• 2 months ago
The 37 Scientific Evidence of Digital Evidence Tampering on CCTV Footage at Olivier Café: The Jessica Kumala Wongso Case (2016), Carried Out by Muhammad Nuh Al-Azhar and Christopher Hariman Rianto, Who were Under the Leadership of the General Crime Director of the Jakarta Metropolitan Police, Krishna Murti, and the Chief of the Jakarta Metropolitan Police, Tito Karnavian.

The discrepancy of 100 frames between the metadata of the CCTV video file 9 in the reports by Christopher Hariman Rianto and Muhammad Nuh Al-Azhar indicated a significant difference in the total number of frames. This reduction in the number of frames suggested manipulation or editing in one of the video versions. The critical time range, during which the coffee served by Agus Triono was still in a two-layer state, added complexity to the forensic analysis.

The reduction in frame resolution from 1920x1080 pixels mentioned in both reports showed that both video versions had undergone similar changes. However, the difference in the total number of frames raised questions about the validity of the editing process. These changes might have been intentionally made to remove or obscure certain information in the video.

During this critical time range, the missing 100 frames could have significantly impacted the understanding of the case. The loss of small details in the scene could obscure the understanding of what actually happened. This impact could influence the court's interpretation of the evidence and the credibility of expert testimony.

The forensic analysis of the frame discrepancy indicated doubts about the reliability and integrity of the digital evidence presented in this case. The frame discrepancy highlighted the need for transparency and accuracy in the process of collecting and presenting digital evidence in court. Openness was necessary to ensure that all information was available and trustworthy for the court to make an accurate decision.

Six fraudulent prosecutors Ardito Muwardi, Shandy Handika, Sugih Carvallo, Hari Wibowo, Wahyu Oktaviandi, and Maylany Wuwung conspired with fellow fraudulent CCTV video manipulator Muhammad Nuh Al-Azhar.



00:00Australian resident Jessica Wongso has been charged with the murder of Minis Alihin.
00:09Police allege she poisoned her friend by adding cyanide to her coffee.
00:15Deep inside is something like the evil.
00:23The trial of the century is true.
00:28Evidence 7. The missing 100 frames from CCTV video 9.
00:33The discrepancy of 100 frames between the metadata of the CCTV video file 9
00:38in the reports by Christopher Harriman-Rianto and Mohamed Nah Al-Azza
00:42indicated a significant difference in the total number of frames.
00:46This reduction in the number of frames suggested manipulation or editing in one of the video versions.
00:52The critical time range, during which the coffee served by Agus Trajano was still in a two-layer state,
00:58added complexity to the forensic analysis.
01:01The reduction in frame resolution from 1920x1080 pixels mentioned in both reports
01:06showed that both video versions had undergone similar changes.
01:10However, the difference in the total number of frames raised questions about the validity of the editing process.
01:17These changes might have been intentionally made to remove or obscure certain information in the video.
01:23During this critical time range, the missing 100 frames could have significantly impacted the understanding of the case.
01:30The loss of small details in the scene could obscure the understanding of what actually happened.
01:35This impact could influence the court's interpretation of the evidence and the credibility of expert testimony.
01:41The forensic analysis of the frame discrepancy indicated doubts about the reliability and integrity of the digital evidence presented in this case.
01:50The frame discrepancy highlighted the need for transparency and accuracy
01:55in the process of collecting and presenting digital evidence in court.
02:00Openness was necessary to ensure that all information was available and trustworthy for the court to make an accurate decision.
02:07Forensic impact of the missing 100 frames from CCTV Video 9, Evidence Manipulation
02:13The discovery of 100 missing frames in the CCTV footage strongly indicated potential manipulation of the video evidence.
02:21In forensic analysis, the integrity of the evidence is paramount.
02:25When frames are missing, it suggests that someone might have deliberately altered the video to either remove or obscure crucial moments.
02:33This could be done to hide certain actions, events, or objects that would have otherwise been captured.
02:39The possibility of tampering undermines the authenticity of the video, making it unreliable as evidence.
02:45Forensic experts must then determine whether the missing frames result from intentional deletion or technical issues,
02:52which requires detailed analysis of the video's metadata and structure.
02:57Detail loss, missing frames can lead to significant loss of detail, which is crucial in forensic investigations.
03:04In video footage, every frame can capture vital information, such as the movement of individuals,
03:10interactions between people, or the presence of objects.
03:13Losing 100 frames could mean missing key moments that provide context or evidence of actions.
03:20For instance, subtle movements or exchanges that occur in these missing frames could be critical for understanding the sequence of events.
03:28This loss can impair the ability to reconstruct the incident accurately,
03:32affecting the overall investigation and the conclusions drawn from the video evidence.
03:37Court Interpretation
03:39The integrity and completeness of evidence are essential for fair legal proceedings.
03:44When evidence such as CCTV footage is incomplete or manipulated, it can mislead the court.
03:49Judges and juries rely on clear and accurate evidence to make informed decisions.
03:54Missing frames can create gaps in the narrative, leading to misinterpretations of the events.
04:00For example, if the missing frames contained a crucial interaction or movement,
04:05the court might miss out on understanding the true context, potentially resulting in unjust outcomes.
04:11This can affect the credibility of the case and the confidence in the judicial process.
04:16Need for Transparency
04:18The discrepancy in the number of frames underscores the need for transparency in handling digital evidence.
04:24Forensic investigations must be meticulous and transparent to ensure that all evidence presented is complete and accurate.
04:31Any signs of tampering or missing information must be thoroughly investigated and reported.
04:37Transparency in the forensic process ensures that all parties involved,
04:41including the court, legal teams, and forensic experts, have confidence in the evidence being presented.
04:48It also ensures that any anomalies or discrepancies are properly documented and explained.
04:54Integrity of Digital Evidence
04:56The case highlights the critical importance of maintaining the integrity of digital evidence.
05:01Forensic procedures must be robust to detect and prevent any form of tampering.
05:06This includes verifying the authenticity of the video, ensuring that no frames are missing,
05:11and documenting any changes made to the original footage.
05:15Ensuring the integrity of digital evidence is essential for upholding the standards of justice.
05:21Any doubts about the authenticity or completeness of the evidence can jeopardize the entire case,
05:26emphasizing the need for rigorous forensic standards and protocols.
05:31In conclusion, the missing 100 frames from CCTV Video 9 have profound forensic implications.
05:38They raise questions about potential manipulation, lead to loss of crucial details,
05:43can mislead court interpretations, underscore the need for transparency,
05:47and highlight the importance of maintaining the integrity of digital evidence.
05:52These factors collectively emphasize the need for thorough and meticulous forensic analysis
05:57to ensure justice is served.
