• 3 months ago
On an Overnight Bus, My Colleague Who Hates Me Finds Out I Got Dumped by My Girl, and then
Japanese Manga in English
Manga video to learn English
00:00Let's go somewhere we can be alone and have some fun.
00:03What? What are you planning?
00:06Uh, my name's Ruri Fukuda, 24 years old.
00:11Decided to take a trip on my day off, but...
00:14Ugh, just hearing this kind of convo right now is killing me.
00:19No way.
00:21Ugh, I'm stuck sitting next to you. There goes my day off.
00:27Karina? This is Karina Maeda, a colleague from work.
00:32Should've splurged on a bullet train.
00:35Of all people to run into, it had to be her!
00:41Look, I won't bother you, so just don't bother me, deal?
00:45Huh? That's my line!
00:48What's with you all down in the dumps?
00:50None of your business.
00:52Well, whatever.
00:54Can't believe I'm stuck with you.
00:57Ugh, I hate hearing her complain, but I don't even have the energy to argue.
01:03Maybe she won't rub salt in the wound if I tell her why I'm here.
01:10Just cut me some slack this time. I got dumped, and I'm on a heartbreak trip.
01:16Huh? Oh. Got dumped, huh?
01:20Give a pitiful guy a break, would ya?
01:23Sucks to be you.
01:25She's being snarky, but whatever. I'm sleeping.
01:33No way. You broke up? So you're single now?
01:37Guess I don't have to hold back anymore. I like you.
01:41I like you so, so much. Oh my god!
01:46A while later, the bus kept rolling.
01:49At 7am, we arrived at Kyoto Station.
01:52Where you headed?
01:54Doesn't matter.
01:55Going somewhere shady?
01:57I'm going to Jikishion. Gonna pour my heartbreak into the memories notebook.
02:02Huh? Jikishion's closed to visitors right now.
02:07What? No way! You're right.
02:11Why didn't you check beforehand?
02:13What should I do?
02:15Hit up some classic tourist spots? Later.
02:18Day one, and my plan's already wrecked. Guess I'll go to Fushimi Inari.
02:24After that, I dropped my trunk at the hotel and headed to Fushimi Inari Shrine.
02:29The Sanbon Torii is breathtaking. Maybe I got lucky my plan got messed up.
02:35What? You again?
02:39Is this a coincidence?
02:41You think I'm following you or something?
02:45Geez. The view's great, but running into you? And this heat?
02:51Does she have no shame?
02:54Well, see ya. Hope we don't run into each other again.
02:58Hey, wait. Forget the fact that he's a soy boy. This won't work.
03:04But for some reason, I kept bumping into Karina wherever I went.
03:09This trip's supposed to be my getaway. What the heck?
03:13But hey, if it's not a tourist spot, I should be in the clear.
03:17With that thought, I headed to my first night's destination.
03:22Welcome. Have a seat wherever you like.
03:25I'm hitting up a bar solo. Maybe I can vent my breakup woes to the bartender.
03:34You again?
03:35Seriously? You following me or something?
03:39Huh? You're so full of yourself.
03:42Ugh. Ain't no way this is just a coincidence.
03:47You from Kalewa City? Me too!
03:50No way! What are the odds?
03:52Name's Van Tension. Let's be pals!
03:56Man, Karina's really hitting it off with this person she just met. Makes me feel even more like a loner.
04:04Hey mister! You're friends with Karina, right? Come have a drink with us!
04:09Uh, me too?
04:11Having fun and getting wasted isn't his thing. He just got dumped.
04:16Whoa! Dumped, huh? Wanna talk about it?
04:21Uh, well... I mean, I kinda wanna talk about it.
04:26So, my ex was this girl from work, and she's younger than me. Totally my type!
04:33I barely had any experience in dating, so I studied up with the magazines.
04:38Somehow I managed to get her to go out with me. But after about six months...
04:43She started showing her true colors?
04:46More like she started complaining about me. Said I wasn't man enough.
04:53Then there was this work party.
04:56At this izakaya, some thugs started messing with her, so I just apologized to him.
05:03Couldn't cause a scene in front of my colleagues.
05:07The thugs left, but she saw it all.
05:10And she told you you're unmanly?
05:13Yep. Then dumped me as soon as she found a new guy. I found out later.
05:19Sounds like you're better off without her.
05:22Yeah, but I'm still kinda hung up on it.
05:26If you're not planning to get back together, just move on! Find someone new!
05:31You've got Karina right here!
05:35What? She's not. It's not like that.
05:39But... y'all came on this trip together, right?
05:44She's hated me since I started at the company. Always giving me a hard time.
05:49What? You're the one who's been avoiding me since day one.
05:53Couldn't even look me in the eye during training.
05:57You avoided me at the training seminar, even though I tried to talk to you.
06:01Okay, okay, Karina. Seems like a misunderstanding.
06:07Louie, you got any idea why?
06:11Yeah, kinda.
06:14Karina, even when you were a newbie rocking that plain look, I knew right away you were a flashy girl.
06:21You were chatting up everyone without hesitation and laughing loud at every joke.
06:26Really? But Louie, how'd you figure that out?
06:29Back in school, flashy girls used to mess with me all the time, so I kinda got a radar for it.
06:36So, you were basically lumping Karina in with those girls?
06:42Yeah, I kinda did.
06:45After about a month at work, Karina started getting real sharp with me.
06:49Was it my fault?
06:53Sorry, if I made you feel bad, that's on me.
06:59Well, I guess I was a bit harsh too.
07:03Great! Better to make up than keep fighting!
07:07Yeah, guess so.
07:09Now that you're all made up, why not enjoy Kyoto together?
07:13Both of you are sightseeing tomorrow, right? Huh?
07:18Travel buddies, you know.
07:21With Karina? But after all this avoiding, apologizing, then avoiding again, seems rude.
07:29If you're cool with it, Karina...
07:31Uh, well, if you insist.
07:35Great! Y'all have fun!
07:38Uh, Ran, how about you join us too?
07:42You can't handle just the two of us!
07:44T-t-too! Don't be a third wheel! You two go have fun!
07:52Just in case, here's my number.
07:55Hit me up if you need help with love stuff!
07:59And so, Karina and I ended up sightseeing together.
08:03The next day, we went to Jishu Shrine near Kiyomizu Temple.
08:08Love fortune stones?
08:10Yeah! If you walk with your eyes closed and make it to the stone on the other side, your love wish comes true!
08:17I'll go first, so catch me if I trip!
08:19You think you can do it?
08:21Gah! I'm gonna fall!
08:25Whatever! Starting over!
08:27Maybe you should stop there.
08:29One. More. Time.
08:32Yes! Nailed it!
08:34After, like, eleven times...
08:37Your turn!
08:38Nah, I'm good. Too embarrassing.
08:41How are you gonna find love if you're too scared to even try?
08:44Man, it gets me that she's got a point.
08:47Alright, alright. I'll do it.
08:50Whoa! This is freaky!
08:53You're good. Just take it slow.
08:56You were speedwalking!
08:58Did it! Is there, like, a bonus for getting it on the first try?
09:03The guy who made an app to mute shutter sounds is a genius!
09:07Huh? What are you talking about?
09:12Next, we headed to Yasaka Shrine.
09:15Wow, you're writing a novel on that, Emma!
09:18Don't look! Just go!
09:20Alright, alright.
09:22Dear God, please make things work out with my crush!
09:27Let us be super lovey-dovey!
09:29Seriously, I'm totally into him like crazy!
09:33And, like, make sure no weird girls come near him!
09:36Especially those fake nice ones who are just nasty inside!
09:40Seriously, keep them away! Oh, and...
09:43I'm heading to the Emma Hall.
09:45Man, she's really serious about writing that. What's she wishing for?
09:49Should I have bought another one?
09:51Do gods even understand their young girls' slang?
09:56You spent, like, 30 minutes on that Emma.
09:59You gonna take just as long here?
10:01Just a bit more. It's the love matchmaking god.
10:05Does it really work for photos?
10:07Hey, Karina, you got a crush on someone?
10:11Huh? Why are you asking that all of a sudden?
10:15You're really into this matchmaking god.
10:18Yeah? So what?
10:20This trip was supposed to help me get over someone.
10:23It's hard to move on without some kind of closure.
10:26Get over? Did you ask him out?
10:29Uh... I wanna, but I'm not his type.
10:34Oh. So Karina's got the same worries as me.
10:38Didn't think she'd make that kind of face over love stuff.
10:41Usually she's so bold.
10:44We kept sightseeing as much as time allowed.
10:47I usually travel solo, so I was worried about this trip with a female colleague, but...
10:53Turns out, it's kinda fun.
10:56Finally, it was time to head back.
10:59Wait, Karina, you're on this bus too?
11:02Crazy coincidence, right?
11:04Coincidence? The only other option is...
11:07Did she book the same bus?
11:09I really blew my budget on this trip.
11:12So many unexpected expenses.
11:15What did you spend it on?
11:19Now, let's take a selfie!
11:23She knocked out instantly. Must be tired.
11:26But what about the selfie?
11:28She's actually pretty cute.
11:39Whoa! That scared me!
11:41Sleep talking, huh?
11:43What kind of pics does she want to take so bad?
11:46I barely got any sleep.
11:49Next workday.
11:54Got any souvenirs from the trip? Gimme some!
11:57Uh, sure.
11:59She's actually talking to me.
12:01Thought she'd go back to normal after the trip buzz wore off.
12:05Why are you smirking like that?
12:09From that day, we started chatting at work too.
12:12One day...
12:14Man, I'm tired.
12:17Here, take this.
12:20Sugar boost for when you're tired, right?
12:23Didn't notice before, but she's got a sweet side, huh?
12:28We kept having these little moments, and about a month later...
12:32Hey, Louie.
12:34What's up?
12:35Wanna go on another trip?
12:37Just the two of us?
12:40You don't wanna?
12:42No, it's not that.
12:44Let me check my schedule.
12:46I thought she had a crush on someone.
12:48Could it be?
12:49We made plans to go on a trip in a month.
12:54A week later.
12:55Hey, Rui.
12:56Are you and Karina dating?
12:58Huh? Why?
13:00You two been talking a lot lately.
13:02Didn't you go to Kyoto together?
13:06You brought back Kyoto souvenirs the same day she did.
13:09Hers weren't even from Kyoto.
13:12She probably just bought something else to throw people off.
13:16Heard she's been using those fancy Kyoto oil papers.
13:19The girls are talking about it.
13:21You're overthinking it.
13:22No way we're dating.
13:24Oh, Karina.
13:27Well, yeah, right?
13:29Karina? Did she hear that?
13:32Gonna grab a drink. Move.
13:34My bad. After work that day.
13:38Please, hear me out.
13:40I got other plans.
13:42The conversation by the vending machine doesn't matter.
13:45Really? Canceling the trip out of nowhere?
13:48I didn't want to cause any weird rumors if we're not dating.
13:51It'd mess with you.
13:53Is it really for me?
13:55What about you, Rui?
13:57Like I said, I couldn't convince her.
14:00A week later, I reached out to Ran, who I met in Kyoto.
14:04Why didn't you hit me up sooner? Come on!
14:08It's not just about love advice.
14:11I hurt Karina and thought apologizing was the only way.
14:15Tried to clear things up about the conversation at the vending machine, but...
14:19Stuff you say to others sounds more honest.
14:22But apologizing isn't the point here.
14:25Free this weekend? Let's talk.
14:29And then, on the promised Saturday...
14:32So, that's how it went down.
14:34Glad you told me.
14:36Couldn't stand watching you two miss each other like that.
14:39So, Rui, let me ask you something.
14:43Nothing shady about your thing with Karina, right?
14:47No way! Actually, I'm serious about her.
14:52I wanna date her.
14:56So, I gotta clear this up.
14:58Well, did you hear that, Karina?
15:04Rui, I'm sorry.
15:07Huh? Karina, what's with that outfit?
15:11Sorry about this.
15:13Karina's been asking me for advice too.
15:15Figured I had to get you two to talk it out.
15:19With how you guys are, you'd keep missing each other without saying what you really feel.
15:24What we really feel?
15:27Alright, Karina.
15:29Rui, I'm sorry. I totally bailed on our trip.
15:34No, it's cause of... what I said, right?
15:38I was also trying to hide our Kyoto trip with those souvenirs from the office.
15:42It's not your fault, but...
15:45I just thought, maybe you were embarrassed about the rumors with me.
15:52I know it's selfish, but it hurt, you know?
15:56I get it. Really, it's just the way I said it. I'm sorry.
16:00So, uh...
16:02What's with the outfit?
16:05You like girls who look all pure and stuff, right?
16:08I thought you wouldn't go for someone like me.
16:10That's not...
16:12I've liked you since before the trip!
16:15So the person you said you had a crush on...
16:19It's you, Rui.
16:21Weren't you mad cause I was cold to you?
16:24Yeah, it bugged me.
16:27But I've always liked serious guys like you.
16:32Really started liking you after that drinking party, though.
16:36Drinking party?
16:38When I got dumped by my ex?
16:40You saw me bowing to those punks. Must've looked pathetic.
16:44I thought it was manly.
16:48You swallowed your pride for your girl when those punks were messing with her.
16:52Your ex and I just stood there, but you stepped up.
16:56It was badass.
17:00But you had a girlfriend, so I tried to hold back.
17:04But talking to you made it hard to keep it in.
17:07So that's why she was acting tough.
17:10Sorry for everything.
17:12But if there's still a chance...
17:18You've said so much, so...
17:20Can I say something?
17:24I'm really sorry for judging you just cause you're flashy.
17:27But don't change yourself.
17:29You're awesome just the way you are.
17:33Karina, please go out with me.
17:35I like you.
17:36Yeah, I like you too.
17:39Congrats, you two!
17:42This is on me and Ron.
17:47Got to witness something special!
17:50My heart's fluttering!
17:53Thank you.
17:55After that, Karina and I started planning our next trip.
17:59I want to get in touch with nature.
18:01How about Ishigaki Island?
18:04Or Yakushima?
18:06We couldn't settle on anything.
18:08But this was the best part.
18:11A month later.
18:14What a view!
18:15So glad we picked this spot.
18:17Karina, aren't you taking too many pics?
18:21Come on!
18:22Gotta capture the memories.
18:26Just don't take too much, alright?
18:30Need more space.
18:32My memory's full already.
