When I Accidentally Hit on the Feared Badass Girl, We Ended Up Living Together…

  • 2 months ago
When I Accidentally Hit on the Feared Badass Girl, We Ended Up Living Together…
Japanese Manga in English
Manga video to learn English


00:00I'm Kenji Tanaka, a gloomy nerd living my life as a high school senior.
00:06My days are all about working crazy shifts at part-time jobs to fund my nerd hobbies.
00:12So, during lunch break, you'll find me crashing in my favorite spot, catching some Zs.
00:18And it's my daily ritual.
00:20Alright, today's VIP spot is all mine!
00:25Wait, huh?
00:27Someone's there?
00:28Whoa, it's Watanabe!
00:31She's the top badass of our school.
00:34The badass leader of the infamous Scramble gang.
00:37And also, my dreaded arch-enemy.
00:40You see...
00:42A few months back.
00:44Ugh, so sleepy.
00:47But I can't miss the live airing of the anime's final episode, right?
00:54Hey, you!
00:57You've got some nerve.
01:02Since then, every time I bump into Watanabe, she's just glaring at me.
01:09Maybe she thinks I picked a fight with her or something.
01:12Man, she looks so peaceful sleeping like that.
01:15Better not disturb her nap.
01:17I'll let it slide today.
01:20Who on earth stares at people while they sleep?
01:25You again?!
01:27I-I'm really sorry!
01:29I know you probably won't believe me, but I didn't mean any harm, I swear!
01:35I'm really, really sorry!
01:38Whatever, you don't have to run away.
01:41A few days later, I got dragged into some altercation while enjoying my nerd activities.
01:48My love's light shone first!
01:51Nah, it was me!
01:53My love shines brighter, hands down!
01:57M-my love's bigger, I swear!
02:00For the sake of Mill, I'll endure any hardship!
02:03I can endure any hardship, too!
02:06Just for...
02:07Ha ha!
02:08What a joke!
02:10You're still just a cute boy!
02:11If it were me, I'd handle rejection from girls at a mixer without flinching!
02:17Such treatment is beyond naive young men like you!
02:21This is the true power of love!
02:24W-well, if it comes to it, I can handle getting rejected while trying to pick up girls!
02:30Ha ha!
02:31You're amusing!
02:32If you can do it right now, I might just give it to you!
02:38Remember those words!
02:40For Mill!
02:41For Mill!
02:42I'll take the rejection with pride and definitely get that Mill figure!
02:47Alright, let's give it a shot!
02:49I'll talk to that person over there!
02:51Um, excuse me, miss!
02:53How about some tea with me?
02:58Out of all people, it's Watanabe!
03:01What the- you!
03:05What a coincidence!
03:07Tea with me, huh?
03:11Uh, w-well, it's totally okay, even if you say no!
03:17I mean...
03:18I lost!
03:21I witnessed your valiant figure!
03:24Take this!
03:25I entrust it to you as a symbol of glory for Mill's happiness!
03:31And this ticket too!
03:33I leave the glory in your hands!
03:36Is he a friend or something?
03:39Ha ha!
03:40Well, you could say we're comrades in a way!
03:44Alright, guess I'll head off now!
03:47Wait a sec!
03:49If you asked me out, then let's date!
03:53Fifteen minutes later...
03:55I've always wanted to visit a cat cafe, you know?
03:59Oh, really?
04:00She's into cats, so that's what she meant by date...
04:05Hey, you're like a total cat magnet!
04:09I know, right?
04:11They're freaking adorable, aren't they?
04:14No doubt, they're cute!
04:16But you've got a whole cat mountain going on there!
04:19Man, I'm so jealous!
04:21Let me pet at least one of them!
04:26It's a cat!
04:29Cute, huh?
04:32Rin looks cute too!
04:34She's playing with me like this, so maybe she doesn't hate me?
04:39After that, we had a blast at the cat cafe for a while!
04:43Well then, thanks for dating me!
04:46Um, hey...
04:48Found you, Rin!
04:52Today's the day you're gonna be my girlfriend!
04:55Date me!
04:56Who the heck is this?
04:58And man, what a pompous confession!
05:02I've said it countless times!
05:04I ain't interested in losers who can't beat me!
05:08Oh yeah?
05:09Then I'll settle things right here and now!
05:12Uh, um...
05:13I think it's not the right place to fight!
05:17Who's this guy?
05:19He's my boyfriend!
05:23I lost to him!
05:24That's why we're dating!
05:26N-no way!
05:28You lost to this guy?
05:32So don't bother us anymore!
05:35Th-that's just...
05:38Uh, what was that earlier about you and me dating?
05:44That guy's Goriranta, the head of the Gorugo team.
05:48He keeps bugging me every day asking me out.
05:51Every day?
05:53I kept turning him down with various conditions, but he just wouldn't give up!
05:57Even if I shut him up in a fight, he'd be back in no time.
06:01I was really troubled.
06:03Th-that must've been tough.
06:06Yeah, but that's all in the past now.
06:10I don't think Gori will give up that easily.
06:13He'll believe it fully once you become my boyfriend.
06:20You went on a date with me for the sake of that figure, didn't you?
06:26That's why I have the right to be your girlfriend.
06:29Okay, understood.
06:32So this is the price for nerds' love!
06:35Thirty minutes later.
06:37So this is your place, huh, Kenji?
06:40Uh, yeah.
06:41Please come in.
06:42Wait, why are you calling me by my first name?
06:46What's the big deal?
06:48When you're dating, calling each other by first names is normal, right?
06:52From today on, call me Rin, got it?
06:55Oh, I get it.
06:57Rin, but why are you here?
07:00Let me stay for the night.
07:04Your parents will be worried!
07:06Nah, it's cool.
07:07They're on a long business trip and not home.
07:10You gonna let a lady go home alone at this hour?
07:14It's dangerous, you know.
07:16You think that way, right?
07:19I mean, a girl walking alone at night is dangerous.
07:23I got it.
07:24Come in.
07:27Where are your parents?
07:29They're not here.
07:31My dad's on a job assignment and living alone.
07:34And your mom?
07:36Oh, she's over there.
07:39My mom passed away shortly after giving birth to me, so I've only seen her in pictures.
07:45Oh, I see.
07:47I'm sorry.
07:49Nah, it's all good.
07:51My dad was there for me, so I don't feel that sad.
07:55Isn't it kinda lonely?
07:58Well, when I was a kid, yeah.
08:01But now...
08:03You'll be okay.
08:06I'm here.
08:07I'll always be by your side, so don't worry.
08:10W-what is that?
08:12Oh, wait!
08:13No, no!
08:14Forget what I said!
08:17But, but since you're alone, you might be lonely, so...
08:23Oh, yeah!
08:24I'll invite your girlfriend.
08:28Isn't that a great idea?
08:30All I wanted was a figure.
08:32But in just a few hours, I ended up with a girlfriend and living together.
08:37Mom, don't worry.
08:39I have nothing to be ashamed of.
08:42Alright, let's go to sleep.
08:45Wait, why?
08:46I prepared another set of mattress, didn't I?
08:49Because we're dating, duh.
08:52You're just kidding, right?
08:54It's enough to act like a couple outside.
08:56You're so naive, Kenji.
08:58When you're faking being lovey-dovey, you gotta commit to the act or it'll backfire in a real pinch.
09:04Well, that's true.
09:06Gotta drill in those casual lovebird manners deep into your bones.
09:10Got it?
09:17How am I supposed to sleep like this?
09:20But getting used to things is weird.
09:24By the time one week of living together had passed,
09:27I was totally able to sleep peacefully.
09:30And Rin was taking real good care of me.
09:33Good morning.
09:35Oh, you're awake.
09:36Today's breakfast is fish.
09:39It's good.
09:41I feel so lucky to have such a lovely breakfast every morning.
09:45Rin, you'd make a great wife.
09:49It's just rice and grilled fish, isn't it?
09:51Anyone can do it.
09:53I don't think so.
09:54And your fried eggs look super neat, too.
09:57Seriously, just eat up already.
10:01During lunch break?
10:03Here, open wide.
10:06Isn't this kind of embarrassing?
10:09And I can feed myself, you know.
10:11What if some of Gordy's minions are watching?
10:14Come on, just do it.
10:17All right, then.
10:21Tastes like the flavor of love, right?
10:24It tastes like fried chicken.
10:26See? It's the flavor of love.
10:30On days when I had to go to work.
10:32I'm back.
10:37Welcome back.
10:38You must be tired, huh?
10:40I'll warm it up now.
10:42It's fine if you eat first.
10:44You must be tired.
10:45Plus, I can warm it myself.
10:47That won't do.
10:49It's lonely to eat alone, right?
10:51What do you think I'm here for?
10:53Rin, she's always done this to make sure I don't feel lonely.
10:57Even if it's fake.
10:59Why does she go through all this trouble for me?
11:02She may look tough, but she's actually super caring.
11:06Sleeping next to Rin has become quite natural.
11:09It's actually really calming.
11:11I've never felt this way when I was alone before.
11:15Then one day,
11:17I happened to witness Rin at her gang leader post.
11:20I should quietly leave so I don't disturb them.
11:24Hey Kenji, where are you off to?
11:26Who's this Rin?
11:28He's my man, right Kenji?
11:31Yeah, I'm her boyfriend.
11:37So the rumors were true.
11:39What did you do to impress Rin?
11:42I, uh, just kind of did a little bit of flirting.
11:46No way!
11:48Begging the gang leader who can take down more than ten guys alone?
11:52Hey, you're exaggerating.
11:55I mean, like, come on.
11:57You're famous for being wild and reckless.
11:59We want to be like you.
12:01Wow, that's amazing.
12:04Geez, well, kinda.
12:07Those idiots, getting all cocky.
12:10A few hours later.
12:12Hey, today it was very fun hearing all sorts of stuff from you.
12:16Seems like everyone's totally into you, huh?
12:19What about you, Kenji?
12:22Whoa, Rin!
12:24Are you, like, hating on me now, are you?
12:27Huh? Why?
12:29Thinking I'm too strong or scary?
12:32Not ladylike?
12:34No way, that's not true at all, Rin.
12:37You've got, like, this homely side too, and it's super charming.
12:43Of course, no lie, I swear.
12:46If you say so.
12:48Let's go out for real.
12:51You're the one who approached me first, remember?
12:54You're gonna, like, take responsibility, huh?
12:57Well, that's...
13:01Just kidding.
13:04Didn't mean to stress you out.
13:06Gori hasn't been causing trouble recently.
13:09Gonna end this thing between us.
13:12Kinda went too ahead of myself.
13:17I'll go home.
13:19Our worlds are just too different, you know?
13:25Different worlds?
13:27No way.
13:28She's always there for me, thinking about me, staying by my side.
13:32I don't wanna see Rin with such a sad face.
13:38A bike in this residential area?
13:40Could something have happened to her?
13:43Hey, Rin!
13:45Stop playing with that wimpy dude and go out with me!
13:49Excuse me?
13:51Isn't it obvious that I'm stronger?
13:54Got, like, so many homies with me.
13:57You get it, right?
13:58Besides, if you don't nod your head, I might just do something to him.
14:04He's got nothing to do with this anymore.
14:07We just broke up.
14:09Just as I thought.
14:11You guys live in a whole different world, man.
14:14All right.
14:15Today's the day I'm gonna take you down and make you mine.
14:20Ain't got time for this.
14:29Why are you here?
14:31C-cause I like you, Rin!
14:34Cute, cool, great at cooking, but still a bit clingy, and yet the gang leader.
14:41Your crew loves you, and when we sleep together, it's so peaceful.
14:45Man, who wouldn't fall for that, right?
14:49I wanna be with you, Rin.
14:51Please, go out with me!
14:55Yo, don't do that in front of me!
14:59Gordy, you got any idea who you're throwing fists at?
15:05This guy here!
15:07He's my man, yo!
15:09Ow, ow, ow!
15:11You guys, too.
15:13You ready for this?
15:17You guys ain't nothing compared to one chick.
15:20Ain't no way you can win!
15:22Yeah, yeah!
15:23We got this!
15:25Alright, bring it on!
15:27A few minutes later.
15:29You good, Kenji?
15:31Yeah, I'm fine.
15:33Not only ten, but even thirty guys were no sweat.
15:37Sorry for dragging you into this.
15:40I'm always causing trouble for you, huh?
15:43Guess I'm not really fit to be by your side after all.
15:46It'd be tough if you weren't around.
15:50At first, I thought you were this scary person.
15:53Like when I messed up your sleep at the riverside,
15:56I figured you must hate me.
15:58That totally caught me off guard, you know?
16:02My bad.
16:03But as we spent time together,
16:05I realized you always cared,
16:07making sure I never felt lonely.
16:09I found out you're a kind person, you know?
16:12It'd be harder not to like someone so amazing like you.
16:17Geez, Kenji.
16:20Back then, I thought it was fate, you know?
16:25But I wasn't used to that stuff.
16:27I didn't know what to do,
16:29so I could only watch from afar.
16:31I knew I was scaring you,
16:33so when you approached me, I was really happy, you know?
16:37So I thought this was my only chance.
16:40I did my best, even though it was embarrassing.
16:44I wanted you to like me.
16:48So you really fell for me?
16:51For real?
16:52Yeah, I totally into you, Rin.
16:55I like you so much.
16:58I like you too, Kenji.
17:01A few days later,
17:03Gori's crew, Team Gorugo,
17:06got scared and disbanded.
17:08It seems Team Scramble became the strongest team in Koiwa City.
17:13As for us,
17:14It looks like Rin's parents returned from their business trip,
17:17so our cohabitation life came to an end.
17:20But she still comes to hang out at my place often.
17:24Mmm, Mill!
17:27Hey, wake up!
17:29Huh? What's up?
17:31You were calling someone Mill just now.
17:34Huh? Oh, it's from an anime, you know.
17:38I know, but don't go calling other girls' names.
17:42S-sorry, it's beyond my control.
17:45I only love you, Rin.
17:48I might forgive you if you say I love you every day, you know.
17:53I love you, I love you!
17:56Mmm, I love you too.
18:01Next time, call my name, okay?
18:04Y-yeah, I'll do my best.
18:08What used to matter most in my life was nerd stuff and sleeping.
18:12But now, I want to be with my girlfriend every single minute,
18:16as long as time allows.
