Fugitivas - Capitulo 31

  • last month


00:00I'm sorry, but we're not going to invest.
00:07What do you mean we're not going to invest?
00:11It's an excellent opportunity.
00:13Will you give us a few minutes?
00:16I have to talk to my sister.
00:18Let's go.
00:20Excuse me.
00:22Yes, of course.
00:31My parents didn't get along as well as I thought.
00:34My father drank a lot and mistreated her.
00:37She put up with it so I wouldn't find out.
00:42She told me that the night he died, he was very aggressive.
00:49He tried to hit her and she, trying to dodge the blows,
00:53made him fall down the stairs.
00:55Did he die because of her?
00:58She was sentenced to death.
01:01I lived with that all my life.
01:03Now I understand why you treated her so badly when she arrived.
01:06Why did you let her stay?
01:08Because she's my mom.
01:10It wasn't really her fault.
01:12What happened was an accident.
01:13She never intended to kill your grandfather.
01:15But she still went to jail like a murderer.
01:18Yes, because she could never prove that she didn't throw him down the stairs
01:21so that he would die.
01:23And I understand that it must be very hard for you to find out everything.
01:27That's why I decided that it was best to hide it from you.
01:30I would have preferred to find out the truth from the beginning.
01:33Besides, you taught me that there was never a need to lie
01:38because lies have short legs.
01:41The truth is always discovered.
01:43You're right.
01:44I'm sorry.
01:45But I did it out of good faith.
01:47You were so excited about having your grandmother at home
01:49that I didn't want to disappoint you.
01:51You let me hallucinate like a murderer.
01:54No, don't look at it that way.
01:57It's better that you keep the image you made of her when she got home.
02:02And you have to understand that she never wanted to kill your grandfather.
02:10I don't know if I can.
02:12Of course you can.
02:14Of course you can.
02:15Get over there.
02:17Come here.
02:18Come here.
02:20I love you.
02:26Can you explain to me why you're backing out?
02:29I think we're doing things too quickly.
02:32That's how opportunities are.
02:34You take them at the moment or they disappear.
02:37And the truth is that I had heard something about the Dead Sea water.
02:41What did you hear?
02:42That they use it in the production of various products
02:45because of the amount of mineral wealth it has.
02:49Did you hear about this cream?
02:53But the other investors said it was approved.
02:57We should wait for Chelo's son to come back
03:00and we can ask him if this company is a good investment or not.
03:05Rebecca is not going to wait for us to make inquiries.
03:08If they don't allow us, we don't invest.
03:10And the problem is over.
03:11And what about me?
03:12I was already excited.
03:14It's better to prevent than to regret.
03:17What do you think?
03:19What are you going to do if they back out?
03:22No, no, no.
03:23That's not going to happen.
03:25I've never failed a plan.
03:27You can convince them.
03:29I know you.
03:30Invent whatever you want.
03:31Convince them.
03:32And what do Lisette and I do?
03:34Well, they follow Bonce's lead.
03:36Whatever they can think of to convince them to sign.
03:40Well, let's see if your wonderful plan works.
03:42If not, you just set up this little theater for nothing.
03:45If you're not going to say something that contributes,
03:47you better shut up.
03:49Vilchis accepted the money because his sister is very sick.
03:52He had to pay for the expenses of an operation.
03:55Sorry, but that doesn't justify it.
03:57For what he did, he was sentenced to 45 years in prison
04:00for an innocent woman.
04:01He was threatened with death if he didn't make his deposits.
04:05In addition, they ordered him to disappear after the trial.
04:09If Vilchis didn't leave the country, it was for his sister.
04:12Okay, and what are you going to do?
04:14Well, I asked him to help me by declaring before the judge
04:17how the facts really were, and so he could appeal the sentence.
04:21You even think he's going to do it?
04:23I insist that Vilchis seems like a good person.
04:27I gave him my card. I hope he calls me.
04:29I highly doubt he will.
04:31If the Marques are behind all this, as you say,
04:34they fear for their lives.
04:36That's why I was hiding.
04:37I'm aware of that.
04:39If I decide to help, I have to find a way to protect him.
04:43You'd have to hire private security,
04:45because I don't see any other way.
04:51So, what have you decided?
04:54That we're not going to participate in the business.
04:57Well, it can't be helped.
05:00You're going to lose it.
05:02I hope you understand.
05:04The amount we were going to invest is not a trifle.
05:08Yes, I understand.
05:09What I don't understand is, if you had doubts,
05:12why did you agree to come to the meeting?
05:14I rejected another person who was interested in investing
05:17to give you the opportunity.
05:20How much were you going to contribute?
05:23Five million pesos.
05:25I'll put it on the table.
05:28I'm not going to let this great opportunity pass.
05:32I'm going to send a message to my accountant
05:34so he can transfer the money to me,
05:35and we can move forward with this.
05:37Very good. Good idea.
05:39By the way,
05:40I'm going to ask everyone to sign a confidentiality agreement.
05:44I don't like that when I do such important business,
05:47it gets out there.
05:49Yes, I understand.
05:52Oh, he already answered me.
06:01Should I do the check in your name?
06:04Yes, please.
06:05No, no, no, wait, wait, wait.
06:10No, no, no.
06:12This is a great opportunity.
06:13We're going to regret this.
06:16Please, please.
06:17Yes, yes, yes.
06:20My sister changed her mind.
06:22Yes, we're going to invest.
06:26I assure you that you will not regret it.
06:28No, no, no.
06:35Come in.
06:36What are we going to do?
06:37I already saw myself as the majority shareholder
06:39of this excellent business.
06:43I'm sorry,
06:44but my brother and I are new to all this.
06:48Oh, don't worry.
06:50It's understandable.
06:54What's going to happen to Grandma?
06:56Is she going to keep living with us?
06:58What do you say?
06:59Do you want her to stay?
07:02All I care about is that you're okay.
07:04And if you feel uncomfortable,
07:05I can talk to her so she can leave.
07:07I don't know.
07:08Now I'm very angry because they didn't tell me the truth.
07:10And they made up the whole story of peace.
07:15But what, son?
07:16I can't help loving her.
07:19Don't pressure yourself.
07:20Let's wait and see how you feel,
07:22and we'll decide later.
07:23And don't doubt that you are my priority
07:26over anything.
07:28I love you more than anyone, son.
07:30And if you're okay, I'm okay.
07:35Now that all the contracts are signed,
07:37we have to toast to the success of NOAR,
07:39the eternal youth.
07:43Miss, can we have a bottle of champagne?
07:45The best you have, please.
07:47Of course.
07:49I'm sorry, I'm sorry.
07:50I'm so embarrassed.
07:51I'm so sorry.
07:52Are you okay?
07:53Yes, yes.
07:54It's okay, it's okay.
07:55I'll clean it up.
07:56Yes, yes, yes.
07:57I'm sorry, please.
07:58I'm so embarrassed.
07:59It's okay.
08:00It's okay.
08:01It's okay.
08:03My bag.
08:04I'll bring you your champagne right now.
08:06I'm so sorry.
08:07I'm sorry.
08:08I'm so sorry.
08:09Well, there would be someone who would say
08:10that it's good.
08:13I'm sorry.
08:14I'm sorry.
08:15I would like my lawyer to review the contracts.
08:18Yes, of course.
08:19No problem.
08:20I'll give you a copy.
08:22For your safety,
08:24I could have told your lawyer
08:25to come to the meeting, right?
08:27Yes, but anyway,
08:28I want my lawyer to review it
08:30before the check is paid.
08:32Of course.
08:38since we really trust each other,
08:40I think it's best
08:41that you take all the contracts
08:43and all the checks.
08:45Give all the information to your lawyer
08:47so he can review it,
08:48check it,
08:49and when he's done,
08:50give it back to me.
08:51I would prefer
08:52that you keep my contract
08:53and my check.
08:55I don't have to trust these ladies.
08:58I'm sorry,
08:59but I don't know them.
09:01Yes, I agree.
09:03I'm also investing a lot of money
09:05and I wouldn't have to trust them.
09:09we have nothing against you,
09:11but with the fact that
09:13you always invested
09:14and then you didn't,
09:16and now you want your lawyer
09:18to review everything,
09:20it gives us a lot to think about.
09:22Who can assure us
09:23that you are not
09:24professional swindlers?
09:27How dare you think that?
09:30I'm sorry,
09:31but in business of this magnitude,
09:33you always have to be alert.
09:35And well,
09:36with your attitudes,
09:37one doubts.
09:39Yes, of course, Sara.
09:41Well, you too.
09:43maybe you don't know us,
09:44but we assure you
09:45that we are decent people.
09:48And as proof of this,
09:50here it is.
09:52It is not necessary
09:53for our lawyer
09:54to review the papers.
09:57I'm sorry.
10:12Why the hell
10:13don't you answer my phone?
10:15Because I don't want to.
10:16Go to hell.
10:17I just talked to your mom
10:18and she told me
10:19you weren't in Buenos Aires.
10:20Can you explain to me
10:21where the hell you are?
10:23If you don't want me to hang you,
10:24lower two lines to your tone.
10:29Where are you?
10:31In Mexico.
10:32I regretted it at the last minute
10:33and I didn't go.
10:34And why?
10:35Because in Argentina
10:36I had nothing to do.
10:37And you think here you do?
10:39Look, I warn you
10:40that if you don't want to work
10:41in the construction company,
10:42I'm not going to keep you.
10:44Save your warnings.
10:45I already have a job.
10:47So you can stop
10:48worrying about me.
10:51Yes, me.
10:52Your good son for nothing.
10:53And where are you going to work?
10:55At the foundation
10:56with a friend's dad.
10:57Are you living with him?
10:59I'm living with Gabriela.
11:00But how?
11:01I thought you had already
11:02ended that relationship.
11:03We reconciled.
11:06You'll know.
11:08And now that you know
11:09I'm in Mexico,
11:10where I live,
11:11and that I have a job,
11:12I'll leave you
11:13because I have
11:14a lot of things to do.
11:27Mati, forgive me.
11:28I wouldn't have wanted
11:29you to find out
11:30about my past
11:31in such a sudden way.
11:32I hope your dad
11:33explains to you
11:34how things happened.
11:35If you want to know more,
11:36I'll be happy
11:37to explain it to you.
11:38The only thing
11:39I want you to know
11:40is that I never
11:41wanted to lie to you,
11:42that I'm not a bad person,
11:43and that I love you
11:44with all my heart.
11:45I love you.
11:46I love you.
11:47I love you.
11:48I love you.
11:49I love you.
11:50I love you.
11:51I love you.
11:52I love you.
11:53I love you.
11:54I love you.
11:55I love you
11:56with all my heart.
12:15Can you explain
12:16to me what's going on?
12:17Why did it seem to me
12:18that I saw Matias
12:20Nothing important.
12:21It's between
12:22father and son.
12:23Ah, now you're going
12:24to tell me
12:25about family matters.
12:26Before, we shared everything.
12:27The good, the bad.
12:28We were very close,
12:29Matias, you and I.
12:31this is not the time
12:32for you to come to me
12:33with complaints.
12:34You don't care
12:35how I feel, do you?
12:36You've forgotten me.
12:37We can't talk.
12:38You don't tell me anything.
12:39What's next, Darío?
12:40You want me to run away?
12:41If you continue
12:42with that attitude,
12:43I'll have no choice.
12:55Come in.
12:58Mr. Arturo Márquez
12:59is looking for you, sir.
13:02Let him in.
13:04Come in.
13:08I hope you don't come
13:09with the same attitude
13:10as the last time we saw each other.
13:12Wasn't it a very nice meeting?
13:14No, no.
13:15That's precisely why
13:16I'm here.
13:17Can I sit down?
13:18Yes, please.
13:21Florencia told me
13:22what happened to Juan Pablo.
13:24And as you understand,
13:25as a father,
13:26it was very shocking
13:27for me to find out.
13:29I felt betrayed
13:30by my daughter.
13:31I never thought
13:32she would be capable
13:33of something like this.
13:34That's why I'm here
13:35to offer you
13:36an apology in her name
13:40I appreciate the apology.
13:41And I can imagine
13:42how you feel.
13:44But even so,
13:45I want to ask you
13:46to think that we all
13:47make mistakes
13:48and forgive her.
13:49It breaks my heart
13:50that you and Florencia
13:51don't reconcile.
13:53Look, I appreciate
13:54that you came
13:55to intercede
13:56for our relationship.
13:57But as you understand,
13:58it's a topic
13:59that I don't like
14:00to talk to you about.
14:02I understand.
14:03Since you're here,
14:04I want to ask you a question.
14:06Why is Castillo
14:07accusing you
14:08of the murder of Juan Pablo?
14:10Because he's crazy.
14:12Why else?
14:13I mean,
14:14don't tell me
14:15that you believe
14:16everything he says.
14:17They're just suppositions.
14:18He speaks for himself.
14:19He has no evidence.
14:21Everything is concrete.
14:23The only concrete
14:24and proven fact
14:25is that Lorena Martinez
14:26murdered Juan Pablo.
14:28How could that idiot
14:29say that I was
14:30responsible for his death
14:31when I wanted
14:32Juan Pablo as a son?
14:34That bitch
14:35has only managed
14:36to put my name
14:37in the middle of it.
14:43I don't know
14:44what to do.
14:46Good afternoon, miss.
14:48Good afternoon.
14:49How can I help you?
14:51Could I deposit this check?
14:53To Mrs. Rebeca Suarez's account?
14:55Her account number is on the back.
14:58Can I have your identification, please?
15:02Here it is.
15:05Give me a moment.
15:06Is there a problem?
15:08For the amount of the check,
15:09I need authorization
15:10from my supervisor.
15:16Why are you silent?
15:18Do you suspect me?
15:21I'm not thinking about that.
15:24I'm worried that the investigation
15:25in Juan Pablo's case
15:26has had so many irregularities.
15:29I never thought
15:30that Florencia's assistant
15:31was the murderer.
15:33I have a very good impression
15:34of her,
15:35but if the judge
15:36found her guilty,
15:37it's because there was enough evidence
15:38against her.
15:40Excuse me, sir.
15:41I told you it couldn't happen,
15:42that you were busy
15:43and that you had to wait.
15:44I only left my office
15:45for a moment
15:46and when I came back,
15:47I was already opening the door
15:48to come in.
15:49Don't worry, Andrea.
15:50Close the door, please.
15:51Excuse me.
15:54Oh, no.
15:55What a surprise
15:56to find you together.
15:58I don't see why you're surprised
15:59if we're family.
16:00Taking advantage of the fact
16:01that I see you,
16:02I inform you that last night
16:03I filed a complaint
16:04because they went to steal
16:05my apartment.
16:06They took many things,
16:08Lorena Martinez's file.
16:10I don't understand
16:11why some thieves
16:12would be interested
16:13in taking it.
16:14Maybe you can
16:15explain it to me.
16:16What do you want me to say?
16:18I don't know
16:19the mentality of criminals
16:20and I'm sorry
16:21they went in to steal.
16:22Stop being cynical.
16:24You're a shameless man.
16:25Wait a minute.
16:27What's going on here?
16:28A few days ago,
16:29this individual
16:31went to threaten me
16:32at my house
16:33saying that if I don't make
16:34a public statement
16:35asking for an apology
16:36for what I declared
16:37against him,
16:38I was going to go to war.
16:40Since I didn't accept it,
16:42he's already started.
16:43He's sending people
16:44to steal my apartment.
16:45What kind of imagination
16:46do you have, lawyer?
16:48I've never thought
16:49of changing my profession
16:50and writing stories
16:51in suspense.
16:53I'm not denying
16:54that I went to see him,
16:55but all I did
16:56was talk to him
16:57in a civilized way
16:58to ask him
16:59to stop slandering me.
17:01But from what I see,
17:02he's going to keep doing it
17:03because now
17:04he's slandering me for theft.
17:05Don't treat me like a fool.
17:07I know very well
17:08how people like you
17:09are handled.
17:10I don't understand
17:11how you can think
17:12that I could have sent someone
17:13to steal your house.
17:15You're overestimating yourself,
17:18Are you going to threaten me again?
17:20Do it.
17:22I'm going to keep investigating
17:23until I find out the truth
17:24and destroy you forever.
17:30I have to go.
17:32I'm going to calm down
17:33after everything we talked about.
17:34Excuse me.
17:41Can you explain
17:42what the hell is going on?
18:11Paola decides
18:12to reveal the truth.
18:13I have to go
18:14get the usurper
18:15out of my house.
18:16But Carlos Daniel
18:17has already received the news.
18:19The woman in your house
18:20is Paulina Martinez.
18:21And Paulina
18:22feels cornered.
18:23You're the usurper!
18:25The Usurper
18:27Monday to Friday
18:28at 2.30pm
18:29on Las Estrellas.
18:41Always available
18:42on the platform
18:43closest to you.
18:44Follow us
18:45to have the information
18:46you need.
18:48Wherever you are,
18:49we're here.
19:14Paris 2024
19:15comes to an end.
19:17Stay up to date
19:18on what's happening.
19:20Its corners.
19:21The humor
19:22and the color
19:23of the Olympic fire.
19:24All this and more
19:25on La Jugada del Verano.
19:27This Sunday
19:28at 11pm
19:29on Las Estrellas.
19:31A classic
19:32that makes Luis
19:34A red and white
19:35and an eagle
19:36can't be
19:37in the same place.
19:38Don't get tired, Luis.
19:39You're going to beat us.
19:40That's why
19:41he's going to use
19:42a very miraculous mantra.
19:43I thank life.
19:44I thank being.
19:45It has nothing to do with it.
19:46You're crazy!
19:48This Sunday
19:49at 7.30pm
19:50on Las Estrellas.
19:52becomes insecure
19:53about her body
19:54after discovering
19:56with her lover.
19:57With time
19:58she'll meet a man
19:59who truly loves her
20:00and will try
20:01to convince her
20:02that the most important
20:03thing is to give
20:04a little love
20:05to the heart.
20:06La Rosa de Guadalupe
20:10on Las Estrellas.
20:12When you have problems
20:13and you feel alone,
20:15come to El Dicho.
20:16We want to give you
20:18and words of support.
20:19Go away.
20:20Don't get us into
20:21more trouble.
20:22Is that what you get?
20:23This is your family.
20:24You don't understand.
20:25And I'll say it again.
20:26I care about you a lot,
20:27my love.
20:28As El Dicho says,
20:29stories that connect
20:30with you.
20:31Prepare your bets
20:32for the best fighter.
20:34Or you make
20:35my grandma's car
20:36break down
20:37because of a whore?
20:38She's my daughter.
20:39She's only 15 years old.
20:41How much do you owe?
20:42You're crazy!
20:44If it's expensive,
20:45I'll pay.
20:46If it's not,
20:47you lose.
20:48I'm the boss.
20:49It's free.
20:50This Thursday
20:51at 8 p.m.
20:52Fatima will no longer
20:53be in your life.
20:54I won't be there.
20:55You have total
20:56freedom of action.
20:57We've never seen him
20:58in the security boxes before.
20:59I'm working
21:00for the company.
21:01And is he in it?
21:02I don't know, boss.
21:03It's that man's, right?
21:04You make it worth
21:05living in this world.
21:06What are you doing here,
21:096.30 P.M.
21:11A betrayal
21:12that transformed her.
21:13I will never
21:14let you go.
21:15And destroyed
21:16a family.
21:17I'm the owner
21:18of fortune
21:19and soon
21:20of the entire people.
21:21I'm going to find out
21:22who you really are.
21:23The one who destroyed
21:24my life
21:25will have to pay.
21:299.30 P.M.
21:30ON STARS.
21:32to the show
21:33that gives you more.
21:34More dynamics.
21:35The results
21:36of the best leagues.
21:37More humor.
21:38And the entertainment
21:39that always gives you more.
21:40Start your day
21:41in the best way.
21:42More sport.
21:4411.00 P.M.
21:45ON STARS.
21:49A red and white
21:50and an eagle
21:51can't be
21:52in the same place.
21:53Don't get tired,
21:55or you'll beat us.
21:56That's why
21:57he'll use a very
21:58miraculous mantra.
21:59I thank life
22:00for giving me
22:01a chance
22:02to be
22:03who I am.
22:04I thank life.
22:05I thank and thank.
22:06It has nothing to do...
22:07Are you crazy?
22:107.30 P.M.
22:11ON STARS.
22:12You only need
22:13pencils and notebooks.
22:14The return to class
22:15is in a couple of weeks.
22:16We don't have to buy
22:17the utensils
22:18of the Jolotito.
22:19I don't even know
22:20which school to go to.
22:21I'm going to get
22:22his new utensils
22:23or I'll stop
22:24calling myself Gabriel.
22:25I'm going to change
22:26my name.
22:27To keep a secret
22:28because the fun
22:29is already in...
22:30Do you think?
22:327.30 P.M.
22:33ON STARS.
22:34This Sunday,
22:357.30 P.M.
22:36ON STARS.
22:37This Sunday,
22:387.30 P.M.
22:39ON STARS.
22:40This Sunday,
22:417.30 P.M.
22:42ON STARS.
22:43This Sunday,
22:447.30 P.M.
22:45ON STARS.
22:46This Sunday,
22:477.30 P.M.
22:48ON STARS.
22:49This Sunday,
22:507.30 P.M.
22:51ON STARS.
22:52This Sunday,
22:537.30 P.M.
22:54ON STARS.
22:55This Sunday,
22:567.30 P.M.
22:57ON STARS.
22:58This Sunday,
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24:00ON STARS.
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25:00ON STARS.
25:01This Sunday,
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25:10This Sunday,
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25:16This Sunday,
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25:19This Sunday,
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25:21ON STARS.
25:22This Sunday,
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25:25This Sunday,
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25:52This Sunday,
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25:58This Sunday,
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26:00ON STARS.
26:01This Sunday,
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26:07This Sunday,
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26:09ON STARS.
26:10This Sunday,
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26:12ON STARS.
26:13This Sunday,
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26:15ON STARS.
26:16This Sunday,
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26:18ON STARS.
26:19This Sunday,
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26:22This Sunday,
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26:24ON STARS.
26:25This Sunday,
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26:27ON STARS.
26:28This Sunday,
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26:30ON STARS.
26:31This Sunday,
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26:34This Sunday,
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26:36ON STARS.
26:37This Sunday,
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26:40This Sunday,
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26:43This Sunday,
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26:46This Sunday,
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26:49This Sunday,
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26:52This Sunday,
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26:55This Sunday,
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26:58This Sunday,
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27:00ON STARS.
27:01This Sunday,
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27:04This Sunday,
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27:06ON STARS.
27:07This Sunday,
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27:09ON STARS.
27:10This Sunday,
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27:12ON STARS.
27:13This Sunday,
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27:15ON STARS.
27:16This Sunday,
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27:18ON STARS.
27:19This Sunday,
27:207.30 P.M.
27:21ON STARS.
27:22This Sunday,
27:237.30 P.M.
27:24ON STARS.
27:25This Sunday,
27:267.30 P.M.
27:27ON STARS.
27:28This Sunday,
27:297.30 P.M.
27:30ON STARS.
27:31This Sunday,
27:327.30 P.M.
27:33ON STARS.
27:34This Sunday,
27:357.30 P.M.
27:36ON STARS.
27:37This Sunday,
27:387.30 P.M.
27:39ON STARS.
27:40This Sunday,
27:417.30 P.M.
27:42ON STARS.
27:43This Sunday,
27:447.30 P.M.
27:45ON STARS.
27:46This Sunday,
27:477.30 P.M.
27:48ON STARS.
27:49This Sunday,
27:507.30 P.M.
27:51ON STARS.
27:52This Sunday,
27:537.30 P.M.
27:54ON STARS.
27:55This Sunday,
27:567.30 P.M.
27:57ON STARS.
27:58This Sunday,
27:597.30 P.M.
28:00ON STARS.
28:01This Sunday,
28:027.30 P.M.
28:03ON STARS.
28:04This Sunday,
28:057.30 P.M.
28:06ON STARS.
28:07This Sunday,
28:087.30 P.M.
28:09ON STARS.
28:10This Sunday,
28:117.30 P.M.
28:12ON STARS.
28:13This Sunday,
28:147.30 P.M.
28:15ON STARS.
28:16This Sunday,
28:177.30 P.M.
28:18ON STARS.
28:19This Sunday,
28:20You're going to have to excuse me, but I have to go.
28:24I'm leaving too. I have a very important meeting.
28:27We're here at ease.
28:35I'm also saying goodbye.
28:37Well, have a good day.
28:39It was a pleasure doing business with you.
28:43I'll let you know when the first shipment of our Noir arrives.
28:47And when we start with our distribution process.
28:50Oh, yes. We're looking forward to it.
28:53And I'll send you a sample.
28:55I'm dying to use that wonderful cream.
28:57Oh, yes.
29:08Well, congratulations again, partners.
29:11Well, I'm leaving too.
29:13We're in touch.
29:15Of course.
29:16It was a pleasure.
29:18It was a pleasure.
29:25Miss, wait.
29:30Tell me.
29:31Your ID fell off.
29:34Estrella Anis?
29:36What a beautiful name.
29:44He clearly told me that if he wanted war, he would have it.
29:47And that's what he's doing.
29:49That's why he had me robbed.
29:51What a coincidence that he took Lorena's file.
29:53He's a vulgar thief.
29:54Why would he be interested in papers?
29:56That was just an excuse.
29:57It's hard for me to think that my father-in-law
29:59sent him to rob your apartment.
30:01I'm sorry.
30:02But probably because it's about your family,
30:05I'm realizing who Arturo Marquez really is.
30:09Well, I imagine you didn't come to tell me about your robbery.
30:12You filed a complaint and they must be investigating it.
30:14Why did you come?
30:15I have a very important lead
30:17with which I can prove Lorena's innocence.
30:20But I need your help.
30:22What is it about?
30:24A witness.
30:27The matter is very delicate.
30:28The man is very afraid to speak because he is threatened.
30:32That's why I need you to give him protection.
30:34If that's what he did, why is he threatened?
30:37Before I give you all that information,
30:39I need to know which side you're on.
30:41Because, as you understand,
30:42I can't give you data that puts this person at risk.
30:45If you don't tell me the facts, I can't help you.
30:48There was no one at the parking lot.
30:50Oh, no?
30:51Oh, what bad luck.
30:53They probably ran out of bullets and left.
30:56Well, yes. Did he offer anything?
30:58Nothing, not even the phone.
31:00Well, what a shame. Excuse me.
31:04You and I know that Lorena is innocent.
31:07That they ruined her life
31:08by declaring her guilty of a crime she did not commit.
31:11You have in your hands the possibility
31:13that the truth will come to light.
31:15We need you to act now.
31:17And once the witness declares, reopen the trial.
31:20And once I tell you that with you or without you,
31:22I'm going to prove Lorena's innocence.
31:28Frida sent me a message. She deposited the check.
31:31Well, congratulations.
31:32Very good job.
31:34Can I know how you're going to get the money out of the bank?
31:36Very easy.
31:37From the account in the name of Rebeca Suarez that I opened,
31:39I'm going to transfer it to another account that I have
31:41to be able to withdraw it.
31:42Do you also have fake papers?
31:44Of course.
31:45You go to the oasis, I make the transfer,
31:48and then I go to the bank to withdraw the money.
31:50I'll see you later, okay?
31:52And what did you say?
31:54I also take these fools to the dance.
31:56You're wrong, cutie.
31:57We accompany you to the bank.
31:59And why do you doubt me?
32:01I am a woman of my word.
32:03Even so, I prefer not to risk it.
32:06Let's go.
32:08I just have to make the transfer first.
32:12Let's transfer the money.
32:14You have to let Frida know.
32:20Is your witness willing to declare what he knows?
32:24As soon as he talks to the judge, I'll let you know who he is
32:26so you can give him protection.
32:29Talk to him and make sure he doesn't regret it at the last minute.
32:33I'll call you.
32:37No, thank you for trusting me.
32:40We're in touch.
32:56Did you want to talk to me?
32:57Oh yes, please come in.
33:05My dad told me that Vicente didn't go to Argentina
33:08and came back to live with you.
33:10That's right.
33:12I'm very happy that you have returned.
33:14You are a very good influence for my brother.
33:18When he was with you, he felt more stable.
33:22If you say so.
33:24I would love for you to make him understand
33:26that my dad and I are his family
33:29and that we only want what's best for him.
33:32I don't think I can tell you anything about that.
33:34Vicente has his own point of view and I respect that.
33:38I understand.
33:41It's just that I miss him a lot
33:43that he didn't have the confidence to tell me that he stayed in Mexico.
33:47Despite the age difference.
33:50Well, Vicente and I have always gotten along very well.
33:54I imagine that you also get along very well with your sister.
33:57Yes, since we became orphans, we have only had each other.
34:02It must have been horrible for you to be alone.
34:04It was.
34:06But you got through.
34:11Did you know that your sister was in Mexico
34:14and not abroad, as the authorities said?
34:19I'm sorry, I prefer not to talk about my sister.
34:21Of course.
34:22Of course, excuse me.
34:23Excuse me, if I touched on the subject,
34:25it's because I suddenly felt that our situations were similar.
34:29I don't know where you see the similarity.
34:31I feel completely different situations.
34:35Lorena and I have decided not to have communication for the good of both.
34:39Not for lack of trust.
34:41So, since he left prison, he hasn't communicated with you?
34:46A couple of times, but not anymore.
34:49I prefer not to know anything about her
34:51and although it hurts me,
34:52at the moment it only brings problems to both of us.
34:56Did you know that Ismael and Lorena had something?
35:00No, he never told me anything.
35:03Do you know if they have seen each other?
35:05I have no idea, as I had already told you,
35:08I don't have communication with my sister.
35:11What is this interrogation about?
35:13Oh no, no, no, no, excuse me.
35:15Excuse me again, I suddenly felt the confidence to ask you.
35:19Don't worry.
35:21Are you comfortable in your new workplace?
35:24Yes, thank you very much.
35:28Can I go now?
35:31Yes, yes, of course.
35:33Say hello to Vicente for me.
35:35Of course, I'll tell him.
35:51Please don't hang up, I'm Alejandro Castillo.
35:54I need to talk to your brother about something very important.
35:57Claudio is not here.
35:58Please tell him that if he decides to testify,
36:01he will have protection.
36:03I already took care of talking to whoever can help us.
36:07Did you hear me?
36:08Ma'am, continue.
36:50But Carlos Daniel already received the news.
36:52The woman who is in his house is Paulina Martinez.
36:55And Paulina feels cornered.
36:57You are the Usurper.
36:59The Usurper.
37:00Monday to Friday at 2.30 pm.
37:03For the stars.
37:05The game has begun to get serious.
37:07The inhabitants only think of one thing.
37:09Win, win, win.
37:11They are saying everything and without filters.
37:13Is there anything more strategic than that?
37:15Find out everything in...
37:20AT 5PM.
37:21SUNDAY 8.30PM.
37:23AND 24.7PM.
37:24FOR VIX.
37:25Fatima is not going to be in your life anymore.
37:27I'm not going to be.
37:28You have a total freedom of action.
37:31We had never seen him before in the security boxes.
37:33I'm working for the company.
37:34And is he in it?
37:35I don't know, boss.
37:36It's that man's, right?
37:38You make it worth living in this world.
37:40What are you doing here?
37:46When you have problems and you feel alone,
37:48come to Dicho.
37:50We want to give you encouragement and words of support.
37:53Go away.
37:54Don't get us into more trouble.
37:55Is that what you provoke?
37:57This is your family.
37:58You don't understand.
37:59And I'll tell you again.
38:00You matter a lot to me, my love.
38:02As the saying goes,
38:03stories that connect with you.
38:05This is third grade sports.
38:07The United States skated the America's Cup.
38:10Today Mexico is a small team.
38:12Today Mexico has to play to close the rival.
38:14Let's look for a young Mexican boy to start the war.
38:17It was never the plan.
38:18Give it to me, Francisco.
38:19It was never the plan.
38:20Third grade sports.
38:21Every Monday.
38:22When you finish on time.
38:23For the stars.
38:24I send you to say that there are a lot of dogs.
38:34There are laughs that are unique.
38:35And very, very contagious.
38:37Because we like to see you laugh.
38:39And we know that at this moment you are laughing with us.
38:44We know how to make you laugh.
38:45A betrayal that transformed her.
38:47I will never leave Teresa.
38:48And destroyed a family.
38:50I am the owner of fortune.
38:52And soon of the whole town.
38:54I'm going to find out who you really are.
38:56Who destroyed my life will have to pay.
38:59The price of loving you.
39:01Starts Monday, September 2, 9.30 at night for the stars.
39:05The most anticipated summary of the week.
39:08With the synopsis of the sports news of the world.
39:11What happened and you did not see.
39:13Or do you want to see the sports again?
39:16Do not miss anything.
39:18Get ready to get into action.
39:21Sunday 2 in the afternoon.
39:23With the stars.
39:41Ni Ni Dola de Locos.
39:43This Friday at the end of the noughty.
39:46The information that matters to you from anywhere.
39:48Access the moment to what happens in Mexico and the world.
39:50In a quick and easy way.
39:52With the punctual follow-up to the latest events.
39:55Always available on the platform closest to you.
39:58Follow us to have the information that matters to you.
40:02Wherever you are, we are.
40:05We have the best for you to start your mornings.
40:07At 9, interviews, fashion, advice, horoscopes and more.
40:11Only today.
40:14And at the end.
40:15Notes, guests, kitchen and everything about the famous.
40:18Tell me now.
40:23From Monday to Friday.
40:24With the stars.
40:25How far are you willing to go?
40:27If you want to save his life.
40:28I know someone who can offer you a different alternative.
40:31For the people you love.
40:33Maybe I can help you find your son.
40:35Here, reality can only be faced.
40:38Do you think that man will help us find him?
40:40Without fear of the truth.
40:41This Saturday at 11 at night.
40:43With the stars.
40:45Your day begins in Despierta.
40:50With the analysis of the information and the stories that matter to you.
40:55Also, everything about sport, entertainment and crime.
41:00A newscast from N+.
41:01Monday to Friday, 7 to 9 in the morning.
41:03With the stars.
41:05There is one of the best.
41:06Nuria and Johanna.
41:11No man.
41:12The best is going to be Osmar Olvera.
41:13The ballerina and mouth finder.
41:17Well, my favorite is Edson Ramirez.
41:18Imagine my flip-flops with his aim.
41:21Olympic Games Paris 2024.
41:23For Televisa, for all of Mexico.
41:25This is an advance of what we will have today in the news.
41:28Partial reopening on the third day of the blockade in Mexico, Puebla.
41:32An investigation on the operation of exploitation networks of foreign women in Mexico.
41:37And Osmar Olvera makes the country proud with a second medal in the Paris Games.
41:41Details at 10.30.
42:03Monday to Friday, 6 to 10 in the afternoon.
42:28The war between the older and the blondes is in our blood.
42:31But this time we are going to win.
42:32Look, nothing more.
42:34Surrender, murderer.
42:36Gabriel killed Francisco.
42:38Very soon you will be behind bars.
42:40Will love be able to win this battle?
42:42So what are we going to do?
42:43Monday to Friday, 9.30 at night.
42:45To the fortune of finding the purest love.
42:47So we will be together forever.
42:50He was followed by the misfortune of betrayal.
42:52Now, when looking for the truth.
42:54I'm going back to fortune.
42:55I know Diego is alive.
42:56Life will bring them together again.
42:59El precio de amarte.
43:01Starts Monday, September 2, 9.30 at night.
43:04For the stars.
43:05This is third grade sports.
43:07United States.
43:10The Copa America.
43:11Today Mexico is a small team.
43:12Today Mexico has to play to close the rival.
43:14Let's look for.
43:15Place the war on a young Mexican boy.
43:18It was never the planting in Mendoza, Francisco.
43:20It was never the planting.
43:21Third grade sports.
43:22Every Monday.
43:23At the end in point.
43:24For the stars.
43:25The most anticipated summary of the week.
43:28With the synopsis of the sports news of the world.
43:31What happened and you did not see.
43:33Or do you want to see the sports again?
43:36Do not miss anything.
43:38Get ready to enter.
43:41Sunday 2 in the afternoon.
43:43With the stars.
43:45Who are you?
43:46And how is your sister?
43:49You the new partner.
43:50What's wrong with you, Jezabel?
43:52Did you go crazy?
43:54In love with Elena?
43:57Writing a new love.
43:59The angel of Aurora.
44:01Monday to Friday 4.30 in the afternoon.
44:03With the stars.
44:05Graciela becomes insecure of her body.
44:07After discovering Enrique with his lover.
44:10With time will meet a man who truly loves her.
44:13And who will try to convince her that the most important thing is to give a little love to the heart.
44:19The rose of Guadalupe.
44:21Premiere chapter.
44:23Friday with the stars.
44:26Monday to Friday 4.30 in the afternoon.
44:28With the stars.
44:31And this one?
44:32He went to the bank with Lisette to collect the money.
44:34Well, how did you go?
44:36Well, until the cashier asked me for my identification.
44:39I swear I was shaking.
44:41He walked away from the window to go with his supervisor.
44:44To authorize the deposit.
44:46I thought I had been recognized.
44:48How strange that they had asked you for your identification.
44:50If you were just going to deposit the check, right?
44:53Well, yes, but they did it when they saw the amount.
44:55Well, at least that's what they told me.
44:58I don't think people come every day to deposit a check of all your money.
45:07Here's all the money.
45:10Well, no one is going to smile.
45:12Thanks to me, they will be able to leave before what they had planned.
45:17They're not going to thank me either.
45:19You know too much that we didn't want that money for the plane.
45:22Well, if that's a problem, I can keep it.
45:25Don't worry.
45:26You think?
45:27We did more than we agreed.
45:29The Medrano had already backed off.
45:32Well, please, let's get out of here.
45:34I'm nervous that we're all together.
45:35Someone can recognize us.
45:37Let's go home.
45:38They give us our share.
45:39Yes, okay.
45:40We have to separate so as not to attract attention.
45:42If you come with me.
45:43Come on, let's go.
45:44I'm going with you too.
45:45Oh, what a pleasure.
45:46Let's go.
45:47Let's go.
45:49How are you, Gabriela?
45:52How are you?
45:53I didn't imagine you were going to retrain so soon.
45:56You don't know how much I've missed you.
45:58No, no, no.
46:00Did you come to apologize to me?
46:02No, no, no, I didn't come for that.
46:04Look, I come to...
46:05Let's forget everything, please.
46:07Let's pretend you never told me those ugly things.
46:11Did you miss me?
46:13No, I came to see you.
46:15I came to talk to Mr. Arturo.
46:18Please let him know that I'm here.
46:23Mr. Marquez?
46:24Attorney Artiaga is here.
46:26He wants to talk to you.
46:30Tell Mr. Marquez to come to his office.
46:37Excuse me.
46:38Come in, please, and sit down.
46:40Thank you for coming.
46:43Well, and you know what Castillo told Ismael?
46:48He went to ask for protection for a witness.
46:50Who is it?
46:51No, I didn't hear his name.
46:53But he told him he was a key witness
46:55to prove Lorena Martinez's innocence.
46:57Is this guy going crazy?
46:59What the hell is wrong with him?
47:00If she was convicted,
47:01it's because she was found guilty of Juan Pablo's death.
47:04That's how the judge determined it.
47:06Why is that woman so obsessed with her?
47:11What can I tell you?
47:12The hormone can do more than anything.
47:17Well, tell me.
47:19How's your relationship with Ismael?
47:21Unfortunately, not so good.
47:23I haven't been able to regain the trust we had
47:26even before I was fired from the case of the fugitives.
47:30What did we do to you?
47:31Because you were doing a great job.
47:33That's right.
47:34But since you have the Red Commander and his daughter by your side,
47:37you've done nothing but put me aside.
47:39You don't tell me anything.
47:41I even think that she doesn't want to tell me anything.
47:43She doesn't want to talk to me.
47:44What a shame, really.
47:46You were very close.
47:48That's right.
47:49Listen, Mr. Arturo.
47:51Can you help me reconsider?
47:54Look, I'm going to try to talk to him.
47:57But I'm worried that Ismael will be left alone
47:59on such complicated work issues.
48:02It's good that he has someone like you by his side.
48:05That's what I'm saying.
48:13What are you doing here?
48:14I came to talk to your father because we found ourselves in the DA's office and...
48:17DA's office?
48:18If you're talking about my husband,
48:20I think I have a right to know what you're talking about.
48:22Nicolas, give us a moment, please.
48:25Yes, sir.
48:39You're traitors!
48:41Superior, don't say that. We can explain...
48:43Shut up!
48:45I asked you not to mess with this thief!
48:48And what was the first thing you did?
48:50Go steal with her!
48:51You were in such a hurry
48:53that you only had liquid left.
48:55Is that why you wanted to leave?
48:56Superior, please let us explain...
49:00I don't care about your explanations.
49:03We've come this far.
49:05Bring your women
49:07and get out of this house right now!
49:12Why did Nicolas have to come here to talk to you?
49:14Can you explain, please?
49:16I went to see Ismael to apologize
49:19for how badly I treated him the last time.
49:21And did he accept you?
49:23Yes, of course.
49:24And I took the opportunity to tell him that you're very sorry
49:27about what happened with Juan Pablo.
49:29But that because of a mistake he made,
49:31you're going to pay for it.
49:33But that because of a mistake
49:35that we all make at some point,
49:37he shouldn't lose a relationship
49:39as long as yours.
49:41And what else did he say?
49:43That he preferred not to talk to me about that.
49:46I knew he was going to say that,
49:48but at least I left my opinion to him.
49:50And that was it?
49:53We couldn't keep talking
49:54because that Castillo came into his office.
49:57Lorena's lawyer?
50:00And when he saw me there, he started to insult me, as always.
50:03I wasn't going to stay and listen to his nonsense,
50:05so I left.
50:06But why did you visit Ismael?
50:08I didn't find out.
50:10But when I left, I met Nicolas.
50:12And I asked him to find out.
50:13And that's what he just told me.
50:16It turns out that Castillo went to ask for protection
50:18for a key witness to prove Lorena Martinez's innocence.
50:22A witness?
50:23Do you have any idea who it is?
50:27And what are you going to do?
50:29Solve it, honey.
50:30What else?
50:33Here are the folders you asked me for.
50:37And please, don't worry about Castillo.
50:40Tell Nicolas to come in, please.
50:51Please, Superior, calm down.
50:53Everything went well, there's nothing to worry about.
50:55What do you mean?
50:56That the robbery was a success?
50:58Shut up!
50:59Why so much drama?
51:02Don't talk to me, you bitch!
51:03I don't understand you!
51:04I don't understand you!
51:05I don't understand you!
51:06I don't understand you!
51:07I don't understand you!
51:08I don't understand you!
51:09Enough, calm down.
51:10You didn't just take the girls to rob them,
51:13but you also told my grandson that he was in jail.
51:17You took the purest affection I had.
51:25How dare you lock me up?
51:27How dare you lock me up?
51:31He told Matias that he had been in jail with you.
51:34I'm going to keep my mouth shut.
51:36No, no, no.
51:37Let me go, please.
51:40Let me go!
51:44I give you my word that I'm going to talk to Ismael.
51:46But I order you to be aware of everything that happens in the prosecution.
51:50Count on it.
51:51I understand that your immediate boss, Salvador Najera,
51:55will be very well placed in the next section.
51:58How is Ismael doing with him?
52:00I understand him very well.
52:02Najera trusts him a lot.
52:04If I find out anything, you will be the first to know.
52:07And I would appreciate it.
52:10Excuse me, Arturo.
52:11Have a good day.
52:22Please, Superior, let us explain why we did it.
52:24I don't care.
52:25All I want is for you to leave.
52:27I don't want to see you again in my life.
52:29At least you already have the money you wanted so much, right?
52:32Do I regret helping you so much?
52:35What you did to my grandson has no forgiveness from God.
52:38I curse you for the rest of your life.
52:42I don't fight with the Judas.
52:45They're going to end up hanging themselves.
52:51How dare you?
52:53Matias is just a teenager.
52:54His father and Marta wanted to talk to him about that,
52:56but at another time and in another way.
52:58What's wrong with you?
53:00Things doing harm?
53:01Shut up!
53:02Are you crazy?
53:03What was I going to know?
53:04Sooner or later he was going to find out.
53:06So I did them a favor.
53:07He already found out.
53:08I already saved them.
53:09You're bad.
53:10Bad as hell.
53:11That's why no one wanted you in jail
53:13and they'll never want you.
53:16I curse the day you return to our lives.
53:18Yes, you won't keep cursing me
53:20when you have all the money, right?
53:22Shut up!
53:23You'd better not say another word
53:25or I won't answer!
53:51Superior, please forgive us.
53:53I can't.
53:55What they did to me hurts.
53:57I never thought money would be more powerful than their principles.
54:00I understand that they want to go to Brazil,
54:02but there's a big difference
54:04in that they would have fulfilled their dream
54:05by saving and stealing.
54:07What a shame.
54:08They chose the easy way.
54:10I swear money wasn't a temptation.
54:12What we thought was that he threatened us
54:14that if we didn't give in,
54:15not only would he report us,
54:17but also you.
54:19And Dario.
54:20And he was going to accuse you of covering up.
54:22Damn it!
54:23She can't expect anything, Grandpa.
54:25That we would have returned to jail.
54:27Well, somehow we deserve it.
54:29But neither you nor Dario would have.
54:32All they've done is support us.
54:34That's why we gave in.
54:35To not allow that injustice to be committed.
54:37They would have told me.
54:39We would have found another way to face it,
54:41but they preferred to hide it from me.
54:43We thought it was better to solve it between us
54:45and not get you involved at all.
54:47Because you thought wrong.
54:48I found out by myself and I was very angry.
54:50I couldn't believe you were doing this to me.
54:54I wanted a good life for you and you let me down.
54:58Forgive us, please.
55:00You are completely right to feel bad.
55:03Besides, that snake destroyed my relationship with my grandson.
55:07And now he thinks I'm a murderer?
55:10A liar.
55:12Tell me, how do I get you up to do something like this?
55:15Tell me, Frida, how?
55:29Thank you for coming.
55:36Is what my sister said true?
55:38Can you give me protection?
55:41I personally asked the prosecutor, Domínguez.
55:44I give you my word that nothing will happen to you.
55:48If you comply, I am willing to help
55:50to prove that this woman is innocent.
55:53I will tell you everything that happened to your judge.
55:55Thank you very much.
55:59You won't believe it.
56:00The judge denied us the order to intervene in Castillo's cell phone
56:03because according to him, he does not deserve it.
56:05How is it possible?
56:07Calm down.
56:08How do you tell me that?
56:10Castillo defended a murderer in the national chain.
56:13I don't understand how the judge doesn't think you're suspicious.
56:16You know what?
56:17Your relationship with Castillo is affecting your professionalism.
56:20Are you still obsessed with him?
56:22Again with the same thing.
56:23I already told you no.
56:24That has nothing to do with it.
56:26I'm going to go talk to the judge personally
56:28to tell him my arguments.
56:30I like that you are so persistent.
56:33But in this job you have to think with a cold head, daughter.
56:38Don't let yourself be carried away by your impulses.
56:40Cut it out with that.
56:42I assure you that I am thinking with a cold head
56:44and for the same reason I am not going to keep my arms crossed.
56:47I am convinced that if we intervene in Castillo's cell phone,
56:50we are going to hit with the hammer.
56:52I'm sure he's in contact with her.
56:55That's the only way we're going to stop her.
56:57What's up?
56:59I'm furious.
57:00The judge denied us the order to intervene in Castillo's cell phone.
57:03I warned you it wasn't going to be easy.
57:05It's not easy, but it's not impossible either.
57:07I'm going to talk to the judge personally.
57:09I hope to convince him.
57:10In the meantime, I think we could try to convince Mrs. Marta
57:14to help us.
57:15She already did it once and thanks to her we found Estefania.
57:18No, no, no.
57:20Last night we went to see her
57:22and we are convinced that she knows nothing.
57:24What do you mean you went to see her?
57:26Yes, I wanted to ask you if any of the fugitives
57:28who are still on the run had contacted her.
57:34Why did you tell Matías that Marta had been in jail?
57:37Because Matías told me he knew about you.
57:40The logical thing was to imagine that he knew about Marta.
57:43I don't understand why so much drama.
57:45For Marta, the relationship with her grandson
57:47was the most precious thing in her life.
57:49He adored her.
57:50Well, then what are you worried about?
57:52Sooner or later he will forgive her and that's it.
57:55It's settled.
57:56If the kid doesn't have a problem with you,
57:59he won't have it with his grandmother.
58:02Well, whatever.
58:07This is your 50%.
58:17Here's your share.
58:19Since you didn't give us the money, you have to go.
58:22But of course I'm going.
58:24I wouldn't stay with you even if you paid me.
58:26And look, that's a lot to say.
58:29You're coming with me, right?
58:32You have nothing to do with these.
58:35These women will never get out of Perico Perro.
58:39Instead, I'm offering you a luxurious life, fun.
58:43Don't listen to her.
58:45This woman is garbage.
58:47I can't believe you're doubting.
58:50You can't stay with this girl.
58:52Don't listen to them.
58:54Marta already kicked them all out.
58:56Your best option is to go with me.
58:58Or do you want to keep hiding for the rest of your life?
59:08Thanks to Saba Buenas Noches Ultra Invisible,
59:11I feel protected and comfortable making her the towel of my dreams.
59:15But I forgave you for messing with Lorena Martinez
59:18because you can't do the same.
59:20Because I can't forget that you were the one who killed Juan Pablo.
59:23I'm going with you.
59:24You'll see how well it goes.
59:26We put ourselves at risk of going back to jail for this crap.
59:29My dad already told me everything.
59:31And I'm not interested in talking to you.
59:34You have to go to the DA's office tomorrow at 9am to turn yourself in.