Amnesia_ An Unexpected Arrival - WE HAVE TO LEAVE STEPHANO ;_; - Part 2

  • 2 months ago
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BROFIST ...........
00:00Same key, fucking great.
00:01See, I'm pissed now.
00:04Don't make noises!
00:09What was that?
00:10More naked guys?
00:11Fuck, we can't go back.
00:14Let's use the key.
00:16Uh oh.
00:18He's behind me!
00:19Stefano, go go go go go go go go go go go go go go!
00:23Fuck, I hate doors.
00:24Where are you, Stefano?
00:27Aloha, I always find Stefano everywhere somehow.
00:31Oh, we need to go up there.
00:33What is that noise?
00:34What does that noise tell me?
00:37No, I-
00:37I have to go up-
00:38Wait, maybe I can throw him up.
00:40Go, Stefano!
00:42Come on, come on.
00:43I'm not going anywhere without you, Stefano.
00:46Apparently I am.
00:47Come on, I'm not supposed to-
00:49I can't-
00:58No, I need help.
01:02Wait, I have an idea.
01:03I'm not-
01:04I'm not leaving without Stefano.
01:05Fuck that.
01:07I'm not leaving him.
01:08We're not leaving him behind.
01:10I'm a true fucking soldier.
01:12I'm not going out anywhere without Stefano.
01:14He's a bro.
01:16And a bro ain't help.
01:16And I'm gonna help him, cause he's a bro.
01:19And bros help each other.
01:20That's a bro code.
01:21Bro code right there.
01:22Maybe I'm gonna-
01:23I need to push it!
01:24Who put a ledge here?
01:26Come on.
01:27I need a nine-
01:28Tiny rock.
01:29That's what she said.
01:32I'm not leaving him behind.
01:34Some other effin' Stefano.
01:36Not going anywhere without Stefano.
01:40He's not gonna like this idea, but we have to do it.
01:43It's for Stefano.
01:44It's for a good cause.
01:48Then we go here.
01:49I think it's this way.
01:54All this-
01:54And my leg still hurts.
01:55I'm not joking.
01:59I'm not the one who complains when I'm in damage.
02:02There we go.
02:04I'm a genius.
02:05You saved me.
02:06Thank you.
02:07You're a true soldier.
02:09Let's go now.
02:11Where's Stefano?
02:12I'm not-
02:12I'm not playing this map without Stefano.
02:14That's just how it is.
02:14Like, if he disappears, I have to click on a door or something.
02:18Not playing anymore.
02:20Did you do this, Stefano?
02:25Where on earth did those vials go?
02:27I am going to die alone in this hall without them.
02:29There's no time!
02:30I'm coming for me.
02:31Prison is my last and only shelter.
02:36Wow, it's Gregory.
02:37Don't fall down the hall.
02:39That's what she said.
02:41That made sense.
02:45Too many that's what she said jokes.
02:46Okay, let's go.
02:48This way, Stefano.
02:53Oh, this looks scary.
02:55Is it water?
02:56Is it water?
02:57Wait, I'm gonna put you here, Stefano.
02:58Don't fall down or anything.
03:00I need-
03:01I have no tenderboxes.
03:02Well, that's fan-fucking-tastic.
03:05Let's go this way.
03:06Oh no, I have to click a door.
03:10It's okay, Petri.
03:12I believe in you.
03:14You must continue without me.
03:17I will find another way and I'll see you on this other side.
03:20No, I don't want to leave you, Stefano!
03:22You have to continue.
03:23Do it.
03:25Do it.
03:25Oh, just don't look back.
03:30Fuck, I'm gonna miss him.
03:33I killed all of them.
03:34Fuck, I'm gonna miss Stefano so much.
03:41My fucking leg.
03:42I like-
03:43I did it like this.
03:45I like-
03:45Kneed my-
03:48My table.
03:49Oh man, that was like the worst scare ever.
03:55I have nothing.
03:56I need to find Stefano.
03:58That's fucking fast.
04:06Is that the clock?
04:08Shut up.
04:09Most obnoxious clock ever.
04:13Can I use these?
04:16Okay, that saved me some time, I guess.
04:18What are you doing?
04:21This is really scary.
04:26Something's blocking the door.
04:33Okay, it's okay.
04:35I'll find a way.
04:36Fuck, this room's big.
04:38That's what he said, I guess.
04:40If you think about rooms as a vagina.
04:43Let's go up here again because I don't really know.
04:48Break the pottery!
04:52Can I move this?
04:53I thought I saw-
04:54Oh, it's the door.
04:56I'm not the human, I suppose so.
05:01Alexander, I hate him.
05:04I need Stefano.
05:09Let's go here.
05:12Come on.
05:13Oh, there's an arrow.
05:19Are you doing this?
05:22Oh, fuck.
05:27Is there a painting there?
05:29Why is there a painting there?
05:31Maybe we can use these.
05:34It's funny because I know all the puzzles.
05:40Tell me all your secrets, Jesus.
05:43Oh, I got a tinderbox.
05:44That's it?
05:45That's it?
05:46I did that for a tinderbox?
05:48I command you.
05:49Actually, I don't command you anything.
05:51Sorry, don't kill me.
05:52I was just kidding.
05:53I'm gonna go.
05:54You can have this.
05:56Don't kill me.
05:57Don't kill me.
06:00Oh, I can jump here.
06:01I know.
06:01I know.
06:02You put the box here, and then you do like this.
06:05And then you do 360.
06:07360 worth of like?
06:09I think so.
06:11Oh, oh.
06:11Oh, I solved it.
06:13I solved it.
06:13I solved the puzzle.
06:15Now, who's in the closet?
06:17It's locked.
06:18Well, that's great.
06:21What does the momento say?
06:23What does Mr. Momento say?
06:24The door inside the maintenance is locked.
06:26Well, that's not good.
06:30The door was locked.
06:31Okay, let's go in the nope door.
06:33Apparently, I have to go in the nope door.
06:35Let's be careful, because I don't trust nope.
06:38I mean, I don't trust nope doors.
06:45Oh, man.
06:46The door closed.
06:48Ah, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.
06:50I knew this was a nope door.
06:53Just gonna find the key and get the fuck out of here.
06:57Okay, we got a lot of mad men.
06:59Actually, it was the sanity poison.
07:03No, it's cool.
07:04It's cool.
07:04I understand.
07:07Whose leg is this?
07:08It's like the sexiest leg ever.
07:13Actually, actually, now that I think about it,
07:16I'm taking him with me.
07:18Mr. Leg.
07:22Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.
07:24Oh, fuck.
07:24He's in there.
07:26I'm a leg.
07:27I'm a leg.
07:31Oh, what's going on?
07:36Mr. Leg.
07:37I can't talk with you.
07:38Okay, well, let's pull it.
07:41I can fix it.
07:42What is this?
07:43Oh, it's the bro.
07:45Hello, pity.
07:47I'm dying.
07:49You need to save me.
07:52You need to save...
07:54Why are you touching yourself, bro?
07:56Why are you touching yourself?
07:57Stop it, man.
07:57It's not funny.
07:58Why are you touching yourself?
07:59Why are you touching yourself?
08:00It's not funny.
08:01I'm dying.
08:02Why are you touching yourself?
08:04Okay, I'm going with Mr. Leg.
08:09Let's go here.
08:12I'm gonna put Mr. Leg on the couch.
08:21It was a poofer.
08:22Okay, I got the key.
08:24I got the green key.
08:27Mr. Leg.
08:28Mr. Leg, you're so nice.
08:32I don't trust you.
08:34Good job, Mr. Leg.
08:35You did a really good job there.
08:37Thank you, pity.
08:38Thank you.
08:39I did a pretty good job there.
08:40I think so.
08:41I personally love my...
08:42I did it.
08:42I did it.
08:43Stefano can't do that.
08:44I'm Mr. Leg.
08:45Stefano, I'm a leg.
08:48I'm a freaking leg.
08:51Okay, shut up, leg.
08:54I'm not actually...
08:55I'm sorry, pity.
08:56I'm sorry.
08:58Fuck, I'm so...
08:58Oh, and I need the sanity potion.
09:00Don't drop me.
09:01I'm a leg.
09:02I'm a leg, geez.
09:04Geez, I'm a leg.
09:05Okay, 360.
09:07360 leg jump.
09:08Have you ever seen that in Amnesia before?
09:10That was a world record 360 leg jump.
09:13Okay, actually, this is not the right way.
09:14This is the way.
09:16Okay, Mr. Leg.
09:18Let's go here.
09:19I'm a leg.
09:21Oh, you can drop me first.
09:23I'm a leg, so it's fine.
09:24I'm used to this kind of stuff.
09:25Drop me like it's hard.
09:27Okay, let's go down.
09:30Oh, man, this is bad news.
09:31Down, bad news.
09:33Bad news.
09:46Mr. Leg?
09:49Mr. Leg.
09:51Is he here?
09:58Mr. Leg.
09:59Where is you, really?
10:01Aladvi, do you remember me?
10:03Of course I remember you, Scully. What are you doing here?
10:07I don't know, I was just looking for potatoes, and you know, I like potatoes.
10:12I can't walk here, really?
10:14Uh, so, uh, I saw Stefano earlier, he was looking for you.
10:18Really? Where is he?
10:19I don't know, but you'll see him soon enough, I'm sure.
10:22I have the same accent, we're from the same place, you know?
10:26Me and Stefano, oh, good times, me, hey, a lot of cool stories to tell you.
10:30Uh, okay.
10:33Since Melvin's mysteries fade, would you want to read it, Scully?
10:37Okay, I'll read it.
10:38Last Thursday, I held responsibility of maintaining the generator.
10:41Supplies are running thin, and I pray that they will be survived this winter.
10:45The main problem is the damn lever!
10:47Machine oil is the only stuff it reacts to.
10:51I recently received a large barrel of the oil.
10:53The last same day, Mervin?
10:58I feel looking for him tough, though.
11:00No one knows what happened to the man, and the whole bone monster, Giles.
11:05It was Giles who read that, I mean, wrote that.
11:08What's going on in here?
11:11The poor Kelly's lack shit.
11:14Okay, Stefano, I mean, what did you call me?
11:18Oh, I am so disappointed, I'm not going with you anymore.
11:21Oh, I'm sorry, Scully.
11:25It just flew off, that's what she said.
11:27Okay, the lever outside.
11:30The stud isn't working.
11:32The pressure lever is broken.
11:33Perhaps I need final replacement.
11:36Too many, that's what she said.
11:38I love how I always, like, laugh way too loud at my own, that's what she said, jokes.
11:45It looks extremely hot, that's what she said.
11:48Okay, we need this, and then we need, like,
11:51We need, like, oil, or whatever.
11:54I'm sure we'll find it somewhere else, but I can't bring Scully, because I keep calling him Stefano.
12:02Oh, oh, fuck, I need Scully.
12:05I need fucking Scully.
12:08Oh, fuck.
12:12Oh, fuck, I need to hide.
12:13He's here somewhere.
12:15What is that?
12:16He's back.
12:16He's back, he's back, he's back, he's back, he's back, he's back, he's back, he's back, he's back.
12:19What is that?
12:20He's behind the wall.
12:22Oh, fuck.
12:30Oh, oh, oh, oh, we used the oil here.
12:35Okay, so now we got our oil filled.
12:39But seriously, though, what's up with this place?
12:42Okay, so now that you sat on the machine, and I think we're good to go.
12:47Probably not, but whatever.
12:51I hear him.
12:52I fucking hear him.
12:56Okay, so, where do I use it, exactly?
13:04Oh, fuck, it's so creepy.
13:07Oh, fuck, it's so creepy.
13:08Oh, fuck, it's so creepy.
13:09Oh, fuck, it's so creepy.
13:09Oh, fuck, it's so creepy.
13:11Can I pull this?
13:16Oh, Scully, tell me what to do.
13:20I really don't know.
13:22I need another lever.
13:24Where can I find a lever?
13:27This is blood and sad things everywhere.
13:33I hate him.
13:34I hate him.
13:37Wow, he really must hate me.
13:41Wow, he really must hate me.
13:51I fucking ran into him.
13:56I didn't think he was here.
13:57I thought he was behind the wall.
14:00Oh, man.
14:01I did a scare 360 into him.
14:06Oh, man, I'm such a genius.
14:08Main power.
14:09Oh, good.
14:12Oh, man, where am I?
14:17Is this place different?
14:20Wow, I'm really confused.
14:22Oh, this is where he picked up the oil.
14:26But there was a room here, too.
14:29Wow, this place is huge.
14:31I didn't know.
14:35Oh, this is behind the wall.
14:37Sweet to have it in a box.
14:39That explains where he was.
14:41Come on.
14:43So I put it here.
14:47I need to find a lever.
14:52Oh, man, that fucking monster.
14:59I think this is where we start off.
15:01What is in here?
15:02I'm putting it there so we know where we came from.
15:06Oh, this is where we came from.
15:09Come on, I'm so lost.
15:21Oh, we're here.
15:23Good pity.
15:23Good job.
15:24Good job.
15:26Good job.
15:26Good job, kitty.
15:28The jab with the knee.
15:30Main elevator.
15:33What was that?
15:35Fuck, I don't really want to go there anyway, so.
15:39I need to fix this fucking engine.
15:43Let's read the notes or something.
15:47No, not the notes.
15:48The pressure level is broken.
15:50The lever outside is already working.
15:51I need to reactivate the power.
15:54I can't click this.
15:55I can't click this.
15:59If I put oil on it, it will be like, hey.
16:07Maybe I need to place something there.
16:08Cook some food or something.
16:11Maybe Scully needs to be cooked.
16:13No, don't cook me.
16:14No, I'm sorry.
16:15I just needed to do it.
16:16That's inevitable.
16:18See, I use fancy words sometimes.
16:20You got a problem with my fancy words?
16:25What is that cracking sound?
16:29It's so creepy.
16:32This should be able to use as a lever somehow.
16:35No, it's just a broken chair.
16:48I really don't know what to do.
16:51There's nothing here.
16:56Okay, let's follow the light this time.
16:58I didn't do that the last time.
17:01Ended up being lost, so.
17:07Come on.
17:07There's like rocks everywhere.
17:10Didn't I lift this up?
17:12Oh, here we go.
17:15There we go.
17:16There we freaking go.
17:17I have a pressure lever now.
17:19I have a pressure lever now.
17:21I have a pressure lever now.
17:22Pressure lever now.
17:24Pressure lever now.
17:24Try saying that really quick.
17:26Pressure lever now.
17:26Pressure lever now.
17:27Pressure lever now.
17:28Pressure lever now.
17:29Pressure lever now.
17:38Three Sims with a fucking triceratops.
17:41Rapping as I'm mocking death rock stars.
17:43Wearing synthetic wigs made of anwars.
