• 4 months ago
When I Stops a Fight Between the Badass Twins, I Got to Work With Them…
Japanese Manga in English
Manga video to learn English


00:00My name is Hiro Yamada. I'm a second-year high school student who puts effort into working part-time at a convenience store.
00:07Hiro! Since there aren't many customers now, can you please clean outside?
00:13Ah, another peaceful day. I hope it continues like this forever.
00:18Hey, you there!
00:21I have something I want to ask you.
00:23What? These girls... I'm pretty sure...
00:27These two are the twin leaders of a notorious biker gang in this town.
00:32Reina and Lina. Both of them have the strength of men and are passionate about fighting, constantly seeking strong opponents.
00:41They are feared as the most terrifying sisters in this town, who should never be messed with.
00:47Hey, are you listening?
00:49Y-yes? What is it?
00:51Bring out the strongest man.
00:55There should be the strongest man working here, right? I heard it as a rumor.
01:00The strongest man? What on earth are you talking about?
01:04Hiro, if I recall, Hiro is also the first name of the strongest man.
01:12What? Does that mean you're the strongest man?
01:17N-no, it's a misunderstanding.
01:20Please, think about it. Do I look like the strongest man from any angle? I'm just a weak introvert, right?
01:26You're right.
01:28That might be true.
01:30Then where's the strongest man?
01:32Well, there definitely isn't anyone like that working at our store. Isn't it just a rumor?
01:37Is it a hoax?
01:40I'm glad it somehow worked out.
01:43I told you so. It's probably just a hoax. Ugh, what a waste of time.
01:49Huh? You followed me on your own, right? You have no right to complain.
01:54It's not a complaint. Just talking to myself, you're being paranoid.
02:01It's not working out, is it?
02:04What? What's your problem?
02:07Fine by me.
02:08P-please calm down.
02:10Shut up!
02:11Well, they're not the type to be stopped by mere words. What should I do?
02:17What's that? Scary.
02:20Let's go to another store.
02:22Wait, hold on!
02:24Why are you always looking down on others?
02:27Because I am above you. You're my little sister and I'm the older one.
02:33Ugh! You're so infuriating! Today I'll definitely make you understand.
02:38Then come on already.
02:40You too.
02:42If you continue to cause a commotion, you'll have to face some pain.
02:46Huh? What? It feels completely different from earlier.
02:51This guy, he can do it.
02:54This is interesting.
02:57Phew. And this is self-defense, you know.
03:00Five minutes later.
03:02T-too strong. We-we can't even lay a finger on him.
03:07This is a public place. You can fight if you want, but please do it in a place where it doesn't inconvenience anyone.
03:15So, you really are the strongest.
03:18No, I'm not. I'm just a convenience store worker. Please forget everything that happened here. Well then.
03:25H-he's so cool!
03:28Huh? Misunderstanding, right? Well, in any case, I hope it ends smoothly this time.
03:36I've been waiting!
03:39It didn't happen? W-what are you doing?
03:42I was waiting for your shift to end.
03:46She's going to such lengths for revenge against me? What determination.
03:51Well, I'll just pretend that the previous incident was a fluke and intentionally lose this time.
03:56Finally found you!
03:59We've been searching for someone like you.
04:03Date us!
04:04W-what? What do you mean?
04:07Just as it sounds.
04:09D-dating? Why would it come to that?
04:12You're the first person to defeat us. We decided that we would date a man stronger than ourselves.
04:18W-wait, so all those fights you had?
04:22We-we were looking for our future darlings.
04:25A-and today we found that darling.
04:28Just to clarify, what is this darling you're talking about?
04:36Is there really such a manga-like development?
04:40Hey, wait a sec!
04:41He's gone.
04:43Well, whatever. We'll see each other soon anyway.
04:46The next day.
04:48Yesterday was a dream. Yesterday was a dream. Yesterday was a dream.
04:53Good morning, Hiiro.
04:55Uh, Otakura, good morning.
04:59Let me introduce you to the new employee starting today.
05:02New employee?
05:04This is Lina.
05:07And this is Reina.
05:09Nice to meet again.
05:12Manager, thank you for hiring us right away.
05:15No problem. The thanks should be coming from me. Actually, we were in a bind due to short staff.
05:21We'll give it our all.
05:25Hiiro, you know each other, right?
05:27I'm counting on you to guide these two.
05:29I've also scheduled your shifts together.
05:32Nice, manager.
05:34We'll stick with you forever.
05:36So from today onwards, let's get along.
05:39Teach us the job.
05:41W-why did it turn out like this?
05:44And so, my peaceful everyday life came to an end.
05:48W-well then, let's start by teaching you how to use the cash register.
05:55Please give me some space.
05:57Huh? Why?
05:59Being closer makes it easier to hear your voice.
06:02It's just too close. We're at work.
06:05So, as long as we're not at work, it's fine, right?
06:09I see. It's embarrassing in front of others.
06:13No, that's not it.
06:18Shouldn't one of you take a break soon?
06:20Reina, you go first.
06:22No, Reina, you go first.
06:24No way.
06:26I don't want to either.
06:28What's with this back and forth?
06:30Well, it's because I don't want to be away from Hiiro.
06:34Same here.
06:36Um, while I appreciate the sentiment,
06:38breaks should be taken in turns as per the rules.
06:42I guess you're right.
06:44Let's decide with rock, paper, scissors.
06:46That's what I'm hoping for.
06:48Hooray! I win!
06:51No! Why did I choose scissors?
06:55I've never seen someone so disappointed about taking a break.
06:59During that time, while leaving the cash register to the store manager,
07:03I was teaching Reina about working inside a walk-in fridge.
07:07It's cold.
07:10Are you okay? I have a jacket. Should I bring it for you?
07:14No, I'm fine. If I do this, it'll be okay.
07:19Your body is warm.
07:21L-Lina, that's a bit too...
07:23No good?
07:25It's not a matter of good or bad.
07:27I see. But I won't let go.
07:30No, this power play is going too far.
07:36Aw, it was a nice moment too.
07:39I had a bad feeling, and it turns out you were sneaking around.
07:43I was just confirming my love with Hiiro.
07:47He didn't seem to mind either.
07:49What? Confirming love?
07:53Let's not make statements that lead to misunderstandings.
07:57Such troubles became an everyday occurrence.
08:01However, there was a more serious issue.
08:04Here you go. Sorry for the wait.
08:07Whoa! Please smile more for customers.
08:12Here you go. Sorry for the wait.
08:15Whoa! Please use a more polite tone with the customers.
08:20That was their customer service attitude.
08:23Lina had a stern expression, and Reina didn't use polite language, unintentionally frightening the customers.
08:29I tried teaching them how to smile and use appropriate language.
08:33Like this? Welcome!
08:36Huh? Something feels off.
08:39This is terrible. If anything, it had the opposite effect.
08:43It's impossible for us anyway.
08:46Yeah, you're right.
08:48You suddenly sound so pessimistic. It's unlike you.
08:54It turns out that since they were young, both of them had a competitive personality and were physically strong,
09:00which led to them being feared and isolated by those around them.
09:04Feeling lonely, they thought that if they found someone stronger than themselves, they would be accepted without fear.
09:11From then on, they started seeking strong opponents and ended up spending their days in constant fights.
09:17However, no one appeared who could defeat them.
09:20Their name spread throughout the town as they defeated formidable opponents,
09:25and some admirers formed a biker gang, appointing them as the leaders without their consent.
09:31So it wasn't just the two of you who formed the biker gang.
09:35Yeah, we're not interested in conquering the whole country or anything.
09:39But we thought it would be convenient to be the leaders if we were looking for strong opponents.
09:43I see.
09:45Fighting is pretty much the only thing we're good at.
09:48That's why we can't work like ordinary people.
09:51That's not true! Everyone has their strengths and weaknesses.
09:55It's true that there are various problems with your customer service attitude,
09:59but besides that, you're capable of handling other tasks properly.
10:03You're never late!
10:05So if you work hard, you can improve your customer service skills!
10:09Is that so?
10:11If you say so, maybe we should give it our best shot.
10:15That's the spirit!
10:17After that, every day after work, we trained together on customer service.
10:22Correcting their unique speech patterns and smiles was quite challenging,
10:27but they worked hard without complaining, so I decided to support them until the end.
10:33A few weeks later.
10:35Thank you for waiting!
10:37Thank you very much!
10:38Thank you, dears!
10:40Thanks to their efforts, their customer service had greatly improved.
10:44It makes me so happy when customers thank us.
10:47I've never been thanked by anyone before, so it's surprising.
10:51Yes, indeed.
10:53It's all thanks to Hiro.
10:55Not only strong, but also handsome on the inside.
11:01I've fallen even more for you!
11:03I love you more!
11:05In the end, it turned out like this.
11:08The intense approaches from the two continued afterward.
11:12Take this!
11:13I bought it with my first paycheck,
11:15as a thank you for accompanying us during the special training.
11:19Shoes for me.
11:21Eyeglass case for me.
11:23Wait, is this...
11:24Thank you, I'm really happy.
11:27Is there anything else you want?
11:30Let us thank you more.
11:32No, this is more than enough.
11:34Your feelings have already come across so strongly.
11:37We're not satisfied yet.
11:39Then, I want you to promise that you won't fight anymore.
11:44Both of you are good at heart, and fighting doesn't suit you.
11:48Well, since we met Hiro, there's no need to fight anymore.
11:53And there's no point in being in a biker gang anymore.
11:57We promise not to fight anymore.
11:59Thank you.
12:01On one such day...
12:03This is strange, they're not here.
12:06They've never been late or absent without notice before.
12:09Could something have happened?
12:11Excuse me, are you listening?
12:13Ah, sorry.
12:15You're worried about the two, aren't you?
12:19In that case, leave it to me and go find them.
12:22Huh? But...
12:23It's an order from the manager.
12:26Manager? Thank you very much.
12:29If something happened to them, it's likely related to the biker gang.
12:33Their hangout spot, if I remember correctly...
12:36Quit the team? What are you talking about?
12:39The leaders are our faces, so it would be troublesome if you disappeared.
12:44You guys were just getting carried away on your own, right?
12:48We never had any motivation from the beginning.
12:52But it would really be a problem if you two disappeared.
12:55The status of our team would decline,
12:58and it would be harder for us to cause trouble.
13:02With your name value, we could have influence in various places.
13:07We could do whatever we want.
13:10So you used us to cause trouble?
13:13Well, yes.
13:14You two were so absorbed in fighting strong opponents
13:17that you didn't seem to notice what we were doing.
13:21You guys...
13:22How dare you underestimate us!
13:24We'll crush every last one of you!
13:29Didn't we promise Hiro no more fighting?
13:32That's right.
13:35I don't know what's going on, but it seems like you can't fight anymore.
13:39Wow, what a disappointment.
13:42Well, even if you could,
13:45there's no way you could stand up against all of us.
13:49But if you really want to leave the team,
13:53let us take care of you.
13:55That way, I can gain some reputation for defeating the strongest leader.
14:01That's enough!
14:03Aren't you ashamed to outnumber and bully women?
14:08The weak convenience store clerk wants to stick his nose in with a sense of justice, huh?
14:15Release them, or else.
14:17Or else?
14:20It might not end with just injuries for all of you.
14:25Get rid of this guy right now!
14:29Good grief.
14:33What's the matter?
14:34Is it over already?
14:36Who is this guy?
14:40The convenience store uniform, glasses, and the name Hiro...
14:44Could this guy be the strongest man?
14:48The strongest man, if I remember correctly.
14:51There's a reason why I'm known as the strongest man.
14:55You see, my parents were great fighters,
14:57my father was a world champion in kickboxing,
15:00and my mother was an Olympic gold medalist in wrestling.
15:03Being born into such a family of great fighters,
15:06I learned various martial arts from a young age.
15:10I hate to boast, but I believe I had talent.
15:13The instructors even called me a once-in-a-millennium prodigy.
15:17However, due to being too strong,
15:20challengers started seeking me out for battles.
15:24Fight me on equal terms!
15:27As I defeated those challengers one after another,
15:30rumors started spreading in this town about the strongest man.
15:34But no matter how many I defeated,
15:36another formidable opponent would appear,
15:38trapping me in a never-ending cycle of battles.
15:41Tired of such days, and being originally a pacifist at heart,
15:45I retired from martial arts.
15:47I decided to portray myself as weak and avoid being challenged again,
15:51living a quiet and modest life.
15:54There's no way we can beat such a monster!
15:57What are we going to do?
16:00It's obvious, isn't it?
16:02We apologize!
16:04We're sorry!
16:06Ugh! So lame!
16:08Please forgive us!
16:10Fine. However, I have three conditions.
16:13Please, tell me anything!
16:15First, never get involved with these girls again.
16:18Second, refrain from causing trouble in this town.
16:21Third, keep today's events a secret.
16:25If you break any of these conditions,
16:27you know what will happen, right?
16:33Thank you for saving us!
16:35Hero truly is our darling!
16:37Yeah, I was really worried about you two.
16:40But we kept our promise!
16:42Yeah, we didn't fight!
16:44Not resorting to violence was commendable.
16:47But remember, self-defense and fighting are different,
16:50so when necessary, it's okay to use your strength.
16:53I don't want to see either of you getting hurt.
16:57Because you two are important to me.
17:02Huh? Wait a sec!
17:05I'm sorry for asking you even though I was trying to act cool,
17:09but could you come back quickly?
17:11We have more customers than expected,
17:13and it's turning into a disaster!
17:17I'll be back right away!
17:19Come on, let's go back, both of you!
17:22Finish what you were saying!
17:24I'll tell you next time!
17:26After that, Lina and Reina left the team.
17:29The remaining members seem to be keeping their promise to me
17:32and behaving quietly.
17:34Lina and Reina have truly reformed
17:36and are working hard at the convenience store jobs today.
17:41Hey, my darling! Let's go on a date!
17:44Hey, hold on!
17:46Did you just skip a step?
17:48And when did you start calling him like that?
17:50Sorry, but that's the kind of relationship we have now.
17:56Well, I won't lose either!
17:58The rivalry between the two of them for my affections intensifies day by day.
18:03But this kind of situation isn't so bad either.
18:06Because both of them are important to me.
