When I Stopped Going to the Idol Handshake Event, She Stormed into My House

  • 2 months ago
When I Stopped Going to the Idol Handshake Event, She Stormed into My House
Japanese Manga in English
Manga video to learn English
00:00My name is Kento Okada. I'm a 22-year-old who works at a convenience store.
00:05I've been living without direction for a while, but that's all changed.
00:09I found my true passion at this awesome underground concert spot.
00:24Her name is Momo Ogawa.
00:26She's also known as the pink member of the emerging underground idol group Tokimeki Girls.
00:33She's my everything!
00:34I knew I was in love with her from the moment I saw her six months ago and decided to devote myself to her.
00:41Yet again, her flawless hair, serene eyes, and above all...
00:49I can't get enough of her clumsy moments.
00:51It's what makes her unique and special to me.
00:54Hang in there, Momo! Don't give up, Momo! You're the most adorable in the world!
01:01Looks aren't everything, and I really appreciate how determined she is in everything she does.
01:07Honestly, she's not as popular as the other idol members.
01:10It's a shame that her charm goes unnoticed by others.
01:14Oh, uh, three tickets, please.
01:17It's you again?
01:19Jeez, are you always free or what?
01:23Well, supporting my favorite idol keeps me busy.
01:26Oh, I'm Kento, by the way.
01:29I remember you because you're the only one who lines up.
01:32But you never get tired of this, huh?
01:34She might find me a little too insistent and irritating, but I'm not bothered by it.
01:40Get tired of this?
01:43I'll never ever get tired of you or this!
01:46Hey! Keep it down!
01:49You're seriously like a superstar genius!
01:53Time's up!
01:56Well, since you came all this way, I'll shake hands with you.
02:03You're a weirdo for being my biggest fan.
02:06But since I'm not busy, I'll keep entertaining you as much as you need.
02:10Thank you so much!
02:12She's totally worth being a fan of. She's an amazing idol!
02:16And so, I used up every penny I made to support Momo.
02:20I was always there for her weekly shows and only went to her meet-and-greets.
02:25Way to go today! You haven't stumbled at all lately!
02:30Shut up!
02:32Oh, by the way, the photos you posted on the social media yesterday were great!
02:37Looking forward to your next update!
02:41Why are you supporting someone like me?
02:45Let's face it.
02:46I'm not a great singer or dancer, and I'm not exactly the friendliest person.
02:52You've looked up to me since we were little, so, you know, this just isn't my thing.
02:57But that doesn't...
02:59Besides, I'm not popular.
03:02Don't you feel awkward being my fan?
03:05What are you talking about?
03:07I'm honored to be a fan of yours, Momo!
03:11You know the saying, it's not about how much, but how good.
03:15So, just know that all your fans, including me, are huge supporters of you.
03:21That being said, I'll buy more handshake tickets from now on.
03:26Plus, I'll spread the word to other fans about you and...
03:29That's enough! And why spend so much money?
03:33Do you work or something?
03:35I work at the Tokisuku store near the station.
03:38I'm living in the apartment across from the store that I'm renting from the owner for a good deal.
03:43And I'm making it work somehow.
03:46Oh, right! I should promote you at our store, too!
03:49You don't have to go that far!
03:52But... thank you.
03:54I'll try a bit harder.
03:56As a fan, I have to support her, too!
03:59And so, I decided to get more meet-and-greet passes and spread the word about how amazing Momo is to other fans.
04:06And now, her charm is getting the recognition it deserves!
04:10It feels good, but also kind of sad.
04:13My wallet is definitely feeling it!
04:16Ugh, I got carried away and spent too much.
04:20But even if I stop supporting Momo, she'll become popular on her own.
04:24Having hardcore fans like me could make it tricky for fresh faces to get into the mix.
04:29Maybe it's a good idea to take a step back.
04:32And so, I've decided to put being a fan on hold for now.
04:37To control my urges, I'm keeping away from social media and focusing on working every day.
04:43I wonder if Momo is doing well.
04:45Why am I acting like a worried boyfriend?
04:48She probably forgot about me a long time ago.
04:52I'm coming!
04:53Is it Toki, the landlord?
04:55If it's about rent, we agreed that Toki would deduct it from my salary.
05:00There you are!
05:06All this time...
05:08Wait, why are you crying?
05:10It's all because of you!
05:14Why did you stop coming?
05:18I've been waiting and waiting for you all this time, but...
05:22Hey, calm down for a moment!
05:24Should we go inside?
05:30Wait a sec, am I imagining things?
05:32How did my favorite star manage to show up in my room in her costume, no less?
05:39Why did you stop coming?
05:41Did you maybe get a girlfriend or something?
05:43No, that's not it.
05:45Honestly, embarrassing as it is, I ran out of money.
05:51But, but, even without me, you've become super popular now.
05:55You lied to me!
05:57You said you'd always be my fan!
06:01Thanks to you, my fan base did grow.
06:03But I've been doing this idol thing all this time for you!
06:08I moved to Tokyo dreaming big, managed to debut somehow, but I'm not good at singing or dancing.
06:15I was almost ready to quit, then you showed up.
06:23I knew I loved you the moment I laid eyes on you!
06:26It may seem sudden, but I want to be your lifelong fan!
06:32Being a fan of someone like me isn't exactly a blast.
06:37Even your coldness is totally awesome!
06:41I kept up this attitude because of what you said.
06:44Thanks to you, I could keep going.
06:48But why did you suddenly stop showing up?
06:51Did you get tired of it?
06:53Over these past three months, I've realized again that you're my only reason for living.
06:58I'm sorry for being irresponsible!
07:01Let me support you with all my heart and soul again!
07:06want to say thank you, but...
07:09I quit the whole idol thing today.
07:13I came here straight for my retirement performance.
07:16My manager gave me a lift.
07:18I was kinda hoping you'd be there, but you weren't!
07:22I haven't been keeping up with social media, but why'd you make such a sudden decision?
07:28And my manager said I could take the costume home with me as a memory.
07:32That's not the point!
07:34Why did you quit?
07:36If you aren't coming, there's no point.
07:40I-It's not just for you!
07:42I wasn't cut out for singing or dancing either.
07:47But if you've quit, we won't be able to see each other anymore.
07:51About that...
07:53I need to move out of the dorm.
07:58Is it okay if I start living here from today?
08:01S-Say what?!
08:04Well, I won't force you.
08:06If you refuse, I'll find somewhere else.
08:09Somewhere else?
08:10Like a park or a station...
08:14Make yourself at home here!
08:19I'm heading out now.
08:21Hope you have a great day!
08:23It's surreal that my favorite idol is here to see me off.
08:28Oh, feel free to make yourself at home and relax.
08:32Have a good one!
08:33I'll do my best!
08:36Oh, Kento!
08:37You're looking extra lively today.
08:39Ah, Toki!
08:41Well, you've been taking care of me since my student days,
08:44so it's my turn to return the favor.
08:47I noticed you haven't been talking about that idol lately.
08:50Are you still going to her concerts?
08:52Actually, she quit being an idol.
08:55Oh, my...
08:57But instead, she's staying with me now.
09:01Do you wanna take a break?
09:04Maybe you're just imagining things that aren't true.
09:07No, I'm perfectly fine.
09:10Even I can't believe this.
09:12I'm actually living with my ultimate idol!
09:15Welcome home!
09:17You look so relaxed.
09:19It's reassuring.
09:20But have you eaten anything?
09:21Check out this dish made by Toki, the landlord.
09:24Apparently, it's amazing.
09:26Oh, really?
09:28Then maybe I'll try some.
09:34It's so delicious!
09:37I told you!
09:39I can't believe I'm getting to see her up close for free.
09:42Ever since then, Momo's been loving her time at my place.
09:46But lately, she's starting to get a little restless
09:48and sneaks out to the convenience store where I work sometimes.
09:53My apologies for the interruption,
09:55but you have to buy the book to be able to read it.
09:58D-don't scare me like that!
10:01What were you reading? Oh.
10:03I-it's not like I have any lingering attachments or anything like that.
10:07I was just looking for a good job opportunity, you know?
10:10How about working here?
10:12Having a cute girl like you in the store will definitely make it a success!
10:17Is that okay?
10:19I'd love to!
10:20Are you really up for it?
10:22I wonder if it'll really be okay.
10:25Being an idol is similar to working in customer service, don't you think?
10:29I got this!
10:30My main worry wasn't the job.
10:32It was more about...
10:34Next, please!
10:36I knew it.
10:37Nobody's even trying to get in my lane.
10:40Um, can I shake hands with you?
10:44Hold on.
10:45Sorry, kid. This isn't that kind of shop.
10:48I-I'm sorry!
10:50Why the scary face, Kento?
10:53You jealous I'm shaking hands with other guys?
10:56I-it's not like that!
10:58If you say so.
11:00Well, I'm not an idol anymore, so it doesn't matter who I shake hands with, right?
11:06If you phrase it like that...
11:08Excuse me!
11:10Welcome! What can I help you with?
11:12Well, I was referring to that beautiful clerk over there.
11:18Just kidding!
11:20Actually, I'm Tomotsu Otakura, a rookie employee at Monthly Scramble Magazine.
11:26The magazine got sold everywhere in Japan?
11:30Yes! We actually have a new project!
11:33Oh, really?
11:35We're asking ten regular folks to each have their own page in the magazine.
11:40And if they get the most votes from readers, they'll get to be on the front cover and have a colorful cover!
11:48Why not give it a try yourself?
11:50Wait, what?
11:52When I first saw you, I felt something right away.
11:55You have this glow about you.
11:57M-me? I'm not like that.
12:01We'll do it!
12:02Um, what?
12:04As I thought. You're a quick decision maker.
12:07I'll contact you again!
12:09Hey, I don't have that kind of talent! And you know it best!
12:13Actually, it's the opposite.
12:16You're charming, and you have the ability to make people smile.
12:21Besides, modeling doesn't require singing or dancing.
12:25Okay, okay. I'll give it a go if you're that insistent.
12:29Just don't forget to have my back!
12:31Of course!
12:34Now, what can I do to make Momo's dream come true?
12:39What's wrong?
12:43I've gained weight!
12:45I couldn't resist Toki's cooking!
12:48Relax, we still have a whole month before the shoot.
12:51Alright, let's start jogging every morning!
12:56I wonder if I can keep it up...
12:59Why are you so out of breath? Come on, don't be left behind!
13:04The path to becoming a model is tough.
13:08Oh, come on! It's not like you're becoming a model!
13:12Don't worry about me. At least you should go ahead.
13:16No way!
13:17I can't be motivated unless we're together!
13:23Yes! I'm pumped up!
13:26See? You can do it if you try!
13:29I'm not used to doing photo shoots, so I need to prepare myself mentally.
13:35Alright, let's practice that too!
13:38Nice! That's great! You're amazing!
13:41Why are you so excited about this?
13:44Oh, that expression is perfect! You're so cute!
13:49How about this?
13:52Whoa! You're a once-in-a-lifetime beauty like a one-in-a-million stunner!
13:59Then, just for you...
14:02How about I take a special photo for you?
14:05Wha-? No, you don't have to do that.
14:08You're already shining like a star!
14:10Oh, come on! Don't switch into serious mode on me all of a sudden!
14:15The magazine with voting tickets we've been waiting for has finally arrived at the Tokisuku store
14:21after all those little efforts we put in for months.
14:24So? What do you think?
14:27You look absolutely adorable! You seriously look like a model!
14:32You don't have to compliment me that much!
14:35Well, of course you're even cuter in person!
14:39Hey! Quit looking back and forth like that!
14:42I might just buy up all the copies that came in!
14:46That's impossible, you know!
14:48I went all out and ordered heaps more than we usually do!
14:52T-Toki! We'll never be able to sell that much!
14:56Oh, believe me! They'll sell! We'll make it a success!
15:00All the regulars here are fans of you, Momo, you know!
15:03Alright! I'll do my best, too!
15:07The store was crazy busy, and we headed towards Momo's top spot.
15:11But there were other people trying to get the spot, too,
15:14and the social media buzz was way more than we expected.
15:18Finally, the customers have settled down!
15:22Maybe it's time for a break?
15:24No, this isn't enough yet.
15:26Listen, I was the first to see how amazing you are,
15:29so I gotta make sure everyone knows.
15:32Besides, it's been my dream since your idol days for you to become popular.
15:38But maybe you should take a break.
15:45Alright! Back to work!
15:47Was that just now a dream?
15:51Look! Kento!
15:53I'm in first place in the midterm rankings!
15:56Seriously? Let's keep going strong until the very end!
16:02I'm tired today, too.
16:05But it's surprising that people come all the way from far places to see me.
16:10Yeah, you're going viral. Even Otakura is surprised.
16:14If we keep this up, she'll definitely make it big.
16:17I need to prepare myself to step back before that happens.
16:21Hey, Momo.
16:23We should probably keep a little distance between us while we walk.
16:26You never know who might be watching.
16:29What? Seriously?
16:31Relax, it's no big deal.
16:34It's not like I'm some celebrity who can't date anyone.
16:38So, shall we head back?
16:40What should we eat today?
16:42I'll cherish this happiness because I have a feeling it'll be the last!
16:48We didn't stop promoting, and Momo stayed in the lead.
16:51And then, we made it into a magazine.
16:54But not for the magazine we were hoping for.
16:58Th-this is...
16:59When was this photo taken?
17:02They were definitely trying to get this photo out before the voting.
17:05Some folks say it's not really a big deal, but...
17:09My follow account is tanking!
17:12I'm so sorry!
17:14I messed up and made things difficult.
17:17I promised to have your back, but I feel like I'm dragging you down.
17:21Kento, there's no need for you to apologize.
17:24Actually, maybe you should show your face too and we could...
17:28No, I'll stay out of this.
17:30I don't want to cause any more trouble.
17:34Then I'll quit too!
17:35What are you talking about?
17:37I don't want to end up getting secretly snapped like that.
17:40Even after I make it big, you know?
17:43But this is a chance to fulfill your dream!
17:46Don't worry about me and...
17:48It was a dream indeed, but...
17:50Wasn't it our shared dream?
17:54I've been pretending to be strong and couldn't be honest.
17:58But I can't do my best without you, Kento.
18:01Sure, I might become famous even on my own.
18:04But didn't you say it's not how much, it's how good, Kento?
18:09As long as you're there for me and love me, Kento, I'm all good.
18:15I-I've been the one pretending to be all tough somewhere along the line.
18:21I've been using my devotion to you as an excuse.
18:24I just gotta man up and tell you this straight up.
18:27I'm totally in love with you!
18:31So, instead of being a fan and idol, will you be my girlfriend and...
18:38I want us to be together as husband and wife.
18:44That was basically a proposal just now, right?
18:47Don't you think so?
18:49O-of course it was!
18:51But hey...
18:52Even if it doesn't happen this time, you won't give up, right?
18:58Did I get this month's Scramble Magazine?
19:01Me too!
19:02I'm sorry, but we're sold out already.
19:05Oh, this one is for me.
19:06Um, about this month's Scramble Magazine...
19:10I'm sorry, we're completely sold out.
19:14Hello there!
19:15Guess what?
19:17Momo on the cover this month is getting way more copies printed than usual.
19:21Also, I got some news for you.
19:23There's gonna be an interview with you, Kento, called...
19:26The Nerds Died in the Works.
19:29I'll get in touch with you about a few things later.
19:33It's been a year since then.
19:34And when Momo and I announced our relationship, it unexpectedly went viral.
19:39And now, she's even gracing magazine covers on her own!
19:43Because of that, this store is doing amazing too.
19:46But man, this photo really turned out well.
19:51Even though the real thing is right in front of you?
19:56You're definitely the cutest in the world!
20:00Make sure you have me all to yourself.
20:04Now, there's no one who doesn't know her.
20:07The angel of the convenience store, Momo.
20:10Because she's so popular, she mostly handles things behind the scenes at the store.
20:15In other words, she's like my very own angel.
