Amnesia- MOAR JUMPSCARES - Baldo's Discovery - Part 2

  • 2 months ago
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BROFIST ...........
00:00How's it going, bros and brudar?
00:04Ningspear here, and welcome back to some Baldur's Discovery.
00:09In the last episode we had a lot of jump scares, it just wouldn't stop, and I hurt my legs.
00:15Oh man, I should actually, oh fuck, I forgot to get a pillow, but apparently you're supposed
00:21to use the chipper here.
00:23I'm a genius.
00:24I did not, I did not, like, I did not do that.
00:31Ah, I got the key.
00:34Told you, jump scares.
00:35This is jump scares.
00:36Whoever made this likes jump scares.
00:38I love how so many people are debating, like, jump scares aren't true.
00:43True fear.
00:44It's true.
00:45I think it's just the same, but if it's only jump scares, then it's, I don't know.
00:50You get more jump scared if you are, if the mood is set, like, some people say that, you
00:55know, there's no mood behind, oh wait, I was supposed to use the key there.
01:00Yes, I'm such a genius.
01:02Don't try to laugh it off, it makes you seem like an idiot.
01:06Let's go to the underground.
01:08You like my new haircut?
01:10I don't like, I hate getting haircuts.
01:13Whatever, I'm not a girl, I don't, I don't talk about myself like that.
01:19So, yeah, we're in here and...
01:23Oh, the fuck?
01:27Hold on, I need to turn down the volume, it's so freaking loud.
01:36Epic music!
01:43I expect something bad to happen.
01:49I don't trust corridors.
01:51This is how it is.
01:54Oh, look at that guy, what is he doing?
02:04What is going on here?
02:05What is he doing with that thing?
02:07Is it an anchor?
02:12No you don't.
02:15You don't have shit.
02:19I don't trust this thing.
02:20Why is he talking to me?
02:22Go here.
02:26I love that sound.
02:27Get away from me!
02:30Oh, man.
02:33He should've gone away.
02:34Holy shit.
02:35Red light, never good news.
02:38Oh, fuck.
02:41No, no, no, no, no, no.
02:43I know what's gonna happen.
02:44I've seen this many, I've experienced this many times.
02:47I'm an Iron Maiden expert.
02:49Now, what we're gonna do is, we're gonna go over here.
02:52We're not gonna say hello to Iron...
02:53No, I'm not.
02:54I'm not doing...
02:57Fuck, I just have to.
03:00Okay, just...
03:02Take it slow.
03:04Take it slow.
03:10Holy shit, nothing happened.
03:11Nothing happened.
03:16Oh, fuck.
03:18Oh, what the fuck?
03:19I went through the wall.
03:20Holy shit.
03:22That was neat.
03:25Oh, man.
03:26They fucking tricked me.
03:27Okay, let's go over here.
03:31I knew the barrels did it.
03:32I hate barrels so much.
03:33Like, my hatred for barrels.
03:35It will...
03:36It's gross every day.
03:37Fuck you, barrels.
03:41I wish I had...
03:43Oh, fuck.
03:45I wish I had Stefano, but...
03:47Fucking asshole is busy.
03:51Fucking barrels!
03:54I hate barrels.
03:55This is why I hate them.
03:57What is this, anyway?
04:01Okay, we're good.
04:03Okay, so we're gonna fill this.
04:05Actually, we already got...
04:06Where's honey?
04:12Thank you, kind closet.
04:14There's something in here.
04:16It's very attractive.
04:19But you are staying in the closet.
04:23That could...
04:25I fire the barrels.
04:27But we got nothing here?
04:28Oh, yeah, we got beer socks.
04:30It's good.
04:31It's good.
04:32All is well.
04:33Everything is fantastic.
04:34Let's use the key.
04:36It's the wrong key.
04:37Let's use this one.
04:38I got it.
04:39I saw that by myself.
04:41I think I'm pretty impressive sometimes.
04:44I'm a pretty good impressionator.
04:47That's a word.
04:48Find another key.
04:49Look at me.
04:50I'm doing progress.
04:51Are you jelly?
04:52You jelly?
04:53Are you jelly, Mr. Chair?
04:55Can't pick you up, huh?
04:57Oh, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck.
04:59Oh, no!
05:00It's the Justine monster.
05:04His dick is so big.
05:05Have you seen his dick?
05:07I'm not joking.
05:08It's fucking huge.
05:13Let's try and get a look at his dick.
05:24Fuck, so where do I go?
05:26Actually, I don't want to see his dick.
05:28Seeing his dick means you die.
05:29He's like, you want my dick?
05:30I kill you.
05:31I kill you!
05:33I bet that is why.
05:34I kill you!
05:35You look at my dick?
05:36You look at my balls?
05:37You look at my balls?
05:39Oh, fucking barrels!
05:40Oh, I hate fucking barrels!
05:42Ah, barrels!
05:44I knew it!
05:49I can't even move it!
05:51Ah, barrels!
05:52Ah, I hate them.
05:55I'm getting you, though.
05:56I'm getting you.
05:57Fuck you, barrels.
05:58Really, fuck you.
06:02So now what?
06:03We just have a bunch of fucking keys in the way you're driving.
06:06I don't understand.
06:10Where's he going?
06:12What is he doing?
06:15Oh, I get it.
06:18I get it!
06:19I got it!
06:21Now you are coming with me, Mr. Stone.
06:23I'm a stone.
06:25What the fuck, man?
06:28I'm a stone.
06:29I'm a freaking stone.
06:33You're a bad replacement for Stefano?
06:35Yeah, I think you are, too, actually.
06:39It's a fucking pal-
06:40Oh, weird sonic movie.
06:42I'm such a genius!
06:45Yes, we're a-
06:46Mr. Stone.
06:48Mr. Stone.
06:50I know you're upset because I called you a bad Stefano.
06:53Copy, but...
06:55We need to collaborate.
06:56There are stones everywhere.
06:57You are replaceable.
06:59Oh, fuck no-
07:13Oh, man!
07:14Oh, fucking man!
07:16I saw his penis!
07:17It was freaking huge!
07:18Oh, man!
07:26My dead city's penis...
07:27Oh, fuck!
07:28Give me a fucking break!
07:29I just saw the guy's penis!
07:32Oh, no!
07:36Oh no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no,
08:07someone should make a stefano song i know you know the guy who made the
08:14song he's worked i said he's working on one but he's like super good so i'm guessing he's gonna
08:20take his time but anyway stefano dubstep super awesome i want to hear stefano shares actually
08:29you are a good chair buddy and you're a good chair i'm sorry if i screamed at you don't you
08:35let's go in here this room is actually familiar i've seen this guy and this guy has a small penis
08:41but the monster no he has a huge penis oh disgust i'm sorry scully but you scared me
08:49scared me to learn oh it's okay i understand
08:53um so yeah we are uh doing privacy pretty cozy room actually i couldn't totally chill here
09:01like read books touch that guy's penis no i wouldn't do that i'm not gay
09:08oh no perfect 16 58 january night further disappointments the antiquarian's latest
09:16finding yielded and stuff okay bunch of stuff gotta love stuff sometimes but seriously though
09:22what are we doing here buddy tell me don't give me that look come on bye talk to me
09:29oh he wasn't talking to me he doesn't talk to me why what did i do
09:36yeah it's exact same room with the paintings and uh paintings really you are a very nice
09:43thank you almost said felix
09:48he was really lazy when he made this i think
09:54hmm oh now i don't know where to go is it's a broken window part again
10:00it could be yeah i think it is let's use one of our good chairs hello pv i am a chair how y'all
10:08do you want me to throw you all right you're seriously not going to do that you're not going
10:14to throw me i'm sorry i'm sorry i thought i would work super disappointed now look i can
10:22totally see outside the castle and there's totally a tuna box here come on shared collaborate with me
10:29okay share what does not want to collaborate
10:33where are you sure seriously though don't you hide from me in the window
10:37uh don't don't fight me sir fuck not even the chairs are collaborating where the fuck am i
10:45going there we go maybe it's a painting it's always a painting nope it's not the painting
10:55did we check in here let's lock but we have a key
10:59um uh we have another key we uh the way you're talking and uh no we're stuck we are stuck
11:07in this place in this world where is stefano i don't know
11:19i'm a fucking walking paradox no i'm not threesomes with a fucking triceratops
11:24reptile rapping as i'm mocking deaf rock stars wearing synthetic wigs made of anwar's dreadlocks
11:30or did i have the guts to pass her back oh my god my fucking legs
