When I Saved this Popular Idol from a Hard Core Fan, She Became Obsessed with Me

  • 2 months ago
When I Saved this Popular Idol from a Hard Core Fan, She Became Obsessed with Me
Japanese Manga in English
Manga video to learn English
00:00My name is Kouki Tanaka.
00:02I'm a 22-year-old introverted loser.
00:05Every day, I go through part-time jobs with no motivation.
00:09But that's just a temporary appearance.
00:12Yes, my true self is...
00:16I've been waiting for this!
00:19Hey, everyone!
00:21Freshly picked and harvested!
00:23It's the Tokimeki Fruits!
00:26I'm the leader!
00:27The bright red fruit!
00:29I'm Ringo!
00:31Within the thorns lies a cute sweetness.
00:35I'm Marron.
00:38I'm the fresh and peachy pink member, Momo!
00:44Momo is unbelievably cute!
00:47She's my ultimate favorite!
00:49My reason for living!
00:51I love her so much!
00:53Yes, I am a huge fan of the underground idol trio, Tokimeki Fruits.
00:59They are classmates in the same high school,
01:01and my ultimate favorite is Momo, the peachy pink member.
01:05They aim to make a major debut,
01:07and their fan base is still around a few dozen.
01:10But that's why...
01:14I love you more than anything in this world!
01:18To receive a response at the front like this,
01:21even after the live performance ends!
01:24Thank you always, Kouki!
01:27No way!
01:28It's just natural for a nerd.
01:30Uh, three pictures, please.
01:32That many?!
01:34Uh, but it might bother other customers.
01:37No way!
01:38I'm happy!
01:39The other two are busy, but I'm free!
01:42You guys!
01:44If you cheat on us with other idols,
01:46we won't allow it!
01:48Greetings, everyone...
01:51from the lower world.
01:54The best!
01:56I don't have a specific character or anything.
02:00What are you saying?!
02:01Momo, you are the cutest in the world!
02:05With a pure and innocent smile,
02:07and genius-level dance skills!
02:09No matter where you look, you're my number one!
02:12I can only see you!
02:15Sorry, I got carried away.
02:18In this world, you're the only one I see!
02:23Those words just now were truly moving!
02:27Oh, Otakura!
02:28Were you participating today as well?
02:30Of course!
02:31As a fan of the whole group,
02:33I'll take pictures with everyone!
02:36That's one of the charms of the underground scene, huh?
02:39But with the proximity of troublesome nerds...
02:43Isn't it okay?
02:45Get closer!
02:46Like, after this, just the two of us.
02:49W-wait a minute!
02:51That guy!
02:52He's the troublesome one I've been seeing often lately!
02:55I have to protect her right now!
02:57Excuse me, sir.
02:59It's troublesome if our precious idol is troubled.
03:02Huh? What's the big deal?
03:04Just a little...
03:06That's the director of the agency where Tokifuru belongs.
03:10Quite a formidable person.
03:12Reliable, too.
03:14A few days later.
03:16Today's live concert was fantastic,
03:19and I received a lot of responses.
03:21However, no matter how close we are,
03:24I shouldn't get carried away!
03:26Connecting on a personal level should be within the realm of fantasy!
03:30Huh? Um...
03:32Hmm? An argument?
03:34But that voice...
03:35This isn't cool!
03:37No mistake!
03:38It's Momo!
03:39Wait a second!
03:41Who are you?
03:43Is this the troublesome guy?
03:44And he smells of alcohol!
03:46For now, I'll...
03:48Hey! She's my girlfriend!
03:50Don't touch my girl!
03:53Huh? That's a lie.
03:56The director will be here soon!
03:59What the heck?
04:02He's gone.
04:03I lied on the spur of the moment.
04:05What do I do?
04:06Fantasizing about saving my favorite idol became a reality.
04:10Um, excuse me?
04:13You're always coming to see us, Kouki, right?
04:17Yeah, but...
04:19Ugh! Momo's overwhelming cuteness, even in private!
04:23If it's okay, as a thank you.
04:28I just helped someone in trouble.
04:30Let's leave it at that and meet at the next live performance.
04:34This is fine!
04:35A fan like me shouldn't have personal connections!
04:38I quietly kept this night in my heart
04:41and returned to my usual nerd activities,
04:43or so I thought.
04:46I was summoned to a certain place after the next live.
04:50It's you!
04:51The one who protected Momo from that troublesome guy!
04:54Well, sort of.
04:56And isn't this the dressing room?
04:58Ah, yes.
04:59Thank you so much, and I'm sorry!
05:01I try to be cautious, but I can't handle everything.
05:04I've already contacted the police about him
05:06because he's been a concern for a while.
05:11The hero who saved Momo!
05:13Always watching from the front row!
05:15You're Kouki, right?
05:19Thank you for always supporting us.
05:22The two I was watching on stage just a moment ago
05:25are in front of me!
05:26But this happy atmosphere is overwhelming.
05:29I'll take a deep breath and leave.
05:32Hey, director!
05:33Let's have this person be our bodyguard!
05:36Oh, that's a great idea!
05:40We've started to have more idols.
05:42And if you wish, we can hire you as a full-time employee!
05:45You've been coming to our lives without fail every time!
05:51See, Momo?
05:52Stop hiding forever!
05:54I-I'm not hiding or anything!
05:58But there's something I want to ask you for that, too.
06:04If my favorite gives me that look!
06:07I'll do it!
06:08Please let me do it!
06:10Then we'll leave it to you until our major debut!
06:15And so I quit my part-time job
06:18and officially signed an employment contract with the director's company.
06:22The job description was more like a manager than a bodyguard.
06:26According to the director,
06:27he wanted me to utilize the power of a former otaku.
06:31Hey, Kouki!
06:33We'll be counting on you from today!
06:35Um, nice to see you!
06:39Momo, maybe she doesn't like having a former nerd as a manager.
06:44All right!
06:45Let's get to it!
06:46What about today's set list?
06:50But this is such an honor!
06:52How about something like this?
06:55It feels like something we haven't done much.
06:59Maybe talk to the director after all.
07:02I think this is really good!
07:06Then it's decided!
07:07Shall we start preparing soon?
07:11A few hours later.
07:13Today's set list was amazing!
07:16It's great that it was well-received,
07:18but sorry, Otakuta.
07:20I'm on this side now.
07:22Great job!
07:23It was awesome!
07:25It was the most exciting one so far!
07:28Yeah, yeah!
07:30But this might be my calling!
07:33From then on,
07:34we put effort into advertising
07:36and the number of customers gradually increased.
07:38I was getting used to interacting with the three as part of my job.
07:42Everyone line up!
07:43I'll take a proper photo!
07:45Yeah, yeah!
07:46The crowd has definitely grown
07:48and everything is going smoothly!
07:50If we can continue without any major issues...
07:57Finally, we meet!
07:59Today, it's me and you!
08:01Excuse me, sir!
08:02She's our precious idol!
08:06I thought I hadn't seen you lately!
08:08You're on that side now!
08:11I was planning to explain properly before going public,
08:14but it can't be helped.
08:16Don't interfere!
08:18Anyway, for now,
08:19I'll protect Momo whatever happens!
08:22But even if I try to stop him...
08:24Hold on!
08:28He moved too fast!
08:29Couldn't see!
08:31Right now, Otakura is pretending to pick up his glasses!
08:34Mr. Kouki!
08:36I left that side to you!
08:39I got saved again!
08:42Afterward, the police and the director arrived,
08:45and the troublesome person was safely taken away.
08:48I explained the situation to my former nerd friends,
08:51and I received understanding and support.
08:54Just when I was reminding myself not to cross the line despite being a manager...
08:59Taking into account your usual work,
09:02let me dedicate this to you.
09:04What's this?
09:06The key to the share house where we live!
09:09It's too late if something happens, right?
09:13And we might oversleep too!
09:16But really, I won't have a use for this, right?
09:19That's what I thought, but...
09:23I'm calling, and no one's here?
09:26Furniture has arrived,
09:27so is it part of the manager's job to carry it?
09:30But if I get injured, it'll be troublesome.
09:38She's wearing her room clothes!
09:40Wait, no, this is still work.
09:42Hey, where are the other two?
09:44They suddenly went shopping,
09:47so it's just the two of us.
09:51Then let's quickly carry it in!
09:55Calm down, me.
09:56This heartbeat is just from carrying furniture.
10:00Is something wrong?
10:02I was wondering about the new costumes.
10:06Oh, right!
10:07I wanted to discuss that a bit.
10:11This one is good too,
10:12but I wonder about the size?
10:14Come to think of it,
10:15Momo is proactive about behind-the-scenes stuff.
10:20Or maybe she enjoys talking to me.
10:24Oh, sorry!
10:25What were you...
10:28Measure the size?
10:31No, no way!
10:33Isn't this also part of the manager's job?
10:36Using that as a job privilege...
10:39We're back!
10:42Oh my, oh my!
10:44Was it too soon?
10:46Shall we go again?
10:48What do you two mean by that?
10:50I told you, it's work!
10:52Just work!
10:53All right, all right!
10:56We get it!
10:57Since then,
10:58whenever there was a bug or someone overslept,
11:01I started going to their house.
11:03Meetings became a routine,
11:04and my stay time increased for various reasons.
11:08However, I tried not to develop any strange habits as a manager.
11:12Sorry, you always accompany me until late after work.
11:17No problem!
11:18I like this kind of thing!
11:20But I appreciate it.
11:22I'm just an amateur after all,
11:24and I feel like I'm dragging the three of you down.
11:27I worry that I might not be contributing enough.
11:30That's not true!
11:33You've been supporting us from the front row since our debut!
11:37You were always looking at me the most.
11:41She says such kind words to me.
11:44No, no!
11:45Uh, right!
11:46Recently, there seems to be an idol group that might become our rivals.
11:52Are you watching other idols?
11:54Well, it's part of the job, I guess.
11:58Even though I'm right in front of you?
12:01Momo, your eyes look kind of scary.
12:06What am I doing now?
12:08No, it was nothing unusual, right?
12:11What was that look just now?
12:12But I shouldn't let strange feelings arise.
12:15I need to focus on my work!
12:18Over time, Tokimeki Fruit's popularity soared.
12:21Even during late night hours,
12:23they appeared on TV.
12:24Ringo became a tsundere character's game voice actor.
12:28Marron started getting personal jobs like modeling.
12:34Check this line here.
12:35Kouki, can you do a pose for me?
12:38Got it, got it!
12:40Wait a moment!
12:43Oh, there's also this for Momo.
12:46Oh, I see!
12:48I'll ask about it again tomorrow.
12:51Something seems off lately.
12:53All right, Ringo, about the lines.
12:56Hmm, it's okay already.
12:58Me too.
13:00Ah, right!
13:02A few days later.
13:04Lately, everyone seems a bit strange.
13:06Anyway, I should get Momo some personal work.
13:10Good morning!
13:11Oh, where are the other two?
13:14They're having a meeting for their personal jobs with the director.
13:17I thought they told you.
13:19Oh, but Momo, we should also discuss your personal work.
13:24No, it's okay.
13:26Then today it'll be just us.
13:29Oh, by the way, Momo, is there any specific job you'd like to do?
13:34Negotiation successful.
13:36Did she manage to secure a job?
13:39Ah, it's work.
13:41A woman?
13:44Hey, it's a woman, right?
13:46Hey, it's a woman, right?
13:49Even though we're alone.
13:51Momo, your eyes look kind of...
13:54You're cheating.
13:56You said you only have eyes for me!
14:00It's not like we're dating or anything.
14:02You said you were my boyfriend back then!
14:05That was part of the act.
14:11It was just...
14:16I've been acting strange lately.
14:21What's wrong?
14:22Maybe Momo feels neglected since she hasn't had many personal jobs lately?
14:26Anyway, I need to find her some work.
14:29However, even after that, Momo remained reluctant about personal jobs.
14:34On the other hand, thanks to Ringo and Marron gaining recognition,
14:38they finally received an offer for a major debut.
14:42They quickly arranged a meeting with the label representative, including the director.
14:47The debut will be with all three of you, and we will handle the management.
14:51I guess I'm no longer needed.
14:54But this loneliness is just my ego.
14:56I have to push them forward in the end.
14:59Congratulations, all three of you.
15:01This means your dreams.
15:03We can't accept those conditions.
15:07I apologize, but we have two conditions of our own.
15:10First, if we make our major debut, make it just Marron and me as a duo.
15:17But wait a minute.
15:19We've been together as three all this time.
15:22Considering Momo's feelings...
15:25We've thought about it.
15:27We've considered it.
15:29Momo, thank you for being with us until now.
15:32You haven't forgotten that promise, right?
15:37What promise is that?
15:39Back in high school, we became friends because we all liked idols.
15:43But what Momo admired was being behind the scenes in the idol world.
15:48Even so, we convinced Momo, saying,
15:52You're so cute. Let's take the stage together.
15:55The promise we made as three...
15:58If we find someone we want to marry, we'll step down from the spotlight, right?
16:04I see. That's why all this time...
16:08But I haven't found someone like that.
16:11Maybe you have.
16:14Right here next to you.
16:17We felt guilty, thinking we might be forcing you into this relationship.
16:22But there's no man who can be entrusted with Momo, who's pure and innocent.
16:28That's what we thought.
16:30And then, when we thought that,
16:32A hero nerd who had been supporting Momo diligently and came to her rescue appeared.
16:40Well, Momo was already head over heels from the start, right?
16:44But since Momo is reserved,
16:46we did various things to support her.
16:49Teasing her jealousy and such.
16:53You did that on purpose!
16:55And I fell for it.
16:57So, Momo, we believe we can trust you, Koki.
17:01All three of us have always thought that.
17:03What do you say, Koki?
17:05All three of us?
17:06It's me.
17:07I've already heard the situation from them,
17:09and the contract is already settled, so rest assured.
17:14Wait, does that mean the photo from before was meant to represent that?
17:19Of course it's up to you guys.
17:21But we don't want to force it anymore.
17:24Koki, please don't worry about me.
17:28I don't have the confidence to stand on stage anymore,
17:32and involving you in my life.
17:34No, I want you to involve me.
17:38In the first place, my life wouldn't make sense without you.
17:43Sure, I've been working hard for the three of you,
17:45but in the end, I can only see you, Momo.
17:50Former nerd, former manager,
17:52but now, will you be my wife?
17:56Of course!
17:59I won't let you go anymore!
18:01I'll have you all to myself!
18:03If you look elsewhere, I won't forgive you!
18:09Did we just...
18:11Overstimulate them?
18:13All right.
18:15The other condition is...
18:18After that, Momo announced her retirement along with the marriage,
18:21disappearing from the public eye.
18:23On the other hand,
18:25Ringo and Moron made a major debut as Tokimeki Fruits.
18:29They fulfilled the exchange contract,
18:31achieving three times the expected sales
18:33if they had debuted as three in just a few years.
18:37And the other contract they made was...
18:41I'm tired!
18:42Water, please!
18:43Sure thing!
18:45These costumes are truly the best!
18:48As expected from a popular stylist.
18:52It's all thanks to you two!
18:54Yes, even in the major debut,
18:56I remained their manager,
18:58and Momo was in charge of costumes and choreography.
19:01Meanwhile, the director is still searching for hidden gems underground.
19:06Hey, how about we all go grab a meal for the first time in a while?
19:10Sounds good!
19:12Yeah, great idea!
19:13Momo, you don't have anything else later, right?
19:17Of course it's fine!
19:19But both of you remember,
19:21Kouki is mine, okay?
19:25Kouki, you won't ever cheat, right?
19:33Of course, absolutely!
19:35Certainly, Ringo and Moron may have stimulated a new side of Momo,
19:39but this was also incredibly cute,
19:41so it was all okay!
19:45Hi, it's me, Mel!
19:48Thanks for watching my channel!
19:51I'm super happy if you watch the next and other videos too!
