The Badass Hottie Who Sat Next to Me on the Overnight Bus Fell in Love with Me in a Few Hours

  • 4 months ago
The Badass Hottie Who Sat Next to Me on the Overnight Bus Fell in Love with Me in a Few Hours
Japanese Manga in English
Manga video to learn English
00:00My name is Ogawa Light. I'm about to take a night bus to a town called Koiwa, which is a little far away.
00:08Once I arrive, what should I do? Maybe try the famous takoyaki, or visit the Koiwa cafe?
00:15I'm torn, but before that, I need to finish my work first!
00:19Huh? Why is that beautiful person glaring at me? Is something wrong?
00:25Ah! You are sitting next to me! I'm Ogawa Light.
00:29Where are you planning to go once we arrive in Koiwa?
00:33Shut up. Don't talk to me.
00:36I'm sorry.
00:39I have to spend the night with this intimidating person?
00:43Shortly after that, the bus departs. I kept my voice down, not wanting to anger the quiet beast next to me.
00:50What? Seriously? What should I do?
00:54It seems she forgot her phone charger. If you'd like, you can use it?
00:59I'll borrow it. Thanks.
01:02No problem.
01:03And, I'm sorry about earlier.
01:07I thought you were trying to hit on me, so I said something harsh. But now that I think about it, I was being overly self-conscious. I'm sorry.
01:16Ah, it's okay. I wasn't bothered at all.
01:19I was actually really bothered.
01:21Um, I want to apologize, or thank you, for earlier?
01:26Surprisingly conscientious.
01:29Then, would you be my conversation partner?
01:33Huh? It's fine, though.
01:36Thank you.
01:37Is it really what you want?
01:40Yes. Being alone is boring. Oh, by the way, I'm Ogawa Light.
01:45I'm Sasaki Lina.
01:47Nice to meet you.
01:50After that, we talked about various things.
01:53Lina, you're 20 years old? You don't look like it at all.
01:57Are you saying I look old?
01:59No, I mean, you have a mature vibe.
02:02Well, it depends on how you put it.
02:04By the way, what kind of work do you do?
02:07I'm a part-timer.
02:09I see. So you're living freely without being tied down by a regular job.
02:14You really know how to put things.
02:17By the way, Lina, how long have you been dating your boyfriend?
02:21Hmm. It's been almost a year.
02:25Huh? Did I mention having a boyfriend?
02:28No, you didn't. But you have one, right?
02:31Aren't you going to meet him today?
02:34What? How did you know?
02:36It's your outfit.
02:38My outfit?
02:40Koiwa, our destination, is at a high altitude, and it's quite cold there.
02:45Even though it's still autumn, it feels like midwinter in normal areas.
02:49Seeing you dress lightly, I thought maybe you didn't know about the climate in Koiwa.
02:54If it were a trip, you would have checked the climate of the destination, right?
02:58And if it were a homecoming, that wouldn't be the case either.
03:01Locals would naturally know about the climate.
03:04So I wondered if it was a business trip.
03:07For a regular employee, it might make sense.
03:10But for a part-timer, the chances are low.
03:13In that case, the possible scenario is that you had a reason and suddenly decided to go to Koiwa.
03:19For example, if someone called you out of the blue, it can only mean one thing.
03:24You're going to meet your long-distance boyfriend. Am I right?
03:28It's amazing! Your deduction skills, who are you?
03:33I'm sorry. It's just a habit, or you can call it a professional quirk.
03:39I tend to analyze things unnecessarily, and it can come off as creepy. I apologize.
03:45I didn't say anything like that.
03:47But well, I thought you were impressive, and what you're saying is mostly accurate.
03:52I am actually going to meet my long-distance boyfriend, but there was one mistake.
03:59I wasn't called to meet him. I'm going to meet him on my own.
04:03And we didn't even make any plans to meet.
04:06So, is it like a surprise, then?
04:09No, it's not that. I need to see that jerk and tell him something to get off my chest.
04:17It seems that Lina's boyfriend became distant after they entered a long-distance relationship.
04:22He leaves my messages on unread without replying, and he hardly comes back to see me.
04:28Even when I said I'm going to meet him, he declined, saying he's busy.
04:32But he's also a working adult, and I thought I shouldn't be a bother, so I endured it.
04:37He promised he would definitely come back for my birthday this year.
04:41But yesterday was my birthday, and...
04:45Not only did he not come back, but he didn't even send a single congratulatory message.
04:50In the first place, we hardly have any communication.
04:53I'm so furious!
04:55He was always careless, but this time...
04:58I'm completely done with him.
05:00But even if we break up, I have to give that good-for-nothing jerk a piece of my mind.
05:07That's my boyfriend's name. I call him good-for-nothing.
05:11Well, in short, I'm going to settle things with my careless boyfriend.
05:15I see. Good-for-nothing, could it be?
05:19So, what about you? Are you on a trip?
05:23I'm here for work.
05:25Oh? What kind of work?
05:28I'm sorry, due to the nature of my work, I can't go into details.
05:32Is your work enjoyable?
05:34Yes, absolutely. It's been my dream job since I was little.
05:38Though, since I'm doing it alone, the administrative tasks can be a pain.
05:44I'm envious.
05:46I don't have a passion or anything in particular I want to do.
05:50And because of my unfriendly demeanor, I easily make enemies.
05:54Come to think of it, my boyfriend used to tell me that people stay away from us because I'm scary.
06:00That's not true.
06:03Granted, you might be scary, Lina.
06:06You're not denying it?
06:08But everyone has strengths and weaknesses. That includes you, Lina.
06:13When I talk to you, I find unexpected kindness, a strong sense of duty, and a loyal side.
06:20You've continued to love your boyfriend until this situation, right?
06:24That's wonderful. See, you have so many charming qualities.
06:28You're strange.
06:31I get that a lot.
06:33But, thank you.
06:35Let's find something you want to do. It's never too late to start looking.
06:39Yeah. Maybe I'll try searching for something once I break up with my boyfriend.
06:45Oh! Hey, Lina, isn't this too close?
06:50Well, it can't be helped. It's a sudden turn.
06:54Calm down, Light Ogawa. You'll be fine. Don't let anything shake you.
06:58Uh, oh no, she smells really nice.
07:02A few hours later. Light's out time arrived.
07:06Good night.
07:07Good night. If you do anything weird, I'll knock you out.
07:11Rest assured, I don't have the guts for that. I want to live a long life, after all.
07:16Several minutes later.
07:18Charao, I can't let Lina meet her boyfriend. No, it's not possible.
07:30I said I wouldn't do anything weird, but this is...
07:34What should I do? Should I wake her up? But she's sleeping so peacefully.
07:39In the end, Light ended up spending the night anxiously, filled with anticipation.
07:45And the next day.
07:47We've arrived! Welcome to Koiwa Town!
07:50Ugh, it's really cold.
07:53Uh, if you want, you can use this.
07:57Huh? But then you'll...
07:59I have another one.
08:01Thank you. I appreciate the gesture, but if I borrow your jacket, I won't be able to return it, right?
08:07I'm planning to go straight to my boyfriend's house from here.
08:11Uh, speaking of that...
08:13Well, how about enjoying some sightseeing first? I can be your guide!
08:18Huh? Why would we do that?
08:21Are you hungry?
08:23Well, yeah, a little.
08:25See? That's it. How about having a meal together?
08:28But... can't we just eat separately?
08:32I'll be lonely by myself. Please, come with me! This way!
08:37Fine, fine, I get it, so lift your head. I owe you a favor anyway.
08:42Thank you so much!
08:44Afterward, the two of them went to a tourist spot rumored to have a famous local shop.
08:50It's Tenshinryu Umai Takoyaki here, right?
08:53That's right!
08:55We'll have two orders of takoyaki, please!
08:58Sure thing! As a special treat for this cute couple!
09:02Huh? A couple? It's not like...
09:05We're not like that!
09:07Then what are you?
09:09When you ask it like that...
09:12What should we say?
09:14Excuse me, can we have some takoyaki, please?
09:17Please give us some, too.
09:19Huh? Charo?
09:22Huh? Elena? What are you doing here?
09:25Who is this person?
09:27Ah, well, you see...
09:30No way, why is he here?
09:32Hmm, well, this girl here is my true love, right, Uzami?
09:38That's right! We're deeply in love!
09:42Sorry, you were cheating?
09:46It turned out that way.
09:48How terrible! While I was waiting, you went with that person?
09:52Sorry, sorry, but hey, you're with a guy, too, right?
09:55We're the same kind, aren't we?
09:59No, that's not true!
10:01Don't lump Lena and someone like you who was cheating together!
10:06Lena believed in you and cared for you until recently!
10:11Well, it can't be helped, right? I found a better woman here.
10:14Lena may have a pretty face, but she's not pleasant to be around because she's unfriendly.
10:19And besides, she has a scary look!
10:24You don't understand anything!
10:26Lena is a wonderful person, even though she may be clumsy.
10:29She has a kind heart and can truly devote herself to someone she loves!
10:33You just haven't realized her charm!
10:37Yeah, yeah, whatever!
10:39Say whatever you want!
10:41Alright, I will!
10:43We'll become happy together, right, Uzami?
10:46Yeah, baby!
10:48And just so you know...
10:50Huh? Is there something else?
10:53That person is already married.
10:58My name is Ogawa Light, and I'm a detective.
11:01This time, I'm on a business trip to investigate the infidelity of a woman named Uzami Uraari.
11:07The client is a longtime acquaintance of mine, Uzami's husband,
11:11who specifically asked me to take on the case despite living far away.
11:15Based on the preliminary information, I was informed that Uzami's lover goes by the name Charao.
11:21When I heard the name of Lena's boyfriend,
11:23I realized that Uzami's lover and Lena's boyfriend are the same person.
11:28Charao is quite an unusual name, and you don't come across it often.
11:33Even though she doesn't have any feelings for him anymore,
11:36it's undoubtedly shocking to find out that the person she had feelings for has been cheating.
11:41Thinking this way, I did my best to prevent Lena from meeting Charao.
11:45Unfortunately, we ended up running into each other here.
11:50Oh, hey. Is it true, Uzami?
11:54Um, I wonder what you're talking about. I have no idea.
11:58Then why are you sweating so much?
12:02Tell me it's a lie, please!
12:04Be prepared, as I think you'll be sued by Uzami's husband soon.
12:09N-no way!
12:11Since the moment I met them, I had already pressed the record button on my smartphone in my chest pocket,
12:17so I captured their declaration of being in a relationship perfectly.
12:21With this, my job for this time is complete.
12:24Thanks for waiting!
12:26Ah, thank you very much!
12:28Man, you look cool, so I added an extra portion!
12:32Really? Is that okay? Hooray!
12:35Lena, let's eat together over there!
12:40Um, can I also get some service?
12:43Huh? There's no way I would do that for a cheater like you!
12:48Yeah, I guess.
12:50Thirty minutes later.
12:52Ah, that was delicious! The sign advertising the takoyaki wasn't lying, huh?
12:57Uh, um, hey!
13:01Um, thanks for earlier.
13:04Don't worry about it at all!
13:06Not just for earlier. For making sure I didn't get hurt.
13:10For keeping me from meeting Chara, right?
13:13Uh, well, something like that.
13:16Was I being too meddlesome? I'm sorry.
13:19It's not like that. In fact, I kind of got fluttered by your kindness.
13:26So, where are you going to take me next?
13:31You're going to be my guide, right?
13:34Are you okay with being with me?
13:36I'd rather not be with anyone else.
13:39I think you already know, but I'm devoted like that.
13:42W-what does that mean, exactly?
13:45Come on, hurry up!
13:49After that, Lena and I toured around Koiwa Town together.
13:53Oh, there's a shrine for matchmaking!
13:56Should we go?
13:57Let's go!
13:59I hope Lena can meet a wonderful man and be happy.
14:02I hope I can be with Light.
14:07Why did you decide to become a detective, Light?
14:10I've always loved mystery manga and detective novels.
14:13I guess it influenced me.
14:15But in reality, there aren't flashy cases like in fiction.
14:18It's mostly mundane work like cheating investigations or finding people.
14:22But do you still enjoy it?
14:25Yeah, no matter what, it's a job where I can help people.
14:29And when clients express their gratitude,
14:31I think being a detective was the right choice.
14:34That's nice, it sounds wonderful.
14:37Afterward, we continued visiting various attractions together and had a great time.
14:42That night, we returned to our hometown on the overnight bus.
14:50Ugh, not again! She's so defenseless!
14:58The next morning.
15:00Thank you so much for these past two days.
15:02I had a great time thanks to you, Lena.
15:05I should be the one thanking you.
15:07Seriously, thank you.
15:09Here, it's the address and contact information of my office.
15:13If you ever need any help, feel free to reach out.
15:16Okay, thank you.
15:18I found something I want to pursue.
15:21Well, see you later!
15:23Yeah, see you!
15:25As for Charao, Uzami's husband demanded compensation from him.
15:29Charao claimed he didn't know anything,
15:31but due to insufficient evidence, he ended up paying the settlement in the end.
15:35Uzami continued her relationship with Charao after divorcing her ex-husband,
15:40but they eventually broke up due to financial issues and ongoing fights.
15:46And as for me...
15:48Oh no, I've been putting off these piled-up accounting documents.
15:51It's becoming overwhelming.
15:55Welcome to the Ogawa Detective Agency!
15:58What's wrong? You have such a gloomy expression.
16:02Well, actually...
16:04Wha? Lena!
16:06Yeah, hire me here!
16:10Office work, it's tough, right? I'll help you out.
16:13Wait, does this mean...
16:16Yeah, I want to be of help to you, Light.
16:20And thus, this encounter with a partner who would support me in both personal and professional aspects
16:26became a turning point in my life.
16:29Hi! It's me, Mel!
16:32Thanks for watching my channel!
16:35I'm super happy if you watch the next and other videos too!
