When I Was the Only One to Treat the Most Feared Badass Delinquent Like a Girl…

  • 3 months ago
When I Was the Only One to Treat the Most Feared Badass Delinquent Like a Girl…
Japanese Manga in English
Manga video to learn English


00:00My name is Masato Suzuki, a third-year high school student who's an introverted boy with a personality that can't easily say no when pushed too hard.
00:10Thanks to that, I've been assigned the task of taking care of the flower bed this year.
00:15At first, I wasn't thrilled about it, but now I've come to really enjoy it.
00:20The flowers are blooming beautifully again today.
00:23Hey, you there. Move. You're in my way.
00:28Huh? Did I just hear a voice right now?
00:32Step aside, or I'll crush you.
00:35I swear I heard a voice. But where from?
00:38Where are you looking? Look up, I said up!
00:43Dodge properly, otherwise you'll get squashed.
00:49Why is there suddenly someone coming down from the top of the tree?
00:54That hurt.
00:56Ouch. Sorry.
00:58Hey, why did you move? Because of you, I crashed into you head-on.
01:03I'm sorry.
01:06Her name is Haru Aoki. We're in the same class, and she's rumored to be the toughest delinquent who solves everything with her fists.
01:14She has a boyish side and speaks with a strong tone, so she has a lot of enemies.
01:20Recently, there have been rumors that she got into a big fight with another delinquents group from a different high school.
01:27There are other legends about her, like wrestling a bear or catching a wild boar to make a stew.
01:33She's simply a girl of many tales.
01:37I always thought she wasn't in the classroom, but I never expected to find her in a place like this.
01:43Hey, it's dangerous to be in a spot like this, you know.
01:49What's with that red face?
01:53Alright, my bad.
01:55Don't be so scared. Anyway, from now on, don't stay around my feet.
02:00It'd be a real mess if I accidentally stepped on you.
02:03H-hey, I'll be careful.
02:06Also, those flowers in the flowerbed? They look a bit weak. Give them some nutrients.
02:14And thin them out a bit. They're too close together.
02:17Uh, well...
02:19I get that it might feel sorry to remove some.
02:22But if you don't do it properly, they won't get enough nutrition.
02:25Take good care of them. After all, flowers are living beings too. See ya!
02:30T-thank you. I didn't expect her to be so caring about flowers and stuff.
02:36A few hours later...
02:38Oh no, the rain suddenly started pouring. Good thing I brought a foldable umbrella.
02:44Seriously? The weather forecast got it all wrong!
02:49That voice... Haru?
02:52Huh? Oh, it's you, Suzuki. It's been a while since this morning.
02:58Did you, by any chance, forget your umbrella?
03:01Not really. They said it wasn't made today.
03:05I see. If it's okay with you, why don't we go home together?
03:10Huh? What are you talking about?
03:13Because you don't have an umbrella, right? You'll get wet if you go home like this.
03:18I'm totally fine with that. Once the rain eases up, I'll run back home.
03:22That's not good at all!
03:26You are a girl, right? So, come on, use my umbrella!
03:30What the... a girl, you say?
03:34My sister told me, so I know. Girls shouldn't let themselves get cold.
03:39Haru, you need to take better care of yourself.
03:44Oh, but maybe you don't want to be with someone like me?
03:48That's not...
03:50Then, use this umbrella!
03:52Hey, what about you? You'll get wet!
03:55I'm a guy, so I can handle this much. You make sure you don't get wet and go home.
04:02Wait a second...
04:04See you later, Haru. Take care!
04:07Don't let yourself get cold, okay? Make sure to keep warm when you get home!
04:12What's with this guy?
04:15I told her not to get cold, but I never thought I'd catch a cold.
04:20I really lack stamina.
04:23Masato, your friend came to visit you.
04:26Huh? Friend?
04:29Hey, are you okay?
04:31Haru, why are you here?
04:34What are you saying? She came to check on you.
04:37Well then, I'll leave you two alone. I'll be downstairs.
04:42Thank you for coming all the way here.
04:45Haru, you're actually really kind, aren't you?
04:48Huh? It's not like that. I just came to deliver some handouts, that's all.
04:53People who aren't kind wouldn't come all the way to someone's house. Thank you, Haru.
05:00This is, like, a thank you for yesterday's umbrella. Or I mean...
05:05Hey, have you been eating properly?
05:08To be honest, I haven't been very hungry.
05:12I thought so. Here, have some pudding.
05:17I also bought jelly and yogurt.
05:19When you catch a cold, having these things can be helpful, right?
05:26You really are kind, Haru. You think so much about me.
05:31Hey! I told you, stop praising me all the time.
05:36Besides, no one has ever said something like that to me before.
05:40Then maybe everyone just hasn't noticed your kindness, Haru.
05:47Here, at least eat something.
05:50If you don't eat, you won't get better.
05:53Then I'd like some pudding.
05:56All right, I'll feed you.
05:58Huh? That's embarrassing.
06:01Don't be shy when you're sick. Come on, open up.
06:05No, really.
06:07Shut up! Stop saying unnecessary things and eat!
06:13How is it?
06:14It's delicious. Thank you.
06:18See? This one is my favorite.
06:21You like pudding?
06:23Yeah. Pudding is the most delicious food in the world.
06:33Oh no, she looks so cute talking about pudding.
06:37I accidentally let my inner thoughts slip out.
06:40So, why do you always keep saying things like that?
06:46I'm sorry.
06:48But it's just that I could feel how much you love pudding, and I thought it was adorable.
06:54Don't you dare call me cute!
06:58Anyway, I'll head home for today, but I'll come again tomorrow.
07:03And I'll keep coming until you're better.
07:06Make sure to eat properly and rest. See ya.
07:09Ah, she'll come again tomorrow.
07:12My cold turned out to be a bit stubborn and dragged on.
07:16But just as she promised, Haru visited me almost every day.
07:20But it's my own fault for catching a cold, and yet she keeps coming every day.
07:26I feel bad.
07:28Um, Haru, do you feel responsible for this?
07:33What the heck? Why bring that up all of a sudden?
07:37Because you lent me your umbrella, and I got wet and caught a cold.
07:43I'm causing trouble for you, even though it's my own fault.
07:47I feel sorry that you come here every day.
07:50It's not like that.
07:52I just feel like I need to return the favor. Don't worry about it.
07:56Here, cheer up! I brought this for you today.
07:59It's a daisy!
08:01You recognized it instantly.
08:04Ever since I started taking care of the flowerbed, I've become interested in flowers, so I've been studying about them.
08:11Good for you.
08:13You really are kind, Haru.
08:15What's up with you? Seriously, what's your deal?
08:19But pink daisies symbolize gratitude.
08:22And if I were to receive so many thank you, I'd be overwhelmed.
08:27Don't say cute things like that!
08:31Huh? Did you say something?
08:34Nothing! I didn't say anything!
08:37Oh, right! There's something I want to give you today, Haru.
08:41Something to give me?
08:43Just wait a moment.
08:46This... is it a pudding?
08:49Yep! It's my favorite pudding! I asked my mom to buy it for me.
08:54You went through all that trouble for...
08:57It's a thank you for always visiting me.
09:01I can't possibly repay this.
09:04You're the one being kind. Thanks. I appreciate it.
09:09You're welcome.
09:11What's with you all of a sudden? You're so quiet. Your face is turning all bad.
09:17Well, that's because...
09:20Has your fever gone up?
09:23Hey, don't make weird sounds! What's gotten into you all of a sudden?
09:27Well, it's just that we're so close.
09:30And why should that matter?
09:32It does matter! Because you're a girl, Haru!
09:37When you're close to a cute girl like this, anyone would feel their heart pounding!
09:42C-cute? You... Why do you...
09:46Haru, you should be more aware of just how cute of a girl you are.
09:51Only you would say something like that!
09:55Geez, just go to sleep already. Rest up and get better!
09:59Um, Haru, when I get better, let me thank you properly!
10:04Thank me? Don't worry about visiting me when I'm sick.
10:08You did so many nice things for me, and I want to show my gratitude through actions.
10:13So, would you like to go to the botanical garden together?
10:18Botanical garden?
10:20Um, would you not like it?
10:23No way, let's go together!
10:27A few days later, with my cold fully recovered, it was finally time for our outing.
10:33Sorry for keeping you waiting!
10:35No worries, I wasn't waiting at all. Uh...
10:39What's wrong?
10:41Haru, your casual clothes look really pretty!
10:45W-what? Why do you always...
10:48You're always cute, but today you look exceptionally wonderful!
10:53Fine, fine! Let's just go to the botanical garden already!
10:58One hour later...
11:00Wow! There are so many different flowers here! I can't grow this many varieties at home!
11:07Ah! That flower over there is my favorite! And those flowers over there, they're so beautiful!
11:13Haru really does love flowers! Seeing her so excited is so adorable!
11:18W-what are you staring at?
11:21Oh, I just thought you looked really happy.
11:24Even so, flowers probably don't suit me.
11:28That's not true.
11:30But I still like them!
11:32My mom loved flowers. When I was little, we used to take care of the garden together.
11:38But after she passed away from an illness, the garden was neglected and became overgrown.
11:44I see. What about your dad? Can't he help you with it?
11:49My dad died in an accident right after I was born.
11:53So, now I'm the only one left in the house my parents left behind.
11:58Relatives offered to live together, but...
12:01I didn't want to leave the house full of memories.
12:06But it gets lonely sometimes.
12:09So, to distract myself, I would go out at night and get into fights with others.
12:14And that's how I got labeled as a delinquent.
12:18It's embarrassing!
12:20I put on this tough front because I don't want people to see me on the verge of tears.
12:24She looks lonely. There must be something I can do for her.
12:28I know! I have an idea!
12:32Haru! I'm actually good at gardening! Let's make the garden beautiful again!
12:38I'll help you! Let's restore the garden that your mom and you loved so much!
12:43Are you serious?
12:46Thank you, Masato!
12:49You're really a good guy!
12:51Um, I appreciate that, but please don't hug me so tightly!
12:56My heart can't handle this!
12:58On the next day off, we embarked on the revive the garden operation, and then...
13:04We did it!
13:06It looks beautiful!
13:08I never thought it would return to its former state.
13:12There are still some spots where we haven't planted the saplings. We can do that on another day.
13:17Thanks, Masato!
13:19Wait, Haru!
13:21You're really amazing!
13:23Hey, let's go buy the saplings we're planting here next Sunday!
13:27Sure! Let's go!
13:29From that day on, the time Masato and Haru spent together gradually increased.
13:36I think that's enough for now.
13:39We planted a lot, and it'll be exciting to see them bloom!
13:43The garden will be filled with flowers again!
13:47I'm looking forward to it!
13:49All right, let's take a break and then finish the rest!
13:52How about I make some tea?
13:56Hey, Haru!
14:00Are you okay?
14:02Oh, sorry! I accidentally pulled you down!
14:06I'm fine, but you... wait...
14:09Hey, move away quickly! This is embarrassing, you know!
14:13Sorry! It was an accident, not intentional!
14:16I know! I was the one who pulled you down!
14:20Um, let's take a break for now!
14:25As we spent more time together, my feelings of affection for Haru grew larger.
14:30I cherished the peaceful days we had together,
14:33but little did I know what the future held for us.
14:36What the heck is this?
14:40All the seedlings we carefully planted have been dug up!
14:43They did this while we were at school!
14:46It's those Dame Moto!
14:48The team we had a big fight with!
14:51You don't mean they did this as revenge?
14:53I'm sorry, Masato...
14:56You worked so hard to make it beautiful, and now it's like this...
15:00No way! It's not your fault!
15:02No! My surroundings are dangerous now, so it's better if you stay away!
15:07No way!
15:09I'll make things right!
15:11Wait, Haru!
15:13Geez, why do you always try to handle everything alone?
15:16I won't let her go alone!
15:19You punks! How dare you mess up our garden!
15:23I won't let you cause trouble again, so be prepared!
15:27Ha! You can talk big!
15:30Huh? Apologizing now won't change anything!
15:34If you dare to lay a hand on us again, you know what'll happen to that guy!
15:41Lately, there's a guy who seems close to you.
15:44What? He has nothing to do with this!
15:47If you don't want anything to happen to your precious one, better stay quiet!
15:54Even the strongest become weak when they want to protect something!
16:01Don't you dare touch her!
16:04Masato! Why are you here?
16:07I won't let anything happen to you, Haru!
16:10Step back, loser! What can you do?
16:13I can protect the person I love!
16:16W-what? Masato, you love me?
16:22Hmph! Then prove it by protecting her!
16:27W-what? You...
16:29He's protecting me with his own body!
16:32Then I'll protect the person I love too!
16:36Get ready! Don't think you'll leave unharmed!
16:43Hmph! I'll talk!
16:45Masato! Are you alright?
16:48I showed you a pathetic side of me.
16:52That's not true. You've always been and will always be a cool guy.
16:59You've been kind to me, treated me like a girl.
17:02And now you came to rescue me.
17:05I... I love you, Masato.
17:09I love you too!
17:12The truth is, I love the sweet and warm Haru, and I love you, my love!
17:18After expressing our feelings, we became not just friends, but lovers from that day on.
17:24The Dame Moto team, who used to be hostile to Haru, got caught by the police for causing trouble in someone else's garden.
17:32Their other misdeeds were also uncovered, and they faced the appropriate consequences.
17:37Of course, after that, Haru's garden was restored beautifully with both of us working on it.
17:43We also planted new flowers, and I'm looking forward to seeing them bloom.
17:48A few months later...
17:50The Dogwood tree is blooming beautifully!
17:54It's truly breathtaking when it's in full bloom.
17:58It's so beautiful.
18:00The most beautiful thing here is you, Haru, my love.
18:06I was planning to confess properly when the flowers bloomed.
18:10I love you, Haru.
18:12Let's be together forever and ever, even after a hundred years.
18:16Of course.
18:19I love you, my darling Masato.
