Lost My Home, and was Living with My Childhood Friend, but When I Decided to Leave

  • 2 months ago
Lost My Home, and was Living with My Childhood Friend, but When I Decided to Leave
Japanese Manga in English
Manga video to learn English
00:00This can't be real. Wake me up from this nightmare.
00:05My name is Ryu Ogawa. I'm 24 years old.
00:09I went to work only to find out the company had gone bankrupt.
00:13Someone please tell me this is a lie!
00:16Nobody's gonna call it a lie, no matter how much I whine.
00:20What's the use?
00:22Oh no, what am I going to do?
00:25I live alone in an apartment managed by the company.
00:29Since the company went bankrupt, it seems I have to move out of this apartment too, within a week.
00:36It's okay. God hasn't abandoned me.
00:39I'll find a place to live within a week.
00:42I'll definitely be fine!
00:47One week later.
00:48Why are you here?
00:50She is my childhood friend, Reina Aoki.
00:53We went to the same university and moved to Tokyo together after finding jobs.
00:58Even after becoming working adults, we've kept in touch and helped each other out whenever needed.
01:04And that's why I'm here, seeking her help.
01:07Explain your situation.
01:10No miracle from God. Just me going through a rough time.
01:15Are you trying to get me into some religion?
01:18If so, I'm not interested. Go home.
01:22No, it's not that. Actually...
01:25I see.
01:27So please, help me out! You're the only person I can turn to!
01:32Your parents? Starting their retirement life, right?
01:36Yeah. Ever since my dad retired, they've sold off the family home in Japan and are traveling abroad.
01:43Where are they now?
01:45I think they're in France.
01:48Wasn't in Italy before that?
01:50They were in Canada not long ago, and Taiwan before that.
01:55So you can't rely on them, huh?
01:59Indeed. If they're overseas, they can't really help.
02:04So please, just let me stay for a little while!
02:08How long do you plan to crash here?
02:10A month!
02:11Didn't you say you'd be crashing here for a bit?
02:16Well, I guess I can't help it.
02:20Once you find a new place, make sure to move out.
02:23But until then, I'll let you stay.
02:26Reina, thank you! I owe you big time!
02:29And so, I ended up relying on Reina's hospitality.
02:35So sleepy.
02:37Even though it's my childhood friend's place, being in someone else's home makes it hard to relax and sleep.
02:44Anyway, I should wash my face and wake myself up.
02:48I'll end up falling back asleep if I stay drowsy like this.
02:59W-w-what are you d-d-doing?
03:02I'm sorry! I really didn't think you'd be changing clothes!
03:06I was just coming to freshen up my face. I swear, I didn't have any weird ideas!
03:11Fine! Just get out!
03:14I'm really sorry!
03:17I apologize for earlier.
03:20C'mon, don't be so mad.
03:22But... you... saw mine!
03:26Yeah, but I didn't feel anything, so relax, okay?
03:31Didn't feel anything?!
03:33What did you just say?!
03:35C'mon, we're tight enough that I know where your Mongolian spot is.
03:40What the heck are you talking about?!
03:42The Mongolian spot on your peachy butt.
03:46I swear I'll knock you out!
03:49Why? I remember it being cute, okay?
03:52It might disappear when you hit it, you know?
03:55If I could erase it, I would!
03:57Just kidding. But seriously, I'm sorry.
04:00I'll be more careful next time.
04:02You better be!
04:05Several days later.
04:07I'm back!
04:08Welcome home!
04:09Wanna bath? Food? Me?
04:12The bath.
04:14Pick me instead!
04:16I did never pick you.
04:18It's so cold.
04:20Oh, by the way, here.
04:23What's this?
04:25This is the new dessert from the convenience store.
04:28It's a cream puff! My favorite! You remembered!
04:32It's just a coincidence. Just a fluke. I wanted to eat it too.
04:37Thanks, I'm really happy.
04:40Why are you patting my head?
04:43Oh, um, I just... it's like... admiring a puppy.
04:48A puppy? Not a girl or something?
04:52Come to think of it, you are a woman, huh?
04:55That's it! I'm not gonna buy you anything anymore!
04:59Sorry, sorry. It was just a joke.
05:04Even though we're enjoying our time together, I haven't forgotten about job hunting.
05:09I haven't forgotten, but we'll see if it actually leads to anything.
05:14I failed again. I'm such a loser.
05:18Loser! Loser to you!
05:23Nug, that really hit me hard just now.
05:26Don't be so down.
05:28But I...
05:29Hold on a moment!
05:33Is this...
05:35This is what you need when you're feeling down.
05:38It brings back memories.
05:40When I had a heartbreak, or when I couldn't make the regular team in the club,
05:45you comforted me by making your specialty fried rice when I was crying.
05:50Back then, you were a bit chubby, weren't you?
05:54What? I worked hard and made efforts to lose weight!
05:58That's amazing. I admire that about you. You're diligent, unlike me.
06:04What are you saying?
06:06Just because you keep failing at job hunting doesn't mean you're not making an effort.
06:12Listen, job hunting is all about timing.
06:16If you're feeling down, just move on to the next opportunity.
06:20You're a great guy.
06:22Make those companies realize they missed out on a gem like you.
06:26You'll be fine, you.
06:30What's with that vacant expression?
06:32Did I say something weird?
06:34No, it's not that. I just realized I haven't seen your smile in a while.
06:41I thought you hated me, so I never expected to see that smile directed at me.
06:46Well, um...
06:48Anyway, just eat it already!
06:51Cheer up, nail that job hunt, and get moving out of here!
06:55Thanks, Reina.
06:58Another day.
07:00It's pouring rain today.
07:02Whoa! Thunder's so loud, I wonder if I can sleep.
07:06Huh? Reina?
07:09What's wrong, at this hour?
07:12You're scared of thunder, right? I'll sleep with you.
07:16Oh, you were afraid of thunder before, right? Didn't you ever get over that?
07:21Shut up!
07:22I'm actually fine with thunder. I can sleep alone, you know.
07:26Huh? Wait...
07:30I feel bad for scaring Reina, but she's kind of cute.
07:34What? Say something!
07:37Looks like you're really scared after all.
07:41Shut up! I mean, it's not like I'm scared.
07:46Come on, just be honest.
07:48Alright, I'm scared too, so let's sleep together.
07:52Huh. Be grateful. Alright?
07:56Yeah, yeah.
07:58What's this?
08:00We're sleeping in the same bed, so we should probably set some limits, right?
08:05Are you going to do something to me?
08:08Of course not! I wouldn't do anything to you!
08:11That's a lie! I feel like I might do something to her today, because she's just so cute today!
08:18If you try anything on me, I'll knock you out!
08:21Shut up! I already said I won't do anything! Just sleep!
08:30Has the thunder calmed down?
08:32Wait, why does it feel warm and soft on my back?
08:41She's hugging me? Why is she going past the boundary like that?
08:46She smells nice, and she's so soft.
08:50Oh no! I'm about to lose it!
08:54Hey, let go, Reina! Wake up!
09:05Oh man, what's with her? She's seriously cute!
09:09I won't do anything, but I ain't gonna be responsible for whatever goes down!
09:15Go away, my temptation! I need to go back to sleep!
09:21Next day
09:24Good morning, Ryu.
09:26Oh, uh, good morning.
09:29What's up? You seem kinda off today or something.
09:33Nah, it's nothing. I'm the same as always.
09:37Can I even face her normally after yesterday?
09:41Really? Well, if you say so.
09:44Several days later
09:46Hiya! How's that?
09:48Hey, that's cheating!
09:50It's not cheating! This is the finishing blow!
09:53No! Seriously, I lost!
09:57Loser, loser!
10:02Let's go one more round!
10:04A weakling like you can't beat me! Be prepared to lose next time, too!
10:11Huh? What is it?
10:14It's nothing, really.
10:17For nothing, you seem to be staring at me, though.
10:20It's nothing, I swear!
10:23You're wide open! Take this!
10:26Hey! That was cheating!
10:29It wasn't cheating! Hey, look, I'm turning the tables!
10:35There's no way it's nothing! Why is this happening?
10:39When I start thinking about her, any version of her is darn cute!
10:44Even her cold attitude is incredibly appealing.
10:48These feelings gradually grew.
10:50And eventually, the desire to be together became stronger.
10:55But realistically, that's impossible, right?
10:59We only promised one month.
11:01I know I need to find a job quickly and move out.
11:04I want to spend more time together.
11:07On a day when I was contemplating such things.
11:11Today, I failed to find a job once again.
11:15I failed again.
11:17This is really bad. What should I do?
11:20Am I destined to keep failing and never find a job?
11:24No! Please don't make me go through that!
11:28Oh, do you?
11:30That voice is...
11:33Hana! What are you doing here?
11:36I had to move here because of work.
11:38I just came back from seeing a property.
11:41I heard your loud voice in the park,
11:44so I thought it was you.
11:46So, what are you doing here?
11:49Well, you see...
11:52Oh dear, sounds like you've been through a lot.
11:56Yeah, it's getting tough.
11:59I can't keep going like this.
12:01Hey, you! What are you doing here?
12:06Huh? You are...
12:09I'm Hana Wada. Nice to meet you.
12:12N-nice to meet you.
12:15Um, what's your relationship with you?
12:20Actually, what were you two doing?
12:23Well, I was just trying to console him.
12:27Like this.
12:30Hey, Hana!
12:33Did you not like that?
12:35It's not that I didn't like it, but this is a bit too much.
12:39You're so cute when you're flustered.
12:43Don't tease me!
12:45You two seem quite close.
12:48Wait, why was she consoling you?
12:52Could it be you failed at finding a job again?
12:57With that reaction, I guess I hit the nail on the head.
13:03You, it's almost been a month, you know.
13:08I know. No matter what happens, I'll leave after a month.
13:12No, listen. If you want...
13:16Then, how about staying at my place? Huh?
13:21The place I viewed was quite spacious, and the rent is cheap, so...
13:26Would you come to my place?
13:28Really? Is it okay?
13:30Of course!
13:33Well, I've been thinking I've been causing too much trouble lately, so...
13:38Wait! Um...
13:40It's settled then. If you're up for it, you can come over right away.
13:44Seriously? Thank you, Hana!
13:47So, that's it. I'll be leaving. Sorry for all the trouble.
13:51Um... well...
13:54Alright, I'll go get my things.
13:57Afterward, we headed home. While I packed, Hana waited outside the door.
14:03Are you really leaving?
14:05Yeah, I can't keep causing trouble for you.
14:08Thanks for everything. It's been fun.
14:12I want us to stay together for good, but I'm worried I'm just dragging her down because I don't have a job.
14:19And it'd be a hassle for her if I told her how I feel.
14:23Well then, Reina. Thank you so much.
14:26I appreciate everything you've done for me.
14:31No, no!
14:33I want you to stay here forever.
14:36Huh? Why?
14:38Why? Because I like you, obviously.
14:43What kind of joke is that?
14:45It's not a joke.
14:47I'm serious.
14:49If you leave me behind...
14:52I have to do something.
14:54Calm down. Don't get too worked up.
14:57It's not the time to calm down.
15:00If I don't do something, you'll leave, right?
15:02I won't allow that.
15:05You... are you still taking a long time to get ready?
15:09If it's a lot, I can help.
15:13Oh my, am I intruding?
15:16No, this is...
15:18What am I doing?
15:21I'm sorry.
15:24Um, Hana, I...
15:26I get that. So go quickly, I'll be fine.
15:30Uh, thank you!
15:32Reina, wait!
15:34No, don't come! Leave me alone!
15:37Hey, stop! Listen to me!
15:39No, no, I don't want to hear it!
15:41Don't come over here!
15:43Wait, why are you running away?
15:48If things stay like this, we'll be separated from each other.
15:51I don't want that!
15:53So don't come after me, do you?
15:56What? Just leave me alone!
15:59Hey, look ahead! Watch out!
16:07Reina, are you okay? Are you hurt?
16:10Yeah, I'm okay.
16:13Seriously, what were you thinking, Reina? That was dangerous!
16:17You could have been hit by a car!
16:20I... I'm sorry.
16:23I am sorry.
16:25Hey, don't! There's no need to cry that much.
16:29But... but...
16:31Anyway, I'm glad you're safe.
16:34It would have been a big loss over such a silly thing.
16:37A big loss?
16:39Because we've been childhood friends, right?
16:42Yeah, because we're childhood friends.
16:45But it's not just that.
16:48It's because I like you.
16:52What do you mean by like?
16:56I thought you didn't have any feelings for me whatsoever.
16:59And what about earlier with Hana?
17:02Hana is my cousin. There's nothing between us.
17:05It's true that at first, I just thought of you as a childhood friend.
17:10But then, I realized that I had feelings for you.
17:13I started to think you were cute.
17:16I... I've liked you for a long time.
17:20Back then, unlike now, when I was chubby,
17:24you didn't tease me and treated me like a girl.
17:27That made me really happy.
17:30I tried my best to become the girl that you'd be into.
17:35But I was afraid of ruining our childhood friendship if I told you my real feelings.
17:41So I couldn't be honest.
17:43I'm sorry for being so standoffish.
17:47But I really love you, do you?
17:50Yeah, I love you too, Reina.
17:53So we finally managed to go from childhood friends to being a couple.
18:00After that, Reina and I went to tell Hana about our relationship.
18:04Hana blessed us saying, from now on, be honest with each other.
18:08And we continued living together as a couple.
18:11Several weeks later, I managed to find a job.
18:14And as time passed by...
18:18What is it?
18:19We've been together for four years now.
18:22Yeah, time really flew by.
18:25And despite everything, we've stayed together, right?
18:29What's wrong? Why are you suddenly bringing this up?
18:33I'm sorry, it's kinda late.
18:36Can you accept this?
18:38Is this?
18:39Please stay with me, forever and ever.
18:42Of course! That's a given!
18:45I love you, do you?
