• 2 months ago
The 37 Scientific Evidence of Digital Evidence Tampering on CCTV Footage at Olivier Café: The Jessica Kumala Wongso Case (2016), Carried Out by Muhammad Nuh Al-Azhar and Christopher Hariman Rianto, Who were Under the Leadership of the General Crime Director of the Jakarta Metropolitan Police, Krishna Murti, and the Chief of the Jakarta Metropolitan Police, Tito Karnavian.

Muhammad Nuh Al-Azhar and Christopher Hariman Rianto divided CCTV video 9 into two segments:

Segment 1: 15:35 – 16:59 Local Time
The frame dimension was reduced to 960 x 576 px, and the frame rate was reduced to 10 frames per second. In this segment, it was necessary to observe the color of coffee served by Agus Triono at table 54 at 16:24:18 Local Time, yet Muhammad Nuh Al-Azhar blurred it instead.

Segment 2: 16:59 – 18:25 Local Time
Frame dimension remained full high definition (FHD, 1920x1080 px), and the frame rate remained at 25 frames per second. However, it was here where the color of the remaining coffee that Mirna Salihin drank, taken by Sari at 17:21:20 Local Time, was observed.

Six fraudulent prosecutors Ardito Muwardi, Shandy Handika, Sugih Carvallo, Hari Wibowo, Wahyu Oktaviandi, and Maylany Wuwung conspired with fellow fraudulent CCTV video manipulator Muhammad Nuh Al-Azhar.


00:00Australian resident Jessica Wongso has been charged with the murder of Munis Ali Hin.
00:08Police allege she poisoned her friend by adding cyanide to her coffee.
00:14Evidence 2. Cutting CCTV video file 9 into 2 parts and performing downscaling on the first segment.
00:22Mohamedna Al-Azza and Christopher Harriman-Rianto divided CCTV video 9 into two segments,
00:28segment 1 hour 15 minutes and 35 seconds to 16.59 local time.
00:34The frame dimension was reduced to 960 by 576 px, and the frame rate was reduced to 10 frames per second.
00:42In this segment, it was necessary to observe the color of coffee served by Agus Trajano
00:47at table 54 at 16 hours 24 minutes and 18 seconds local time, yet Mohamedna Al-Azza blurted instead
00:55segment 2 hour 16 minutes and 59 seconds to 18.25 local time.
01:01Frame dimension remained full high definition, FHD, 1920 by 1080 px,
01:07and the frame rate remained at 25 frames per second.
01:11However, it was here where the color of the remaining coffee that Munis Ali Hin drank,
01:16taken by Sari at 17 hours 21 minutes and 20 seconds local time, was observed.
01:22In segment 1, where the frame dimension was reduced and the frame rate was lowered,
01:27the deliberate blurring of the coffee served by Agus Trajano at table 54 at 16 hours 24 minutes and 18 seconds local time
01:35had significant consequences.
01:37This manipulation obscured crucial details that could have been pertinent to the investigation.
01:43Deliberately altering the footage in this matter raised suspicions of tampering or concealment of evidence.
01:49Moving to segment 2, where the frame dimension remained high definition and the frame rate was maintained at 25 frames per second,
01:56the deliberate manipulation of the coffee color consumed by Munis Ali Hin became apparent.
02:02By maintaining the integrity of this segment while altering the previous one,
02:06the forensic experts created a stark contrast that potentially mislead the judges.
02:11The non-equivalent comparison of coffee colors between the two segments, one downscaled and the other original,
02:18led to erroneous conclusions.
02:20This manipulation introduced inaccuracies in the analysis, distorting the true representation of events.
02:27The discrepancy in coffee colors identified by the forensic experts become a crucial point of contention,
02:33casting doubt on the validity of the entire forensic process.
02:37The deliberate manipulation of the coffee color in the video footage posed significant challenges for toxicological analysis.
02:45Toxicologists Nersimran Subandi and I made Agus Gel-Gel, heavily relied on visual evidence to assess the presence of toxins,
02:54such as cyanide, in substances like coffee.
02:57However, when the color of the coffee was tampered with, toxicologists drawn inaccurate conclusions.
03:03For instance, if the manipulated footage portrayed the coffee as a different color than it actually was,
03:09toxicologists might misinterpreted the data and wrongly diagnosed the presence of toxins.
03:14This manipulation undermined the accuracy and reliability of the toxicological analysis,
03:20casting doubt on the validity of the findings and complicating the judicial process.
03:25Furthermore, the repercussions of manipulated evidence extend beyond the forensic analysis.
03:31Inaccurate toxicological findings resulting from tampered evidence could have had far-reaching legal ramifications,
03:38impacting the lives of individuals involved in the case.
03:41Wrongful accusations or convictions based on flawed analysis not only resulted in unjust outcomes for those implicated,
03:48but also eroded public trust in the justice system.
