• 4 months ago
When I Became the Tutor for the Unfriendly Girl Who Always Sits Next to Me on the Bus…
Japanese Manga in English
Manga video to learn English


00:00My name's Masato Goto, a second-year college student aiming to become a teacher.
00:06During my daily commute on the bus, I'm always studying, but...
00:11Hey, you dropped this.
00:15Ugh, ignored again.
00:17Every morning, I'm ignored by the high school girl who sits next to me.
00:21She's a real hottie, but I wonder if she hates my guts or something.
00:26But man, she still sits next to me every day.
00:30What's up with that?
00:32Then, one day, my relative asked me if I wanted to try tutoring as a part-time job.
00:38Apparently, a co-worker of theirs couldn't find a good tutor for their daughter.
00:43Since I always wanted to give tutoring a shot before becoming a full-fledged teacher,
00:47I decided to take up the offer.
00:50After finishing classes at the university, I headed towards the address I was given.
00:54Yo, what are you up to?
00:59He's Chado Yabasugi, a classmate of mine at the same university.
01:03Not only is he academically excellent, but he's also good-looking and popular among everyone.
01:09I've heard rumors that he works at a top-notch cram school, too.
01:14I'm on my way to do part-time tutoring.
01:18Ha ha, you tutoring? Can't picture that, man.
01:22It's none of your business, Chado.
01:24Hey, Chado, who's this guy?
01:27This dude is a fellow student from our university. Always studying.
01:32But his grades are way worse than mine, you know.
01:35Wow, totally different from you. I mean, you're number one.
01:40Ha ha, don't say the real deal, Uzami.
01:44This guy here deserves some sympathy, right?
01:48Well, at least do your best so your own students won't look down on you. Ha ha.
01:54Who does he think he is? I'll show him.
01:57I'm gonna become an amazing teacher, no doubt about it.
02:00Anyway, I gotta hurry or I'll be late.
02:03A few minutes later. Should be here, right?
02:11Wait a minute. Isn't she the girl who always sits next to me on the bus?
02:16S-so you're the tutor? I didn't know.
02:21I think she's gonna refuse to learn from me.
02:24I'm super happy.
02:27Oh, no. I didn't know you were the tutor, so I didn't prepare anything.
02:31Should I quickly get some tea and snacks ready?
02:34Nah, no need for all that. But hey, about that earlier, why were you so happy?
02:41Huh? Um, well, instead of that, shouldn't we introduce ourselves?
02:47Did she just brush it off?
02:49Well, if she doesn't want to talk about it, I better not force it.
02:53Um, I'm Reina Ogawa. Nice to meet you.
02:58I'm Masato Goto. It's my first time tutoring, but I'll do my best.
03:03Well, first off, I want to see your skills, so can you do a quick test?
03:08Uh, sure.
03:11Man, this is horrible.
03:13I guess I'm just no good, huh?
03:15N-no way. With some effort, you can totally improve.
03:19Let's start by going through the parts you struggled with on the test earlier.
03:23And so, I began teaching Reina, but...
03:28Whoa! See? I told you.
03:31C-can you... um... pet me?
03:37When the teacher praises me, it motivates me to work even harder.
03:41Since I'm putting effort into studying my weak subjects, don't I deserve a reward?
03:47Uh, she's right. I can't just ignore her hard work.
03:51G-good girl.
03:53Your touch feels so good.
03:57C-calm down. This is just necessary to boost the student's motivation.
04:01It's not something sketchy.
04:03See? But, it turns out Reina's clinginess wasn't limited to just that moment.
04:09The next morning...
04:10Hey, Masato! I'm so happy to see you again today.
04:14Whoa! Y-you're too close.
04:17Well, since yesterday, I've been wanting to see you after you left.
04:23Thirty minutes later...
04:25Isn't this the bus stop where Reina gets off?
04:29It's sad to be away from you, but I gotta go.
04:33I'll be looking forward to seeing you after school today though, okay?
04:37T-too cute!
04:39She's completely different from yesterday morning.
04:42Why did she suddenly close the distance like this?
04:45Since the tutoring began, Reina's behavior has completely changed.
04:49When we're alone, she's always sticking by my side,
04:53and she asks me to pat her head while teaching.
04:56Days like these continued for a while.
04:59A few days later...
05:01Impressive! I had her take another test, and this time, it's perfect!
05:06Finish grading!
05:11Huh? She fell asleep.
05:14She's been working hard lately, so maybe she's tired.
05:17I better carry her to bed without waking her up.
05:20Masato... Thank you...
05:27Huh? Is she talking in her sleep?
05:32It's unexpected that she'd thank me even while asleep.
05:36She really is a good kid. I shouldn't wake her up.
05:39I guess I'll head home today.
05:41Oh? You're already leaving?
05:44Oh, Mrs. Ogawa! Reina seems tired today, so...
05:49She's been working so hard.
05:51She's changed a lot since she met you.
05:54Thank you. You've motivated her to study and to think positively.
06:00Until now, no matter what I said, she never studied.
06:03But thanks to you, she's become more positive.
06:06Thank you so much. You've given her the motivation she needed.
06:10N-no, I didn't do anything special.
06:14But why did Reina start studying hard?
06:17A few days later...
06:19Alright, now that class is over, it's time to head to Reina's place.
06:23Oh, Masato! What a coincidence!
06:26You were heading home too, Reina.
06:28Yeah, let's go together!
06:30Jeez, you're so close!
06:32But you know, I've been studying at school today and got tired.
06:37I won't be able to study unless I cuddle you ASAP!
06:40If you're not into it, I'll keep my distance, though.
06:44N-not that I don't like it, but...
06:47Then can I hug you tight like this?
06:51Don't get swayed, Masato! I need to distract myself somehow.
06:55Hey, by the way, why did you start working hard at studying, Reina?
07:02W-why is Masato hanging out with such a cute girl?
07:06J-shut up!
07:08Who is that cute girl?
07:10She's my student, you know.
07:12I can't believe you're tutoring such a cute girl!
07:15Hey, come to my cram school!
07:17I'll teach you! I'm super smart!
07:20No thanks! I want HIM to be my teacher!
07:24Huh? You're choosing this nerd over me? Unbelievable!
07:28Unbelievable? There's no way I'll let that nonsense slide!
07:33Hey, Chatto! Looks like Reina's here too, but what's going on?
07:37Huh? You know Reina?
07:40She's my classmate.
07:43Wait, are you getting tutored by this guy?
07:46That's why you always get the lowest grades in class, huh?
07:51As for me, I'm getting taught by such a cool guy.
07:58It doesn't matter. Let's go, Masato.
08:02W-what are you saying?
08:04Just because you're getting attention from boys doesn't mean you can get all high and mighty!
08:08I don't remember asking for attention.
08:11But you, dying your hair to seek attention and breaking the school rules, isn't that a bit much?
08:17If that's what you think, let's settle it.
08:20Let's bet on the next test.
08:22Whoever gets a better score can make any demand from the loser.
08:27That sounds good!
08:30Let's make our own bet too!
08:32If your student loses, make her come to my cram school!
08:36There's no way I'm betting with my student!
08:39You afraid of losing?
08:41Well, you're not going to improve your student's grades much anyway, so I guess there's no other choice.
08:47What? Don't talk down to my teacher!
08:50I'll join that bet.
08:52Even you, Reina?
08:54I won't let anyone speak ill of my teacher like that!
08:57I'll prove that my teacher is way more excellent than you!
09:01Why did it have to come to this?
09:04Sorry about earlier.
09:06I said things without thinking.
09:08No need to apologize.
09:10But really, you didn't have to worry about me.
09:13I can't just let people look down on someone who saved me!
09:17Saved you?
09:19Masato, you helped me when those scary people were bothering me.
09:23Don't you remember?
09:25Oh yeah, that did happen.
09:27But I'm going to be a teacher someday, so I can't ignore it, even if someone is scared and helped her, right?
09:34Since then, I've been looking for you.
09:36And then I saw you on the bus.
09:38Even when I sat next to you on the bus, I actually wanted to talk to you, like, the whole time!
09:46But when I picked up the handkerchief, you ignored me, right?
09:51I, uh, got embarrassed when the person I liked tried to talk to me.
09:56And, like, I couldn't handle touching something that you touched.
10:00I was too nervous.
10:02But even so, I always admired you, Masato.
10:05Seeing you study for the teacher exam on the bus made me start dreaming of becoming a teacher too.
10:10But you know I'm not good at studying at all.
10:13So I gave up on it.
10:15That's when you came into my life as a private tutor.
10:18I thought it was fate and decided to overcome my embarrassment to get close to you.
10:23So that's why she started talking to me after becoming my student.
10:28And through studying together with you, I started wanting to become a kind teacher like you.
10:34But I'm really nothing special.
10:36Honestly, Chato is way better at studying than me.
10:39He's popular with everyone and all.
10:41So I've always been worried if I could become a teacher that people look up to.
10:47That's not true.
10:49To me, you're the person I admire the most.
10:53Even if you lack confidence now, I'll encourage you.
10:57I'll prove that you can become an amazing teacher more than anyone else in the next test.
11:02Alright, I'll cooperate and help you get good grades too.
11:06Let's do our best together.
11:09And so we continued to dedicate ourselves to studying together.
11:13Hmm, this question here is difficult.
11:17Should we take a break?
11:19No, I have to work harder for you.
11:22Taking breaks is important too, you know.
11:24Oh yeah, I brought some snacks as a treat.
11:27Thank you Masato, you're the best.
11:30Whoa, hold on a sec.
11:33Sugar really hits the spot when your brain's tired.
11:36By the way, do you know that there's a great parfait place near the station?
11:40Really? After we finish the test, wanna go together?
11:45Guess it's a date with you, huh?
11:49Thanks to you, I'm feeling motivated.
11:52Let's do our best, okay?
11:54Uh, yeah.
11:56Well, if it motivates Reina, maybe going on a date is fine.
12:00And so, our days of studying with Reina continued.
12:04A few days later.
12:06Finally, today's the day of the test.
12:08Um, could you give me a little hug?
12:11To boost my spirits.
12:15I'll do my best to meet your expectations, so please.
12:20Is this alright?
12:25This makes me feel more motivated.
12:28Okay, do your best.
12:30I have to do my best for him too.
12:33Oh, you're making a last ditch effort, huh?
12:38And what about you, Zami? Don't you need to study?
12:41Huh, I don't need to try hard because I'll always be in first place anyway.
12:47Chara said the same thing.
12:49Besides, working hard to win is just lame, you know?
12:52No, that's not true.
12:55Masato's always been hustling and looking cool, so I won't let him down.
12:59Yeah, yeah, whatever.
13:02No matter what you say, your defeat is a done deal.
13:06Ugh, I absolutely won't lose to that person.
13:10And so, the three day long test began.
13:13And the following week arrived.
13:16I heard the test results came out.
13:20Th-this voice. Don't tell me it didn't go well.
13:25Take a look at this.
13:27Hold up, this score.
13:29I got the highest score I've ever gotten.
13:33I even beat Ozami.
13:35And I'm so happy about this score that tears started flowing, you know?
13:40Yeah, you really worked hard, you know that?
13:43Alright, now that the test's over, I'll treat you to a parfait.
13:49I'm so happy to go on a date with you, Masato.
13:52W-wait, a date?
13:55It's all your fault.
13:57This voice.
13:59It's because you didn't teach me properly that I lost.
14:02You were just playing video games with me instead of studying.
14:06And you had the nerve to invite me on a date.
14:10H-hey, you two. Cut it out in public like this.
14:14Masato, you didn't pull some sneaky move, did you?
14:18Excuse me?
14:20Yeah, that's right. There's no way Reina can beat me.
14:23You guys must have schemed something.
14:26There's no way we're gonna lose.
14:28That's why we made that bet.
14:30Enough already. Cut it out.
14:32Reina worked hard for this. I won't allow you to deny her efforts.
14:37Besides, it seems like you guys didn't even study much for the test.
14:41Your defeat is well deserved.
14:43W-what? Who do you think you are, Masato?
14:47No, no matter what you say, the results won't change.
14:51And complaining now will just sound like a loser's howling, you know?
14:57I won't admit this.
15:00Mmm. This parfait here is the best.
15:04Her smile is really cute.
15:06Thanks for always working hard with me.
15:09Thanks to you, Reina, I feel more confident.
15:12No, the one who should be thanking is me.
15:15You've helped me before as well, so, um, uh, I...
15:21I like you, Masato.
15:24Ever since you helped me, I've always had you on my mind.
15:28So from now on, let's be together as... lovers?
15:32That's not possible. You're still a minor.
15:35Uh, y-yeah, you're right.
15:40I'm still just a kid, and...
15:42No, that's not it. It's not like that.
15:46I like you too, Reina.
15:49I was super happy when you put in the effort for me,
15:52and I started liking you when I saw you grinding even in stuff you're not good at.
15:57But as someone aiming to be a teacher in the future,
16:00I can't be getting involved with a minor.
16:03So let's start dating after high school graduation.
16:06Until then, I'll come see you every day as your home tutor.
16:10Yeah! I'll work harder in my studies to make my dreams come true!
16:15And so we made a promise to become lovers.
16:18Later on, it seems like Charo and Uzami's relationship got exposed at the cram school.
16:24Since the cram school had a strict policy against teacher-student relationships,
16:28it became uncomfortable for both of them, so they quit.
16:32Now they're both trying to find other cram schools,
16:35but the rumors spread, and it seems like they're having trouble finding new ones.
16:40After a while, I decided to inform Reina's parents about our relationship.
16:45Her parents trusted me and said,
16:47take care of our daughter, which meant a lot to me.
16:50I ended up quitting my part-time job since I didn't need the money for tutoring my girlfriend,
16:54but they said that as long as her grades were improving, I couldn't quit.
16:59So I was somehow convinced, and they treated us to dinner instead.
17:03To live up to their expectations, I kept teaching Reina.
17:09I finally graduated from high school!
17:11Since we couldn't be together as lovers before,
17:14I'm gonna lean on you a lot from now on!
17:17Oh yeah, Reina, I love you!
17:20I love you too, Masato, my darling.
