The Most Terrifying Badass Girl Saw Me Attending a Singles Party And Started Crying

  • 3 months ago
The Most Terrifying Badass Girl Saw Me Attending a Singles Party And Started Crying
Japanese Manga in English
Manga video to learn English
00:00My name's Masato Kimura.
00:02I joined the psychology department to fix my social anxiety,
00:06and lack of verbal skills, and learned all kinds of knowledge.
00:10And now, as I finally dive into my graduation thesis and join the seminar,
00:15I've realized something.
00:17Alright, let's kick it off with self-introductions and thesis topics.
00:22Masato, you're up.
00:25Uh, um...
00:27Hi, I'm Masato Kimura.
00:29In kanji, Kimura is like wood and village.
00:34Yep, what's the point of having all this psychology knowledge?
00:39Alright, keep it up.
00:41Next up is Rina.
00:43I ain't been able to apply any of the things I learned in psychology to real life.
00:51Why did I even study all this?
00:54Rina Ikeda.
00:55Thesis topic undecided.
00:57That's all.
00:59She's so cute!
01:01Wait, isn't she...
01:03Rina Ikeda.
01:04A name that buzzed around campus when she first enrolled for being too hot.
01:09But her tough-as-nails appearance and salty attitude kept everyone at bay for four long years.
01:16Of course, I'd heard her name before.
01:18But this was my first time seeing her up close, and...
01:22Her slender physique and cool gaze...
01:25She's my absolute perfect person!
01:28This is it!
01:29It's like the psychological mechanism called projection, man!
01:33It's love at first sight!
01:35Got something to say?
01:37Oh, uh...
01:38No, it's nothing.
01:40Alright, I'm gonna make full use of all the psychology I've learned and get closer to her!
01:46And so, I started visiting the seminar room every day, embarking on a mission more important than my thesis.
01:53Luckily, Rina still hadn't settled on a topic.
01:56It was time to put my first love psychology into action.
02:00Now, which one was it again?
02:05Yeah, that's right!
02:06The first move is the mirror exposure effect!
02:10Gotta increase our encounters and make her conscious of me!
02:14Just being in her line of sight should have an effect, but if our eyes meet...
02:18Oh, snap!
02:20Man, her eyes are so beautiful!
02:23Wait, no!
02:24What was I supposed to do next?
02:26Some kind of dance, maybe?
02:30You're in the way!
02:36Ugh, this is gonna be a tough battle.
02:40After that, I kept going to the seminar room, making sure not to bother Rina too much and staying within her line of sight.
02:47But if things continued like this, I'd just be like an annoying fly.
02:52I delved even deeper into various papers, devising my second strategy.
02:57So, here's the deal.
02:59I've got a favor to ask you, my one and only friend.
03:03You know who I am?
03:05Otakura, baby!
03:06Ask me anything!
03:08Alright, I want you to come to our seminar room and subtly compliment me, you know?
03:13Oh, I see.
03:15You want to test the so-called Windsor Effect, which states that people find information more believable when it comes from a third party rather than the person themselves.
03:26You catch on quick!
03:27Alright, let's get to it!
03:29So, this is your seminar room, huh?
03:32It's bigger than mine.
03:35It's like a reflection of your broad-mindedness.
03:38How about that, huh?
03:40Hey, can you move aside? I've got a part-time job to get to.
03:45Uh, yeah, sure.
03:47Masato, this seems like a problem that goes beyond psychology, huh?
03:54After that, without losing heart, I kept approaching her, and about a month had passed.
03:59I realized that I couldn't bother her anymore, so I decided to go for my final plan.
04:05That's it! The Johari Window!
04:08A straightforward and simple yet effective method of just complimenting the other person!
04:13I need to find the right moment.
04:15Why do you keep talking to me?
04:17It's not like you feel comfortable talking to me or anything, right?
04:21That's not true!
04:22It's just that I kinda like your cold attitude.
04:25Or should I say, it's become addictive.
04:28Of course, it's not just flattery.
04:31But if her response is just gonna be another, huh, then I'll give up.
04:36H-huh? Why are you...
04:39Oh no! It's over!
04:44Oh, hey.
04:46Even without studying psychology, it's obvious. I'm definitely hated.
04:53Yo, ain't you that nerd? Perfect timing!
04:57Oh, Chato. The guy who's been bothering me since that assignment back in first year.
05:03W-well, as a token of my appreciation,
05:07tonight there's a group date with a girl I'm interested in, but we're short on guys.
05:12I'll go.
05:13Oh, that was fast.
05:16Normally, I'd definitely refuse to go to some mixer just to fill in the numbers.
05:21But in my current heartbroken state, I decided to give it a shot and drown my sorrows in alcohol.
05:27I still wanna go home. Nobody will pay any attention to me anyway.
05:32Hey, you. I'm Uzami. Just so you know, I'm super devoted.
05:39W-what's up with her?
05:41Tell that to Charao.
05:43This person! She's using me for the Windsor Effect!
05:47Huh? Did someone leave?
05:50Well, I also wanna leave, yeah. I'll go home.
05:54Wow! Uzami, you're a person who's only devoted to your BF, huh? That's amazing!
06:00Huh? Really? That's awesome!
06:03Heh. My mission is accomplished.
06:07The next day, Rina was in the seminar room as usual, but I didn't approach her anymore.
06:13I've decided to give up.
06:15But it's awkward when it suddenly goes silent. Well, it's my fault though.
06:24W-why are you crying?
06:27Finally! I finally made up my mind!
06:30Wait, hold on!
06:32If you get a girlfriend, I have to think it all over again. Besides, I'm the one who's loyal and devoted.
06:38W-what are you talking about?
06:41Rina, about your graduation thesis... Oh, take it easy, okay?
06:46N-no, don't leave, Professor!
06:49Oh, you sure? Ah, right.
06:52Rina, your topic, Verification Experiment on Romantic Psychology, who will be your subject?
06:59It was supposed to be Masato Kimura.
07:03It seems that Rina's part-time job is at the izakaya where we had the mixer yesterday.
07:09She witnessed Uzami cozying up to me for the Windsor Effect.
07:13On top of that, since I suddenly ignored her today, she seems to have misunderstood that I dated Uzami last night.
07:20Um, to cut to the chase, I don't have a girlfriend.
07:24Yeah, well, I probably won't ever have one, to be honest.
07:29Yay! Professor, I'm sticking with this plan after all!
07:33Alright, but make sure to come up with a solid conclusion.
07:37Huh? Am I getting dragged into some outrageous verification experiment?
07:42The next day.
07:44Ugh... Something's definitely off. Could it be...
07:49Oh, finally our eyes met!
07:52I'm sure. Just having you in my field of vision has an effect, right?
07:57It's definitely the Mirror Exposure Effect! The experiment has already begun!
08:02But she's too cute, I can't stare directly.
08:05Oh! Hey, don't look away!
08:09One, two, three...
08:11Th-this is...
08:13They say if you gaze into each other's eyes for seven seconds, you fall in love!
08:18It's more like superstition than psychology.
08:21Four, five, six...
08:24No, I can't do it! She's too cute!
08:28Ah, just one more second! Ugh...
08:31If I don't say it soon, it's pointless because I already love you!
08:36The next day. Wondering why Rina brought a friend to the seminar room.
08:41So this is your seminar room, huh? It's so clean, you know.
08:46Could it be...
08:47It's like a reflection of your heart.
08:50It's the Windsor Effect!
08:52And Rina may seem all nice and gentle, but she's actually a hard worker, you know.
09:00She started working at the izakaya to improve her social skills, and this graduation thesis is actually...
09:08No! Masato, don't listen!
09:11From then on, Rina's verification experiments continued every day, and she meticulously recorded my reactions and all.
09:19She's undeniably diligent and serious, though she's a bit airheaded, I feel.
09:25Um, is everything alright?
09:27Um, is everything alright?
09:29This is... the Mirroring Effect!
09:32It's about creating familiarity by mimicking the other person's actions.
09:36But, uh, I've got an idea!
09:41How about this? I bet she can't...
09:48She's too darn cute!
09:50So, the Mirroring Effect is like a scream, huh?
09:55Hmm... I don't really get it.
09:57Well then, next up is the Suspension Bridge Effect.
10:01So, keep your next day off free from me, okay?
10:04The Suspension Bridge Effect...
10:06That's when the thrill of a haunted house or rollercoaster is mistaken for the excitement of love...
10:12I guess?
10:14Wait, does that mean it's practically a date at an amusement park?
10:19That's what I thought, but the designated time is late at night.
10:23Moreover, it's in the outskirts, far from the city,
10:26and there's nothing but mountains and a golf course ahead.
10:30Masato! Sorry to keep you waiting!
10:33Oh, Rina!
10:35Get in! I borrowed it from my brother!
10:39Are you serious? Are you really a badass?
10:42It's close from here. All aboard!
10:46Wow, the car's BGM is so cute!
10:50The Gain Loss Effect, also known as the Gap Effect, is on point, man.
10:55We're here! Here, take this, Masato. It's a flashlight.
10:59Rina, today we're verifying the Suspension Bridge Effect, right?
11:04Who comes to a real suspension bridge?
11:07Huh? Isn't that what it means?
11:09This ain't just about getting butterflies in the stomach, you know?
11:13What? Is it really that effective?
11:16Th-that's not what I mean!
11:19Well then, let's go!
11:20Huh? Like this?
11:22Yeah, cause it's scary, you know?
11:25And so, the two of us embarked on crossing the real suspension bridge together.
11:30To be honest, it was freaking scary,
11:33but I felt like I was falling even more in love with Rina as I witnessed a new side of her.
11:39Suddenly, strong winds started blowing, so we decided to wait until it settled down.
11:44In the midst of the thrilling experience of being high up in the darkness,
11:48with someone I liked, I decided to ask the question that had been bothering me.
11:53Rina, why'd you choose to study psychology?
11:56I wanted to change myself, I guess.
11:59You know, I've always had trouble getting along with people.
12:02So, I borrowed my delinquent big brother's reputation and toughened up my appearance a bit,
12:08and no one would approach me.
12:10It was easy.
12:11But, I was still lonely, you know?
12:14That's why I studied really hard and got into college to make friends.
12:19So that's how it was.
12:21But, you know, I realized in my senior year that having knowledge alone is pointless.
12:28I can't shake off this appearance anymore, and no one talks to me.
12:32Except for you, Masato.
12:35Sorry for being so cold and rude to you, but I thank you a little, you know?
12:40Nah, I should be the one thanking you.
12:43But, at first, I really thought you were a badass person.
12:49Hey, Uzami! This thing is shaking so much!
12:55Come on, cut it out!
12:59Charo and Uzami!
13:01So, you guys are together.
13:03Oh, I should stop them.
13:05Hey, you guys!
13:08If you wanna fall so bad, should I drop you guys down?
13:13Whoa! Sorry!
13:16You're scarier than ghosts!
13:19She really looks like a badass.
13:21Wait, was this a haunted spot?
13:24Seems like it.
13:25Alright, let's get out of here.
13:28Amidst all the chaos, the day of our thesis presentation was approaching.
13:32While other students had already finished,
13:34me and Rina were in crunch mode until the day before our seminar presentation.
13:39It seemed like Rina was stuck at the last minute.
13:42Ah, you know what? I'm just gonna sleep.
13:48She falls asleep so fast.
13:51But man, this is gonna be the last time I see her sleeping face.
13:55Once the thesis is done, I'll be useless.
13:58Huh? A conclusion, huh?
14:01I wonder what she's planning.
14:03Wait, what about me?
14:08Just some sleep talk.
14:12You shouldn't be doing those kind of things.
14:18What kind of dream is she having?
14:21It was the day of the thesis presentation.
14:24I managed to finish my presentation without any major hiccups.
14:28But the tension was still there.
14:30Yeah, I couldn't help but worry more about Rina's presentation,
14:34which was scheduled last.
14:36And finally, Rina's presentation began.
14:39The results of the experiment on subject A, me,
14:42were being presented one after another.
14:45And finally, for the conclusion...
14:48This empirical experiment was a failure.
14:51There were no effects based on the psychology of love.
14:55The reason is...
14:57The subject didn't have feelings for me.
14:59That's all.
15:01Hmm... Let's move on to opinions and questions.
15:07Masato, go ahead.
15:09Indeed, it's a failure.
15:11There are significant flaws in this experiment.
15:15Because subject A has had feelings for you long before the experiment.
15:22In other words, the subject fell for you at first sight
15:25and was already putting love psychology into action.
15:28Sorry, I should have told you earlier.
15:31Professor, may I modify the conclusion?
15:34Go ahead.
15:35Rina, what on earth...
15:37Love psychology does work.
15:40Because I also fell for you.
15:44Honestly, at first, you were annoying.
15:47But seeing your face every day,
15:49talking to me, complimenting me...
15:52But when I thought you had a girlfriend,
15:54I realized that I like you.
15:56And that it was jealousy.
16:00I see.
16:01So I was the one who proved love psychology before you, huh?
16:06But it wasn't psychology.
16:08Your feelings made me happy.
16:11Same here, Rina.
16:13From now on, I'll be more honest with my feelings.
16:16Will you stay by my side?
16:19Of course, darling!
16:21Relying on knowledge alone isn't enough,
16:24just as I thought.
16:25It's the actions I took that got me where I am now.
16:28Oh, I'm still in the middle of the thesis presentation, aren't I?
16:32Phew, that was amazing!
16:34I've never seen a thesis presentation with such intensity.
16:38Professor, thank you so much!
16:40However, the conclusion in your paper is getting kinda complicated,
16:45so make some adjustments there.
16:47Uh, yeah, sure.
16:49I'll help her out.
16:51And so, we were caught up in revising the thesis until graduation approached.
16:55But it wasn't a pain at all.
16:58Hey, Masato.
16:59What did you think at that time?
17:01You were so cute!
17:02I felt like I could love everything about you!
17:05Oh my god!
17:07It's true love, darling!
17:09And just like that, we became the lovey-dovey couple on campus.
17:13By the way, Chato and Uzami apparently broke up after just one month.
17:17Our completed thesis received high praise,
17:20and we successfully graduated,
17:22got jobs...
17:25Welcome back, Masato!
17:27Wanna eat?
17:28Take a bath?
17:30It's me, right, darling?
17:33Yeah, Rina!
17:34Can you read my mind or what?
17:36Now, we're a lovey-dovey couple who can understand each other without any psychology.
17:43Hi! It's me, Mel!
17:46Thanks for watching my channel!
17:49I'm super happy if you watch the next and other videos too!
