[Scary] Amnesia_ STEPHANO GOLDEN EDITION IS BACK - The Attic - Part 1

  • 2 months ago
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BROFIST ...........
00:00How's it going bros and bros out there? My name is PewDiePie!
00:05Today we're gonna play the Attic...
00:07Oh man!
00:09Ugh, stretch.
00:11That was a good stretch. That was a good freakin' stretch.
00:14Alright, let's see what this is about.
00:16Father and I used to sit out here while I was treating the guests.
00:19And father, I would sit out here and I was only two.
00:22And so other things were going on in fading memory.
00:24But I remember one night,
00:26Derek, one day you will suck my dick.
00:28Oh, goodbye.
00:30Okay, cool story. A really cool story in this game.
00:34So, we have...
00:38This bed and stuff.
00:41That is all ready.
00:4416 years have passed and I normally met my father.
00:46And he still waited for me and all that kind of stuff.
00:55There's the key.
00:57Let's go.
01:00Oh, look at this place.
01:02It's beautiful.
01:04A friend there, it's...
01:06Someone told me that...
01:10Fine chair.
01:11That's a damn fine chair.
01:12We got an adenadamum and a sandy portion.
01:15The thing about this, it's slow in the beginning.
01:19Hello, Petey.
01:20How are you?
01:22What are you doing here, man?
01:23Oh, man!
01:24You're so great.
01:25I don't even know what I'm doing here either.
01:27To be honest.
01:28What are you doing here with Alexander?
01:30Alexander, he's a crazy man.
01:32You should talk to him often.
01:34Actually, I don't really like him.
01:36Don't judge him just because he wanted to kill you and stuff.
01:40Anyway, we got the key.
01:43The sound came from the attic.
01:49Okay, which way should we go, Stefano?
01:51This way.
01:52This way.
01:53Because it's like the only place you haven't been, so...
01:55Ah, you're such a retard.
01:58Ah, cool.
02:00The thing about this mod is that apparently it'll take me forever for something scary to happen.
02:06But, I don't know why.
02:07I can't use that way.
02:09Let's go this way then, Stefano.
02:10Because we are geniuses.
02:12See, we don't even take damage when we jump down.
02:15That's the PewDiePie way.
02:17Or the highway.
02:18Oh, wait.
02:19Didn't we already been here?
02:21Wow, so many rooms.
02:23I'm gonna leave the room doors open where I've been, so I don't forget.
02:26You are very clever today, PD.
02:28I'm very proud of you.
02:29Ah, thank you, Stefano.
02:30Thank you very much.
02:32Alright, let's go in here, Stefano.
02:34I love the golden edition, by the way.
02:36I know.
02:37Fake Gucci.
02:38Silver edition.
02:40Gold edition all the way.
02:45Okay, mark and mark.
02:48Ah, don't close on me, buddy.
02:49Don't close on me.
02:54Let's move you.
02:55And, Stefano, we will go out.
02:57Why are you talking like that, PD?
02:59It's not funny.
03:00Okay, I'm sorry.
03:01I'm sorry.
03:02I'm sorry.
03:03Okay, let's go in here.
03:04Oh, good.
03:05Because I don't want to leave you, Stefano.
03:06I really don't.
03:07I need you.
03:09What are you...
03:11Stop hitting me!
03:12Okay, I'm sorry, Stefano.
03:16We have been there.
03:18No, we haven't been here.
03:19Can we go here?
03:20I doubt it, but...
03:21We can give it a try.
03:24Can't go.
03:25Can't go.
03:26This way, PD.
03:28Let's go here.
03:31We have a key, though.
03:34It's gotta be this door.
03:37Okay, I am disappointed.
03:40Key to the third floor.
03:42The fuck?
03:44I don't know either, PD.
03:45I am seriously pissed off.
03:49It's kind of pissing me off a lot.
03:53Is this the third floor?
03:55How am I supposed to know which floor I am on?
03:59No, that's not the right...
04:01I can't use that way either.
04:03What do you think, Stefano?
04:05Stefano, you're so crazy.
04:06Tell me one of your stories.
04:07Tell me one of...
04:08Ah, okay.
04:09I can tell you last summer...
04:12I met this French girl.
04:13Ah, oui, oui.
04:14She was very beautiful.
04:16And that's not really...
04:18Ah, come on!
04:19Every freaking...
04:21Don't hit my head in everything, Jesus!
04:23Ah, man.
04:27Okay, so the only thing we haven't tried is this door.
04:31And if this doesn't work, I really, really don't feel like just walking around for hours.
04:36Oh, no!
04:37We left Stefano.
04:39I need Stefano.
04:42Oh, man.
04:44Oh, man.
04:45Oh, man.
04:47Oh, come on.
04:52I bet we're gonna find that crazy mofo again.
04:55So it's okay.
05:04You can read that if you want.
05:05I'm not gonna bother.
05:07Oh, wow.
05:08This is good.
05:09Let's go in here.
05:10Ah, it's locked.
05:15It's locked, too.
05:17Oh, wait.
05:18I have a key now.
05:21Maybe I can use the key here.
05:24I have to check.
05:25Because you never know.
05:26And if you don't know, and I...
05:31Scully, what are you doing here?
05:33I don't know.
05:34Where's Stefano?
05:35I saw him like a minute ago, and now I'm all like this with all this.
05:39I didn't draw this.
05:40I don't even have hands.
05:41What is he talking about?
05:44Ah, it's been five hours.
05:46I agree.
05:47It's been five hours.
05:49Good job, Scully.
05:50You're pretty awesome.
05:51Thank you, Piddy.
05:52We got Latinatabatabum.
05:55Which you never tend to use anyway, so I don't know why the game keeps giving us Latinatabatabum.
06:03Cool story, brah.
06:04Cool story.
06:05I know I'm gonna get ripped, really.
06:08I know I'm gonna get...
06:09Today's the big day.
06:12No, but seriously, I know a lot of people who get pissed because I don't read the story in this game, but whatever.
06:16I don't really care.
06:19It's like I'm playing some instrument or something.
06:23So there was nothing in there?
06:25I find that hard to believe.
06:27Well, we did get Latinatabatabum.
06:34There's one door we haven't.
06:35And then we go here.
06:37Oh, well.
06:38Let's try it anyway.
06:39Probably won't work.
06:41Ah, it worked.
06:42Holy shit.
06:56So far, not so bad.
06:58I mean, there's doors.
07:00Love me some doors.
07:02Rooms? They have rooms?
07:05Wow, this is amazing.
07:06This is amazing.
07:07This is amazing.
07:09Oh, that's a pretty damn chair.
07:10Hello, chair.
07:11How y'all doing?
07:12Hello, pretty.
07:14I'm pretty good.
07:20More tinderboxes.
07:23So why the fuck not?
07:26Seriously, though, we need Stefano.
07:28Hey, chair, have you seen Stefano?
07:31Is he yellow and sexy?
07:33Yeah, he is.
07:34Ah, then I haven't seen him.
07:35Ah, come on.
07:38Chair started trolling me.
07:42That's what you get, Mr. Chair.
07:44Don't be stuck on me.
07:45Ah, come on.
07:47Latinatam recipe.
07:49Ah, cool.
07:50I always wondered how you made Latinatam.
07:53Like, I asked my mom yesterday.
07:54She was like,
07:55I don't know what you're talking about.
08:02I know Latinatam,
08:03but not Latinatam.
08:06You know?
08:07Oh, look at this.
08:08Look at this.
08:10How y'all doing?
08:11I'm a chair.
08:13But we'll talk later, chair.
08:14How y'all doing?
08:15I'm a chair.
08:19Oh, look at that.
08:21I have so many freaking tinderboxes.
08:24I could create...
08:29Let's go!
08:30Actually, no.
08:31Oh, look at this.
08:32Look at this.
08:36Do you think we can go here?
08:38Do you think, PewDie?
08:40Do you think...
08:41Do you really think?
08:42Ah, we could.
08:44Well, what do you know, PewDie?
08:45Sometimes you are lucky.
08:47Sometimes you're not.
08:49This place looks really scary, PewDie.
08:51I would get out of here if I were you.
08:53Me too, Satan.
08:54Me too.
08:56It's so freaking dark.
08:57Oh, good.
08:58You have the lantern.
09:00Hello there!
09:02I am Selma.
09:03This is Stefano.
09:04What are you talking to, PewDie?
09:05I am Satan.
09:06How are y'all doing?
09:07Ah, nice to meet you.
09:08I'm Stefano.
09:09How are y'all doing?
09:11Okay, we're going to leave him because he's pretty obnoxious.
09:13Ah, good.
09:15I was...
09:17You know.
09:21Okay, I'm just going to put you here, Stefano.
09:23I know you're confused and all.
09:25So it's okay.
09:26Thank you, PewDie.
09:29Ah, broom.
09:31Love me some brooms.
09:32We're going to go in here.
09:34Ah, there's dead bodies there.
09:35Come on!
09:37Ah, more dead bodies.
09:38Ah, man.
09:39I think he's just too drunk and passed out or something.
09:42Let me poke him for you, PewDie.
09:46He's dead, but...
09:48He's definitely dead.
09:50I poked a lot of people with this sword in my life.
09:52I know if it's dead or not.
09:54My name's Satan.
09:57Actually, let's go.
09:58It's so annoying.
10:05Sorry, Stefano.
10:06That's okay, PewDie.
10:07We just need to get the fuck out of this place.
10:16Stefano, what the fuck was that?
10:17I don't know, PewDie, but...
10:19I really wanna...
10:20Oh, what the fuck is going on with that guy?
10:22He has no head.
10:24Oh, man.
10:26Oh, there's his head.
10:28That's kind of creepy.
10:30It's right over there.
10:31Yeah, I saw it, Stefano.
10:32I get it.
10:35People are coming to my shop.
10:36And we have...
10:40Where's your head at?
10:43There's your head at.
10:45There's your head at.
10:46Oh, it's so funny.
10:47You're so crazy, Stefano.
10:50Where's your head at?
10:54Oh, no.
10:55Nothing in here.
10:57Let's back the fuck out.
10:59I'm backing up, backing up, backing up, backing up.
11:01Cause my daddy got me good.
11:03I'm backing with Stefano here.
11:05And I'm like, oh, my God.
11:07Oh, my God.
11:08My God.
11:09Ah, come on.
11:10Don't do that on me, Stefano.
11:11I'm sorry, baby.
11:14I'm backing up, backing up, backing up, backing up.
11:19Let's not talk to Satan right now.
11:27I don't know what the fuck is going on.
11:28I feel drunk.
11:29What the fuck was that?
11:30Did you see I was like super big and super small?
11:32And then I was like, oh.
11:34Let's go in here, pity.
11:35We need to get out.
11:36It's important.
11:38For science.
11:42What the fuck?
11:43Who did that?
11:45Who is doing that?
11:47Oh, man.
11:49Oh, I hope we have Stefano with us.
11:50Please, please, please, please, please, please.
