My Beloved Idol, Who Retired, Became My Stepsister Due to My Parent's Remarriage…

  • 2 months ago
My Beloved Idol, Who Retired, Became My Stepsister Due to My Parent's Remarriage…
Japanese Manga in English
Manga video to learn English


00:00My name is Kota Ichinose. I'm a purebred high school senior and a die-hard idol nerd.
00:06I have a particular love for the national idol, Nanoha, and I'm even the president of her fan club.
00:14Nanoha is truly the best, isn't she?
00:17I understand. Her singing, dancing, everything is perfect.
00:22Idols of her caliber don't come around often.
00:26That's right, that's right! As expected of you, otaku! You get it, huh?
00:35The one passionately discussing Nanoha with me is Tamotsu Otakura, a fellow idol otaku.
00:43He's also a member of the Nanoha fan club and shares the same genuine love for her.
00:48But I never expected her to retire.
00:52Ugh, don't say that, don't say that!
00:55You'll watch her farewell concert too, won't you?
00:59Of course! I can't go there in person, but I'll watch it online.
01:03Let's see her off until the end, okay?
01:06Ugh, why is she retiring? Our angel!
01:11Nanoha is a nationally renowned idol known to every Japanese citizen.
01:17Cool, yet dedicated and straightforward,
01:20she was a popular figure loved by people of all ages and genders.
01:25Thanks to her combination of beauty and cuteness.
01:28However, a few months ago, she suddenly announced her retirement for reasons unknown.
01:34The agency only stated personal reasons as the cause for her retirement.
01:39Certainly, fans couldn't have been satisfied with that explanation.
01:44However, that doesn't mean I'll selfishly say don't retire.
01:48Just because they only say personal reasons, there must be some underlying reason.
01:55But if Nanoha is happy with it, then it's okay.
01:58That was the unanimous answer from all the fan club members.
02:03On that night.
02:05Thank you all for coming to see me for the last time.
02:09Today is my final concert as an idol.
02:13Enjoy it to your heart's content.
02:16Whoa! Nanoha! You're amazing!
02:23She's shining the most even at the end. An angel, a goddess, our star!
02:30A few hours later.
02:32Thank you for listening to my final song.
02:35Well then everyone, see you again!
02:39Oh, she really retired.
02:42The angel has vanished from this world.
02:45I know I have to accept it. I get it.
02:48But how am I supposed to live in a world that lost its sun?
02:52Uh, no, it's...
02:55As soon as the concert ended, I lost consciousness.
02:59And in shock, I remained bedridden for three days and nights.
03:04Three days later.
03:06Kota! Are you... are you okay?
03:09I'm fine, dad.
03:11God said he wouldn't give us challenges we can't overcome.
03:15I see. Um, do you know what day it is today?
03:19I know. That's why I got up.
03:22I'll get ready and be there in a moment.
03:25Today is the day of our first meeting.
03:27My father is getting remarried, so I'm scheduled to meet his new partner and her child.
03:33I've heard it's a girl, but I wonder what kind of person she is.
03:38It would be nice if we could get along.
03:40I casually thought so, but a few minutes later, a miracle happened.
03:45Wait, really?
03:48Nice to meet you. I'm Nanoha.
03:51I look forward to getting along from today.
03:53The angel has returned to Earth!
03:56To my surprise, standing right in front of me was the retired idol, Nanoha.
04:02Uh, um, that former idol, Nanoha, right?
04:07Ah, you figured it out.
04:12Sorry about that. My son is actually a big fan of Nanoha.
04:16Not just a fan. I'm a huge, huge, huge fan.
04:21I'm the president of the Nanoha Fan Club.
04:24Sorry for the late introduction. I'm Kota.
04:27I've been in love with Nanoha for about 10 years now.
04:31I've always been watching you and only you.
04:34Nanoha, you're my angel, my son, my goddess, my world.
04:38And so, and so...
04:41Kota, can't you calm down?
04:43Uh, oh no, I got too excited.
04:47You liked me that much? Thank you.
04:50Uh, impossible. Her smile is too lovely.
04:55It's too dazzling. My eyes are going to be blinded.
04:59By the way, you don't need to be so polite.
05:02We're going to be family now.
05:04And besides, Kota, you're older, so you're my big brother.
05:12Big brother? Did Nanoha just call me big brother?
05:16What kind of space is this? Did paradise exist in this world?
05:22It's so heart fluttering that my chest hurts.
05:26Um, are you okay?
05:30I'm done for.
05:33Huh? Wait, pull yourself together.
05:37And so, my life as a brother of former beloved idols began.
05:42The next morning.
05:44When did I end up on the bed? What am I doing?
05:48And the child of my stepmother is Nanoha. Isn't this too convenient?
05:54That must be a dream. A dream. Reality is usually more cruel.
06:00Ah, good morning.
06:03It wasn't a dream. It's real. Paradise is here after all.
06:08By the way, the apron looks amazing on her.
06:12Unlike her cool appearance during her idol days, this gap is incredible.
06:18Uh, good morning, Nanoha. Did you make this by any chance?
06:23Yeah, since both dad and mom get up early.
06:27Being able to eat food made by an angel is the best.
06:31You're so dramatic.
06:34But I'm genuinely happy. Thank you.
06:37Well then, let's dig in.
06:40How is it?
06:41It's so delicious. I want to eat it forever.
06:45You'll get full.
06:47I'll eat until I burst, so don't worry.
06:50Hahaha, you're a strange brother.
06:54Oh, right. You know, I want to get along with you.
06:59So, would you like to go out together later?
07:03Go out? Where to?
07:05I want to go to an amusement park.
07:08An amusement park?
07:10I've been an idol since I was little, so I've never gone there for fun.
07:16That's why I'd like to go privately this time.
07:20Uh, right. The one in front of me isn't the idol Nanoha, but Nanoha.
07:27I got too excited and almost forgot something important.
07:32Sure, let's go to an amusement park. Let's have a blast.
07:39A few hours later.
07:41We're here!
07:42What should we ride first? I'm so excited!
07:46And by the way, Nanoha, what's with the sunglasses and hat?
07:51Um, it's a disguise, I guess.
07:56Why? You've retired, haven't you?
07:59It hasn't been long since I retired, so I might get recognized and it could bother you.
08:07I see. Certainly, if it's right after retirement, people might still recognize her as Nanoha.
08:14Alright then, let's ride something right away.
08:18Yeah! That was so much fun!
08:21I didn't expect to ride the thrill rides ten times in a row.
08:27I might love thrill rides.
08:30It's changing my image of you. I thought you'd be cooler.
08:35Maybe it's better not to be too different from the image. Are you disappointed?
08:41Why would I be disappointed? Discovering new charms or gaps is something to be happy about.
08:47Sure, you're my idol crush, but now you are also my sister, right?
08:53I'm happy to know the real you as my sister.
08:58So you don't need to worry about being an idol in front of me.
09:02Actually, since you're retired, let's be more carefree, right?
09:07So these sunglasses are confiscated!
09:10What? Wait!
09:12Even if someone talks to you, I won't mind.
09:15And if anyone bothers you, I'll chase them away!
09:20You're so reliable. Thank you.
09:23Okay, next! Let's go down that rapid slide!
09:28Whoa, another thrill ride!
09:30Alright, if it comes to this, I'll stick with it to the end!
09:36As a result of this day out, Nanoha and I became close.
09:40The more time we spent together, the more I found myself genuinely drawn to her.
09:45No, no! Calm down, me! She's my sister, even if it's a stepsister! Family!
09:52Feelings like this are not acceptable towards a sister!
09:56However, the growing feelings couldn't be stopped.
09:59And before I knew it, a month had passed since we became a family.
10:04One night, on a day when I was desperately trying to put the brakes on my feelings,
10:10I'm thirsty.
10:12Huh? Is that something I hear? A song?
10:16It's coming from Nanoha's room.
10:18Is she singing?
10:19But I've never heard this one before.
10:22Whose song could it be?
10:24It's a really good song. I want to keep listening to it.
10:27Hey! Eavesdropping isn't good!
10:31Nanoha! Sorry, I heard a song while I was going to get water.
10:36It's a really nice song! Whose song is it?
10:40It's my song. I can't sing it anymore since I retired before it was announced.
10:46Uh... Hey, Nanoha, why did you retire as an idol?
10:51Pressure, I guess. I couldn't handle the overwhelming pressure.
10:57I felt like I was being crushed by the expectations and gazes of the fans.
11:04But it doesn't mean I hate being an idol.
11:09The sparkling stage, the thrilling atmosphere...
11:13Every day was like a jewel. Every second was my treasure.
11:19Nanoha, do you perhaps really want to go back?
11:23Yeah, that might be true. But I can't go back.
11:30I don't have the right to do that after selfishly retiring.
11:34And the fans may not forgive me.
11:38So it's okay.
11:40That's not true! Everyone is waiting for Nanoha!
11:45You're so kind. Thank you.
11:51Come on, it's late. Let's go to sleep.
11:54Good night. See you tomorrow.
11:59I've never seen Nanoha look so distressed. Is there anything I can do for her?
12:04No, there's no use thinking alone in times like these.
12:09Otaku! Help me!
12:13I've told you I'm not an otaku. I'm Otakuda.
12:18So what's up at this late hour?
12:22I see. You want to help lift Nanoha's spirits.
12:27I want to convey that it's okay for her to return as an idol, to do what she loves.
12:32But I can't do it with just my words.
12:36Then why not convey what the fans are waiting for?
12:39You should be able to do that.
12:42I can?
12:43You are a member of the Nanoha fan club, right?
12:47Right! Thanks, Otakuda!
12:49No problem! If there's anything I can do to help, I'll assist you!
12:54I appreciate it! Thank you so much!
12:57And so, following Otakuda's advice, I took action as soon as the morning came.
13:04One week later.
13:05Nanoha, can I talk to you for a moment?
13:08What's up?
13:10I have something to show you. Is there something wrong?
13:13Huh? Why?
13:15You seem a bit down. Am I wrong?
13:18Well, you see through everything.
13:22What's going on?
13:24Look at this.
13:25Is this...
13:26On my video, there are negative, hurtful comments.
13:31Betrayal to the fans, disqualified as an idol.
13:35As I thought, I can't be forgiven, huh?
13:40As an idol, no one is expecting anything from me anymore.
13:45That's not true! Nanoha, look at this!
13:49Ah, Nanoha! My world won't shine without my beloved you coming back!
13:55Cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo!
13:57If the fallen angel rises again, I will gladly bless it from the demon realm!
14:03Waiting for Nanoha's comeback!
14:06Even if you retire, please come back!
14:09Idols need a little break too. It's important. It's hard to keep running.
14:14We will always be waiting for you, Nanoha, to return.
14:19This is...
14:21There are certainly anti-fans.
14:23It's impossible to be liked by everyone, even for a national idol.
14:28But there are so many people waiting for your return!
14:31So many?
14:34Many people love you, Nanoha! So if you want to go back, be honest!
14:39Thank you!
14:40Wait, Nanoha! Hugging is a bit too much, you know?
14:47Actually, I know you are my stepsister, but I fell in love with you.
14:52I love both the idol Nanoha and my stepsister Nanoha.
14:56I'm sorry, I'm really sorry!
14:58Being a fan and a brother like this is unacceptable!
15:03It's not like that!
15:05Because even though I knew you were my stepbrother, I love you too!
15:11Huh? R-really?
15:13I love the kind Kouta who faces me honestly.
15:18Even if you're my stepbrother, I couldn't stop my feelings.
15:23I love you, Kouta!
15:25I-I love you the most in the world!
15:29And so, Nanoha and I were able to convey our feelings to each other.
15:34As a couple, we reported to our parents on that day,
15:37and they accepted our relationship as long as we were happy.
15:41In the process of Nanoha returning to being an idol,
15:44we openly shared our relationship with the agency.
15:48Fortunately, Nanoha's agency was already supportive of romantic relationships,
15:53and they warmly celebrated our union.
15:56As Nanoha resumed her activities, we made sure to provide a proper explanation to the fans.
16:03I was able to make a comeback thanks to my man,
16:07who supported and faced everything with me,
16:10and also thanks to the fans who waited for me.
16:13Starting anew with my beloved, we'll give our best hand in hand.
16:19Please continue to support me, even if it's the me who's in love.
16:24Thank you very much!
16:27By the way, the guy who was causing trouble in the comments
16:30was reported to the police and properly arrested.
16:35In today's world, compared to the past,
16:37even anonymous comments can easily be traced back to the perpetrator.
16:41Let's refrain from making hurtful, abusive comments.
16:45No slander, absolutely.
16:47Let's make sure the perpetrator reflects on their actions
16:50and keeps that lesson in mind.
16:53A few months after Nanoha's comeback,
16:56I graduated from high school and became Nanoha's manager.
17:00In both personal and professional aspects, we support each other.
17:04Well then, I'm off, Kota!
17:07Yeah, do your best!
17:09Yeah, do your best!
17:13I'll be sparkling, so make sure to watch!
17:17Of course!
17:19Alright everyone, let's go!
17:23The legend of the idol Nanoha will surely continue from here on.
17:28Hi, it's me, Mel!
17:31Thanks for watching my channel!
17:33I'm super happy if you watch the next and other videos too!
