Peeking through the Hole in the Wall, the Woman Next Door Whispered Her Love for Me

  • 3 months ago
Peeking through the Hole in the Wall, the Woman Next Door Whispered Her Love for Me
Japanese Manga in English
Manga video to learn English
00:00My name is Yamato Nakamura, a 25 year old unemployed dude.
00:05Just moved to this Koiwa apartment and it's been almost a month.
00:09I'm freaking tired.
00:12The garbage truck hasn't come yet, right?
00:14Oh, good morning.
00:16Nice weather, huh?
00:19It's cloudy though?
00:21Man, she's still ice cold.
00:24It's like she doesn't care.
00:26She's Ali Satakano, my next door neighbor.
00:29Unfortunately, we haven't built a friendly neighbor vibe.
00:33Well then.
00:35Uh, yeah, take care.
00:40Is she still mad about that thing?
00:43There's a reason why my neighbor hates me.
00:46Back when I first moved here.
00:48Today's perfect for laundry, huh?
00:50Wait, what's this?
00:52A handkerchief?
00:53Did it fly over from next door?
00:55What the heck?
01:00No way!
01:02Is she, with that scary face, actually wearing these?
01:06I accidentally brought it here.
01:08What should I do?
01:10Well, there's no choice other than returning it.
01:13But how the heck do I return it?
01:15Sneak it into the mailbox?
01:17No, that's just gonna look suspicious.
01:20After careful consideration, I decided to be honest.
01:24Uh, this, it fell on my balcony.
01:26Could it be yours?
01:31Thanks for delivering it.
01:33But was there no other way to handle this?
01:36Like what?
01:38Maybe giving it to the caretaker?
01:40Oh, I see.
01:42That was an option.
01:45Stop looking at me like that.
01:47It's making me feel guilty.
01:50I tried to apologize several times after that.
01:53Whenever I tried to bring up that incident,
01:55she'd quickly escape the conversation.
01:57As a result, the cold treatment continues to this day.
02:03She's my neighbor and all.
02:04It'd be nice if we could get along a bit better.
02:08If it isn't Yamato-kun.
02:10What are you doing in a place like this?
02:13Oh, Mil, I was just thinking a bit.
02:16This angelic beauty is Mil Amabashi,
02:19the caretaker here at Koiwa Apartment.
02:22Oh, you seem troubled.
02:24If you want, I can lend an ear.
02:27Actually, things aren't going well with my neighbor Alisa.
02:32What happened?
02:34Uh, it's a secret for her sake.
02:39Not sure what you mean by it.
02:41Anyway, you want to get along better, right?
02:44As neighbors, why not share some stuff?
02:47Share stuff?
02:49Yeah, Yamato!
02:51You mentioned you're good at cooking.
02:53I'm sure she'd be happy.
02:55Got it!
02:56Thanks, I'll give it a shot!
02:58As the caretaker, I want everyone here to get along.
03:02Rooting for you!
03:04I'll do my best!
03:06Alright, I'm gonna become friends with her for sure!
03:10A few days later, went straight to my neighbor's place.
03:13What do you want?
03:15Um, if you're interested, here you go.
03:19What's this?
03:20It's a little something I made.
03:22Oh, I'm sure it's good.
03:24It's my masterpiece.
03:26Ah, thanks.
03:29Still kinda cold, but I can't give up after just one try.
03:34After sharing a few times, we gradually got more comfortable.
03:38Oh, thanks.
03:41That thing from the other day was really delicious.
03:46Really? Glad you liked it.
03:48Um, I'll treat you to some tea as a thank you.
03:52Huh? At your place?
03:55If you don't want to, it's fine.
03:57No, no, thanks for having me.
04:00Couldn't refuse, so I went with the flow.
04:03I'll get it ready, so just sit.
04:06Yeah, got it.
04:09Kinda nervous.
04:11Was this a good idea, invading a woman's room?
04:17What the heck is this?
04:20Well, it's a bit messy, but is it that surprising?
04:25Oh, yeah, it sure is.
04:28Ugh, I'm not great at chores.
04:31Been busy with work lately.
04:33No, this is more than just a bit messy, right?
04:37Then, a sudden attacker.
04:40Whoa, wait, what?
04:43I absolutely, absolutely can't deal with cockroaches.
04:50Alright, got it, calm down.
04:52What is this? So soft.
04:56A few minutes later.
05:02Jeez, it's cause you're so messy.
05:05I'll help, so let's clean up.
05:07You sure?
05:09I don't want bugs from next door creeping in.
05:12Plus, can you even sleep in this room tonight?
05:15Maybe it'll...
05:17I'll clean up ASAP.
05:20An hour later.
05:22The room is sparkling clean.
05:26You're... amazing.
05:29I'm kinda good at chores.
05:30Just try not to mess it up again, okay?
05:35Hmm, still not sure if I can trust her.
05:38But seriously, I'm such a mess.
05:42I've been rude to you all this time.
05:45Nah, it was my fault too.
05:48No, I'm really sorry.
05:51Being an adult, it's embarrassing.
05:54Huh? She wasn't really mad after all.
05:57That's a relief.
05:58Oh, yeah.
06:00Um, but how about having dinner with me?
06:04I wanna thank you for helping me with the cleaning.
06:07Huh? You sure?
06:09Of course. Eat as much as you want.
06:12Home-cooked food by a woman?
06:14Man, this is amazing.
06:17But reality wasn't as expected.
06:20So, enjoy.
06:22Yay, it looks so delicious.
06:24Wait, this is the one I brought, right?
06:27This isn't your homemade.
06:29How rude. I made it warm.
06:31Yeah, in the microwave.
06:34Mmm, this is really good.
06:37Yamato, you can get married in no time, huh?
06:40Thanks for the compliment.
06:42Jeez, I didn't know Alisa was like this.
06:45I thought she was a more serious person, but she's cute, huh?
06:49From there, before I knew it, the topic shifted to Alisa herself.
06:54So, you're basically supporting your sister's college tuition in place of your parents?
06:59Yeah, we have a small local factory and business isn't going well.
07:04Trying to save money wherever we can.
07:07The rent here is cheap, so it helps.
07:10That's amazing. Working for your family?
07:13No, it isn't.
07:16Seems like my attitude's too much for them.
07:19I'm the odd one out at work.
07:21What? You okay?
07:23Acting all high and mighty at work.
07:26Yet I can't even do house chores properly.
07:29Such a shame, huh?
07:31That's not true. Working hard for your sister is admirable.
07:36I respect you, Alisa, so don't go underestimating yourself.
07:40That's really kind of you, Yamato.
07:44A few days later.
07:46Thought we got a bit closer after the other day, but...
07:49Hey, good morning. Off to work?
07:51Uh, yeah.
07:53Your suit looks great. Good luck.
07:55Uh, I...
07:57No, you don't have to tell me that.
08:00Huh? Why? Did I tick her off again?
08:03But that night...
08:05Hmm, how can I get closer to Alisa?
08:08Huh? What's that noise?
08:11Checking where the noise is coming from...
08:13Whoa, there's a hole!
08:18Huh? What the...
08:20Yamato talked to me again!
08:23Yamato, I love you.
08:28I love you so much!
08:30Huh? Who is this person?
08:35I want to have dinner together again.
08:37No, maybe even a date!
08:40Wait, Yamato might ask me out. Oh my god!
08:45I saw nothing, yeah.
08:47Well, let's just block this hole with some furniture for now.
08:50Or, wait, does Alisa like me?
08:53Why is my heart racing?
08:56But then, why was she so cold this morning?
08:59Oh, is it a playing hard to get thing?
09:05Gotta report the whole incident to Mill.
09:07But if I do, Alisa might find out about the peeping.
09:11Nah, can't keep it a secret.
09:14Alright, gonna count to three, then ring the bell.
09:17One, two...
09:19Um, what can I do for you?
09:22Whoa, Mill actually got something to talk about.
09:26Oh, perfect timing.
09:28I've got something to discuss with you too.
09:32Here, these movie tickets.
09:35I'm giving them to you, Yamato.
09:37Nah, you don't have to.
09:39Aw, don't be shy, it's a gift.
09:43More importantly, make sure to ask Alisa out.
09:46Go enjoy together.
09:51It's a chance to get closer, right?
09:53I'm cheering you on too, Yamato.
09:55Ugh, Mill's looking out for me.
09:58Come to think of it, haven't reported anything since I asked for advice.
10:02Can't refuse.
10:04Ended up not mentioning the whole incident to Mill.
10:07That night, can't just reject her kindness.
10:11Um, this, got these free tickets, so how about we catch a movie together?
10:18With you.
10:20Oh, never mind, you probably don't wanna with a guy like me.
10:25No, no way, not like that.
10:28I wanna catch a movie with you, just us.
10:32Alright, let's go, together.
10:37Man, she's cute.
10:39So, we end up on this date, on the big day.
10:44Getting kinda jittery.
10:46Wonder what Alisa's gonna wear today.
10:48Cool style, maybe?
10:50Hey, sorry to keep you waiting.
10:52Ended up running late.
10:54Oh, no worries, just got here myself.
10:57Wait, is this Alisa?
10:59Um, does this look weird?
11:03Don't usually rock these kinda...
11:05N-no, not weird at all.
11:08Uh, it suits you.
11:11Ugh, that's good.
11:13Man, this outfit's killer.
11:15Later, we head to the movie theater.
11:18I'm excited.
11:19I can't remember the last time I saw a movie.
11:22After it's done, let's swap thoughts, okay?
11:24Yeah, sounds good.
11:26Let's definitely do that.
11:28No napping, okay?
11:31Won't sleep, promise.
11:34Even though she said that.
11:43Wha- it's only been like five minutes.
11:46Hold up, wake up.
11:48We gotta talk about the movie, yeah?
11:54Just five more minutes.
11:58She's definitely not a morning person.
12:00And, whoa, so close.
12:07Her face is so pretty.
12:09And wait, is that something soft against my arm?
12:13Couldn't concentrate on the movie at all.
12:16After the movie, we decided to have some tea at a cafe.
12:20Alright, let's swap thoughts.
12:22Hey, you were totally knocked out during the entire time.
12:26How rude.
12:27I was awake, like, the last ten minutes.
12:31That's hardly meaningful.
12:33I think workplace romances between workers are...
12:36Romantic, you know.
12:39Man, she's the type of person who doesn't listen to people.
12:43So Yamato, you're on leave now, right?
12:46What kind of company did you work for before?
12:49Huh? It's not a cheerful story.
12:52I still wanna hear it.
12:54I used to work at a company called Koiwa Trading.
12:57Wow, that's a super famous company.
13:01Yeah, well, not to brag, but I was always at the top in sales.
13:08Why'd you quit though?
13:12Long story short, I got sick of grinding.
13:15My old job was all about showing off skills.
13:18Because of that, the haters kept coming.
13:20Once again, he's on top.
13:23Is he pulling some shady moves?
13:27That stuff kept going, so I quit.
13:30I know I gotta work ASAP, but I got scared of working.
13:34Pathetic, right?
13:36No way! Yamato, it's not your fault at all.
13:41You should be proud of yourself.
13:43The bad ones are those who don't even bother to acknowledge other people's efforts.
13:48Oh, I...
13:50For someone like you, who achieved results in that environment, it's amazing.
13:55I respect you too.
13:59What am I gonna do? I think I like her.
14:03A few days after the date, things were getting more chill with Alisa, but...
14:08Good morning! Another wonderful day, huh?
14:14Hm? Something on your mind?
14:17N-nothing! Good luck at work! See ya!
14:22Geez, why am I the one avoiding her?
14:25But seriously, don't know how to react.
14:28Lately, I've been thinking non-stop about Alisa.
14:31What should I do?
14:33Should I just confess?
14:35But an unemployed guy like me confessing might be a bother.
14:39I said...
14:44Huh? What's going on?
14:46From next door again?
14:48Feeling guilty but unable to resist, I peeped into that hole.
14:52I absolutely hate arranged marriages!
14:55Dad, just stop!
14:57W-what? Arranged marriage?
15:00Is she talking to her dad on the phone?
15:05I know you care about me.
15:08But I wanna find my own partner.
15:11Yeah, that's it.
15:13She's super beautiful.
15:14It'd be weird if there weren't any marriage talks.
15:17Is it cool to just keep agonizing like this?
15:20No, definitely not!
15:23That's when I decided to get my act together.
15:26Start job hunting and tell Alisa my feelings.
15:29But life's pretty harsh.
15:32Long gap in employment.
15:34What were you up to during that time?
15:37Huh? Uh...
15:38Not much, really.
15:40Sorry, but could you try elsewhere?
15:45I got rejected by several companies in interviews.
15:48But I persisted.
15:49A month later...
15:50Really? Thank you so much!
15:52I'll do my best!
15:54Yes! Got the job! Finally!
15:57When I told Alisa about finding a new job, she was overjoyed.
16:01She decided to throw a little party at her place.
16:08But why did you suddenly decide to work?
16:11If you wanted, I could've supported you.
16:14Huh? I didn't catch the latter part.
16:18Well, actually...
16:20I happened to hear about you turning down an arranged marriage.
16:25You heard about that story?
16:27I just wanted to be a better man for you, Alisa.
16:30So I thought I'd start by finding a job.
16:35I see...
16:37I like you, Alisa.
16:39Alisa, will you go out with me?
16:41Huh? Me?
16:44Are you sure about someone like me?
16:47It has to be you, Alisa.
16:52Oh boy...
16:54I'm so happy!
16:56I also like you, Yamato.
17:00Oh, yeah, I knew that.
17:06Well, you see...
17:07I could hear everything you said through the hole in the wall.
17:10Look, over there.
17:12No way...
17:14There's a hole?!
17:16From now on, you can call me babe, alright?
17:19Oh my god!
17:21You heard everything?!
17:23This is way too embarrassing!
17:25Come on, just say babe!
17:27No way, no way! That's impossible!
17:32After that, we started dating.
17:34I reported to Mill.
17:36Congratulations, I'm so happy for both of you.
17:42By the way, there's a hole in the wall in my room.
17:47Oh, I'm sorry.
17:49I'll fix it right away.
17:51No, it's fine.
17:53I want to feel Alisa all the time.
17:56Oh, you two are so close.
17:59By the way, I later found out...
18:01My new workplace was where Alisa worked.
18:04Yamato, I'm gonna be your strict mentor, so get ready for it.
18:09Eek! Please have mercy!
18:12While she's strict at work...
18:14During breaks...
18:16We're finally alone.
18:18I missed you, babe.
18:21Jeez, you're such a clingy one, Alisa.
18:24The way she switches between work mode and off-duty is wild.
18:28And I'm getting more and more into it.
18:30Since I've got such an awesome girlfriend...
18:33That hole in the wall must have been some angel's prank, no doubt.
