When the Delinquent Girls Who Hates Me Find Out I Have a Younger Stepsister.

  • 2 months ago
When the Delinquent Girls Who Hates Me Find Out I Have a Younger Stepsister.
Japanese Manga in English
Manga video to learn English
00:00Love ya, Hiro! Heading out!
00:03Love you too! Catch you later!
00:06My name's Hiro Watanabe.
00:08I'm a second-year high schooler,
00:10handling chores and looking after my sis in place of our busy parents.
00:14But handling everything alone can be a real hassle.
00:18Would be nice to have someone help with Reina.
00:21Well, finding someone like that on the fly...
00:24Whoa! Is that...
00:27Oh no! Our eyes met!
00:29What are you staring at, huh?
00:32Eek! My bad! It's nothing, seriously!
00:36If it's nothing, then spill it, right?
00:39You've been eyeballing us.
00:42They're technically my classmates.
00:45Every time you look our way, you get all jumpy.
00:48She's Momo Mori. Hot and with killer style.
00:51But don't let it fool you, she's a real badass.
00:57That's Haru Sato. Secretly a rich girl with class.
01:01But she's got that scary vibe too.
01:04Got something to say? Speak up like a man, yeah?
01:09Meet Rin Nakano. Looks all cute and cuddly, but don't be fooled.
01:13She's a scary one too.
01:15These girls are always like this. Do they really hate me or something?
01:22Hold up! Hey!
01:24He's running.
01:27Yup, still too scary. Gotta steer clear for sure.
01:32The next day, after that whole mess, I had plans to go out with my sis.
01:37Alright, let's go. Wait, why are you in such high spirits?
01:41Cuz I get to go out with you.
01:44My cute sis is washing away yesterday's mess.
01:47There, there, Reina. You're such a good girl.
01:50Kira, love ya!
01:52Thanks, I love you too.
01:55Ugh, what's with that girl?
01:57This isn't good.
01:59Can't forgive having a sis like that.
02:02This is bad. Hey, what do we do?
02:04We can't just ignore this.
02:07Right. Okay, here's the plan.
02:10Huh? Did I hear something? Never mind.
02:14Hiro, let's go!
02:16Uh, yeah. As long as I've got Reina, I'm happy.
02:21Not that, but after the weekend, for some reason, I found myself surrounded by those scary crew.
02:28Yo, Hiro!
02:30Um, what's up? What's going on?
02:33You free today? We're coming over to your place, okay?
02:37Decision made.
02:38Huh? Why all of a sudden?
02:41Saw you walk in with your cute sis yesterday.
02:44Gonna introduce her to us?
02:46They're after Reina? This is no joke!
02:49I'll protect my cute sis from any harm!
02:52Sorry, another time!
02:54Hey, don't run!
02:56Hold up, you little-
02:57Chase him!
03:02Oh? You're coming home too?
03:04Yay! Let's go home together!
03:07Look, there she is!
03:09W-wait! Don't mess with Reina!
03:12I don't know why these three are after Reina,
03:14but I'll protect Reina even if it costs me my life!
03:17So cute!
03:20There, there!
03:23Oh my god, like an angel!
03:26W-what's going on?
03:28Well, we've been childhood buds!
03:31Look, surprisingly, we love kids!
03:34Unexpected as heck!
03:36Back in the day, there was this super kind preschool teacher who treated us like royalty.
03:41I used to dream of becoming a fantastic teacher like that.
03:45And now, things changed?
03:47You think we can pull that off now?
03:50These three may be delinquents, but they seem really sad, huh?
03:54Also, sorry about everything till now.
03:59The three of us just like flashy outfits.
04:02We stood out, got labeled as delinquents before we knew it.
04:06You know, you always seemed jumpy watching us, right?
04:10Figured if you hated us, it'd be better to keep our distance.
04:13So, sorry for always having that tough attitude.
04:18We apologize too!
04:22N-no need!
04:24So, Mori and her crew were actually like this?
04:28They can apologize sincerely, love kids...
04:31Man, they're pretty awesome girls!
04:34Actually, it's me who should apologize.
04:36I judged you all based on appearances.
04:39You guys like kids, right?
04:42If you don't mind, would you keep playing with my sister?
04:45Is that cool?
04:47We're delinquents, you know.
04:49Honestly, it was scary, but now I've realized you're all really kind.
04:55Yo, you're too soft.
04:57Seriously, so soft.
05:00Easy mark.
05:02W-well, maybe I am.
05:05All three of them didn't know they smile in such a cute face.
05:09And another thing.
05:11Drop the formal thing.
05:13We're on a first-name basis now.
05:18I get to play with you guys again!
05:22From that day on, my sister and I started hanging out with those three.
05:27Like on another day.
05:29Alright, gonna make some hamburger steaks today.
05:32I'll whip up the one Reina was eyeing earlier.
05:34The one we were reading about in that book together?
05:39Sour Cream Onion Tart Filet.
05:42What's that? A magic spell?
05:44Why's that?
05:45No, it's just too fancy.
05:48Wanna taste it?
05:49Oh, but I'm in the middle of making the hamburger steak, so my hands are...
05:54Alright then. Here comes the plane.
05:58Why hesitate? Eat up.
06:02Wait! Momo's fingers are on my lips!
06:05W-why are you blushing? Seriously!
06:08S-says the one blushing, Momo.
06:11Huh? No way!
06:15You two are burning up like newlyweds!
06:20No way!
06:21Uh...Hiro, you're popular, huh?
06:25N-no! Reina, why are you saying that?
06:29And on another day, Haru helps Reina with her homework.
06:32Wow! Haru, you make it so easy to understand!
06:37Glad to hear that.
06:39Look, Hiro! I finished all my homework!
06:42Amazing, Reina! You worked really hard! Good job, good job!
06:47Okay! Let's do tomorrow's, too!
06:52Thanks! I had no idea you were so smart!
06:55Judging by appearances, no go.
07:00Uh, sorry. But seriously, you teach so nicely and kindly. It's impressive.
07:08By the way, where are Momo and Rin? They've been gone for snacks forever.
07:15What's up? You've been quiet for a while now.
07:19Um...I've never been praised like this. It feels kinda strange.
07:25Huh? Not even by your parents or something?
07:31Probably grew up in a tough household. Is that why she ended up with such a flashy appearance?
07:37Hiro! I came up with something cool!
07:42Let's give Haru a reward, too!
07:46She worked hard teaching me, so you gotta pat her head.
07:50That's a bit much.
07:52But...I wouldn't mind it, maybe.
07:58Come on!
08:00Ugh. If it's Reina, she won't listen if I say no. Can't be helped.
08:06There, there, good girl.
08:12I wanna do that, too! Good girl, Haru!
08:19Geez, I'm blushing. But man, she's cute, huh?
08:24After that, some more time passed. Now, it's completely normal for the three of them to be at home.
08:31Let's make it even more delicious!
08:33For this passage...
08:36Got it!
08:37Rin, everything alright?
08:39Huh? What do you mean?
08:41Seems like something's on your mind.
08:43How'd you know?
08:45So, like, Momo's a kitchen wizard, and Haru's got brains, right?
08:51On top of that, Momo's got the style, and Haru's just adorable.
08:56But me? I'm like, total zeros.
09:00I'm like, short, too. Not very ladylike, huh? That's the deal.
09:07You really thinking about that stuff? I think you're cute, too, you know?
09:12And Rin, you've got the gift of gab, seriously.
09:15Quit with the flattery.
09:17It's not flattery, really.
09:19So, do you feel any woman vibes from me?
09:23Well, you know, it's not like I don't. I mean, how could I not?
09:28Oh, really? Huh...
09:33Oh, seriously, your face is all red.
09:37Back off, will you?
09:39You really think I'm cute? Thanks, you know.
09:44What are you two doing over there?
09:46When someone's working hard at cooking.
09:50Oh no, this is...
09:52Hey, Hiro thinks I'm cute.
09:57And at school...
09:59Hiro, wanna eat together?
10:02Haru! Not cool!
10:04If we start talking to him at school, it'll lead to misunderstandings, right?
10:09Oh, right.
10:11Don't worry about it. The weather's great today, so let's eat in the courtyard.
10:16Before I knew it, these fun days became the norm, and I believed it would continue forever.
10:23Hey, is that true?
10:25Hiro's a delinquent, too, huh?
10:28Huh? What's going on?
10:30Seems like they're together even at home.
10:33Huh? Really? Wow, that's just...
10:37Hey, what are you guys talking about?
10:40Oh, uh, it's nothing.
10:44Hiro, are you okay?
10:47Lately, it seems like scary people are hanging around your house.
10:51No, they're totally not those kinds of people.
10:55It'll be a problem if Rena gets a bad influence.
10:58It's a sorry situation for your hard-working parents.
11:02What should I do?
11:04Everyone's spreading rumors about the three of them at school and in the neighborhood.
11:08Sure, they might look like delinquents, but nobody knows how kind they really are.
11:14Hiro, can I talk to you for a moment?
11:17Yeah, what is it?
11:19Lately, you seem to be getting along with those three.
11:23Is everything okay?
11:25If there's anything troubling you, I'm here to listen, okay?
11:29No, I'm good. Seriously.
11:31Hiro, you're a nice student, so you gotta stay on track.
11:36Getting involved with students like those three isn't good for your future.
11:42Thanks for caring.
11:44But let me make this clear.
11:46Those three girls are really kind.
11:48Both me and my sister are being helped by them.
11:51Spending time together is fun.
11:53Those three are important to me.
11:55I see.
11:57I'm sorry for the bad choice of words.
12:00I'll make sure to approach this properly.
12:04Evening of that day.
12:06I'm home!
12:07Oh, Hiro!
12:13Hey, thanks.
12:15Huh? What for?
12:17For talking to the teacher about us.
12:19Y-you saw that?
12:25I wanted her to know that you three are actually really kind.
12:29Oh, I see.
12:32My face is getting hot.
12:35Oh, thanks.
12:38So, if you can, I'd like everyone at school to know too.
12:42But it's true we're delinquents.
12:47And what kind of thinking about quitting school?
12:50Huh? No way!
12:52What are you gonna do after quitting school?
12:55Maybe permanent employment?
12:57What? What are you talking about?
13:00If I marry you, it seems fun.
13:02Who are you choosing?
13:04I recommend me!
13:06Oh, Hiro's mine!
13:08Oh? Being Reina's sister on the side sounds good too.
13:12Hey, what are you all saying?
13:19Just kidding!
13:21Haha, gotcha!
13:23Hey, come on guys!
13:25But seriously, it's better if you stop hanging out with us.
13:31We're being talked about at school and in the neighborhood.
13:34It'll cause trouble for your little sister too.
13:37Wait a minute, what are you guys saying?
13:40Today we came to tell you this.
13:43It's about time we part ways.
13:45Bye bye!
13:47We had a blast playing and eating together!
13:50Hiro, take care of yourself.
13:53And Reina?
13:55Hey, you guys kidding right?
13:57Hiro, what's going on?
14:02So after that, those three totally ghosted me.
14:05Couldn't talk at school and they didn't swing by my place.
14:09It can't be like this.
14:11Reina looks super lonely.
14:13Momo, Haru, Rin, please you gotta listen to me.
14:17Hiro, let us take care of us at school.
14:21Hiro, if you really care about your sis, cut ties with us.
14:25Hold up.
14:27Hiro, are those three not coming today?
14:31Yeah, but it's all good.
14:33We'll see each other again.
14:35I'm gonna hustle for that to happen.
14:38Deep down, I know it's already a lost cause.
14:43I don't wanna see those three right now, together again.
14:46Oh right, I'm like all about those three.
14:50Eventually, days pass without me making any moves.
14:54Then one day, some stuff went down.
15:01She's not here, always home around this time.
15:04Where the heck?
15:06Wait, could it be?
15:08Hey, um, you hanging with Reina right now?
15:12Nope, ain't with her.
15:14What's up, what's going on?
15:16Reina, Reina disappeared.
15:20Oh boy, if something happens to Reina, I...
15:24Calm down, we'll find her together.
15:27Reina, where are you?
15:30And places Reina might go.
15:33Sorry guys, thanks for helping out.
15:36What are you saying, it's obvious we'd help search.
15:40We'll definitely find her.
15:42Thanks, guys.
15:44There she is!
15:49Found her!
15:51Hiro, Momo, Haru, Rin!
15:54After more than an hour of searching, Reina was finally found in a park in the next town.
16:03Glad you're safe.
16:07You're safe, thank god.
16:10Was worried for a sec.
16:14But Reina, why did you suddenly disappear?
16:17This, the mark of our friendship.
16:20Matching accessories for all of us.
16:23Wait a sec, did you go alone to buy these and get lost?
16:28For us?
16:29Because, I want to play with you guys again.
16:33My classmate told me that if we wear matching things, we can be good friends.
16:40Momo, Haru, Rin, thanks for finding Reina.
16:44So, I still want to hang out with you guys.
16:48Don't care about the rumors, I'll handle it somehow.
16:52So, what if you guys are delinquents?
16:54You three aren't villains.
16:56You guys could totally become daycare teachers, cause you're super kind.
17:01I want to be with you three from now on.
17:04I love you guys too.
17:07Jeez, seriously.
17:11We feel the same way.
17:13Jeez, we really want to be together too.
17:17Guess we got no choice, gonna stick together from now on.
17:22I promise, we're gonna play our hearts out from now on, forever.
17:29Guys, thanks!
17:31And so, our bonds were settled with this incident.
17:36After that day, the trio really quit being delinquents.
17:40They became hardworking students who rocked their school uniforms, no questions asked,
17:45to avoid drawing attention when hanging out with me and Reina.
17:49We even worked hard at studying to become daycare teachers.
17:53But for real, you guys changed.
17:56The guys in our class are giving you guys the look.
17:59Oh, you jealous?
18:02Someone's getting jealous.
18:05Ooh, blushing, how cute.
18:12No need to be jealous, chill.
18:17The idea of permanent employment is still kicking, you know?
18:22W-what do you mean?
18:24Like I said, I'm the one who's gonna marry Hiro!
18:31If you're worried, I'll tell you straight.
18:34Come on, lend me your ear.
18:37One, two!
18:39Love you, darling!
18:43At first, I thought those delinquent girls were scary.
18:47But now, I want to be with them forever.
18:50That's what I feel.
