When I Returned from a Long Business Trip, My Favorite Idol Was Living in My House…

  • 2 months ago
When I Returned from a Long Business Trip, My Favorite Idol Was Living in My House…
Japanese Manga in English
Manga video to learn English


00:00Man, I'm tired. I'm back.
00:04I'm Sho Ikeda, a 24-year-old office worker grinding at a trading company.
00:10Just wrapped up this three-month-long hustle overseas and finally made it back.
00:16Guess I'll take a shower and go to sleep.
00:19Wait, someone's in there?
00:22Huh? Seriously, what's going on?
00:25Did I screw up and walk into someone else's crib?
00:29Trying to calm down, I step out of the bathroom.
00:33Yep, no doubt it's my place.
00:37So who the heck?
00:39Maybe it's Karina?
00:42But the height's different, isn't it?
00:45Karina's my sis, been swinging by pretty often.
00:49All hyped for my manga and games.
00:52I left her a spare key while I was overseas.
00:56Yeah, it's gotta be Karina. She might know what's up.
01:00Hey Sho, back already?
01:03Yo, there's someone I don't know here. What's the deal?
01:07Wait, you're back already? Didn't you say tomorrow?
01:12Got done early. But who's that? Is it a thief? Thief or what?
01:17Hey, calm down. That girl is...
01:22Who are you?
01:24Who the heck are you?
01:27Haven't I seen this girl somewhere before?
01:31Nah, probably in my head.
01:35Ten minutes later.
01:38Um, this is Sho, my brother.
01:43Oh, sorry for being rude earlier.
01:49Nah, my bad.
01:51And this is Rin Shimada, a friend from college.
01:56Pleasure. Been close with Karina.
02:01Wait, you're that Rin Shimada?
02:06Huh? Which one's that?
02:09Huge fan! Mind if I shake your hand?
02:13Uh, sure. Of course.
02:18Meeting her for real? Epic!
02:22Rin Shimada. Sweet looks and a body that doesn't match, the up-and-coming underground idol making waves.
02:30Major debut still pending, but she's got mad love from a bunch. And hey, I've been a hardcore fan since her debut.
02:39So, Sho's a fan of Rin? Didn't seem like it though, no merch lying around either.
02:46All that stuff stashed in my room. Come on, idol gears like treasure.
02:52Secrets in that forbidden room.
02:55Wow, I'm so stoked to have your support.
03:00Anyway, forget about me. Why's Rin at our place?
03:05It seems she's dealing with a persistent stalker. Had to bail from her place.
03:12And Karina offered this room a week ago.
03:15Yeah, and let her use your stuff too.
03:18That's... How dare that stalker let my idol be in a fix!
03:24But why not let her crash at your house, Karina? Safer, right?
03:31Got a cat. I'm majorly allergic to cats.
03:36Oh, gotcha.
03:38Well, now I get it. But couldn't you have given me a heads up? I totally freaked out.
03:45Sent you a text. Got the okay though.
03:49Oh, my bad. Was way too busy to give a proper reply.
03:56Um, if it's a hassle, I can leave.
03:59Oh, nah. No sweat at all. Use it however you want.
04:06As a fan, I can't ignore when my fave's in a bind. I'll crash at a hotel for a bit.
04:12What are you saying? Shou, you should stay here too cause I'm worried.
04:18Huh? But I'm a dude, yo.
04:22Shou's harmless. It's all good.
04:25Who does she think I am? Jeez.
04:29Nah, I can't do it. No matter how much I like my fave, ain't cool living under one roof with a young lady who's single.
04:38Oh, come on. You're so stiff.
04:41But hey, I'll take care of your cat so you could crash here, right?
04:46Did you forget? He's only into me.
04:49Right, my bad.
04:52Um, could you please stay here? Please?
05:01But I'm still a dude. Aren't you scared?
05:06I'm fine. I trust Karina's brother.
05:10Can't say no when my fave asks.
05:15And so, until this gets sorted, we're living together.
05:20Next day, when I got home after work.
05:23Welcome back! Wanna eat? Bath? Or maybe...
05:28Coming home to my fave? Too precious!
05:33Um, Shou? Hello?
05:38Was so lost in thought there.
05:43Must've had an exhausting day at work, huh?
05:48Nah, not really.
05:51Also, that outfit.
05:54How's this? Looks good? I borrowed the apron from Karina.
06:00So cute! And wait, isn't she wearing my t-shirt underneath?
06:06Hmm? Something wrong?
06:09Nah, looks really good on you.
06:15Alright, let's have dinner while it's still hot.
06:22I said she could wear whatever, but this is kinda messy.
06:27Few days later.
06:29On a shopping spree to get stuff Rin needs.
06:33Sorry for being pushy earlier.
06:36I'm fine, but isn't it risky for you? A guy around could cause problems.
06:43It's cool. It's part of the disguise.
06:46Oh, even in disguise, she's adorable!
06:50I secretly wanted a big brother.
06:58Alright, let's go!
07:01My fave smile is right here.
07:04Is this okay? What if security stops us?
07:08A few hours later.
07:10So sweet and yummy!
07:15Looks so happy. Just watching makes me feel better.
07:21Oh, you want some too?
07:24Oh, I...
07:26Just a bit, come on! Here comes the plane!
07:30An indirect kiss. With. My. Fave.
07:37How many CDs do I need to buy for this?
07:42Oh, come on, that's not necessary.
07:45Man, she's an angel!
07:49Few days later. There was Rin's live show.
07:53Of course, I'm cheering from the front row.
07:56Everyone, have a blast today!
07:59Yeah! Rin's, you're my ultimate fave!
08:03Huh? Is that...
08:05Huh. Who's that?
08:08Never seen him before.
08:10There are some flashy fans around these days.
08:13Hold up, gotta focus on Rin!
08:16After the live show, for safety reasons, we decided to head home together.
08:21How was the show?
08:23It was amazing! Got a bunch of energy today too!
08:27Really? That's good.
08:30Huh? Something's off though?
08:34Truth is, I'm struggling with whether I should keep being an idol.
08:39I don't know if I can make a major debut, and maybe it's time to call it quits.
08:45Oh, I see.
08:48Sorry, I shouldn't be telling a fan all this.
08:53Don't apologize.
08:56When I was down, it was always you who cheered me up, Rin.
09:00I owe where I am now to you. I truly respect how dedicated you are as an idol!
09:07Not just because of that.
09:10I want to be there for you, Rin.
09:12If you're in a bind, I want you to rely on me more.
09:16Show! Thank you so much!
09:20In that case, I'll take you up on your offer.
09:25The next day, Rin's attitude changes.
09:30Show, my legs are tired from rehearsal. Can I get a massage?
09:36Huh? That's a bit much.
09:40Aww, you said you want me to rely on you more.
09:45I-I did say that, but...
09:48So? Massage, will you?
09:56A few minutes later.
09:58How's that? Not too hard?
10:01It feels so good. You're really good at this.
10:06It's so smooth and soft.
10:11Don't get weird feelings. She's my precious fave.
10:16There's a mattress on the floor.
10:19On another day...
10:21Guess it's time to sleep. Should I turn off the lights?
10:24Wait, please. I feel bad for always taking the bed.
10:29So, let's sleep together here from today.
10:33What? H-hey, that's not cool. I'm fine on the floor.
10:39Nope. Can't let you, the landlord, do that anymore.
10:44But sharing like this...
10:46So, are you planning something I shouldn't know about?
10:51N-no way!
10:54Then there's no issue. Sleep tight.
10:58Wait a minute!
11:04I can smell your scent. It's calming somehow.
11:10Geez, don't sniff weird places.
11:15A few minutes later.
11:22Can't get out like this. If I move, I might wake her up.
11:29So, I'll try harder. So please, keep watching.
11:36Honestly, she's such a hard worker and a good kid.
11:43Lately, I've been feeling this.
11:45Could it be that I treasure Rin as a fan, or maybe even as a girl?
11:52In the end, unable to figure out my feelings, I couldn't sleep a wink till morning.
11:59Days with Rin fly by so fast. Before I knew it, a month passed.
12:05Got it? Don't open your eyes yet.
12:09It's already closed. What's going on?
12:13That's still a secret.
12:16Okay then.
12:18Okay, it's all good now.
12:21Ta-da! What do you think? How does it look?
12:26Whoa! What's this?
12:30It's a new outfit for upcoming concert. I wanted you to see it first, so I borrowed it.
12:36She did this for me? Oh man, I'm ecstatic.
12:42Come on, give me your thoughts.
12:45Cute, gorgeous, it's irresistible.
12:49Geez, Sho. I guess you like it, huh?
12:54Of course, it's absolutely stunning.
12:57Do you really mean that?
13:00If I weren't an idol, just a regular girl, would you still think that way about me?
13:08Uh, what are you talking about?
13:11I... I'm really into you.
13:15What? Rin likes me? But nah, this ain't right.
13:20I know what you said was as a fan, but when you said you want to support me, I got super happy.
13:27And living together, I just started liking you more and more.
13:32That means a lot. Like seriously, I think you're cute.
13:38Really? So does that mean...
13:41But hey, I'm just a fan, and you're an idol, you know?
13:45If anyone catches wind we're dating, it's gonna be a whole mess.
13:50If... if it's what you want, I could quit being an idol.
13:57Nah, that's not happening.
14:00Sorry for raising my voice, but quitting for me?
14:04That's not right. Being an idol is your dream, right? You gotta cherish it more.
14:09Plus, quitting like that would betray all your fans.
14:13Yeah, you're right. I don't know what I was thinking.
14:19My bad, I...
14:22Sorry for being selfish. Forget what I said before.
14:26I mean, I've got feelings for Rin too. Was that really the right move?
14:34Ever since then, things have been super awkward with Rin.
14:39Then one day, after finishing work and heading home, all of Rin's stuff was gone.
14:47On top of that, what the... what's going on here?
14:52Right, Karina might know something.
14:55Hey, what's up?
14:57It's me, Rin's gone!
14:59Huh? So calm down for a sec.
15:02Calm down? With all this going on, we still haven't dealt with that stalker, right?
15:07Yeah, I know, but...
15:09Any idea where Rin might have headed?
15:12Maybe back to her place?
15:14I'll check it out. Give me the address.
15:17Got it. I'm heading there too, so look after Rin.
15:21I hope I'm just being paranoid. Please be safe.
15:2530 minutes later, rushing to Rin's apartment.
15:28Hey, what's the deal? Just date me!
15:32No way! I'm calling the cops!
15:35Geez, you're stubborn! Been waiting for you to come back, you know!
15:40I don't care!
15:42That dude! He was at the concert!
15:45Hey, cut it out! She's saying no!
15:48Sho, why?
15:50Huh? Who are you? Don't mess with me!
15:54You're a fan too, right? If you are, don't cause trouble!
15:58Haha, a fan, huh?
16:01Oh, right! I've been a big supporter as a fan spending huge amount of cash!
16:07So, give me a little something good too!
16:12These underground idols just wanna get attention from guys, right?
16:18I'm gonna shower you with affection!
16:22This guy, talking nonsense!
16:25A real fan wouldn't say that! Our idol's happiness is our happiness as fans!
16:34Ah, quit yapping! I said don't mess with me!
16:38Take this!
16:44Hope you learned a lesson! Don't you ever mess with me again!
16:49No, I'm not moving from here! I'm protecting Rin!
16:56What's with this guy? So persistent!
17:00Officer! Over there!
17:03Hey you! What are you doing?
17:05Oh shoot! I better scram!
17:08Hey, where do you think you're going? We're not done talking yet!
17:12Get off me! I said let go!
17:15Nuh-uh! Ain't happening!
17:18The guy, Charao Yabasugi, got busted by the cop on suspicion of assault.
17:24Turns out he had other charges too, so he's gonna be behind bars for a while.
17:29Darn it! What did I ever do?
17:32Hey, can't you be quiet?
17:34After that, went back home to treat the wounds.
17:39That's one mess sorted.
17:42Thanks for helping earlier. I was so glad.
17:46I'm just glad you're okay, Rin.
17:48And sorry for leaving without a word.
17:51I just wanted to sort things out my way.
17:55Nah, I'm sorry for saying stuff.
17:59What? You're not in the wrong at all. Besides...
18:03Um, about what happened before...
18:07I've made a decision.
18:11If you're gonna support me, I wanna keep being an idol.
18:15So, could you watch over me?
18:18For sure. I'm your number one fan. Forever.
18:23Okay. Also, if I'm not an idol anymore, could I still live in your room?
18:32Uh, does that mean...
18:34That's a secret.
18:37What? What does she mean?
18:40After that, Rin became even more active as an idol.
18:44A year later, she made her major debut and became a national idol.
18:49She's the talk of the town now.
18:52So, feeling lonely?
18:55Not at all. Cuz my fave's happiness is the fans' happiness, you know?
19:01And then, after a few years passed...
19:04Rin graduated from being an idol and is now always on TV, living together with me.
19:10After twists and turns, we got engaged.
19:15Um, so...
19:19Even if I'm not an idol anymore, would you still support and be a big fan of me?
19:27No need to ask something like that.
19:29There's only one person I'm a fan of.
19:32So, I'll spend my whole life supporting her from now on.
