When I Helped the Ladies' Gang Leader and Broke My Bone, She Became My Cute Wife...

  • 4 months ago
When I Helped the Ladies' Gang Leader and Broke My Bone, She Became My Cute Wife...
Japanese Manga in English
Manga video to learn English
00:00Look, here comes the most fearsome gang leader!
00:03Don't be too loud!
00:05If she notices us, we're finished!
00:08She's the center of rumors today, too.
00:11My name is Masato Ito.
00:13I'm just an ordinary high school boy who values both romance and friendship.
00:18But there is a famous person in my school.
00:21That's the girl who was at the center of the rumor earlier, Kanno Okada.
00:27She's the leader of a group of delinquents who control this area.
00:31When it comes to fighting, no one, not even the boys, can beat her.
00:36And she has earned a reputation as the most fearsome of them all.
00:40She has such a scary reputation that none of our students want to get close to her.
00:46I should do my best not to trigger her.
00:49We didn't have anything in common anyway, except for the fact that we are in the same
00:52class, so I thought I wouldn't have anything to do with her until I graduated.
00:59But then one day, I was leaving school with my otaku friend, Tamotsu Otakuda.
01:05This week's Tokimeki Koiwa was great, wasn't it?
01:09Yes, really!
01:10The caretaker, Miss Millie, is really amazing.
01:14You'll get hurt if you underestimate me, just because you're known as the most fearsome.
01:20Ugh, you're so persistent.
01:22Oh no!
01:24I fell!
01:27Someone came falling down!
01:30What should I do?
01:31If I avoid it, this person would get hurt!
01:34Then all I can do is catch her, right?
01:37Ow, ow, ow, ow!
01:40It doesn't hurt?
01:42Wait, I thought I fell.
01:50You helped me!
01:52Wait, you!
01:53Are you okay?
01:54Your arm!
01:56What's this?
01:58After that, I was so shocked that I blacked out.
02:01Otakuda called an ambulance and I was taken to the hospital.
02:06I was diagnosed with a broken bone that would take three months to heal.
02:11I'm so sorry!
02:12This is all my fault!
02:14No, it's not your fault.
02:16No, I shouldn't have lost my balance.
02:19So I want to take responsibility.
02:21Can you let me take care of you?
02:23No, thank you.
02:25That was a quick answer.
02:27Being taken care of by the most fearsome girl?
02:31What kind of punishment is that?
02:33Please, don't mind about me.
02:35But of course I will.
02:37You saved my life.
02:39Someone like that is having a hard time.
02:41Of course I'd want to help him.
02:43But nah, I really don't need...
02:46I'm saying let me help you.
02:48Don't you understand?
02:51Fine, please do.
02:53And with that began the days of being taken care of by the scariest girl here, Kanna.
03:00The next day.
03:01Why so close?
03:03You can't write because your arm is broken, right?
03:06So I take notes for you.
03:08And I thought I'd study with you too.
03:11I see.
03:12Thank you, Kanna.
03:14However, a few minutes later.
03:19She fell asleep in just a few minutes.
03:21I thought she was going to take notes for me.
03:24Hey, Kanna.
03:28I told you I can't eat anymore.
03:34Nah, she won't wake up.
03:36So I have to do it myself after all.
03:39Lunch break.
03:40Sorry about class.
03:42I always get so sleepy when I start studying and I can't wake up.
03:48Of course.
03:49Well, I couldn't take notes.
03:51But leave lunch to me.
03:53I'll feed you.
03:55I made lunch.
03:57You made lunch?
03:58What kind of poison is in it?
04:02Yes, but it's nothing fancy.
04:06It looks delicious.
04:07What's this?
04:08So homey.
04:11Here, say ah.
04:14You can't eat unless I do this, right?
04:17Come on, open your mouth.
04:22It's delicious.
04:24I'm actually quite good at cooking, you know.
04:27I'm from a single father household.
04:29So I do all the cooking since I was young.
04:31Do you cook?
04:33I live on my own, but it's a hassle.
04:35So I get food at the convenience stores most of the time.
04:39You live alone?
04:42My parents' house is far.
04:44So I decided to rent a cheap apartment near the school.
04:47So that's easier to commute.
04:50Come on, you should have told me that earlier.
04:53I'll go cook for you.
04:56I can't let you do that.
04:59You don't want that?
05:02Please do come.
05:04Of course.
05:05Well then, I'll start going today.
05:09After school.
05:10The house is a mess.
05:12This is what a guy's room looks like.
05:15You're quite careless, aren't you?
05:19Everything becomes a hassle.
05:22You sit there.
05:23I'm going to clean this place up.
05:25I can't take this sloppiness.
05:28She's a really homely person, isn't she?
05:31The most fearsome mother.
05:33Just kidding.
05:34It's nice to have people around.
05:37It's kind of calming.
05:39An hour later.
05:40He's sleeping well.
05:45Oh, sorry.
05:46Did I wake you up?
05:48No, sorry.
05:49I guess I fell asleep.
05:53What's this?
05:55A lap pillow.
05:56Since you've been sleeping like a baby,
05:58I couldn't wake you up.
06:01I'll wake up right away.
06:03It's fine.
06:04Stay like this for a while.
06:07Something smells good.
06:09I made dinner while you were sleeping.
06:11And I made some for tomorrow, so eat it, okay?
06:14Kanna, she's too kind.
06:17Thank you for everything.
06:20Don't worry about it.
06:22After that, Kanna came to my house like this
06:25and continued taking care of me.
06:27We found ourselves eating dinner together
06:29more and more often after returning home together.
06:32The more I was with her,
06:34the more her kindness seeped into my heart.
06:37She really has a loyal personality.
06:40She not only is like this in school,
06:43but she eats dinner with me, too.
06:45She's such a good person.
06:47What should I do?
06:49I think I...
06:51And then, one day after school,
06:53I was called to wait in the classroom,
06:56and she said I'll have to go with her
06:58to show up to her gang meeting.
07:00Well, I don't mind,
07:01but she stands out in her uniform, you know.
07:04Wait, what?
07:05There's someone in the classroom.
07:08I really wonder why the most fearsome girl
07:11is taking care of him.
07:12I don't know why, but that must be terrifying.
07:16She's pretty, but terrifying.
07:18We don't know when she'd beat you up.
07:22Kanna would never do that!
07:25Oh, you were there, Masato.
07:27Kanna is very kind and homely.
07:30The apron looks great on her.
07:32She's a great cook,
07:33and she's good at cleaning, too.
07:35Her smile is beautiful, too,
07:37and sometimes she smiles very kindly.
07:40On top of that,
07:41she likes sweet things and cute stuff
07:44like stuffed animals,
07:45and she's surprisingly tearful.
07:51It's her.
07:52Oh no, did she hear us?
07:54Let's run away.
07:56We got what you wanted to say.
07:58We got what you wanted to say.
08:00See ya.
08:01Hey, I'm not done talking about her.
08:04You don't have to go after them.
08:07Hey, you.
08:08What are you saying?
08:10What do you mean?
08:12I wanted to know all your good traits.
08:14Don't say anything embarrassing like that.
08:17But it's true.
08:19You little...
08:20Kanna, can I ask you one thing?
08:23What is it all of a sudden?
08:25It's always been a mystery to me.
08:27You're so kind.
08:28Why did you choose to become a gang leader?
08:31I was alone at first.
08:34Actually, my father is a former delinquent,
08:38but he was so strong and cool.
08:40He was like a hero who protects the weak.
08:43I admired his big back.
08:45I wanted to be like him,
08:47so I taught myself to fight.
08:49As I helped people who were being bullied on the street,
08:53the ones who lost started to call me a leader.
08:56The number of people who looked up to me grew.
08:59And before I knew it, we had a team.
09:02Now that we have a team,
09:03I take care of all the wild ones
09:05and make sure they don't start any fights.
09:08Well, they're all just like my cute little brothers.
09:13Kanna is a very kind and caring person.
09:17Come on, enough about me.
09:19Let's go home now.
09:23Come to think of it,
09:24how do you take a bath?
09:26I try not to get my cast wet,
09:29so I put it in a bag while I shower.
09:32Isn't it hard to wash your body and head?
09:35Yes, it is, but I manage somehow.
09:38Should I wash it for you?
09:40I can get in the bath with you.
09:44What are you talking about?
09:46Don't joke like that.
09:49You're not happy?
09:51I thought you actually enjoy those kind of things.
09:54What are you talking about?
09:56You don't have to pretend.
09:59I found this while I was cleaning your room.
10:03Hey, that's not what you think it is.
10:06It's a misunderstanding.
10:09Can I look inside it then?
10:11Actually, yes.
10:13Please check it out.
10:14You'll understand.
10:17Oh, it's true.
10:21The cover is just so...
10:25How boring.
10:26It's not boring, gosh!
10:29Days with Kanna.
10:30Noisy, dramatic, but super fun.
10:33I hoped this would last forever.
10:37When my arm heals,
10:38I won't be able to talk to her like this anymore.
10:41Well, of course.
10:42She's only taking care of me because I'm injured.
10:45But that makes me so sad.
10:48Well then,
10:49I have to act so that I have no regrets after I heal.
10:52Just as I was thinking that,
10:54the incident happened.
10:58I can't take care of you anymore.
11:00Oh, why is that?
11:02Did something happen at home?
11:04That's not it.
11:06But you know your cast is coming off soon, right?
11:09Then my job here is over.
11:11No, but...
11:13So don't come close to me anymore.
11:15Bye, Masato.
11:17Wait, Kanna!
11:18No, why all of a sudden?
11:21After that day,
11:22Kanna stopped talking to me completely.
11:25Even when I tried contacting her,
11:27she ignored my messages.
11:29Why did Kanna suddenly say something like that?
11:32I want to talk to her,
11:33but she ignores me at school
11:35and ignores all my messages.
11:37I mean, I can't catch her at school anyway.
11:40What should I do?
11:43Hey, what's wrong?
11:47My name is Otaku Da, not Otaku.
11:51Well, what happened?
11:53The truth is...
11:55I see.
11:56Is that what happened?
11:59I don't know what to do.
12:01This is something I heard recently, but...
12:04There is an enemy team of the team that Kanna leads.
12:07And I heard that the team is very active recently.
12:12So, maybe she didn't want you to get involved with the fights?
12:16Is that...
12:19I'm glad it wasn't that she started hating me.
12:22Well then,
12:23I have to go talk to her.
12:25Firstly, I have to contact Kanna.
12:28After school,
12:29I want her time so I can talk to her.
12:32I decided to contact Kanna
12:34and waited for her after school,
12:35unsure whether she would come or not.
12:39And then, after school,
12:41I told her I'll be in the back garden,
12:43but she didn't come.
12:45Maybe she actually doesn't want to talk to me.
12:49Why the long face?
12:52This is Ran Tenshin.
12:54She's a girl in my class.
12:56I'm looking for Kanna.
12:59I think she went home.
13:01She went home?
13:03She saw my text and went home?
13:07But it says she didn't read it yet.
13:09I've always read it,
13:10even though she never replied.
13:12Come to think of it,
13:13she was in a huge rush.
13:16Do you know where she went?
13:19I think she was going towards
13:21the site of the Koiwa factory.
13:23What does she need to do
13:24in a deserted place like that?
13:26Thank you.
13:28You're welcome?
13:30What was that?
13:32He was in a huge rush too.
13:35How dare you ran away from us last time.
13:38Now you're done for.
13:40Nobody will come help you here.
13:44You guys are always so persistent.
13:46It's enough, don't you think?
13:49Your legend ends today.
13:51Don't lay a finger on Kanna!
13:55What are you doing here?
13:57This isn't a place for you to come.
13:59I know that.
14:00I know that I'm always so weak and useless.
14:03But that doesn't mean
14:04I want to be the guy who does nothing
14:06when someone he loves is in danger.
14:10I don't want to be weak at heart.
14:14Just be quiet already.
14:16Nothing will change
14:17just because one bean sprout like you appeared.
14:21Give up already.
14:26What's wrong with him?
14:29Let go.
14:30Let go.
14:31I won't let go.
14:32Kanna, run away now.
14:34Leave this up to me.
14:37Stop acting like a hero.
14:40I don't care if you get hurt.
14:45Don't you dare mess with my precious one.
14:52And what are you doing?
14:53Can't you see he's injured?
14:57Why are you guys scared?
14:59She's alone after all.
15:01Let's all get her.
15:02And he's injured.
15:03We can't lose to them.
15:08You guys really should choose
15:11who to pick fights with.
15:19Wow, Kanna.
15:22I was useless after all.
15:24I just interrupted you, didn't I?
15:26I'm really sorry.
15:28What are you talking about?
15:31I was so happy that you came.
15:33Besides, you were really cool.
15:36I received your manly spirit.
15:40Kanna, I want you to hear this.
15:43What is it all of a sudden?
15:45I really like you, Kanna.
15:48You're so kind, cool, and homely, and cute.
15:52And I fell deeply in love with you.
15:54No way.
15:56I love you too.
15:59When you helped me,
16:00I started thinking about you a lot.
16:02As I took care of you,
16:04I got more and more attracted to you.
16:06I was so happy when you stood up for me
16:08in the classroom
16:09and the boys were talking bad about me.
16:11I completely fell in love with you then.
16:16I like you too, Masato.
16:18I really love you, Masato.
16:21Like this, Kanna and I were united.
16:25We officially became a thing
16:27and were recognized at school too.
16:30Kanna's atmosphere softened a bit
16:32and people stopped talking bad about her.
16:34However, I heard that the opposing team
16:37that Kanna beat up
16:38came back to have a proper fight.
16:40Yet, Kanna said she beat them up once again.
16:44After that,
16:45the opposing team also took a liking to her
16:47and started adoring her as their leader.
16:50She is indeed the most fearsome girl here.
16:53But when it's just the two of us...
16:56You're so cool today as always.
16:58As expected from my handsome husband.
17:01I can never leave you.
17:03Take responsibility, okay?
17:05You little chipmunk.
17:09We'll be together forever,
17:11my cute little wife.
17:13So, this is what happened to me
17:15while I was a student.
17:16A story of how I met my most precious wife
17:19whom I will spend the rest of my life together with.
17:23Hi! It's me, Mel!
17:27Thanks for watching my channel!
17:30I'm super happy if you watch the next
17:33and other videos too!
