Amnesia- SO MANY JUMPSCARES AND TELEPORTING NAKED GUYS ;_; - Baldo's Discovery - Part 1

  • 2 months ago
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BROFIST ...........
00:00How's it going bros and brosies, my name is PewDiePie and look at my loading screen, it's
00:06so awesome!
00:07It has Stefano, it has Scully and Bro and all this kind of stuff.
00:13If you want this as well, I'll leave the download link in the description and the name of this
00:17guy who made it for me.
00:18It's really cool that he made that for me.
00:21Okay, but anyway, I don't know why I'm wearing my mom's ring, that's awkward.
00:27We're gonna play Baldo's Discovery.
00:29In this story, you play as Baldo, a man with great intellect.
00:32Okay, that sounds fair.
00:33I lost the save file for Unexpected Arrival and I have a really busy day today so I don't
00:40have time to go back and play through everything.
00:43And I know you guys want a video, so I'm playing-
00:45What the fuck?!
00:49What the fuck was that?!
01:02Who did that?!
01:07Man with a penis did it.
01:13Terribly, terribly-
01:16Teleported naked, guys!
01:19Teleported naked, guys!
01:20Oh man, I'm so screwed.
01:21I'm so freaking screwed.
01:22Teleporting naked, guys.
01:23Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god.
01:24Pick up the freaking tinner box.
01:25Jesus Christ.
01:27Oh man, I'm so screwed.
01:29I have a knife, though.
01:30I'm fucking prepared.
01:31Let's get this guy right up his ass.
01:32Okay, let's not do that.
01:36I have a knife, though.
01:37I'm fucking prepared.
01:38Let's get this guy right up his ass.
01:41Let's not do that.
01:42Okay, I wish I had my lantern.
01:43It's so dark.
01:44Another tinner box.
01:45Maybe we can move the bed and we'll find secrets.
01:46Secrets are usually under the bed.
01:47It's so dark.
01:48Where's the closet?
01:49Look at my closet.
01:50My closet is amazing.
01:52Hello, Stefano!
01:53Hello, Stefano!
01:54Hello, Stefano!
01:55Hello, Stefano!
01:56Hello, Stefano!
01:57Hello, Stefano!
01:58Hello, Stefano!
01:59Hello, Stefano!
02:00Hello, Stefano!
02:01Hello, Stefano!
02:02Hello, Stefano!
02:04Hello, pretty.
02:05How you been?
02:07I looked everywhere for you!
02:09Actually, I was just hanging out.
02:11You always hang out on barrels, Stefano.
02:13What's up with that?
02:14Yeah, I don't know.
02:15I'm golden edition, Stefano.
02:16I like to be on good spots.
02:20So, yeah, we gotta go in here.
02:24Oh, we have to leave Stefano right away.
02:26I was so excited.
02:27Oh, wait.
02:28Oh, wait.
02:29I already have the key, though.
02:31Oh, I'm sorry.
02:32I have to leave Stefano.
02:33It's funny how I always, always find him, like, on a barrel or...
02:38Actually, not on a barrel.
02:40He's just there somehow randomly.
02:44We're good.
02:45We're good.
02:46Oh, I don't trust you.
02:48Not good.
02:52I'm just in here and...
02:55I need to get out.
02:56I don't even know how I...
02:58It untrusted itself by itself!
03:02My mind is so blown right now.
03:06No, put it back!
03:08I don't trust you!
03:09Put it back!
03:11Oh my god.
03:14Did someone make this for me?
03:16I don't know.
03:17I just got a message in the side page.
03:19You should try this.
03:20And then I downloaded it.
03:23I kinda started to think it was made for me.
03:26Oh, yay!
03:27We got...
03:32What is that?
03:35Oh, fuck.
03:36I spilled my drink.
03:40I keep hitting my leg!
03:42My fucking leg!
03:46I do this.
03:51Why do I keep doing that?
03:53Look, I spilled my fucking drink.
03:55Are you happy now?
03:56Are you happy?
03:58Oh my god.
04:04Fucking teleported naked, guys.
04:06My mom warned me.
04:07I should've listened.
04:09Fucking teleported naked, guys.
04:10Man, oh man.
04:15This is locked.
04:16I don't need a key.
04:17I don't even know if I wanna keep playing this.
04:25I can't do this.
04:26The fucking jump scares in this game.
04:29Holy shit.
04:32Just take a shill pill.
04:34I'm gonna relax.
04:35I'm just gonna relax right now.
04:36It's broken.
04:37I can't go back.
04:38So I walked through the...
04:40I walked through the hall.
04:45Now we're good.
04:47Can't go in there.
04:50Oh yeah, I picked up the crowbar.
04:51I forgot.
04:53Oh, I can't use it there.
04:56Maybe the other door.
04:57There's one over here.
05:00Yeah, there we go.
05:02Oh, that was it?
05:03Oh, man.
05:05Oh, man.
05:06Look at this room.
05:07Look at this piano.
05:08It's beautiful.
05:13Pretty close to fire, though.
05:15Oh, they have food and everything ready for me?
05:17Holy shit.
05:18I'm not ready.
05:20Time for the naked guy, Scully.
05:23Hello, buddy.
05:25Welcome to dinner.
05:28There will be potatoes.
05:30Look at my cousin.
05:32We have a needle.
05:33That looks better.
05:34I'm gonna leave Scully there,
05:35because I don't really like Scully that much,
05:38to be honest.
05:42Shill pill.
05:43Shill free.
05:44Shill free.
05:47Shill pill.
05:48Shill freaking pill.
05:52Where are we going?
05:53It's so dark.
05:54I can't see.
05:57Fucking statues, man.
06:00I'm walking in circles.
06:02Oh, yeah.
06:03Here we go.
06:04I'm gonna use the needle.
06:10It's so dark.
06:11I don't trust this at all.
06:13It's way too dark.
06:16Just move by itself.
06:21Man, that's sexy toy.
06:23You can check moles read by reading.
06:28I didn't know that.
06:31That's pretty cool.
06:35Okay, so what's up with this room?
06:36There's nothing in it.
06:37Oh, there we go.
06:41My leg!
06:49New plan.
06:50New plan.
06:51I'm gonna sit like this.
06:54Teleporting naked, guys.
06:55It's the worst.
06:56Holy shit, it's sexy, though.
06:58Oh, man.
07:00I can't do this.
07:01Stop it.
07:10Oh, man.
07:12He literally came out of the closet.
07:15But don't.
07:17Oh, man.
07:19Fuck, I don't know.
07:23And then we go in this room?
07:24No, we've been here.
07:25Okay, here it is.
07:34What's going on?
07:39These keys can't get out of here.
07:42Oh, man.
07:45Oh, fuck.
07:48Seriously, it's always my right leg that I just...
07:53What's that?
07:54What's up with this freaking castle?
07:56I'm apparently a man with great intellect.
07:59Here's a phone text.
08:04Teleporting lanterns.
08:05Fucking great.
08:08What's up with this place?
08:11Oh, wow.
08:12Oh, we're in here.
08:17Oh, man.
08:19Manly man.
08:21Let's go here first, then.
08:24Maybe this is where we want to go.
08:26Like, in the end or something.
08:28Yeah, pretty much.
08:29We need to exit this fucking castle.
08:32That's for sure.
08:33Blue lights everywhere.
08:39Oh, man.
08:40That didn't sound very good.
08:43Someone is fucking up with this place.
08:46That's for sure.
08:47I don't trust you.
08:49And I don't trust you either.
08:52Wow, this fucking castle mod.
08:54Let's go right.
08:55Left first.
08:56Check all the doors.
08:57As usual.
08:58Why not?
08:59I'm just saying.
09:02What the fuck was that?
09:06Okay, I need a key there.
09:07I don't have a key, so...
09:09Yeah, that went well.
09:11Let's go left, then.
09:14Oh, my God!
09:15Stop doing that!
09:16At least I didn't hit my fucking leg.
09:19What's the point of that?
09:21This fucking scared me.
09:24Oh, I'm so sad.
09:26I'm sad.
09:27Why do they keep doing this?
09:29Okay, an eagle.
09:30That's a pretty sweet eagle, bro.
09:32I want one of those in my statues.
09:34In my statues?
09:38Okay, let's take it easy here.
09:44Fucking teleported.
09:47Was that flying Jesus again?
09:49Look at his penis.
09:50It's like nothing.
09:53Okay, so...
09:55Can we go in here?
09:56Yeah, we can.
09:57Oh, the barrels.
09:58I'm just gonna pick this up.
09:59Don't fuck with me, barrels.
10:02Don't fuck with me.
10:06I hate barrels.
10:09Barrels so freaking much.
10:10Freaking much.
10:13And can we go down here?
10:15No, but I have a key now, at least.
10:17I think we're gonna go...
10:22...the other place where we needed the key.
10:25Fuck this fucking mod.
10:28Oh, man.
10:31Oh, frickity-frack.
10:32Alright, so I'm gonna end it here.
10:35Thumbs up the video, add it to favorites.
10:38And we'll go here tomorrow.
10:40I really don't have more time today.
