40:37Would it be a problem if I went out for a little while with my daughter
40:41to talk and get in the mood?
40:44Sure, go ahead.
40:46Thank you very much.
40:48We have to finish cleaning.
40:50But we won't take long.
40:52It's only going to be a little while.
40:54Let's go, little girl.
40:56Let's go.
41:00Please, don't say that again.
41:02I can't have more people at my house.
41:05I'm sorry, boss.
41:07It won't happen again.
41:09Excuse me.
41:21Rodrigo, this is Vicente Marquez.
41:24Vicente, what a miracle! How are you?
41:27Good, good.
41:29I wanted to talk to you.
41:31Is your father still with the Foundation of Children on the Street?
41:33Yes, of course.
41:35Can we meet?
41:37I'd like to talk to you about something.
41:39Sure, do you have time right now?
41:41Yes, yes.
41:42I'll send you the location to your cell phone, okay?
41:45See you soon.
41:47Great, see you soon.
41:57At your service, Mr. Leopoldo.
42:00Good morning.
42:02Good morning.
42:04Is Mr. Vinci here?
42:06He doesn't work at this branch anymore.
42:08And who could I talk to about him?
42:10Is it a personal matter?
42:17May I?
42:19Come in, take a seat.
42:21Thank you very much.
42:23How can I help you?
42:25I came looking for Claudio Vinci, but he told me he doesn't work at this branch anymore.
42:29That's right.
42:31And could you tell me which branch he works at?
42:33Mr. Vinci doesn't work for this bank.
42:36Oh, don't tell me. What a shame.
42:38You see, my mom was a client of this branch.
42:43And Mr. Vinci was always very kind to her.
42:45He advised her with his bank account, with his investment of a patrimonial bank.
42:50Excuse me, did you say your mom was a client?
42:56Unfortunately, she passed away a month ago.
42:59Oh, I'm so sorry.
43:01Yes, thank you.
43:03My mom collected postage stamps from all over the world.
43:07And at some point she told me that Mr. Vinci too.
43:11I wasn't aware.
43:15The fact is that my mom left it stipulated in her will that she wanted to leave her entire collection to him.
43:20And well, I would like to fulfill my mother's last wish.
43:23Do you know where I could find it?
43:27Let me see.
43:29I can...
43:31I can look for the address that is registered in the bank.
43:34You don't know how much I'm going to thank you.
43:37With pleasure.
43:45Here you go.