Saved a Beautiful Girl Who Lost Her Voice and Got Dumped by a Womanizer…

  • 2 months ago
Saved a Beautiful Girl Who Lost Her Voice and Got Dumped by a Womanizer…
Japanese Manga in English
Manga video to learn English


00:00May, she looks wonderful again today.
00:07Totally like a princess, she's the best!
00:11Same here, I like May too.
00:14Unconsciously agreeing with the conversation in my mind, I am Hiro Yamada, a third year
00:19student at Tokimeki High School.
00:22The girl who we are all talking about is May Aoki.
00:26She may not be exceptionally beautiful, but her kindness and consideration make her popular
00:31among the boys.
00:32I too had feelings for her, but they wilted before they could blossom because she has
00:38a boyfriend in another class.
00:42Ah, Ikkiri.
00:45You're reading this kind of stuff again?
00:48I've been telling you every break to come see me, haven't I?
00:54Seriously, you're so dense.
00:57Well, just stick to what I tell you, and you won't go wrong.
01:02I'm really sorry.
01:06If you're sorry, make sure to come see me next time, okay?
01:10Got it.
01:13He looks cool as always!
01:16I envy her, being able to date such a handsome guy.
01:21Must be amazing!
01:23Amazing, huh?
01:25Certainly, if he's that handsome, it might be something to boast about if you're dating
01:31But May always seems to have a troubled expression.
01:35She's always forcing a smile, though.
01:37Maybe I'm just imagining things.
01:40With those thoughts in mind, one day, an incident happened.
01:44Today, I popped into the bookstore and then…
01:48No idea what you're talking about.
01:50Ah, whatever.
01:51I'm tired.
01:52I'm going home.
01:55That voice is…
01:57It's May and Ikkiri.
01:59Even though it's after school, what are they doing in a place like this?
02:04Hey, May, are you okay?
02:07What's up with you?
02:09I'm Hiro, in the same class as her.
02:12What's going on?
02:14I suggested we go to karaoke, and she suddenly started clutching her throat.
02:19So, I asked what's wrong, and she said she can't speak.
02:26I don't need a girlfriend who can't even speak properly.
02:32Don't show yourself in front of me anymore.
02:34See ya.
02:37Are you okay?
02:38Anyway, let's go to the hospital.
02:41And so, we headed to the nearby hospital.
02:45It's a psychogenic voice disorder.
02:48What's that?
02:50It's a condition where the voice suddenly stops due to stress.
02:54Psychological shocks or excessive stress are the main causes.
02:59Can it be cured?
03:01Of course.
03:02However, it's crucial to eliminate the cause of stress to cure it.
03:07Do you have any idea what might be causing the stress?
03:12I see.
03:14If you're unsure, it might take some time to regain your voice.
03:19Voice is an important communication tool.
03:22To navigate school life, support from those around you will be necessary.
03:27That's a relief.
03:29It seems like it can be cured.
03:33It might take time, but if there's anything I can do, let me know.
03:37They mentioned needing support.
03:40Well, I don't know what I can do, but...
03:45Uh, hey, May?
03:47Her hand is so soft, and her fingers are slender.
03:51Um, w-what's wrong?
03:56T-thank you.
03:57Uh, you're welcome.
04:00Oh, well.
04:01She's really a cute person.
04:05But still, a disease that makes you lose your voice.
04:09I wonder if there's really anything I can do.
04:12Helping her like that must be some kind of fate.
04:15And considering the situation with Ikkiri, she's probably feeling down.
04:20Hmm, something I can do...
04:23I can do...
04:25Ah, I got it!
04:28Next day.
04:31Um, if it's okay with you, please use this!
04:34It's hard to communicate with a notebook, so I thought this would be easier to erase.
04:40Is it okay?
04:42They said you need support from those around you, so I want to be that support for you.
04:48Thank you.
04:50Another day after school.
04:52What's this?
04:54Thanks for the whiteboard.
04:56I love books, and this one is my favorite.
05:00Since I can't explain with my voice, I wrote the recommended points in a letter.
05:07I'd be happy if you'd try it.
05:10Wow, thank you! It's the first time I've received such a wonderful gift!
05:17What's wrong?
05:19Are you happy?
05:21Well, yeah! You chose this book for me, and it comes with a letter!
05:25No one could be unhappy with this!
05:28I'm happy.
05:30Ikkiri didn't want something so uncool, and he didn't even accept the letter.
05:38He just threw it away without reading it.
05:42So, being accepted like this, I was really surprised.
05:48Throw away a letter? That's...
05:52He seemed to dislike everything I did.
05:56When we were dating, there were a lot of things I wasn't allowed to do.
06:01He used to say, if you're my girlfriend, don't do uncool things.
06:06He said, as long as I listened to him, everything would be fine.
06:11Could it be, he is the cause of the stress?
06:15Hey Mei, why were you, you know, dating him? Enduring so much?
06:22Once, he asked me to clean the equipment shed together.
06:27At that time, some items from a high place fell.
06:32Were you okay?
06:35He instinctively shielded me, and I was surprised.
06:41I fell on my own and got injured.
06:45At that moment, he carried me to the infirmary.
06:49Something like that happened?
06:52I fell for his kindness, and confessed, and we started dating.
06:59But after becoming a couple, there was no kindness.
07:02I believed that he would become kind again like before.
07:07It seems being his girlfriend wasn't enough.
07:11That's not true. You're perfect just the way you are.
07:15Because you are a wonderful girl.
07:20Your voice, it came out a bit, right?
07:25I definitely want to be more helpful to Mei.
07:28Let's do the things together that you've been holding back.
07:32The cause of this illness is stress, so let's relieve stress together.
07:37Is there something you want to do?
07:39In that case...
07:42Another day, on a holiday.
07:45This is the famous literary cafe you wanted to visit, right?
07:50It's designed like the rooms of famous authors.
07:55I've always wanted to come here, but I didn't have the courage to come alone.
08:00Thank you for coming with me.
08:03If you are happy, then I'm happy too.
08:06But... was it really okay?
08:10With something I like...
08:13You might not be interested in this.
08:16Certainly. I'm not familiar with literary figures and such.
08:21But you seem happy explaining, right?
08:24I'm really happy about that, and I'm happy to know what you like.
08:28Is something wrong?
08:30You are so kind.
08:33You accept me just as I am.
08:36Huh? Because you are a really wonderful girl.
08:42What's wrong? Your face is really red.
08:46It's nothing.
08:48I just got too excited and flustered because I'm so happy.
08:53I see. If it makes you that happy, I'm glad we came together.
08:58Order whatever you like.
09:02Thanks for waiting.
09:04Oh, this is the famous Amurice and Tiramisu here.
09:10Both look delicious, huh? Well then, let's eat.
09:16Uh, well, you see...
09:21Uh, well...
09:23This is 100% well-intentioned.
09:27It's embarrassing, but I can't turn down her kindness.
09:31Let's dig in.
09:33Delicious, but you know, getting fed in this way is a bit embarrassing.
09:40You know, that airplane way.
09:43It's the first time someone's done this for me.
09:45I'm sorry.
09:47I do this for my sister, so I just...
09:51You're a kind big sister.
09:56Even May blushing like that is cute.
10:00And so, little by little, the distance between May and me closed.
10:05Without realizing it, about two months had passed since we started spending time together.
10:10While her voice wasn't perfect yet,
10:12Seeing her smiling more often,
10:15the once-abandoned feelings of love began to revive.
10:19On a certain day, when those feelings were starting to grow again.
10:23At this rate, it's going to be bad.
10:26I need to score well on the retake.
10:29But I'm not good at this subject.
10:38Well, actually, I'm not good at this subject.
10:41Well, actually, I got a terrible score on the test.
10:45So, I'm trying to study again, but it's difficult.
10:49Should I teach you?
10:52Is it okay?
10:55It's a thank you for always supporting me.
11:03Ah, is this how it goes?
11:09She is good at teaching, so it's easy to understand.
11:14Being this close, worldly desires are bubbling up!
11:19She smells nice, and her eyelashes are long.
11:23So cute.
11:28Did I say that out loud?
11:40Could it be...
11:41She might also...
11:45It's already late!
11:46Enough of this extra study nonsense!
11:48Hurry up and go home!
11:54Is it already that time?
11:56Let's call it a day with the studies and go home!
12:02Oh no, what am I doing?
12:03I'm going to explode with these feelings!
12:07What the heck?
12:08That's annoying.
12:10What was I even trying to do before confessing?
12:15That was close.
12:46Uh, what should I do?
12:50Next day, I ended up overthinking and couldn't sleep at all.
12:54Are you okay? You have serious dark circles.
12:59I'll be fine. More importantly, what about your voice?
13:08I see, it's not recovering easily, but it's okay. Let's keep working on it patiently.
13:15I thought Ikkiri was the cause of stress, but maybe there's another reason?
13:21Could it be that I'm becoming a new source of stress?
13:28What's wrong? Your eyebrows are furrowed.
13:32It's nothing, just thinking about something.
13:35What if that's the case? What should I do?
13:39Another day.
13:41How can I help Mei's voice come back? Is there something I can do?
13:46Does Mei still like Ikkiri?
13:48She confessed to him, right?
13:51They looked good together. I wonder why they broke up.
13:55Won't they get back together?
13:58I see. There's a possibility that she still likes Ikkiri.
14:04Huh? In that case, am I getting in their way?
14:08What should I do? I'm starting to feel unsure.
14:12Once the insecurity sets in, thoughts don't easily change.
14:16Despite enjoying time with Mei, days became awkward and tense.
14:21Did I do something?
14:23Huh? What's wrong?
14:26It feels like your atmosphere has changed recently.
14:30You didn't do anything! There's nothing!
14:34I'm sorry. I'll be more careful.
14:39See you later, okay?
14:42Looks like things are getting interesting.
14:45Am I acting too indecisive?
14:48This won't do. I need to do something about it.
14:51Alright. Might as well go for it.
14:54I'll express my feelings and get rejected completely.
14:57Then I'll focus on supporting her.
15:00If that's decided, I'll talk to her after school tomorrow.
15:04Next day.
15:07Why do I get caught by the teacher at a time like this?
15:10Mei is waiting! I need to hurry!
15:13It's fine, right? Come back to my side.
15:16Huh? This voice... Ikkiri?
15:19Hey, you still like me, right?
15:22That's what the girls are gossiping about.
15:25Well, it's okay if you can't talk.
15:28You've always been quiet.
15:30I want someone who listens to me.
15:31So let's get back together.
15:34What are you saying? You...
15:36What's your problem? Don't get in the way.
15:39I can't just let you say terrible things to Mei!
15:42I won't stay silent!
15:44So annoying.
15:46She likes me. You stay out of it.
15:49No... That's not...
15:53Huh? Your voice just now...
15:55The... The...
15:58The one... I...
16:01Like is...
16:06Don't... decide...
16:10My feelings...
16:12W-Without my...
16:17What the heck?
16:19Why can you speak?
16:22Thank you...
16:24For breaking up...
16:26With me...
16:28I'm not...
16:30Just a compliant...
16:33I am...
16:35I'm not...
16:36Interested in you!
16:38Dang it!
16:39I'm not interested in you either!
16:41Afterward, Ikkiri left reluctantly.
16:44Clearly dissatisfied.
16:46However, more importantly, there was Mei.
16:49Excited that her voice had returned,
16:50We decided to change locations and talk again.
16:53Mei... Your voice...
16:56When did it come back?
16:58Just... Now...
17:01Y-You know...
17:03I used to...
17:05Be afraid of being disliked by everyone.
17:08So I became a...
17:10Yes woman.
17:12Being with Ikkiri...
17:14Made those feelings grow.
17:16But when I wanted to deny his words...
17:17To convey that the person I like is you,
17:19My voice came back!
17:23Fell in love with you.
17:25Who supported me...
17:27And stayed by my side.
17:29I love you, Hiro.
17:31I love you too, Mei.
17:34During the entrance ceremony,
17:36I fell in love with the profile of you
17:38Walking under the cherry blossoms.
17:40It was love at first sight.
17:42But as we spent more time together,
17:44I fell even more deeply in love with you.
17:49Please be my girlfriend!
17:51Of course!
17:53And so, Mei and I became a couple,
17:55Bound by love.
17:57After that,
17:59Ikkiri's popularity took a nosedive.
18:01It seems that a female student
18:03Who had observed our interactions
18:05Spread the word that,
18:07Despite his good looks,
18:09He had a bad personality.
18:11The once popular guy
18:13Was now being ignored by everyone.
18:15Mei's voice returned to normal
18:17And she could speak normally.
18:19She started chatting even more than before,
18:21Gaining new friends
18:23And expressing joy about it.
18:25And as for us...
18:27You've been carrying this around all the time, huh?
18:30Now that your voice is back,
18:32You won't need it anymore, right?
18:36I don't need it anymore.
18:40This is my treasure.
18:42Just having this whiteboard
18:44Makes me very happy
18:46This is the courage to express
18:48My feelings like this.
18:50I love you, Hiro.
18:52I love you too, Mei!
