• 3 months ago
A 4Th Grade Elementary Cute Girl Has A Crush On Me...
Japanese Manga in English
Manga video to learn English
00:00My son?
00:04My name is Yuma, I'm 23 years old.
00:07When I graduated from university, I couldn't find a job anywhere,
00:10so I became a substitute teacher at an elementary school.
00:13The first assignment was a 4th grade homeroom class.
00:16I could tell instantly I would have to work harder with one of the girls I was teaching.
00:21Children at that age all have different characters, and generally do whatever they want to do.
00:26She wasn't particularly disobedient, she was just acting her age.
00:30You're really good at origami, aren't you?
00:33That's great!
00:34You can make so many different types of flowers.
00:38I was very good at origami, but lacked concentration when it came to learning.
00:43Even still, it was nice to see her smiling when I praised her skills.
00:50My son, are you listening?
00:53Repeat what I just said.
00:56She was well behaved, but it was difficult to keep her attention.
01:00I had to be careful of how I dealt with her.
01:03All of my students were at an age where it was difficult to concentrate.
01:07It wasn't just mine.
01:08I always praised them if I saw they were paying attention to me,
01:11and told them off if I saw that they weren't.
01:14As from today, if I say I need your attention,
01:16I want you all to look at the person who is speaking and concentrate on what they say.
01:25Mai, who had not been listening to me,
01:27accidentally fell over and onto another child during gym class.
01:31I'm glad you're okay.
01:33I'm sorry.
01:35It's okay, I'm fine.
01:37After I returned the injured girl to the classroom,
01:39I took Mai aside to speak about what had happened.
01:43Didn't I tell you before gym class to be extra careful?
01:46Did you hear me?
01:49If you had actually been listening to me this time,
01:51we could have prevented this accident.
01:55Wouldn't you be sad if people didn't listen to you?
01:58I'm not sad!
02:00Why not?
02:01I was sad when you didn't listen to me.
02:04You can go back to the classroom now.
02:07Mai was stubborn until the end.
02:09I couldn't imagine what caused her to be that way.
02:13I didn't have much time to keep looking for new jobs,
02:15because I had to prepare for classes and events.
02:18My life was super busy,
02:20but I still enjoyed managing the classroom.
02:23Everyone's attitude to work has improved a lot recently.
02:26The transition between playing and studying has become very good.
02:30So as a reward,
02:32I'd like to make the next class meeting a bit more exciting.
02:35Shall we have a dodgeball tournament?
02:40I tried my best to keep a good balance between being strict and also fun.
02:44That's why I decided to give them a little reward.
02:47Maybe it would make it easier for me to communicate with Mai.
02:51In the end, I chose to take a job with a private sector company
02:54instead of becoming a teacher.
02:56I will be leaving in March,
02:58and you kids will be getting a new teacher.
03:00I'd like to thank everyone for such a great year.
03:03It was a pleasure to meet you all.
03:05Teacher, you're leaving?
03:08No way, why?
03:10I was quite emotional about leaving.
03:13I figured the kids would soon forget about me.
03:16On my last day in the classroom,
03:18it became clear to me that the kids were very sad to see me go.
03:23Here, teacher. The whole class wrote you a letter.
03:26Thank you so much. I will read it later at home.
03:30It had only been a year, but I had enjoyed it so much.
03:34That day was a very emotional day for me.
03:37Just as I was leaving the classroom to make my way to the staff room,
03:41Mai stopped me.
03:43Teacher, wait!
03:45What's up, Mai?
03:47I folded these two cranes.
03:49They are here for you, teacher.
03:52That's amazing! You are so talented!
03:55Thank you.
03:57Mai could be stubborn and troublesome at times,
03:59but I was very impressed by your skills.
04:02Even after quitting teaching,
04:04the children would occasionally write to me.
04:06The number of letters dwindled as the years went by,
04:09but I always made it a point to write back.
04:11I'm so grateful.
04:13I can't believe they still remember me.
04:16Six years later,
04:18there was only one child from that class
04:20who still wrote to me frequently.
04:22It was Mai, the girl who gave me the double crane.
04:25Hello, teacher. How are you doing?
04:28I'm now a high school student,
04:30and I've joined the dance club.
04:32We have a recital coming up. You should come and see it.
04:35I've enclosed some tickets here for you.
04:37It's on... day... month...
04:40at 2 p.m. at the XX Hall.
04:43Personal contact with students after retirement
04:46was technically prohibited,
04:48so I considered refusing the invitation.
04:50Even though she was a student, she was also a girl.
04:53Eventually, I decided I would go,
04:55but wearing a disguise.
04:57I wonder if I'll be able to tell which one is her.
05:01I recognized her right away.
05:03She had grown up a lot,
05:05but still had the same face.
05:07She used to be such a spaced-out kid,
05:10but there she is, dancing beautifully.
05:13I wanted to meet Mai in person to congratulate her,
05:16but it was complicated,
05:18so I wrote her a letter instead.
05:21Excuse me, could you give this letter to Mai, please?
05:25Yes, of course.
05:27A few days later, I received a letter back from Mai.
05:30Hey, teacher. Thank you for coming to watch.
05:33Sorry we could not meet in person.
05:35I'm going to invite you to come again,
05:37and this time you better wait for me.
05:41I was so happy to see how much she had grown
05:44that I began to attend other students' sports events
05:47and art exhibitions.
05:49Four years later, I received a letter from Mai,
05:52as well as a picture of her coming-of-age ceremony.
05:55Hi, teacher. How are you?
05:57I've just turned 20 and had my coming-of-age ceremony,
06:00and I'm attending a university in the prefecture.
06:03It would be great if I can send you some e-mails
06:05from now on instead of letters.
06:07Please let me know your e-mail address.
06:09Mai is maixx at xx.com.
06:13Already 20 years old.
06:15That was fast.
06:17I sent her an e-mail to say thanks,
06:19and she replied immediately.
06:21Thank you for complimenting me on my kimono.
06:24You went out for drinks with the players
06:26from a baseball team, didn't you?
06:28I saw you on their blog.
06:30Could we meet up somewhere?
06:32I have something I'd like to discuss with you.
06:34I wasn't so sure about meeting up with a woman
06:37who had been my student,
06:38but I was curious about what she wanted to discuss with me,
06:41so I decided to do it.
06:43Teacher! Long time no see.
06:46You look so old.
06:48Hey, is that a way to greet someone?
06:50I was 23 back then, but I'm still only 33 now.
06:54You've grown into a fine adult, I must say.
06:57Teacher, are you married?
07:00Is there someone you like?
07:03None of the above, I guess.
07:05I'm all about work.
07:07I love you, teacher.
07:08Ever since I was a kid.
07:10Please go out with me.
07:14There are definitely couples with our same age difference,
07:17but it's different for us.
07:19I was your teacher, and you were my student.
07:22I can't do it, but thank you.
07:25I've been waiting to turn 20 for a long time to ask you this.
07:29Please be my boyfriend!
07:31I'm sorry, Mai.
07:33I still want to be your friend.
07:35We've known each other for a very long time.
07:38I had no choice but to leave her and go home.
07:42I thought Mai was just stuck on her nice memories of me from the past.
07:46When I retired, her feelings and memories about me
07:49must have become stronger and stronger.
07:52That's what I thought, at least.
07:54After that day, Mai kept sending me emails as if nothing had happened.
07:58I kept replying to her, until one day the emails stopped arriving.
08:02I was curious about what had happened,
08:04but I figured she must have been too busy with college.
08:07One day I was taking a walk on my day off.
08:11Hey, Shota!
08:12Long time no see!
08:13What's up?
08:15It was Shota, one of my old students.
08:17He was now 20 years old and had recently become my drinking buddy.
08:21Teacher, Mai's feelings are real.
08:23I've been in love with her for a long time,
08:25and I finally confessed it to her.
08:27She told me she couldn't go out with me because she's in love with someone else.
08:31I don't mind if it's you.
08:33I just want her to be happy.
08:35It doesn't matter if she used to be your student.
08:38You should take up her offer.
08:42You have really grown up, haven't you?
08:44I'll think about it.
08:45In my head, she was still just a little girl.
08:50A few days after meeting Shota,
08:52I'll give you my most precious gift.
08:54I've been waiting till I turn 20.
08:57How did you get my address?
08:58Did Shota give it to you?
09:01Mai suddenly barged into the house and began to beg.
09:05Mai, I need to talk to you.
09:07Can you please get off me for one second?
09:10I'll only leave if you say you'll go out with me.
09:13I was overwhelmed by Mai's feelings.
09:19Will you go out with me?
09:23I'm sorry for being so pushy.
09:25I promise I'll do my best to make you like me.
09:28I figured Mai would eventually be disillusioned
09:31and leave me because I was too old for her.
09:34I was surprised to see how devoted she was to me.
09:38You're a good cook, Mai.
09:40I really enjoyed the food you made.
09:43I really enjoy cooking.
09:44I've been practicing so that one day I would be able to cook for you.
09:48She's a nice girl.
09:51I expected her to grow tired of me because of my age,
09:54but now I feel like I can't live without her.
09:58I wish we could stay like this forever.
10:01Slowly, Mai began to open to me more and more.
10:06We've been dating for two years.
10:11How did that get there?
10:13Please marry me.
10:14If we get married,
10:15you won't have to feel guilty about being my teacher anymore, right?
10:19I'm sorry.
10:21I know I shouldn't care about anyone's opinions.
10:24Will you marry me?
10:26Of course I will!
10:28It wasn't easy,
10:30and it took a long time,
10:31but eventually,
10:32we became husband and wife.
10:34Now my son and daughter are in elementary school.
10:37While I was dating Mai,
10:39I still felt a little bit guilty,
10:41so all we did was exchange emails,
10:43and occasionally I would hold her hand in public
10:45until we actually got married.
10:47When I went to my children's open days at school
10:49and saw a young male teacher,
10:51I couldn't help but crack a smile.
10:53As a father,
10:54I have mixed feelings about what I did.
10:57If I made her father feel strange,
10:59I apologize,
11:00but I will take good care of her,
11:17Thank you for watching!
