Amnesia- Through The Portal- Custom Story- Part 3 - IT'S RAINING PIGGEH AND BROS

  • 2 months ago
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BROFIST ...........
00:00Welcome back to Amnesia through the portal part 3, my name is PewDiePie, I just started
00:14and it's like, I died, I don't know, I guess I quit, I rage, I fear quit, I haven't played
00:24this in forever, forever and never, never, bro, where's my penis, where's my penis, where's
00:32my penis, okay I'm gonna find your penis, what are you doing, everyone has this Stefano
00:37voice for some reason, let's go, you look good in pink man, yeah, yeah, beautiful, I
00:46could totally kiss you right now, I'll leave him here for now, there's no one in here so
00:53I think the red one is cool, we can pull the red one, bad stuff, what is that, what is
01:00that, what is that, what is, no we're good, the red one is good, this one looks good too,
01:11pink one, pink, I love pink, pink one is good, let's see, green one looks good, green
01:26one, go, the fuck was that, oh, a key, I got a key, I got a key, I got a key, sorry, got
01:42too excited, so environmental strategy, okay let's, pink one looks good, I already pulled
01:53the pink one, no I didn't, no, no, no, run Daniel, run, I don't, run, come on, come on,
02:05this is ridiculous, okay the pink one isn't good, crap, he doesn't like me, I think he
02:14does like me, I don't know where to go, okay we got the key so I guess we're gonna, hey
02:22what is that, what's up, what's up, Piggy's here, Piggy's here, I'm here, what is Piggy
02:31doing here, I don't know, I was just falling from the ceiling, I don't know, I can't, it
02:38was me and your bro yo, even though he's like, I mean he doesn't have a penis but I still
02:42like him, we're still in love, I'm sorry Piggy I lied to you, why Piggy, I'm sorry, I mean
02:49we're perfect for each other, just look at us, just, I mean look at us, look at us kissing,
02:54I mean just, just look at us, just, I mean, just, just, just, I'll just leave you guys
03:02alone, that's so wrong, ugh, wait if I pull this one, ugh, okay go, pull the lever, that
03:17was seriously disgusting, okay we're good, we're good, seriously, just look at me rubbing
03:24his body, you like when I do that, you like when I touch you like that, this is amnesia
03:32porn going on right here, oh yes, you like when I rub your sexy body, you like when I
03:39do that, you like when I, you like when I have my genitals in your face, you like this,
03:48this is something, I like it how I have like 12 year olds who watch my stuff, oh, it's
03:54not good, I shouldn't be doing this, I'm sorry, wait the key was for, the key, environmental
04:07study, whoa, it's raining piggies, I'm pumped, I'm pumped, I'm raining, I'm raining, I'm
04:15raining, mm-hmm, mm-hmm, mm-hmm, you thought I was a pig, I'm rain, I'm rain bitch, whoa,
04:21whoa, what are you doing piggy, why did you do that, ah, oh crap, wait, maybe he doesn't
04:25see me, piggy you fucking asshole, I'm pumped, I'm not pumped, okay let's go here, holy shit
04:35I maybe make it, fuck you piggy, wait maybe, maybe, okay just don't look at him, you're
04:42coming with me, you're fucking asshole, oh, fuck, oh, oh, fuck I shouldn't have done that,
04:49oh, not again, not again, not again, oh, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, go, go,
04:53go, go, go, go, go Daniel, go Daniel, go Daniel, go Daniel, don't look back Daniel, oh, fuckity
05:00fuck, go Daniel, you're pumped, you're pumped, fist bump, ah, no, no, oh, fuck, oh, fuck,
05:12oh man, oh man, oh man, oh man, oh man, carry on apparently, fucking piggy, that was a bad
05:20idea bringing piggy, everyone is a traitor, I thought Stefano was a bro, then I thought
05:27piggy was a bro, what do you make out, are you having sex with an amnesia monster,
05:33all right let's go, let's go, I'm pumped, I'm sorry about that, don't touch the levers,
05:39don't do, oh, oh, it's my bro, it's my bro, piggity, piggity pig,
05:46oh, yes, yes, I'll just let you guys cuddle,
05:58what, what did I do, what the fuck did I do,
06:03oh, what did I do, what's with the noise,
06:17this does not seem good, oh, no, no, I'm sorry about that bro, I'm sorry about that bro,
06:21I'm sorry about that bro, I'm sorry about that bro, I need to go, I need to go, I need to go,
06:25through the portal, through the portal, through the portal, through the portal,
06:30oh, what the, okay let's go,
06:39damn, damn, with a d, I don't know how else you would spell damn, but maybe with an l, like lamb,
06:49lamb, that was hot, lamb, lamb, lamb, I should stop, lamb, lamb, lamb, this place is huge, lamb,
07:04lamb, this mod is pretty damn, lambable, no, sexy I mean, let's walk up the stairs,
07:13I just need a rest, ah, fuck, I'm tired, fuck, I hate stairs, okay, one more,
07:24man, it's so, ah, how many of these stairs, uh, stairs, stairs, stairs,
07:31no, I shouldn't have eaten so many chicken McNuggets, ah, okay, I'm almost there,
07:39ah, fuck, I hate stairs,
07:47that was worse than the amnesia monster,
07:49oh, pretty lights everywhere, look at that, look at that, so beautiful,
08:08really beautiful, I'm looking at this, and I'm like, I'm really beautiful,
08:13so, we click this, and we go through the portal, I picked up the master of, yes, yes,
08:23master, oh, look at that, just look at that, look at that, it glows when I press it, it glows,
08:31it glows, I tell you, uh-oh, uh-oh, uh-oh, the shadow starts immediately,
08:42man, ah, no, stairs,
08:51oh, fuck, holy shit, I made it,
08:54oh, sweet, let's just walk for now, I wonder how that would look like in real life if someone
09:03fell down like that, just saying, oh, uh-oh, stairs, stairs, stairs, I hate stairs,
09:10at least it's better walking down them than up them, I'm such a genius with my quotes sometimes,
09:17at least it's better to walk down than up, ah, where did the game go, where am I,
09:23oh, there we go, beautiful, ah, nice voice crack, I don't voice crack, I'm a man,
09:32I'm a man, I don't, I don't do high-pitched voices or anything, I'm a man, I'm a manly man,
09:38manly man, man, speaking of manly man, did anyone see that Ashton Kutcher episode,
09:46I'm not sure if I like it or not, I was like, where's Charlie Jean, and I don't usually watch
09:50it anyway, and I'm like talking in a weird way, so it's kind of hard for you to tell what I'm
09:54saying, yeah, let's go back, where's that monster, you know, the dumpster monster,
10:02oh, we're in the forest, love me some forest, just like him, these are meatballs,
10:09meatballs, love me some meatballs, why can't I walk where I want to, okay, let's pull this
10:20once again, oh, why do I do that, ah, it's the dumpster monster, let's go, fuck you,
10:32close the door, yep, I did that, bros, I'm sorry, I'll find your penis later, oh, it's okay,
10:41I need to go, maybe in here, is it still after me, seriously, it sounds like it is,
10:50I hate when the sound comes on, it freaks me out as hell,
11:02why am I wasting my lightning, why, how do I,
11:06oh, okay, mementos, perhaps the monster arm can be used in the great underground to activate,
11:12in the great underground, activate portal back, I think I need to go back to the great underground,
11:20how am I done in here, where's the great underground, how much, no,
11:24like there's a portal there, and I'm like, whoa, what the heck,
11:29who threw that, who threw that, who threw that, was it bro, bro, was it you, bro,
11:35you don't have arms, how the heck did you throw that, I don't know, I did it with my mouth,
11:39I spit it out, that's how I spit, see my arm, see my arm, I scrub it so hard that my arms fell off,
11:51that's how I roll, how do you roll, PD, huh, how do you roll, huh, I don't know, I just
11:58throw without losing my arms, I guess, okay, this is, this one, fuck, it wasn't that one,
12:10yeah, ask me what it feel like, staring at the sky, so vanilla telling Kurt Russell,
12:15homie, this ain't real life, I'll be making good on my promises, honesty is confidence,
12:19lot of it is missing, but I realize, I could be better than I was,
12:23lighter on my feet, cooking up his soul, when we fire up the beat,
