[Funny-Horror] Amnesia- IM BACK - GaryDemo

  • 2 months ago
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BROFIST ...........
00:00How's it going bros? My name is PewDiePie!
00:05Welcome back! I'm back. We're all back. I miss you.
00:10Anyway, welcome to Gary's demo.
00:13It's been made by Sebastian Frisk, which sounds Swedish.
00:17And he doesn't like to write his name properly either, so...
00:20To think that having a party with my good friends could end in such a disaster.
00:26Alright, this sounds like an excellent mod. I can't wait.
00:32Okay, yeah, you can tell just by the story of the thing that it's just gonna be...
00:38Something really shitty.
00:40I wanna start White Night. I know I said I wasn't gonna do it.
00:44But right now I just wanna play something really weird, so...
00:47Oh man, I drank a lot last night and I don't remember anything.
00:50Oh man, I'm so drunk. Look, I'm super short.
00:53Apparently I'm a midget, so that's good.
00:55Oh man, I'm too short!
00:57The life of a midget.
00:58Oh, wait, do we already have...
01:00Oh, it's Sandwich Potion.
01:02I thought for a second it was Latin...
01:04Am I crawling or am I a midget? I can't think of what's funnier.
01:08I think a midget is good.
01:10I'm a midget. I'm a midget. I'm a midget.
01:13Oh, look at that shit. Hello, pretty. How y'all doing?
01:18I don't like bunnies.
01:19Wow, I'm so drunk. Come on.
01:22I'm still drunk.
01:24No, it's better now.
01:25Sandwich Potion helps for being drunk, apparently.
01:28So, I should...
01:30Oh, shit!
01:31That's Tom!
01:34Yo, what the hell happened to Tom?
01:36Come on, Tom.
01:38Get over here.
01:39Oh, wow, that's creepy. Okay.
01:43Living room.
01:44So they're having sex in the other room, I would assume.
01:48Alright, let's go over there.
01:50Maybe Tom did something bad over here, too.
01:54Damn it, it's locked.
01:55I just freaking opened it.
02:02What happened here, Mr. Chair?
02:03I don't know, man.
02:04There was a lot of noise and sexual juices flowing everywhere.
02:07Oh, man, don't tell me more.
02:09That's disgusting.
02:12Double Admin!
02:14I'm all alone.
02:17I can't see shit!
02:21Oh, no!
02:25Oh, no, no, no, no!
02:27What the hell was that?
02:29That was Tom's girl.
02:31She was not good-looking.
02:35Oh, what the fuck?
02:37Can we light...
02:38Oh, I don't have any tiny boxes.
02:40What's going on there?
02:43Why does everything have to be locked?
02:45I have to agree, everything has to be locked.
02:47I guess that's Alan.
02:50Sorry about that, Alan.
02:52He was...
02:54He was damn sexy, though.
02:55Oh, man, look at that arm.
02:57Why are you touching yourself?
02:59Alan, why are you touching yourself?
03:01That's disgusting.
03:02All right.
03:04Okay, we need to find a key.
03:06It's got to be here somewhere.
03:07It's just so freak...
03:08I need to find the lantern.
03:09Oh, wait.
03:10Come on, move.
03:11I need Stefano or someone.
03:13I mean, we were partying last night, so he's got to be here somewhere.
03:17Okay, we have some more of the juice.
03:21Not drunk anymore.
03:22I mean, what?
03:23That's bad.
03:26Seriously, though, it's so freaking dark.
03:28Okay, maybe in here.
03:32Probably not.
03:33Just from my...
03:34Oh, it could be in here, though.
03:36Tell me, Mr. Chair.
03:37I don't know.
03:38I'm a chair.
03:42Really, though?
03:45Oh, this is locked now?
03:46But I looked everywhere.
03:47Come on.
03:48Come on.
03:49Come on.
03:50Come on.
03:55Oh, wait.
03:56Oh, yeah.
03:57I need the key for that.
03:59I don't...
04:01Is there a clue?
04:03Where's the key?
04:04Oh, come on.
04:05He doesn't answer me.
04:06What an asshole.
04:08Is this room getting smaller or is my penis getting bigger?
04:14Really, though?
04:15This is so buggy.
04:16I get the feeling like I missed the keys in some other room or some shit.
04:27Oh, man.
04:31Let's check Momentos.
04:32Search after the key.
04:33Oh, wow.
04:34Best clue ever.
04:35That's what I've been doing.
04:40Come on.
04:42Come on.
04:43Come on.
04:46Oh, man.
04:47Where's the key?
04:53I can totally fit there.
04:54Like, if I squeeze my butt cheeks.
04:57I don't even know what that is.
04:58But it's something.
05:01It's not here.
05:04Why does both come out?
05:05Oh, ah.
05:08Did I pick up something else?
05:10Just jinebugs.
05:11Okay, it's good, though.
05:12Jinebugs are good.
05:14Come on.
05:20I wonder what the full release is going to be like.
05:22It's so stupid.
05:24Oh, here it is.
05:26This pig.
05:27Oh, come on.
05:30Block him, Mr. Chair.
05:31Okay, be down.
05:32Oh, no.
05:34You'll do the hard work.
05:38Does he see me?
05:39Oh, come on.
05:40Oh, man.
05:42Oh, he's so sexy.
05:45Oh, come on.
05:46Don't look at him.
05:49Oh, we're good.
05:50We're good.
05:53We are really good.
05:54I'm so good.
05:55You're good.
05:56We're not good.
05:59Oh, come on.
06:00Oh, man.
06:02Mr. Chair.
06:03Do something.
06:07Do something.
06:08I don't even know.
06:09Oh, wow.
06:10Okay, wait.
06:12I have.
06:13I have.
06:14Okay, we're good.
06:15We're good.
06:16Mr. Chair.
06:17Mr. Chair.
06:18Oh, come on.
06:19You can't be serious.
06:21I didn't do anything.
06:24Okay, let's get down.
06:25I got it.
06:26I got it.
06:27I got it.
06:28I got it.
06:29I got it.
06:30I got it.
06:31I got it.
06:32I got it.
06:37Come on.
06:43Come on.
06:45That didn't go so well.
06:47I told you to run.
06:48He told me to hide and he didn't frickin' tell me to run.
06:53I mean.
06:55Okay, I think it's good now.
06:57That's fine.
06:59Seriously, what happened last night?
07:00I was so drunk...
07:02Oh, man.
07:03Mr. Chair, you did nothing.
07:04I'm sorry, Petey.
07:05I'm really sorry.
07:06I did all I could for you.
07:07Okay, it's okay. I trust you.
07:09Shares are bros, seriously though. I guess. Oh, it was open? Really? Oh, great.
07:16Oh shit, the lantern broke.
07:19I didn't even have a lantern!
07:22If you read this, then I guess you didn't. They didn't get you. Actually, they did get me, so thanks anyway.
07:29I've taken
07:30a refugee a bit from your location. Just continue down this hallway, and you should find me. Hopefully, I'll still be alive.
07:37Hopefully. I don't even know who you are. I don't want you to be alive.
07:41Is it my girl? Oh man, come here. No, no, focus. Okay.
07:52The fuck is going on here?
07:55Is that a butter knife?
07:58Oh, it's just a knife. Holy shit, that's awesome. I'm taking this with me.
08:08Someone upstairs?
08:13No, come on door.
08:16Don't you dare!
08:18What's going on? Oh, no, don't tell me that.
08:28What the fuck is going on?
08:34Okay, that's bad. Let's just go.
08:39It's locked? You must be joking!
08:44Take it! Take it, take it, take it, take it!
08:54It's so dark. Oh man.
09:01Thank you for playing. Okay, I think that was probably the shittiest one so far, but...
09:10Whatever. I just got back, and we moved into apartment. I just wanted something really quick for you guys.
09:15So I hope you enjoyed, and I'll see you tomorrow with a proper, proper one.
09:37Don't want to be patient. I don't want to be patient! Are you fucking kidding me? Be patient? Suck my dick!
