When the Man-Hating Idol Confesses to Me, Her Manager…

  • 3 months ago
When the Man-Hating Idol Confesses to Me, Her Manager…
Japanese Manga in English
Manga video to learn English


00:00My name is Masato Kato, and I'm a 24-year-old manager for the idol group Koiwa Clover.
00:06Right now, their live performance has ended, and we're in the middle of a meet-and-greet.
00:14Will you marry me?
00:16I absolutely will not marry a fan.
00:21This is Reina Aoki, and she's a 19-year-old idol in Koiwa Clover, but she's always keeping her distance from everyone.
00:29She's not the most popular in the group, but she's got those diehard fans just like him.
00:36Don't be so frosty like that!
00:39Hey, don't!
00:41Oh man, it's that guy again.
00:43All right, time to finish up!
00:47Don't butt in on our love!
00:50After the meet-and-greet.
00:52Thanks for helping me out earlier.
00:54No problem, but that guy, he's been persistent lately. Are you okay?
01:00You're only my manager, so there's no need to get all worked up. I'm gonna go change now. I'll see you later.
01:07She's kind of cold, even around me.
01:11Oh, Masato! Perfect timing!
01:13Oh, is that you, Otaku?
01:15My name is not Otaku. It's Otakuda!
01:19That's Tamotsu Otakuda, the person who handles all the costumes for Koiwa Clover.
01:24You don't look like something's on your mind. Your face looks all serious.
01:29Actually, I'm dealing with something and...
01:33Ah, gotcha. If you want to get closer to Reina, why not try getting to know her better?
01:39Despite being her manager, there's probably a lot you don't know about her.
01:43I see your point, but I'm kind of stuck on how to actually do that.
01:48Mmm, I have a great idea!
01:51The next day.
01:53You called me out here before practice. What's this about?
01:58Sorry for bothering you while you're busy!
02:00So, I was thinking of filming you and the rest of the other members in your daily routines.
02:06Um, what?
02:07I bet fans are probably itching to know what you guys do on a regular basis.
02:12I'll blur out the background so no one can track you down. I'll edit the video and post it on TokiTube later.
02:18I'll film the other members too, but I thought we'd start with you.
02:23Otakura suggested that I could interview Reina to get to know her better, but I'm not sure if she'll be on board with it.
02:30Fine. I understand.
02:33Ah, thank you! Let's start with about an hour of interview, okay?
02:38What's your schedule for today?
02:40My manager decides everything for me.
02:43What do you do on your days off?
02:45I practice even on my days off.
02:48She's as cold as an iceberg!
02:50Will I really make a difference in your videos?
02:53Isn't it better to just stick with the more popular members?
02:57N-no way! You're cute, and I want to get to know you better, too!
03:04What am I saying? I'm definitely going to scare her off.
03:09Uh, your face is all red. Are you alright?
03:14I'm just a little hot right now.
03:16So, what else do you want to know? I'll tell you everything. Are you curious about my type or hobbies?
03:24These questions are making me feel like I'm on a blind date with a ton of awkward questions!
03:30One hour later. The interview's over. Now on to filming the dance practice.
03:36Haah... Haah... Haah...
03:39Whoa, she's really good at dancing!
03:41I usually have other tasks during the members' practice sessions, so I haven't had a chance to watch them dance like this before.
03:50Time for a quick breather.
03:52Good work!
03:54Thanks! Did you manage to film the practice?
03:57Of course!
03:59Can you show it to me?
04:01She's, like, right there! And she still smells good even though she's sweating!
04:07Mmm, I still have a lot to work on. Not there yet.
04:11I'll practice a bit more.
04:13But maybe you should take a break.
04:16It's no use trying to stop her.
04:18They are the members of the idol group, Koiwa Clover.
04:21The blonde one, Yuria, is the main one, and Emery is the girl with black hair.
04:27Reina always practices more than us.
04:30She even Googles herself in between practice sessions and appreciates her fans.
04:35She's usually a bit cold and distant, but she puts in a ton of effort.
04:40Catching her on film like this uncovers a totally different part of her.
04:44I interview the other members too on different days, but...
04:47Have you bought anything interesting recently?
04:50It'd be this, I guess.
04:53There's a rumor about this pair ring.
04:55Supposedly, if you give the other pair to someone, you're gonna end up marrying them.
05:01But if you break their trust, you'll be doomed.
05:05Whoa, that's terrifying!
05:07I bought it because it's cute, but I have no use for it, so I'll give it to you.
05:13Why me? Why not give it to the other two members?
05:17Just take it!
05:19Okay, thank you.
05:22Through filming and interviews, I could see everyone's hard work.
05:25Especially Reina, who goes the extra mile by remembering fans' birthdays,
05:29being active on social media, and interacting to fans one-on-one at meet-and-greets.
05:34She may act distant, but she genuinely connects with her fans.
05:39I thought she was distant, but she's actually a sweet girl.
05:45What's the meaning of this?
05:47Those other fans beat me to getting your likes on social media!
05:52I treat all fans the same. I don't give special treatment to anyone.
05:56I don't care about the others! I'm your biggest fan!
05:59Please stop! Security!
06:02Let go!
06:04Are you all right, Reina?
06:06Uh, yeah.
06:08I feel bad for everyone, but maybe it's best to call off today's meet-and-greet for safety.
06:14A little while later.
06:17Finally, the fans have all gone home.
06:20Wait, Reina, are you still not changed?
06:23Yeah, I apologized on social media about today.
06:27I apologized to the other members, too. They forgave me and went home first.
06:32I wanted to apologize to you, too. I'm sorry about today.
06:37No, it's not your fault, Reina.
06:40We had to cancel the meet-and-greet because of that fan making a scene. It's on me.
06:46Dealing with fans can be tricky.
06:49Even though I try to treat everyone equally, I get accused of favoritism.
06:53The ones who claim to be my biggest fans are the ones I can't trust.
06:58They're the ones causing trouble.
07:00Haha, I consider myself your biggest fan, you know.
07:06I notice how dedicated you are and how much you value your fans.
07:09And it makes me want to support you even more. I admire that sincere part of you.
07:14I... I see.
07:17Then, I've decided to call it quits on being an idol.
07:21Hold up, what? Are you so upset about what happened earlier?
07:25Take it easy. Everything's all good, yeah?
07:28I'm perfectly calm. I just... I don't like you.
07:32Say what?
07:34If I want to marry a fan, I have to end my idol-fan relationships.
07:39So I'm leaving the idol life.
07:41Oh, was it a lie when you said you liked me earlier?
07:44It wasn't a lie, but I'm kind of thrown off by you mentioning this all of a sudden.
07:50Fine then. I'll have you hooked on me in a month. Be ready for that.
07:56Oh, I feel like I'm in trouble.
08:02You're being extra close today.
08:04I held back because I didn't want to seem too needy.
08:07That explains why she was so distant.
08:11Anyways, let's have our meeting.
08:13The other girls will be here soon.
08:15I came to the office early today to be alone with you.
08:19And I made this too. Would you like to try it?
08:23Um, sure. Thank you.
08:26How is it? Is it good?
08:28Yeah, it's really delicious.
08:32If you marry me, I'll cook delicious meals for you every day.
08:37I'm tempted, but I can't just let you quit being an idol.
08:43Reina was totally sticking to her word.
08:46Her moves were getting bolder every day.
08:48She'd try to hold hands and be all sweet when we were alone.
08:52And after live shows, she'd want her head stroked and some compliments.
08:57Then one day, they were scheduled to perform at an aquarium.
09:01Reina wanted me to come along for a look around, just the two of us.
09:06This feels like a date.
09:08No, this is just a sight visit.
09:11Come on, let's go inside.
09:14Reina is grabbing onto my hand.
09:18Holding your hand gives me butterflies in my stomach.
09:22If I wasn't a celebrity, I could hold your hand whenever I wanted.
09:26And I could even give you a tight hug.
09:29Even if you say that, I can't get on board with you retiring.
09:34I'm kidding.
09:36Anyway, let's continue with the aquarium.
09:44I gave her a hug without even realizing it.
09:47Sorry, I'll let go of you right away.
09:50Hey, ever feel like you never want this moment to end?
09:56I want to stay like this with you forever, you know.
09:59I want that too, actually.
10:03After that, we continued looking around the aquarium.
10:06We were just exploring the aquarium.
10:08I thought it felt a bit like a date at first.
10:11But Reina stuck to her word and she was all business,
10:15jotting down ideas like she said she would.
10:18I also didn't forget my work and discussed the plans for the performance day with Reina.
10:24After a while, we decided to take a break at the restaurant inside the aquarium.
10:29Here, say ah!
10:31But if you do that here...
10:33It's fine.
10:34We're at a corner table and no one can see us.
10:37I just want to do something really sweet and romantic with you.
10:41Why do you like me so much?
10:43Because you've always supported me.
10:47Compared to the other girls, I'm not very popular.
10:51I've even brought up with you before about maybe switching things up about myself or my worries.
10:57Yeah, but I think you're the best just the way you are.
11:02Your words of encouragement meant a lot to me.
11:05They helped me stay true to who I am and keep striving for my goals as an idol.
11:10You've been so supportive no matter what.
11:13And slowly but surely, I started catching feelings for you.
11:17But if you're thinking about your fans, don't call it quits.
11:21Well, to be honest,
11:24I've been thinking about calling it quits for a long time.
11:29No matter how hard I try, I can't be as popular as the other girls.
11:34My fans are a headache and I've caused trouble for everyone.
11:38So I thought it would be best if I...
11:41That's not true.
11:42The incident the other day wasn't your fault.
11:45Keep going strong and you'll see the results.
11:48I'll be here supporting you until you become a famous idol.
11:51Y-Yeah. Thank you.
11:56Alright! Let's hype up today's live together, everyone!
12:00Yeah! Let's do this!
12:05Reina seems down since that day.
12:08Maybe she's still worried.
12:10It seems like something's bothering you again.
12:15Reina seems upset as well.
12:17Did something happen?
12:19Yeah, actually.
12:21I'm shocked that Reina is thinking about retiring from being an idol.
12:26I feel like I'm just making her more worried because I can't really tell her how I feel.
12:32So that means you like her too.
12:35Absolutely! I really respect how dedicated she is,
12:39but I can't just tell her how I feel, especially with all the fans she has.
12:43Sure, it's nice to appreciate her fans.
12:46But you don't have to lie about how you feel about her.
12:49And take it easy. No need to rush.
12:53No! The live concert has started!
12:57Everyone is shining on stage.
12:59Reina seems to be having a great time too.
13:02I need to find a way to make her feel better.
13:05I've got an idea!
13:07After the live show, the meeting at the office ended,
13:11and everyone was supposed to go home that day.
13:13But I don't think she'd leave right after the meeting.
13:17Where did she go?
13:19Why are you here?
13:21I'm here because I love you the most, obviously!
13:25That voice!
13:27Please stop!
13:31It's you again!
13:33What's the deal between you and her?
13:35I'm... I'm so in love with Reina!
13:39She should definitely be with me!
13:41No, I won't let her go.
13:43I'm Reina's biggest fan!
13:47I know how hard she's worked and how much she cares for her fans.
13:51I won't hand her over to someone who doesn't care about her feelings!
13:55I always think about Reina!
13:57That's why she should be with me!
14:00That's ridiculous!
14:02Wait, what? Why is everyone here?
14:06We were worried because something seemed off with you two.
14:10Don't you understand how much Reina is struggling?
14:13The meet and greet was cancelled because of you!
14:16If you're her fan, shouldn't you think about her feelings?
14:19It's not a shocker that people don't like you.
14:22N-no way! There's no way Reina would hate me!
14:27I try to treat all my fans equally.
14:31But I'm not very comfortable with someone like you,
14:34who's selfish and keeps making things difficult for others.
14:37I-I didn't mean to!
14:39Love should go both ways.
14:41Come with me so we can talk about this.
14:47Reina, are you okay?
14:49Yeah, I've caused trouble for everyone again.
14:52I'm thinking I should just quit being an idol.
14:55It's probably the right move.
14:58That's not true!
15:00Reina, this isn't your fault at all.
15:03That's right! We would be sad without you, Reina.
15:07But I'm not popular at all.
15:10I feel like I'm just getting in everyone's way.
15:13Hold on a minute. Take a look at these comments on this video.
15:17Isn't this the interview video we recorded recently?
15:21Fans who got to see your usual self in this video
15:24have left a lot of supportive comments,
15:26saying they want to cheer you on.
15:28What? Really?
15:31Yeah, you might not be a big deal right now,
15:34but there are people who see how much effort you're putting in.
15:37Hard work pays off.
15:39I really love and admire the Reina who works hard.
15:44I have a feeling that if we become a couple now,
15:46it might upset your fans.
15:48So let's wait until you've made it in the idol world
15:51before we think about dating.
15:53Who knows how many years that will take?
15:56What if you start liking someone else during that time?
15:59Reina, I only have feelings for you.
16:01I understand if you're not sure about promises with just words.
16:05Oh, I know.
16:07I'm giving you this.
16:09This is the ring Emiri was telling us about.
16:13So apparently, if you give this to someone,
16:16you're in for a lifetime commitment.
16:18And if you ever break that trust,
16:20you'll have some serious karma coming your way.
16:23I'm not going to betray you, though.
16:25I'll be here waiting for you no matter what.
16:27Do you have faith in me for this?
16:31Thank you, Masato.
16:35I love you, too.
16:37I'll keep doing my best.
16:39Um, excuse me.
16:42Isn't it a bit risky to do all that stuff here?
16:46Oh no, I forgot they were here as well.
16:50Well, you see, it's not like that.
16:55We now know everything, so it's okay.
16:58Oh, it's great that the ring came in handy.
17:01Reina, you were always talking about our manager, am I right?
17:05I-I told you not to say anything!
17:09But we all feel the same way as Reina.
17:12Let's all strive to be top together.
17:15Thank you so much, girls.
17:18Sorry for making you all concerned.
17:20I'll keep pushing myself from now on.
17:23After that, they banned that fan, and now no one can even get close to Reina.
17:28Reina continued her idol activities after that.
17:31In just a few years, Koiva Clover blew up and were all over TV as a hot idol group.
17:37And so, she continued her activities as a top idol.
17:41A few years later, she called it quits as an idol, which made her fans sad.
17:45Then, we got married and moved in together.
17:48Finally, this day has come.
17:51Yeah. Now we don't have to hold back anymore, right?
17:55Um, what?
17:57Here I come!
17:59W-why are you acting like this all of a sudden?
18:02I've been holding back my desires!
18:05But now I want you to spoil me as much as I please!
18:08You got it. I'll make you feel special as much as you want!
18:12Aww, I love that.
18:15You make me so happy.
18:17Then let's just spend the whole day cuddling together, okay?
