A Girl Was Crying Because Her Desk Has Been Scribbled. I Exchanged Desks With Her. After That...

  • 2 months ago
A Girl Was Crying Because Her Desk Has Been Scribbled. I Exchanged Desks With Her. After That...
Japanese Manga in English
Manga video to learn English
00:00I'm Shota. It was the winter of my senior year in high school, and I was studying hard for my college entrance exams.
00:08We no longer had to attend classes, and we had broken up for independent study.
00:13But I had to go to school that day to do something with my homeroom teacher.
00:17Oh, Shota. The lights in the freshman classroom have been left on. Can you please turn them off before you leave?
00:25Okay, I will do that. Goodbye, teacher.
00:29When I entered the classroom to turn the lights off, I found a girl sat down at a desk.
00:35Oh, wow. There's still someone here. Will you turn the lights off when you leave?
00:42Oh, okay. I understand.
00:47Hm? Is there something wrong?
00:51No, nothing.
00:54Whoa! Is this you? It's so good!
00:58Yeah, it's a great drawing, but I didn't draw it.
01:05Every morning when I come to class, I find this on my desk.
01:09It's so creepy. I'm so tired of erasing it every day.
01:13Uh, wait a minute.
01:16I brought over my own desk from my classroom.
01:20I don't have to come to school anymore, so you can use my desk.
01:25But... I feel bad.
01:28I guess the person who is drawing this really likes you, but doesn't know how to show it.
01:35Honestly, I didn't know what else to do, so I waited for her to calm down.
01:40It's getting dark. Shall we get out of here?
01:44Yes, thank you so much.
01:47So, I walked her home.
01:50I was lucky enough to be accepted into my first choice college.
01:53The college I chose was in the next prefecture, so I moved out of my parents' house and into my own house.
02:00Two years after I graduated high school, I heard that my homeroom teacher from my senior year was transferring schools,
02:06so I visited the school again to say bye to him.
02:09Hey, teacher! Good luck in your new school! Take care of yourself!
02:14Thanks for coming! I will make sure I do.
02:17After saying bye to my old teacher, I felt a bit nostalgic about my high school years,
02:22so I decided to go for a walk around the school.
02:25Hey! It's you, Shota!
02:28Oh, Kana! Long time no see!
02:31Kana is my friend's little sister.
02:34What are you doing here?
02:36My old teacher transferred to another school, so I came to bring him some flowers and say goodbye.
02:42While I was speaking with Kana, another girl approached us.
02:49Hello there.
02:52Who is this girl?
02:54This is my friend Sana.
02:56Oh, I have a good idea. Let's take a photo together!
03:00Eh? With me?
03:03Kana asked her friend to take our photo.
03:07Since you're here, you might as well take a picture with Sana, too!
03:12What? Me? Am I not the one taking the photo?
03:16It's okay, it's okay.
03:19I'm sorry! Please!
03:22Oh, well, if you want.
03:25I didn't know why, but I also had to take a photo with the girl that I didn't know.
03:31Alright then, I'm going to head back home.
03:34Kana, say hi to your brother for me!
03:37Excuse me.
03:41When I print the picture, I will send it to you.
03:46Can I have your address?
03:48You can give it to Kana and I'll come and pick it up from her.
03:52Alright, alright. Just give her someone to contact you on.
03:56I don't know what's going on here, but okay.
04:00Who is this girl?
04:03I didn't want to, but Kana pushed me into giving the girl my phone number.
04:08That night, the girl sent me a message.
04:12I'm so sorry about being pushy today.
04:15My name is Sana. Do you remember changing your desk for mine two years ago?
04:20Oh, I remember that!
04:23After that, Sana-chan began sending me messages, asking questions about what college was like.
04:29We stayed in touch for about a year.
04:32Sana-chan was also accepted to her first choice college.
04:35It was a different college than mine, but in the same prefecture.
04:39The house she moved into was very close to mine, so we went out to dinner together.
04:44I know this is very rude.
04:46You are a very nice person, but there's something very somber about you.
04:54Oh no!
04:56I didn't mean it in a bad way.
04:58It's just, you have so much potential.
05:01You are not wearing any makeup.
05:03Sorry, it's not really my business.
05:08My family always told me I'd speak with no filter.
05:12I don't have a way with words. I shouldn't have said that to her.
05:16Well, you don't have a boyfriend?
05:19No, I don't.
05:21Is there someone you are interested in?
05:23I have someone in mind.
05:25Oh, really?
05:27Did you tell him about how you feel?
05:29No, not yet.
05:32Why don't you tell him?
05:35I don't have the confidence to do it.
05:38I don't think I'm cute.
05:40As you said, I'm very sober.
05:43I'm sure he doesn't like me.
05:46I'm sure you would look great with a bit of makeup and a nice dress.
05:49First, give yourself a makeover.
05:51Change your style and make him want you.
05:55Hey, let's stop saying but.
05:57And take some action instead.
05:59Get some advice about makeup and clothes from your friends or the internet.
06:03Okay, I will do my best.
06:06I was in my junior year of college, so I became busy with seminars and looking for jobs.
06:11Sana and I slowly drifted apart.
06:14I managed to find a job before summer started, so it gave me a bit of time to see Sana.
06:19I hadn't seen her in a very long time.
06:22It's past the time we were supposed to meet, and there's still no sign of her.
06:26It's not like her to be late.
06:28I wonder how her plan to change her image is going.
06:33Yeah, that's me.
06:35How can I help you?
06:37Is that...?
06:40Oh my god!
06:41Is that you, Sana-chan?
06:45Yes, it's me.
06:48You look so different!
06:52I was just looking at you thinking about how cute you are.
06:55I thought, that is exactly what Sana-chan would look like if she changed her image.
07:02It's been so long since we saw each other!
07:05You've changed so much!
07:07Good for you!
07:08You must have worked really hard!
07:12I'm so happy to hear that from you!
07:15Girls can look so different with a bit of makeup and a nice dress.
07:19Her personality doesn't seem to have changed at all.
07:22Congratulations on your job hunt!
07:24Let's celebrate together!
07:26Why don't we go shopping together and then go back to your house and have dinner?
07:31That sounds good to me, but my room is such a mess.
07:36Clean it up while I'm cooking!
07:39Do you know how to make hamburger steaks?
07:42I really want to eat that for dinner.
07:44Yes, I know how to.
07:47When we arrived at my house, Sana-chan began cooking and I went to tidy my room.
07:54Girls look so good from behind when they're cooking.
07:57My ex-girlfriend never cooked, so this is very new to me.
08:02Sana made hamburger steaks with a lot of finesse and arranged them on the plate very nicely.
08:08I didn't have much time to cook any side dishes, so this is what we've got.
08:14Bon appétit!
08:17It's so good!
08:18You will make a very good wife someday.
08:21You've become so cute and you cook so well.
08:24I bet the guy you are interested in will like you too.
08:28By the way, have you told him how you feel yet?
08:34The guy I like is...
08:36You, Shota-san!
08:38I've been thinking about you since the day you swapped your desk with mine.
08:43Can I be your girlfriend?
08:49Well, I don't think it's such a good idea.
08:54I don't do well in long-term relationships.
08:57My longest relationship was only for three months.
09:00You are so good-looking and your personality is so lovely.
09:04You will find someone much better than me.
09:08I don't want someone else.
09:11I genuinely thought Sana-chan was way too good for me.
09:15If we have a relationship and then break up, it might get very awkward between us.
09:20Maybe the relationship we have now is the best one for us.
09:24I learned from you to not say but and to instead take action.
09:30We can say but later.
09:32So, we will take action, right?
09:38You are right.
09:41Yes, we will.
09:44I can't say no when she's looking up at me with those big beautiful eyes.
09:50Sana pushed me into going out with her.
09:54I don't know if it was because we were a good match or because I had known Sana for so long.
10:00But three years after she graduated from college, Sana and I got married.
10:06I had no idea that the girl I exchanged desks with at that time, I would eventually exchange wedding rings with.
10:14The guy who used to draw on her desk actually asked her out on a date once but she refused
10:19because she thought he was creepy.
10:22Life is full of unexpected surprises.
10:24We never know what is going to happen.
10:27Luckily for me, I ended up very happy.
