When the Badass Girl, Shunned by Everyone, Was in Trouble, I Stepped Up and Helped…

  • 2 months ago
When the Badass Girl, Shunned by Everyone, Was in Trouble, I Stepped Up and Helped…
Japanese Manga in English
Manga video to learn English


00:00My name is Kouki Yamada, a second year high school student.
00:04Due to certain circumstances, I transferred to Koiwa High School this spring, but...
00:10Huh? A transfer student? And a guy? And to top it all off, he's an introvert! What a letdown!
00:19Haha, sorry I couldn't live up to your expectations.
00:23Hey, I know! Why don't you do something entertaining?
00:27Even if you suddenly tell me to do something like that...
00:30Just do it!
00:32Already, I had caught the attention of the delinquent group in the class.
00:38Huh? What's up?
00:40You're in the way, so move!
00:42What's with that? Oh, it's you, Reina! My bad, my bad!
00:48Don't call me by my name so casually!
00:51Don't say such cold things! We're friends, right?
00:55Huh? We're just strangers.
01:01Uh, um, thank you very much.
01:04I didn't help you or anything.
01:06Y-yeah, I know. I'm sorry.
01:09You know what? That's why people look down on you.
01:13I apologize.
01:15See? Ugh, forget it.
01:18She is my classmate, Reina Saito.
01:21In the few days since I transferred, I learned a few things about her.
01:25She has a bad attitude towards life, often comes late, and dozes off during class.
01:31Not only does she not get along with her classmates,
01:34but she also doesn't mix well with other delinquents.
01:37She's a lone wolf.
01:39Hey, Reina! Let's hang out together today!
01:43Don't talk to me so casually!
01:46Ooh, scary, scary!
01:49Well, it's not going to be that easy after all.
01:53Waruta, isn't it possible to win over Reina?
01:57Even if her appearance is perfect with that personality.
02:01You guys just don't get it.
02:03That's exactly why the feeling of superiority when you actually win her over is amazing.
02:10Reina will definitely be mine.
02:12As expected of Waruta!
02:15She's popular because she's beautiful.
02:18Anyway, there's no way I'll get close to her.
02:21That's what I thought, but I never expected things to turn out like that.
02:27One week later.
02:28I'm starting to get used to my new life, so I should look for a part-time job.
02:33Due to certain circumstances, I'm living on my own, so I need to earn my living expenses.
02:39I do receive some support from my parents, but I don't want to be a burden,
02:43considering the current situation is my responsibility.
02:48So, I applied for a part-time job at the nearby Koiwa Cafe, which had a job opening,
02:54and thankfully, I got hired.
02:56Today is my first day at work.
02:58I'm the manager, Mill. Nice to meet you.
03:01From today, you'll be working here.
03:03Yes! Nice to meet you too, and thank you for having me.
03:08You don't have to be so stiff.
03:11Good morning!
03:12Ah, Reina. Good morning.
03:15This is Kouki Yamada, who will be working with us.
03:21Hmm? Do you two know each other?
03:24Well, more like classmates than acquaintances.
03:29Oh, is that so?
03:32Then, Reina, why don't you show Kouki the ropes?
03:35Huh? Me?
03:37It's easier for classmates to teach each other.
03:41Um, well, I can't say I don't want to because she's scary.
03:46Well, if you say so.
03:49Great! Thank you.
03:53Honestly, I was really worried about whether I could get along with Reina.
03:59I didn't order this.
04:01Huh? Are you sure? I'm sorry!
04:05I-I'm sorry!
04:07W-what am I doing?
04:09I was so nervous on the first day that I kept making mistakes.
04:13Hey, you!
04:15Eek! She's going to scold me!
04:18Are you okay? Are you hurt?
04:21Huh? Y-yes!
04:23Get some clubs and a newspaper. Don't you know where they are? Follow me!
04:29Um, excuse me.
04:31You should apologize to Mill, not me.
04:34Of course, I'll apologize to Mill, too.
04:37But I keep making mistakes, and I'm causing trouble for you, too.
04:42Huh? You just started, so it's normal to make mistakes.
04:47No one has high expectations from the beginning. It's just important to improve from now on.
04:52You're right. That's true. Thank you.
04:55It's not like I need your gratitude.
04:58Reina was also terrible at first.
05:01Hey, Mill-san!
05:03Maybe Reina is misunderstood, and she might be a kind person deep down.
05:09The next day.
05:11Uh, Reina, I wanted to say thanks for yesterday.
05:14Huh? Shut up! Don't talk to me!
05:17Huh? S-so scary! Was yesterday just a dream?
05:22Hm? Come to the rooftop during lunch break?
05:26What's going on? Is she going to scold me?
05:29And during lunch break.
05:31I was too harsh earlier. I didn't mean to tell you not to talk to me.
05:36I see.
05:38Strictly speaking, I meant, don't discuss work-related stuff at school.
05:43Why is that?
05:45I haven't gotten permission from the school.
05:48Huh? Really?
05:50This school strictly prohibits part-time jobs.
05:53And if you really want one, you have to apply to the school and get permission.
05:58Of course, I have that permission, but it seems Reina doesn't.
06:02But if they find out about an unauthorized job, it could lead to suspension or even expulsion.
06:09That's why I'm telling you to keep it a secret.
06:12Of course, I won't go around telling others, but wouldn't it be better to get permission?
06:17Even if the school has some distance from the cafe, it's not guaranteed that students or teachers won't visit.
06:23And if it gets discovered, it could also cause trouble for the cafe.
06:27I know that. I'd want to get permission if I could.
06:32But to get permission, you need to have certain grades, right?
06:36For someone like me who constantly gets failing grades, it's impossible.
06:40Ah, I see.
06:42I got it. Then you should teach me.
06:46You look smart.
06:47Actually, I'm not that smart.
06:50But you're better than me, right? Since you have permission to work.
06:53Well, that's true, but...
06:56Yesterday I helped you with your work, didn't I? Come on, please.
07:00Um... Okay, I understand.
07:03Great! Counting on you.
07:05And that's how I ended up teaching Reina for some reason.
07:09Why does Point P move? If you're going to prepare apples, prepare enough for the number of people.
07:15This is terrible.
07:17She seems to struggle with studying more than I had imagined.
07:21Should we stop here for today?
07:23No. Let's try a bit more.
07:26She's determined.
07:28Though she may complain, she never gives up and earnestly tackles the problems.
07:33Of course, within limits that won't affect her work.
07:37Ugh, this is heavy.
07:39Is it? Then I'll do it.
07:42Huh? You alone won't manage. Let's do it together.
07:46It's alright, it's alright. Leave it to me.
07:51Hm? You're unexpectedly strong.
07:54Huh? Oh, yeah. Well, surprised, huh? People often say that.
08:01And then it goes like this?
08:04How is it? Can you do it?
08:07Yeah, almost done.
08:10Oh, that was close. That was close.
08:14Th-thanks. I mean...
08:17H-hurry put it down. It's heavy, right?
08:20Huh? It's not heavy at all.
08:22Just put it down already.
08:27After that, we started utilizing the school breaks to study together.
08:31So, if you do this and that, the answer will be three times to the power of five. Got it?
08:38Y-yeah, I don't get it.
08:41You're saying it so straightforwardly.
08:44Please explain it again. I'll do my best to understand this time.
08:48Ugh, I can't refuse when she looks at me so earnestly.
08:52W-why is that introverted guy with Reina? She won't even talk to me properly.
08:58Hey, you guys, find out what's going on.
09:01Y-yes, sir!
09:04And one week before the midterm exams...
09:07Both of you have tests coming up, right? Take a break from work and focus on studying.
09:12Thank you!
09:13Alright. If that's the case, we'll have a study camp starting today.
09:19Coming in!
09:20Why my place?
09:22Why not? You live alone.
09:24That's exactly why it's not okay!
09:27Anyway, let's get started. I'm burning with determination right now!
09:31Uh, okay. Whatever. I give up.
09:36A few hours later...
09:37Ugh, I made the same mistake again!
09:41Reina, maybe it's time for a break?
09:44No way! I'm not done yet!
09:46You're really passionate. Honestly, it's surprising.
09:49If you're not good at studying, you could choose not to work.
09:53But why do you push yourself this much?
09:56That's because I come from a single-parent household.
10:01I have four siblings at home, and I want to at least earn my living expenses and university entrance fees to lessen the burden on my mom.
10:08I had no idea she had such circumstances. I see.
10:13What are you looking at?
10:15Well, it's just that I didn't expect you to plan on going to college.
10:19Huh? The way you said it makes it sound like it's strange for me to go to college.
10:24No, that's not what I meant!
10:26Then what did you mean?
10:28Even though she has a sharp tongue, she's actually a good person at heart.
10:33Well, it's already this late.
10:35You're right. It's getting late, so we should go home.
10:39Great! Let's have dinner!
10:43Several minutes later...
10:45Here. It's a thank-you meal for always tutoring me. Eat without holding back.
10:50Th-this is delicious! It's the first time I've had such a tasty dish!
10:55Really? I'm embarrassed now.
10:59I didn't expect you to be such a good cook. It's surprising.
11:03Hey, you talk too much. Come to think of it, why are you living alone? It's unusual for a high school student.
11:11Huh? Oh, well, you see, there are various reasons.
11:17Various reasons?
11:19Yeah, that's right. It's because of my family circumstances.
11:23I see.
11:25That was close. I must keep hiding my past no matter what.
11:30And so, after the tests were over, on the day of the results announcement...
11:35I did it! I did it!
11:37Really? Congratulations!
11:39Reina managed to exceed the required score to obtain permission for her part-time job.
11:45I couldn't have done it alone! I managed to do it because of you! Kouki, you supported me!
11:51No, no, that's not true. In the end, it was your own effort, Reina.
11:56My name?
11:59Calling me as Reina is so normal. You can call me by my nickname!
12:03Huh? O-okay, Reina. It feels kind of embarrassing.
12:10You feel embarrassed because you say it's embarrassing. Anyway, thanks a lot.
12:17Huh? W-what is this feeling? Wait, could it be...
12:22After school that day.
12:24Alright, today I'll do high-speed dishwashing.
12:28Wait, Reina and Waterta? Why is she with them?
12:32Something doesn't feel right. There's still some time before work.
12:36Feeling uneasy, I decided to follow them.
12:40And then...
12:41Oh, that's...
12:43Well, I never expected you to be working at school without permission.
12:48How did you know that?
12:50Lately, you've been getting all chummy with that introverted guy.
12:54It seemed weird, so after school, I decided to follow you guys.
12:59Hey, hey, are you sure you should talk like that?
13:03If I were to tell the school about this...
13:07You're such a creep, you know that?
13:09Ugh, that's the one thing...
13:12Exactly, right? So, do you know what you should do?
13:17What should I do?
13:19Be my girlfriend.
13:21What? Don't be ridiculous. I'd rather get expelled than be your girl.
13:27I see, I see. Then I guess there's no other choice.
13:31I'll just have to teach that introverted guy, who's so close to you, a lesson.
13:37Don't you dare!
13:38He's gonna have a tough time too, becoming friends with you only to suffer in the end.
13:46I'll do as you say, but I won't let you touch him!
13:49Alright! Then start by saying, I love you, Watata.
13:56Come on, hurry up!
13:58I... love...
14:01That's enough!
14:02That's enough!
14:04Rei, you don't need to listen to the words of a despicable guy like him.
14:10Oh, if it isn't the introverted guy!
14:13Trying to play the hero, huh?
14:16If you don't want to get hurt, back off!
14:18You're gonna regret defying him!
14:21Regret it you will!
14:23Oh, brother...
14:25The day has come when I have to get serious again.
14:29Come on, then.
14:32You think I'm just all talk?
14:34Hurry up and come at me!
14:36I'll crush all of you, one by one!
14:39Y-You introverted loser!
14:41Getting all cocky!
14:44You're gonna pay!
14:54W-What is this guy?
14:56He's too strong!
14:58I-It's amazing!
15:00He took out three of them in an instant!
15:02Don't ever bother her again.
15:04W-Why are you protecting that delinquent girl?
15:08It's true that she might not have been very serious before.
15:12But now, she's reflecting on her actions and trying to walk a straight path.
15:17If you're going to interfere with that, I won't forgive you.
15:22I-I'm sorry!
15:24Kouki, who on earth are you?
15:27I'm sorry.
15:29It's a really embarrassing story, but this is the real me.
15:33What do you mean?
15:36I was born with a fierce look in my eyes.
15:39And because of that, I've always been targeted for fights.
15:43As I started winning those fights, one after another,
15:46rumors spread and delinquents from all over started challenging me,
15:50creating a vicious cycle.
15:52Eventually, it got to the point where they came to the school looking for me to start a brawl.
15:58Hey, Kouki Yamada, come out already!
16:01We won't leave until you show your face!
16:06To avoid causing trouble to those around me,
16:08I decided to change my persona and transferred to this high school in the neighboring prefecture.
16:14Oh wait, is that for real?
16:16It's like something from a manga, so cool!
16:19It might seem cool in a manga, but in reality, it just makes me a troublemaker.
16:24So, please keep this a secret, alright?
16:27Well, if you say so, Kouki.
16:29And also...
16:31There's something I want to tell you.
16:33What is it?
16:35During these past few months, I've been spending time with you,
16:39and I've noticed that you're really family-oriented,
16:42hard-working, and...
16:44I think you're amazing.
16:46Uh, yeah?
16:47So, that's why I...
16:51Please, be friends with me!
16:55I think we can build a great relationship.
16:57Is that okay?
17:01Don't misunderstand me!
17:06What do you mean?
17:07Aren't we already friends?
17:09Why are you saying this now?
17:11We are?
17:12I'm so happy!
17:14You're making a big deal out of nothing.
17:16I'm sorry, I don't really get it.
17:18But I apologize!
17:21After that,
17:22Naruto and his group stopped bothering us,
17:24and Reina got permission to work at the school.
17:27However, she needed to maintain her grades,
17:29so we continued studying together.
17:31Since we became friends,
17:33we started spending more time together,
17:35but something felt a little strange.
17:38Um, Reina...
17:40What's wrong with that?
17:42Isn't this too close?
17:44What's wrong with that?
17:46It's not that I mind,
17:48but why are you doing this?
17:50Mill said that people like you wouldn't notice
17:52unless someone got this close.
17:55Does that mean...
17:57It seems that our relationship might progress
17:59beyond just being friends,
18:01but that's a story for a little later on.
