Amnesia_ Recuring Nightmares - MARTIN VETTU

  • 2 months ago
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........('(...´...´.... ¯~/'...')
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BROFIST ...........
00:00What's up, bros? My name is PewDiePie, and we got Latin Night at Matter Mountain.
00:06We're playing Recurring Nightmares, uh, April 7th, 1884, April, blah, blah, blah. I really don't care. I'm sorry.
00:17This place is really cool. I mean, we got alcohol. Pretty awesome. No alcohol in it, but, you know.
00:23And another Latin Night at Matter Mountain. We already got the lantern, so it's good.
00:28It's good. I like when I start off with the lantern.
00:32Whoa. What the fuck was that?
00:35Uh, uh, uh, uh, uh.
00:38Why me? Why me? What did I do? I haven't done anything. I'm just in the car.
00:41Stefano! Help me! Help me, Stefano!
00:44What the fuck is going on? I just woke up. What is going on?
00:47I don't know either, Stefano, but...
00:49Oh, nope. Fuck that. I'm not going there.
00:52Sorry, Stefano, about dropping you. Okay, here's another note.
00:57Okay, I have no really good idea what I'm trying to say. Blah, blah, blah, blah.
01:00Martin. Martin! Martin, vete.
01:04What the fuck? Ah! Ah! Ah! What's going on here?
01:08Uh. Bread. Oh, fuck, fuck, fuck.
01:12Okay, I'm just going to pick up the lantern. Martin!
01:19Fuck this fucking mod.
01:21Fuck it in the asshole.
01:23This penetrated deeply.
01:27Where's Stefano? Okay. It's you and me, buddy.
01:30Let's freaking go. Let's freaking get the hell out of here.
01:33Okay. Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah!
01:38You go first, Stefano. You go fucking first.
01:41Okay, let's pick this up.
01:43I'm not here for you, I'm here for the note.
01:46I have definitely been here before, but there must be another way out through that hole.
01:50It didn't look like it worked out that well for the others who tried it.
01:54Martin! Martin, vete. Ja, men det är Martin som skriver.
01:58Ja, men vad trevligt.
02:02Okay, good. Okay, pity.
02:04Let's get out of here!
02:06He's right there. Be careful.
02:09I got Scully here too, but whatever. Stefano is awesomer.
02:12Plus he's golden edition, so.
02:16Oh my god, so many barrels.
02:20So many freaking barrels. Look at those barrels, Stefano.
02:23We're screwed for sure.
02:26Oh fuck, he's right there.
02:28What is he doing?
02:31Okay, let's go pity this way.
02:33I know you hate barrels, but try to hold it.
02:37I hate barrels.
02:39I hate barrels.
02:42Oh fuck, okay.
02:44Let's just wait him out.
02:46I hate you.
02:48I hate you.
02:51Okay, he's leaving. He's definitely leaving.
02:53Alright, let's go Stefano.
02:56Oh, what the fuck?
02:58Oh, he's alive?
03:00Look at his nipples.
03:01Oh, like, what is he doing, Stefano?
03:03Oh, you like when I do this?
03:05He's like, surprise bitch!
03:07It's Stefano.
03:09Okay, I wanna twist his nipples.
03:11He's like, no! No, don't twist my nipples!
03:14I'm gonna twist them! I'm gonna twist them!
03:16No! Okay.
03:18Holy shit, I even copped blood.
03:20Fucking barrels!
03:22I knew you were talking to him, I saw it!
03:24Okay, let's go Stefano.
03:26You're my only friend, Stefano.
03:28I know, I know, I know, I know.
03:30I am French, so it's okay.
03:35Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh!
03:37No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no!
03:39Stefano, Stefano, Stefano, Stefano, Stefano, Stefano!
03:41Let's go, let's go!
03:44Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah!
03:46No, no, no, no, no, Stefano, Stefano!
03:48Oh, I don't wanna play this anymore!
04:00Go, go, go, go, go, go!
04:04Go, go, go, go, go!
04:06Oh man, I'm glad I have you buddy. I'm really fucking glad I have you.
04:17Oh man, that was awesome! What are you talking about? It wasn't awesome!
04:22That was a pretty sweet jump though. Which way?
04:30Holy dooly doof, kinky loony goof. You wanna do it, Stefano?
04:33Sure, I can do it.
04:35Ooleh, dooleh, doof, kinky loony...
04:39You're too slow, let's just go here.
04:41Are you fucking kidding me?!
04:44Oh, oh god. Oh, it was a poofer.
04:49Oh, barrels!
04:53The distance is too far to jump!
04:55I knew that, Stefano. I'm gonna place you on the barrel.
04:58What is over here?
05:02It's the same, right? Yeah.
05:04Okay, let's see if we can use this.
05:07Barrels! I fucking hate barrels!
05:10You look pretty good on that barrel, though, Stefano.
05:12Thank you, Billy.
05:14I've been working out.
05:16That's not what I meant, but whatever.
05:17Oh wow, look at this.
05:18No, no, no!
05:19No, no!
05:24Oh, come on!
05:27That was like my only way out of here.
05:31Yeah, I'm fucked.
05:34I can just go down here and kill myself.
05:38Oh, fuck.
05:45I can't... Oh, fuck.
05:52Okay, we have to redo that.
05:53I hope the tank is still there now.
05:57You have to... I hope Stefano is still there.
06:02I need him.
06:07I don't have Stefano now.
06:10I'm really sad.
06:12Yay, Stefano!
06:14Hello, Billy! I waited for you!
06:16When did you go?!
06:20Let's be more careful with this.
06:22Rotate it.
06:24Let's not make it hit something.
06:37I didn't mean to do that.
06:39I'm sorry, Stefano.
06:42I'm sorry.
06:44Maybe we'll find him again.
06:52Okay, beef.
06:54Okay, beautiful.
06:57Holy shit, that was awesome.
06:58If that wasn't worth a like, I don't know what's worth a like.
07:02Okay, don't fall down.
07:04Fuck, I hate babies.
07:05I mean, I don't hate them, but I hate when they make noises.
07:09Oh, fuck.
07:11What the fuck?
07:13He killed the bro?
07:15He fucking killed the bro.
07:17He's really horny.
07:18I mean, he really wants me.
07:22Okay, I think we need to go here.
07:26Good, I made it.
07:28Help me!
07:29Oh, of course.
07:34Oh, fuck. He sees me.
07:35Oh, fuck. He sees me.
07:41Okay, we're good.
07:43I don't have any tinderboxes.
07:45The shilling brews throughout my lantern?
07:50Oh, fuck.
07:51This mod is so fucking scary.
07:54Okay, okay.
07:55I go on without my lantern.
07:56It's cool.
07:58It's cool.
08:01Oh, fuck!
08:03Oh, fuck!
08:08Oh, okay, okay.
08:09Oh, it was poofers.
08:10It was poofers.
08:11It was just poofers.
08:13Hello, lady!
08:19Fuck this fucking mod.
08:20Seriously, though.
08:21Skully, I'm fucking taking you with me.
08:23I don't care.
08:24Oh, man.
08:30I'm digging you down there, bro.
08:34April 5th, 1887.
08:35I reach a dark room with a hole in the door floor.
08:38I vaguely remember digging it.
08:39Yet, my hands are even dirty!
08:41When the darkness falls, I will try escaping this hellish mansion through it.
08:48We're here!
08:50Is that you, Martin?
08:51What the hell did they do to you?
08:53Did they rape you?
08:54Oh, Martin.
08:56Jävla Martin, vette.
09:00So we either go...
09:01No, we can't even go there.
09:03Up the stairs.
09:04Up the stairs.
09:05Up the stairs.
09:06Up the stairs.
09:13Oh, we're here?
09:17Look at your penis, bro.
09:18April 23rd, 1887.
09:20The floor of the office is dark.
09:21I remember something about a key next to a well.
09:23I cannot go further.
09:24I need to rest.
09:28Okay, key next to a well.
09:30I know where that is.
09:31I know where that is.
09:32I know where it is.
09:35I'm tilting my head.
09:42I got this.
09:43No problemo.
09:44There was a well here, so there's gotta be a key.
09:52Nothing creepy about this.
09:54We have the key.
09:55We can continue in this freaking mod.
10:01I'm actually jumping up the stairs.
10:02That's how lean I am.
10:05Okay, that was 180.
10:06So that wasn't really cool or anything, but whatever!
10:08Don't judge me.
10:09Don't judge my 360s.
10:12Like, judge whatever you want, but don't you dare judge me.
10:17The fuck happened there?
10:21I don't trust you!
10:23And I don't trust you either.
10:24Actually, I'm gonna do it like this.
10:27I don't trust Double Trash.
10:31Aw, crap.
10:34Maybe this one.
10:38Key to freedom.
10:40What's going on here?
10:45No, no, no, no, no, no, no!
10:46I have to go there.
10:47Oh, I have to go there.
10:48Oh, man, oh, man, oh, man.
10:50Just, Geronimo!
10:53Oh, fuck!
10:54I can't move!
10:55My mouth!
11:07Oh, fuck!
11:09I nearly made it.
11:10I can pinch his toe, though.
11:11I'm pinching his toe.
11:12I'm doing it.
11:18There's no escaping my firm grip on your penis.
11:20I mean, on your paternal mind.
11:25You may be waking up for now,
11:26but every time you close your eyes,
11:27you will be back in my domain!
11:30Sweet dream!
11:32Sorry about that.
11:33Anyway, I hope you enjoyed.
11:34That was really scary.
11:35That was really good.
