I Rescued a Skinny Boy, But He Was Actually a Pretty Girl, And We Ended up Living Together...

  • 3 months ago
I Rescued a Skinny Boy, But He Was Actually a Pretty Girl, And We Ended up Living Together...
Japanese Manga in English
Manga video to learn English
00:00I learned a lot today. It's all thanks to Ms. Ron.
00:04I should go home early and write down what I noticed in my notebook.
00:08My name is Naoto Kobayashi. I'm a college student working part-time at a privately owned Western-style restaurant.
00:15My big dream is to become a chef who cooks food that is loved by everyone.
00:20In order to make this dream come true, I have been working at this Western-style restaurant since I was in high school.
00:27I fell in love with the taste of the food here when I first ate it.
00:31I guess the key is in the way you wrap the omelette rice.
00:36It's true that you can make an even more beautiful omelette without burning it.
00:41Did I just hear something? It's from the back alley.
00:45Whoa! There's someone on the ground!
00:48Wait, what? What in the world happened?
00:51And this person is so weary and ragged.
00:55Um, are you okay?
01:01What happened? Why are you like this?
01:05Huh? Your stomach?
01:08I'm so hungry.
01:12My back and stomach are gonna touch soon if I don't eat anything.
01:17My stomach is empty.
01:20I'm starving.
01:23I can't anymore.
01:30Hey, what? Um, what?
01:34I can't just leave him like this. I have to take him home.
01:38A little while later.
01:40Where is this?
01:44Oh, you woke up. Good morning.
01:47Um, you are?
01:49Nice to meet you. I'm Naoto Kobayashi. This is my house.
01:53I'm Rui Matsumoto. Um...
01:58You were lying on the street, so I brought you to my house.
02:02Your clothes were ragged too, so I was worried.
02:06I see. Thank you very much.
02:10Well then, I'll leave.
02:12Wait! You're hungry, right?
02:14How'd you know?
02:16Your stomach was growling loud before you fell.
02:19Before you leave, have this.
02:21This is...?
02:23Your stomach would be surprised if you eat something heavy when you're hungry.
02:26So I tried making rice gruel that's easy on the stomach.
02:30Go on and eat it if you'd like.
02:33Thank you!
02:35So delicious! Super duper delicious!
02:40Did you put cheese in this?
02:43Yeah, just a bit though.
02:45Oh, it's delicious! It goes great with the egg and it has a very comforting taste.
02:50I'm glad you like it.
02:52So, um, Rui, why were you on the ground like that?
02:56You're super skinny too. Did something happen?
02:59The truth is...
03:02I'm from a single father household, and we're super poor.
03:07On top of that, we have a huge debt.
03:10My father left the house to work as a migrant worker and pay back for the debt.
03:15I used to hear from him regularly, but in the last few weeks he hasn't contacted me.
03:21I don't know what happened, but I might not come home anymore.
03:25So that's what happened.
03:27On top of that, my workplace was closed due to financial difficulties and I ran out of money, so...
03:34That's why you lost conscious.
03:38How about your house?
03:39I couldn't pay the rent, so I was kicked out of my apartment.
03:43Ugh... I can't just kick him out though. He seems to be in trouble too.
03:49If that's the case, hey, if you're okay with it, why don't you live here?
03:54What? Really?
03:56They say that when in trouble, you should help each other.
03:59Thank you, Naoto!
04:01I'm sure living with another dude isn't a big problem. Thus began the life of living with Rui.
04:08The next day.
04:09I want to help Rui, but what else can I do? I hope I can help him more directly.
04:15Huh? What's wrong, your expression?
04:19Miss Ran. The person who came to talk to me was Miss Ran Tenshin.
04:24She's the chef and owner of this western-style restaurant.
04:28Something troubling you?
04:30The truth is, yesterday...
04:32Aha, I see. What a tough situation you're in.
04:37Well, I couldn't leave him alone.
04:39Well then, why don't you have him work here for us?
04:42Oh? Is that okay?
04:45He can eat the food for employees, and he gets paid too. I think it's a good idea.
04:50We needed new staff for the dining hall anyway.
04:53Thank you so much, Miss Ran.
04:55No worries at all. You can thank me by making takoyaki.
05:00The next day, after consulting with Miss Ran.
05:03I-I'm looking forward to working with you from today.
05:07Aww, so energetic! Nice!
05:10If you have any questions, just ask me anytime!
05:14Yes, ma'am!
05:15Well then, work hard!
05:18Rui worked very hard from the very first day.
05:21Although there were probably many unfamiliar things to him, he quickly absorbed what to do.
05:26Even Miss Ran said he's a great kid and was very satisfied.
05:30Good job today!
05:32W-what's this?
05:34After work, we all eat together until we're full!
05:37You worked real hard today, so go on and eat a lot!
05:41Thank you for the food!
05:43It's delicious! So delicious!
05:47Wow, you eat a lot!
05:50Who made this?
05:56Haha, thanks!
05:58Ah, you've got a grain of rice there.
06:03Did I get it?
06:05Nope, not there, this side.
06:10Hm? What's wrong, the both of you?
06:13Ah, so you don't know what you're doing, huh?
06:17Huh? What are you talking about?
06:20And why are you blushing?
06:22Uh, it's nothing, nothing at all!
06:26We welcomed Rui to Miss Ran's Western-style restaurant, and our daily life passed peacefully.
06:32A few weeks later...
06:34I'm home!
06:35Welcome back! Hope you had a good day today at work!
06:38We have the same shift tomorrow, so we can work together! I'm looking forward to it!
06:43Um, can you give me some space?
06:46No way!
06:48Rui, who used to be a scrawny, skinny guy, became a healthy-looking person thanks to my cooking.
06:55But there was one thing that I had misunderstood.
06:58That was that Rui wasn't a he, but actually a she.
07:03I can't believe she was a girl!
07:05I don't know how I didn't notice it after living together for a few weeks.
07:10There were occasions when I might have noticed, but I had successfully avoided each situation.
07:15While she was taking a bath, I was learning how to cook, so I didn't see her at all.
07:20She was always dressed in her dowdy clothes, so I didn't even know what her body shape was like.
07:26But as she got healthier and firmer, I could tell she was a woman.
07:30When I found out, I went panicking to Miss Ran and asked her to get me a set of clothes and other things.
07:37Hey, you shouldn't cling on to me too much.
07:42You should be aware that you're a girl. It troubles me.
07:46Why would this trouble you? It's just body language.
07:49That body language of yours is what's making me nervous!
07:53I'm glad she was healthy and feeling better.
07:56But maybe it was because I helped her and she liked me for that, but her body language was over the top.
08:03She hugs me every day now, which is a problem.
08:06I told her, no, don't cling to me, but it still doesn't stop.
08:11What are you doing?
08:13I'm sitting on your lap.
08:15And why?
08:17Because it was open.
08:19You know I'm reading a book.
08:21You can still read like this, right?
08:23Well, yeah, but...
08:25Besides, it's cold recently. It's warmer if we stick together like this, right?
08:31You need human body heat to get warm.
08:34Yes, I appreciate the warmth, but...
08:37I'll make you warmer then.
08:40Excuse me?
08:42This would make you warmer, right?
08:44No, no, this is not good.
08:46What is?
08:48Quit questioning and stop!
08:50You don't have to be that shy about it.
08:53You didn't mind me clinging on to you until just a while before.
08:58That's because I thought you were a boy.
09:01So, you see me as a woman now?
09:04That's a secret!
09:07Just let go already!
09:09No! I want to stay like this!
09:12No, you can't!
09:18Ouch! Are you okay?
09:20Yeah, I'm fine.
09:22Well, you're quite bold, aren't you, Naoto?
09:26What do you mean, bold?
09:30It's a little embarrassing, but I'm okay if it's you, Naoto.
09:38It's nothing to apologize about.
09:41It's not okay!
09:43Gosh, you don't have to panic that much.
09:46Of course I will!
09:49You're a young girl who hasn't gotten married yet.
09:52What are you talking about?
09:54Then, you take me as your bride.
09:57Excuse me?
09:59I want to be your bride, Naoto.
10:02I think you're the only one for me.
10:05It was fate that brought us together, don't you think?
10:08So, let's get married!
10:10Then we can flirt all we want!
10:13You shouldn't make jokes like that!
10:15Let's go to sleep now!
10:17Good night!
10:18You meanie!
10:20I am not!
10:22The daily routine of intense expressions of affection and body language continued thereafter.
10:28It was impossible not to be romantically conscious when she already told me she loved me and whatnot.
10:35I was getting more and more attracted to her by her ever-changing facial expressions and her straightforward affection.
10:42Then one day, I was able to get these under a good deal today.
10:47I'll use this for dinner tonight.
10:49Wait, oh?
10:51Someone's in front of my house.
10:53Um, excuse me, do you need something at my house?
10:57Ah, young man.
10:59Is there a girl named Rui Matsumoto here?
11:02And you guys are?
11:04We're from the Doki Doki Finance Company.
11:07Debt collectors!
11:08Why are they here?
11:10What do you want from her?
11:12It's no use talking to you about it.
11:14Hurry and bring Rui out here.
11:16No, I'm asking you, what do you want from her?
11:18I'm her guardian right now, so please talk to me first.
11:23You're one complicating kiddo.
11:25Do I have to make you shut up, huh?
11:27I won't fall for it, no matter what you say.
11:31I won't forgive you if you do anything to her.
11:34You're really getting too fired up about it, kiddo.
11:37Naoto, why are you screaming outside?
11:41Ah, so you were here.
11:43Rui, run!
11:46Don't mind about me, so hurry!
11:50Wait, wait, wait, wait!
11:51We can't have you run away!
11:53We're here to tell you that you don't have to pay back for your debts anymore!
11:58What do you mean?
12:03What are you doing here?
12:05The finance company told me that you're here.
12:08I'm so sorry it took me so long to come home.
12:12The truth is, I got injured at my workplace,
12:15and I couldn't contact you because of that.
12:17I'm really sorry I was late to come get you.
12:21So that's what happened.
12:23We've already received the debt in full amount from your father,
12:27so you don't have to pay us anymore.
12:29Here's the IOU.
12:31Um, I'm so sorry for the misunderstanding!
12:34Haha, it's fine.
12:37I'm aware we look scary.
12:39But yeah, you've got guts.
12:41Well, good luck.
12:43Dad, so I can live with you from now on?
12:46Yeah, of course!
12:49Or so I want to say, but...
12:51What's wrong?
12:53I still have to work away from home for a little longer.
12:56But I paid the rent for the apartment,
12:59so you can go home now.
13:01Um, excuse me, if it's okay with you,
13:04can you continue meeting her from now on?
13:07Yes, sure, but aren't you worried to leave a girl alone at home?
13:12Yes, I am.
13:14But I have to continue working to make a solid foundation for the two of us.
13:19Then I'll take care of Rui.
13:23You're okay with that?
13:25You wouldn't have to pay for the rent if she's with me.
13:28I mean, if it would help you.
13:30Yes, that would be very helpful.
13:33I was worried about leaving my daughter alone since she's still young.
13:37Yay! I didn't want to leave now till honestly!
13:41Because... because I love you.
13:44I love you too.
13:47Sir, you may be surprised to hear this all of a sudden,
13:50but I love her.
13:52She is the most important person to me.
13:54I know this is very sudden,
13:56but would you please approve of our relationship?
13:59No, doll.
14:00Of course, I swear I won't lay a single finger on her until we get married.
14:05I saw how you stood strong in front of the men from Doki Doki Finance to protect my daughter.
14:11I can entrust my daughter to you,
14:13because I can see you care deeply for Rui.
14:16I am very proud of her.
14:18She is a kind girl.
14:19Please make her happy.
14:21Thank you very much!
14:23Now, doll!
14:25I love you so much!
14:27Stay with me from now on and forever and ever.
14:31Yes, of course!
14:33Like this, Rui and I started dating under approval from her father.
14:38After that, Rui went back to high school and continued going to school properly.
14:42Apparently, she is going to be a chef in the future, just like me.
14:47We lived together and worked part-time and spent our happy days together.
14:51A few years passed in the blink of an eye.
14:54Mmm! Yeah!
14:57The takoyaki omelet rice is the best!
15:00It's a recipe I learned from you, Miss Ran.
15:03It's delicious, as expected from you, Naoto!
15:07Everything Naoto cooks is delicious!
15:10Okay, okay, lovebirds!
15:13Well, I really envy you and your wife running this western-style restaurant together.
15:19And you two are deeply in love still, right?
15:23Of course!
15:25Because Naoto is my destined darling!
15:29I love you, Naoto!
15:32I love you too, Rui!
15:34Oh, gosh! Not in front of me, you two!
15:42Hi! It's me, Mel!
15:45Thanks for watching my channel!
15:48I'm super happy if you watch the next and other videos, too!
