Amnesia_ Abduction [Custom Story] Part 14 - LAST PART

  • 2 months ago
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BROFIST ...........
00:00Mm-hmm. I think there was a laboratory, but it doesn't really make sense that it's a laboratory
00:08No wait, I have to make sure I don't want to go all that way
00:15It's there we've been in there. It's there. We've been in there. Oh, yeah, this is the bedroom right yeah
00:22Okay, I suppose it is
00:24There unless it's here
00:30Fuck I wish there was a map I'm confused
00:36Laboratory laboratory laboratory where my laboratories I oh
00:46Fucking flying Jesus
00:49The servants and I the head servant we locked in the quarters for the day there
00:52The missus are not come to shake a mouse, but she said there we were not to leave
00:58I'm not sure what she's up to but I fear for a safety nurse her grief over the loss
01:03It's a penis
01:07Okay, and in the box get the feeling I don't really need to loot anymore it's in their boxes. Oh
01:13Wait, I didn't take me long
01:16Why just up with all these dead corpses and bedrooms like please tell me what's going on what happened to you seriously though
01:22What's your story? What are you doing in a closet?
01:25And naked and dead I guess that's interesting too
01:31Okay, oh
01:34Yeah, this is where I've been
01:37Where my laboratory is that I'll do check this room inside the night
01:47This is where I came from yep where my laboratory
01:55Maybe maybe I was right, but that's not very often
02:04Did I go here
02:09Now it's only just
02:12to do
02:15Martina boxes exactly what I need I
02:18Get the feelings like why bother it's two more I
02:24Don't feel like reading
02:27What what what what what I
02:31Need to open this though. Are you so mean to me? I just want to open the freaking bed
02:40Yes, this is what I need in who did this
02:52What what happened I don't I'm confused confused face
02:58Out of all the fails
03:01I have plenty oil. Oh, it's cool. I got this no problem
03:08So, let's go down to the down on the ground I just can't really make sense I I don't trust you I
03:17Can't really make sense of that. There's a library. I mean laboratory in the story
03:21Yeah, I guess that makes sense, but it's like under drama and stuff. It's another world. I don't think about it
03:27But okay, let's just hope we don't run into problem
03:32Hmm mm-hmm it was downstairs three floors. I remember you mr. Cockroach
03:40Mr. Cockroach
03:43Crap it's gonna happen again
03:48Hopefully not but I get
04:00It didn't happen again lucky me
04:04Singing I heard something
04:07Come on
04:09Mm-hmm. Where's the door?
04:15Okay, ouch that's really fucking hurt where's the door
04:26Fuck this is so dark and really scary not gonna lie. Where was the door?
04:34Where was it oh here was this freaking far
04:41I knew it. I fucking knew it. I fucking knew it. I fucking knew it. I don't want to do this. I don't want
04:47Please be right Kate. Oh, thank God
05:03Is it still chasing me? No, it's cool. I miss the farmer now like seriously Stefano come back to me
05:12Or so
05:14or so
05:17Test to primary ingredient varies from dogwood tree
05:21The subjects reaction to the potion was horrifying his skin immediately became covered in red
05:27Hard push relating blush he screamed in agony as they continue to grow and eventually burst killing me and said what man?
05:34Success I'm in failure
05:38That's what you wanted I mean if you wanted to do that then it's pretty awesome
05:41can we go in here
05:44Stefano where the fuck are you?
05:46I guess this is test number one
05:50What happened? He disappeared
05:53Test number one wolf's bane root upon receiving the potion began to hallucinate and sweat feverishly
06:00He then vomited and that was a failure
06:05Getting kind of tired of opening these all drawers like
06:11No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no
06:17The door didn't hold crappy crap
06:25Test to penis, all right
06:32Don't want to die down here
06:42Ah fucking door
06:46I thought I could run past them because he moves so fucking slow
06:52I'm not here. I'm not doing anything. Look at that
07:01All right, let's continue
07:05Where do you go freaking poof?
07:16I miss that son of a bitch
07:22No, I thought it was I was so happy
07:27Where did I come from yeah, no, this is where he go
07:39Seriously though
07:45I'm so confused. It's like so many rooms going on at one that I can't even click this
07:57Keep going. Uh-huh. I already had a key. No problem. No problem. I have a key. Whoa. Whoa
08:10What confused face I really have no idea what's going on
08:18It's yeah, I know Daniel I wish I were more surprised to see you
08:24It was the father all along I knew it
08:28You're truly possessing man. I deserve honey for that as I'm sure you know by what Helen is long dead
08:33He killed his wife and the fire
08:36You stood in my way. You stopped me for seeing her again
08:40So Daniel, I hope you're prepared to die because my machine here will ensure everyone's flesh blah blah blah die
08:47epic fighting music
08:50No, no, no, no
08:54I don't want it. Oh, I
08:56Don't know I trusted you
08:59At least we have 12 light on Adam Adam, man
09:02Okay, the potion the potion. Yes potion
09:06Take the potion
09:08Okay, buddy. Then what do I do? What?
09:12I have to carry on the world. No fucking shit. I gotta kick that fucking Stefano's ass
09:19What is this a rock taste your own medicine mother
09:24Hit them work. I thought for sure that was gonna work. Let's do it again
09:28Let's sneak asshole
09:33Take it well that
09:38Run Daniel
09:41Okay, okay, okay, I'll just wait for the right moment, but how do I know my stone where this
09:48What I didn't even I mean I told him I had to do that
09:52Okay, no problem, no problem the problem
09:57Where's my stone where's my song
10:02The father
10:05Where's my stone I don't understand
10:09confused ah
10:13What the fuck is going on? Oh
10:15Awesome. No, I'm not gonna die. I'm not gonna die. I'm not like this
10:20Okay, where my stone
10:25I thought it
10:34Okay, third attempt third attempt third attempt no problem. I have a stone
10:43Maybe if I put it here, he will be like oh, I'm gonna I'm now mom
10:50The fuck whoa, whoa
10:56Nothing no, ah
11:00It hurts stop doing that
11:05Wasting my ladder man, man
11:09I'll just stay here and wait for the right moment
11:16Doesn't work I don't understand
11:30What what so sick of this
11:35He shoots fucking laser beams I have a fucking stone it's not fair
11:46Don't even like stones what
11:56What fucking headshot I made it nothing
12:05What did I do before it takes so much fucking hell
12:18Don't understand fucking thing
12:28Please enlighten me what the fuck I'm doing. Oh, there we go. No, we didn't
12:42Oh, come on
12:50I'm seriously getting pissed off
12:54Stone oh wait, there's something up there. I saw it
13:04Okay, okay, I got it
13:09Yes, yeah, yeah, I see your face wait, it's not over
13:18Okay, one more laser beams I hate this
13:25What do I do now the potion no
13:34It burns it burns
13:36Alright, ah, not one more. Oh fuck. I'm so screwed. I'm so screwed stone. Ah
13:43Cal this die one more fucking time, I guess
13:47Best boss fight ever
13:50All right, let's do it. Let's do it. Let's do it. This is for biggie. All right, then wait crap
13:56I have to redo one. There's one more
14:03I missed
14:07This is getting ridiculous
14:10Okay, I got it for sure now I got it. No problem. Where my stone at? Where am I?
14:14So I'm just gonna pick up the show. He's like, I'm a fire charging my fireball around. Wait. Bye
14:20I should have worked out more
14:24Pick it up
14:27No, yes
14:32No servants no
14:36Are you kidding me?
14:42That one was a fool where's the other one? Oh fuck. I'm a more fool
14:49Come on we can be bros
14:53Okay, where's the other one
14:57Come at me bro, come at me. I don't come okay. Come at me
15:01Oh, make it more intelligent the fuck. Oh fuck
15:09No, no problem, no problem. This is like my second profession running right away from the monsters. No problem
15:18Come at me bro, come at me bro. Ah, but he came at me
15:30Alright, I guess I guess we'll do this one last time one last time come at me, bro
15:41What what do you want from me?
15:44I will bring this a dice lock it down on your head. Oh
15:49Whoa, whoa. Whoa
15:59Now it's my chance I will take my dagger and run and call the brawler. I will touch its penis first
16:04I mean no dagger focus speeding. Yes
16:11You did
16:19How is the shadow but you did I can see your penis and everything this is really awkward I should go
16:27Ouch, ouch
16:28I'm still hot. Okay. What do you want from me? Shadow? Take me home. Take me home
16:35Country home country roads to the place where I belong
16:43West Virginia
16:45The shadow sent me home
16:47Let's go home. Oh, I remember this face. This was a long time ago, and I was like ran here. Why would it aid me?
16:54Let's go downstairs
16:56Find out
17:00Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Unless it wants me
17:07This is the bedroom
17:09What if the shadow was still chasing Alex and then it would make total sense. Oh
17:16I remember this fuck. This was a long mod. It was a really long mod
17:23What if the shadow someone knew he was still alive in the other one
17:26Holy shit, that's a
17:28One stalker ish shadow. I guess I guess that's why they call it a shadow because it's like follows you any way
17:36Yes, just a thought. I wish I could walk faster, but it walks so fucking slow. Why do I need this potion?
17:43It took me forever to make and I didn't even make use of it
17:47Yes, and then I completely lost my
17:51Ability to walk upstairs also, that must be it. I need a team to kill him and once for all
17:58uh-huh, I
18:01Feel used and abused and now we're in the bedroom and the shadow wants to thank me. I
18:06Understand it makes sense
18:09All right. Yes. I remember you and I break you
18:14Broke you long ago
18:18Send you some orders too long in his soul simply passing to another wasn't I needed to die indefinitely in my friendly
18:25Perhaps then this is all over and I can go back to bed. That would be pretty sweet. I need some sleep. I
18:34Need a bottle of some wine first, yes, no, actually, let's go to fucking sleep
18:56All right, thanks for watching the auction
19:00Really great mod. It got kind of boring at the end
19:04It was a bit too long in my opinion, but fucking epic mod. I mean
19:09Definitely recommend it. It was a lot of fun playing. I hope you had fun watching and that's pretty much it
19:21Yeah, ask me what it feel like staring at a sky so vanilla telling Kurt Russell homie
19:26This ain't real life. I'll be making good on my promises. Honestly, it's confidence
19:30A lot of it is missing, but I realize I could be better than I was
19:34Light up my feet cooking up this soul when we fire up
