Charlies Angels S04E02

  • 3 months ago
04:50Now, you tell him. I'll move the merchandise
04:52where I think it's safe.
04:54Mr. Hollister, you need to learn some manners.
05:06Okay, gentlemen, the party's over.
05:22Now, Chris.
05:26Lady, you've pushed your luck far enough.
05:28Now, you want to keep breathing, you back off.
05:30Do as he says.
05:32You make a move, he gets it. You understand?
05:39He didn't get away. He was taken.
05:41I am less than pleased with your performance, ladies.
05:46Well, we are less than pleased with your attitude, Mr. Avery.
05:51And you have no idea who these three men are.
05:54Look, you were there when we called Charlie.
05:56We gave him their names, and as soon as he's checked them out,
05:59he'll contact us.
06:00I'm afraid that will take more time than I can afford.
06:03We're going to find Paul Hollister, Mr. Avery.
06:05Well, if you do, I intend to initiate my contingency plan.
06:09Your contingency plan?
06:11Yes. When we left Los Angeles,
06:13I placed a briefcase in the ship's safe.
06:16It contains $1 million in cash.
06:19What do you intend to do with $1 million in cash?
06:22Offer it to Paul Hollister
06:24in exchange for the return of the stolen articles.
06:26Wait a minute. You can't be serious.
06:28Of course I am.
06:29Well, then you're paying a man for stealing.
06:32Well, as she said, utilitas ante justicia.
06:37Expediency before justice.
06:39Now, wait a minute.
06:41I'm the new kid on the block, and you're the client.
06:44So you can play it your way.
06:46But meanwhile, Paul Hollister may be in big trouble.
06:50Now, my father always said that the best place for a cop to get help
06:53is from another cop.
06:55Meaning what?
06:56I think we should contact the local authorities.
06:59Well, I don't think so.
07:00Why not?
07:01If we bring in the local police,
07:03we'll have to tell them the entire story.
07:05And Eastern International Insurance
07:07does not want this matter made public.
07:09In the meantime, Paul Hollister's life may be in danger.
07:13But as she also said, I am the client.
07:17And if I want the matter kept private,
07:20you will keep it private.
07:22No police.
07:26Now how do we find Mr. Hollister?
07:28Well, if it's any help,
07:29I got the license number of the limousine
07:31that carted him off.
07:32Well, why didn't you say so?
07:33I just did.
07:34Come on, they must have their version
07:36of the Department of Motor Vehicles
07:38or something around here somewhere.
07:41Of all the homes I have throughout the world,
07:44Mr. Hollister,
07:45this is one of my favorites.
07:47Do you find this view as enchanting as I?
07:51Oh, yes.
07:52Yes, it's very enchanting.
07:54Well, let's go.
07:55I'll show you around.
07:56Come on.
07:57Come on.
07:58Come on.
07:59Come on.
08:00Come on.
08:01Come on.
08:02Come on.
08:03Come on.
08:04Come on.
08:05Come on.
08:06Come on.
08:07Come on.
08:08Come on.
08:09Very enchanting.
08:11Mr. Hollister,
08:14I hired you for this project
08:16because I was told
08:17that you were a man of integrity,
08:19of greeting, taste.
08:21Hence, I believe
08:22that you would be able to understand
08:24my somewhat complicated drives, needs.
08:27You're not so complicated, Mr. DeMajoran.
08:30You saw a ship burning in the harbor one night,
08:32and you heard it was carrying
08:34a lot of fancy Greek bric-a-brac.
08:36Priceless statuary
08:37is not bric-a-brac, Mr. Hollister.
08:40You also learned
08:41this stuff was being transferred
08:42to the Lady Scotia
08:43for shipment to Los Angeles?
08:45You hired me to steal it for you.
08:46Yes, and you did it.
08:47You did it brilliantly.
08:48But now I want to know
08:49where you're keeping
08:50the merchandise in Los Angeles,
08:52and when and how
08:53you intend to bring it here.
08:55I have a new wing
08:56I'm anxious to decorate.
08:58I told them, and I'll tell you.
09:00I'll bring it here
09:01when I think the time is right.
09:04Mr. Hollister,
09:05I'm not accustomed
09:06to being refused what I ask.
09:08Mr. DeMajoran,
09:10I don't care how many rooms
09:12of stolen art you got
09:13in this little shack.
09:14You get off walking around
09:15staring at the stuff,
09:17knowing you're the only man
09:18in the world that could see it.
09:20I get off doing
09:21what no other man can do,
09:23stealing it.
09:24Now, you stay out of my space,
09:26and I'll stay out of yours.
09:32Now, you blow me away,
09:33you're never gonna get
09:34your merchandise.
09:35Conversely, Mr. Hollister,
09:37if I don't see
09:38the merchandise soon,
09:40I will,
09:41as you so graphically put it,
09:42blow you away.
09:55That may have been a mistake,
09:57letting him walk out of here.
09:58We'll be watching him.
10:01But we better watch him close.
10:03I just talked to my
10:04Los Angeles contact.
10:06Blonde lady, Miss Monroe?
10:10I don't know what she's doing here,
10:11but she used to be a cop.
10:14Are you certain?
10:15I'm sure.
10:16San Francisco Police Academy.
10:19Don't let him out of your sight.
10:23Why, if he had to take
10:25a vacation cruise,
10:26did he come back here?
10:29I don't know.
10:30I'm more interested in finding out
10:31why Hollister's hanging around
10:32an ex-lady cop.
10:34Find out everything you can
10:35about her,
10:36and her two friends.
10:37They may have to be disposed of.
11:02Oh, my God!
11:32That's the way.
11:58Well, well, well, Miss Case.
12:00Mr. Anderson.
12:01Did you have a pleasant trip?
12:03Oh, very.
12:04Did you make yourself visible in Los Angeles?
12:07I went to the best places. I was seen with significant people.
12:10You about ready here?
12:11Doing a final check on some equipment.
12:13Where's Hollister?
12:15DeMajoran and his people took him.
12:17They took him?
12:18Well, DeMajoran was getting impatient.
12:22You're not worried?
12:25Mr. D is not crazy enough to kill the goose that has the golden egg.
12:29Does he suspect my involvement in this?
12:32No, and he won't if you stay out of sight.
12:35I'll be staying at Bluebeard's Castle.
12:40What's wrong?
12:42The guy I told you about. The one that approached me in L.A.
12:45What about him?
12:46He just got off that plane.
12:49He's in the slacks and the blazer.
12:53What was he doing here?
12:54I don't know.
12:58We better find out. Let's go.
13:28Yes, Charlie.
13:51The number here is KL5-4972.
13:57We did get the license number of the limo they took him in and a name.
14:01Mr. DeMajoran.
14:03I'll get it.
14:09How did you get here?
14:11I'm registered here. Remember?
14:14I'll get back to you, Charlie. He just walked in.
14:18Well, hello there.
14:21How was your trip?
14:23I don't suppose you'd like to tell us who those people are and why they keep picking on you.
14:26No, but I've worked up an appetite and I know a quaint little place I'd like to take you.
14:31Are you sure you wouldn't like to talk about what's going on?
14:34Well, maybe you could persuade me after a bottle of wine.
14:38Well, we did come to see the pretty places.
14:40You've got a guide. Go for it.
14:43Well, you heard the lady.
14:46See you later.
14:53Who else is there going to play?
14:55Back to the beach?
14:56My very thought.
14:57Let's go.
15:18Come on.
15:41Hold it, hold it.
15:45How are you?
15:46What's wrong?
15:49They're traveling with the lady Paul met on the boat.
15:52I don't understand.
15:54Neither do I.
15:57I don't know.
15:58He approaches you in Los Angeles, says he's heard you fencing the merchandise when you said nothing to anyone, right?
16:04Then he shows up here where Paul's new companion is staying.
16:07That's a very disturbing coincidence.
16:09What do we do now?
16:13All right, go back to the hotel, get on the phone, see what you can find out.
16:16Drop me off at the boat and I'll wait for Paul there.
16:18Let's go.
16:44Oh, it's so beautiful.
16:46It sure is.
16:48And the view ain't bad either.
16:53Oh, it's so beautiful.
17:00Oh, it's so beautiful.
17:30We're being followed.
17:35I noticed.
17:54You found Hollister and then you lost him again?
17:57You didn't lose Hollister, Mr. Avery.
17:59He went to lunch with Chris, we called you.
18:01As soon as they get back, we'll go home and you can try and make your deal with him.
18:06I intend to.
18:08It's a very foolish move, Mr. Avery.
18:11You're already paying us a good deal of money to retrieve the stolen merchandise.
18:16Why not give us a little more time?
18:18We might save you a million dollars.
18:21Wait a minute.
18:23What is it?
18:24While I was reading the local paper, I saw something.
18:30Here it is.
18:32Under ships, monthly arrivals, departures.
18:35The Greek freighter, the Lady Scotia, anchored here 13 days ago.
18:39Now listen to this.
18:41Before proceeding to Los Angeles,
18:44its departure was delayed for four hours while maritime officials investigated an incident
18:49that took place during a last-minute cargo transfer from a ship that was disabled by fire.
18:56The Lady Scotia, the freighter the statuary was stolen from in Los Angeles.
19:01What kind of incident was it?
19:02Doesn't say.
19:03But it's a little odd, don't you think?
19:06Very odd, I'd say.
19:08The Lady Scotia picks up cargo from a disabled ship.
19:13It's probably that burnt-out Hulk I saw from the plane.
19:16Proceeds to Los Angeles where the statuary is stolen.
19:19Now Mr. Hollister comes here where it all started.
19:24What does it mean?
19:25I don't know, but it sure could be worth looking into.
19:28I think I'm going to go down to the maritime office
19:30and see what we can find out about this incident on the Lady Scotia.
19:33I'll go with you.
19:35Good idea.
19:36I'll stay here and see if I can persuade our client to give us a chance to earn our fee.
19:41See you later.
19:46See you later.
19:56Are you going to keep your promise?
19:58What promise was that?
20:00You were going to tell me what's been going on
20:02and who those fellows are that are following you.
20:07I'll make you a deal.
20:08Mmm, I love a deal.
20:10I'll tell you all about me
20:12if you tell me all about you and why you carry a gun.
20:15I've explained it already.
20:18I'm a girl that lives on her instincts,
20:20and I'm a survivor.
20:22I have a feeling you're very much like me.
20:25I'd like you very much.
20:38Shall we?
20:45Let's go.
21:03That's it.
21:05It's, uh, relative.
21:09Yes, it's all in how we perceive ourselves, for instance.
21:12I could say, uh, I'm a thief.
21:17And you... you might be shocked.
21:20Then again, I might say, do you do well at it?
21:23And I'd say very well.
21:26And I'd say you probably live very well.
21:29I'd say I live beneath my means.
21:32You lost.
21:36I, uh, squander my earnings.
21:39Yes, just...
21:41Thank you.
21:42I squander my earnings on my avocation.
21:45Your avocation?
21:46Mm-hmm, hobby.
21:48Your hobby, which is?
21:50Delivering people.
21:52Delivering them where?
21:54Wherever they want to go.
21:56From where?
21:58Oh, places like, uh, Saigon, Inchon.
22:02Wait a minute.
22:03Are you telling me you smuggle people from places like that?
22:06I don't do the work myself.
22:08I've become persona non grata in that part of the world.
22:11But I finance the operation.
22:15With the money you, uh, acquire.
22:18That's it.
22:20See, I, uh, started in a small way,
22:24doing favors for friends.
22:26Then it caught on.
22:28People said, why don't you do it professionally?
22:31Well, that takes money, a lot of money.
22:34So I had to find some means of earning a living
22:37that was more lucrative.
22:39I'm really not sure how to take this.
22:41Well, I told you, it's all in how you perceive yourself.
22:44I do what I do.
22:46I try to help people.
22:48There's a lot of satisfaction in that.
22:52You don't approve?
22:54No, I do approve. I do.
22:58It's a marvelous obsession,
23:00trying to stick it to those
23:02stepping on the little people of this world.
23:06Listen, you're probably not gonna believe this,
23:09but I think I could get a bit of a rush from that myself.
23:12Why shouldn't I believe it?
23:14Yeah, why shouldn't you?
23:16If it's true,
23:18maybe you'd be interested in seeing
23:20how I dispose of merchandise
23:22that I recently acquired.
23:25I guess I'd be very interested.
23:27But you still haven't told me
23:29who those guys are that are following you.
23:31Oh, that's a minor complication in my plan,
23:34nothing to be concerned about.
23:36Come, join me in my obsession.
23:44Have a flower.
24:02What's he doing?
24:04Keep going right down this way. You're on it.
24:32Are you sure?
24:34I'm certain. I checked with the airline.
24:37His name is John Bosley,
24:39and he works for the Charles Townsend Agency,
24:42as does Miss Monroe.
24:44I'm here!
24:46I'm here!
24:48I'm here!
24:50I'm here!
24:52I'm here!
24:54I'm here!
24:56I'm here!
25:01I'll get back to you.
25:05Listen, uh, come on, let's go.
25:08Move it, Wes!
25:10Look, we gotta talk. We got time to talk. Go on!
25:15Come on! Get him out of here!
25:31Come on!
25:53She's a detective.
25:55A detective?
25:57Yeah, private detective.
25:59I'm sure.
26:01I told you not to let them out of your sight!
26:04We couldn't walk on water, Mr. DeMajoren.
26:07Did you get the name of the boat?
26:09It was the Black Coral.
26:13Why? What are they doing?
26:16Who knows? Sightseeing?
26:18Or a salvage tug? Not very likely.
26:22Hollister with a detective.
26:24It just doesn't make any sense.
26:29Maybe he doesn't know she's a detective.
26:35In which case, we'd better tell him right away.
26:37There's always a possibility
26:39that they might have been employed to find our merchandise.
26:43We could get a boat, go look for them.
26:45No, no, no, no. There's a more direct way.
26:48Her two friends will undoubtedly know where she and Hollister went.
26:52I'm sure we can persuade them to share that information.
26:58The guy at the Maritime Office wasn't kidding.
27:01That freighter really burned.
27:03I'm more intrigued by what happened after the fire started.
27:06Yeah. We'd better tell Kelly about this.
27:09Are you coming back here now?
27:11All righty. We'll wait for you.
27:15Who was that?
27:17Tiffany and Bosley at the Maritime Office.
27:20Ah, yes.
27:22A mysterious incident at the Lady Scotia.
27:25Did they come up with any world-shaking piece of information?
27:28Well, while it was anchored at a place called Water Island,
27:31the captain of the Lady Scotia
27:33thought his cargo hold had been broken into.
27:35He was transferring cargo from their burning ship.
27:38Also, the night watchman thought he heard someone fall overboard.
27:42Apparently, it was all a false alarm.
27:45No missing cargo, no missing bodies.
27:47Hmm. That must be the food I ordered.
27:52There's a gun in that purse.
27:54You best leave it right where it is.
27:56Why would I have a gun?
28:01Perhaps you were just reaching for a lipstick?
28:05Well, you know, unexpected company.
28:08A girl likes a girl.
28:10You know, a girl like me.
28:12A girl like me.
28:14A girl like me.
28:16A girl like me.
28:18A girl like me.
28:20A girl likes to look her best.
28:24You wouldn't look very pretty wearing this.
28:27Like Mother always said,
28:29pretty is as pretty does.
28:32That's very amusing, Miss Garrett.
28:35But now to more serious matters.
28:51I don't know why Chris and Hollister would take a salvage tug or where.
28:55I suppose you're not detectives either.
28:57I'm not denying that.
28:59And you're all on a vacation.
29:01Detectives do take vacations like everybody else.
29:04With an insurance adjuster who is presently investigating a major art theft?
29:08Look, I'm telling you, I don't know anything about any art theft.
29:11I just happened to meet Mr. Avery on the cruise.
29:13Just like you happened to meet Mr. Hollister?
29:16It's a big ship.
29:18Rook, maybe you can reason with the lady.
29:25I once broke a girl's neck like this with one hand.
29:29It wasn't a very pretty sight to see.
29:31I'm telling you, I don't know anything about any art theft.
29:41All right. All right, I'll tell you.
29:44All right. All right, I'll tell you.
29:55I'm waiting, Miss Garrett.
29:57I'll tell you on one condition.
29:59You're in no position to make conditions.
30:02Then find him yourself, Mr. DeMargeron.
30:07This is getting tedious. What do you want?
30:15I'll take you to Hollister,
30:18providing you let Chris go, and us, of course.
30:21Very well.
30:23I'll need your word on that.
30:25You have it.
30:27Okay, let's go.
30:29Go where, Miss Garrett?
30:31You'll see when we get there.
30:33Don't fret your luck.
30:35It's true, Rook did break a lady's neck once,
30:38and I must admit I found pleasure watching it.
30:41I don't think you're willing to risk losing $5 million
30:44for another moment of pleasure, Mr. DeMargeron.
30:47Miss Garrett, you have a marvelous talent
30:49for getting right to the heart of the matter
30:51when the chips are down.
30:53Let's go.
30:57I forgot my glasses.
31:11$5 million
31:42$5 million
31:55Oh, it's beautiful.
31:58It certainly is.
32:00Chris, have you died before?
32:02A little.
32:04Very little.
32:06But my curiosity is peaking.
32:08Get your curiosity aft, I'll give you a tank.
32:17What is it?
32:19What I've been trying to tell you
32:21is the lady's not what she pretends to be.
32:24What are you talking about?
32:38$5 million
33:08Bosley. Yeah?
33:12Wait a minute.
33:14Something wrong? No.
33:20I think that I'm scared.
33:23Scared of what?
33:25A lot of things.
33:27Chris and Kelly...
33:33Do you think that I belong in this job?
33:37Sure, you belong.
33:39You're doing great.
33:41I don't know.
33:43I'm so new to this kind of work,
33:45and they're so good at it.
33:47And I know that Sabrina and them
33:49were really close friends.
33:51Well, of course they were.
33:53You will be, too.
33:55Just give them a chance to get to know you.
33:58Oh, I don't mean that.
34:00They've been terrific. I love them.
34:02They're so nice.
34:05Angel, you won't let them down.
34:08I'd bet my life on that.
34:11Now, come on.
34:13Your insecurity is giving me a great thirst.
34:16Come on.
34:22Hey, Buzz.
34:24Something's wrong here.
34:26Yeah, seems so.
34:28Kelly! Avery!
34:30I don't think they're here,
34:32and I don't think they went voluntarily, either.
34:35A lady never leaves the house without her purse.
34:38Your God, what now?
34:40Now we start looking for them.
34:42Yeah, but where? Where do we start?
34:45Wait a minute.
34:49It's red, Mark. It's lipstick.
34:51An ex on Water Island.
34:53The incident on the Lady of Scotia took place.
34:56During the transfer of the cargo from the burning freighter.
35:00What, that she's been taken to Water Island?
35:02Seems like the best place to start looking to me.
35:04I think we better get a boat.
35:06A fast boat.
35:08Come on.
35:10How fast will the thing go, anyway?
35:12Is it sea-worthy?
35:14We're gonna go outside the harbor.
35:16How about if we go in two?
35:20And I'll bring you right back.
35:22Thank you very much.
35:26Thanks anyway.
35:28Will you shut up? Will you take those lines off of there?
35:31Welcome aboard.
35:50You're not smiling.
35:52This is serious business, isn't it?
35:54Is it?
35:56What's down there?
35:59Come on, Will. Have a look.
36:27You got no choice.
36:29She's a cop.
36:56She's a cop.
37:26She's a cop.
37:56She's a cop.
37:58She's a cop.
38:26She's a cop.
38:28She's a cop.
38:56She's a cop.
38:58She's a cop.
39:00She's a cop.
39:02She's a cop.
39:04She's a cop.
39:06She's a cop.
39:08She's a cop.
39:10She's a cop.
39:12She's a cop.
39:14She's a cop.
39:16She's a cop.
39:18She's a cop.
39:20She's a cop.
39:22She's a cop.
39:25She's a cop.
39:27She's a cop.
39:29She's a cop.
39:31She's a cop.
39:33She's a cop.
39:35She's a cop.
39:37She's a cop.
39:39She's a cop.
39:41She's a cop.
39:43She's a cop.
39:45She's a cop.
39:47She's a cop.
39:49She's a cop.
39:51She's a cop.
39:53She's a cop.
39:55She's a cop.
39:57She's a cop.
39:59She's a cop.
40:01She's a cop.
40:03She's a cop.
40:05She's a cop.
40:07She's a cop.
40:09She's a cop.
40:11She's a cop.
40:13She's a cop.
40:15She's a cop.
40:17She's a cop.
40:19She's a cop.
40:21She's a cop.
40:23She's a cop.
40:25She's a cop.
40:27She's a cop.
40:29She's a cop.
40:31She's a cop.
40:33She's a cop.
40:35She's a cop.
40:37She's a cop.
40:39She's a cop.
40:41She's a cop.
40:43She's a cop.
40:45She's a cop.
40:47She's a cop.
40:49She's a cop.
41:31Of all the people in the world you could have leaned on,
41:33why this operation?
41:35Knowing what you know about me,
41:37the work we're doing,
41:39the people we're trying to help,
41:43I guess I just didn't know soon enough.
41:49That must be it up ahead.
41:53Forget trouble. Look.
42:03Get a rifle.
42:05Rifle. Come on.
42:19Come on.
42:39Looks like your friends are showing them the way.
42:41And I've got a gun on her back.
42:43Pull the anchor, Wes. We're dead in the water.
42:45I wonder how to measure on you here.
42:49He's going for the anchor. Stop him.
43:03She didn't bring him here, Paul.
43:05I know.
43:09I'm going back to her.
43:11All right. I'll cover you.
43:13I'll get my gun.
43:19Come on.
43:45Give me the keys.
43:47The keys! I want the keys now!
43:49Give them to me!
44:03Shoot. Shoot them.
44:05You take the ones in the water. I'll get Paul.
44:07Come on!
44:17Come on!
44:37Drop those guns.
44:39Put them down. You heard the lady.
44:41Drop it.
44:43Shoot. Shoot them.
45:07Hold on. Hold on.
45:09Get it.
45:11There you go.
45:13Watch your step. Watch your step.
45:15Welcome aboard.
45:17Thank you.
45:47Wes, keep an eye on him.
45:49I'll get the engine.
45:57You see, Mr. Dumajeron,
45:59Mr. Hollister's rather flamboyant theft
46:01in Los Angeles was only a diversion.
46:03All that bronze and gold statuary
46:05never went to Los Angeles.
46:07It never left St. Thomas.
46:09During the confusion of the cargo transfer
46:11from the burning freighter
46:13to the Lady Scotia,
46:15Mr. Hollister dumped the cases
46:17overboard right here.
46:19The boxes he dropped from the helicopter
46:21were duplicate cases filled with
46:23junk machinery of equal weight.
46:25When did you figure that out?
46:27Well, there were too many coincidences.
46:29The burning freighter, the cargo transfer,
46:31and then when Mr. Dumajeron
46:33told me he had taken out a salvage tug.
46:35You're very astute.
46:37You're rather astute yourself.
46:39That was a nice piece of diversion
46:41with the very visible Miss Case
46:43deliberately being seen with her
46:45and then having her rattle around
46:47Los Angeles,
46:49talking with all of those
46:51shady dealers of antique art.
46:53Thank you.
46:55So, as you said,
46:57what now?
46:59Now we negotiate.
47:01What's to negotiate?
47:03I have what I came for.
47:05Seriously thinking of keeping those things?
47:07Why not?
47:09Well, because they're not yours.
47:11They're stolen.
47:13Have you reported it stolen to any authorities?
47:15No, not exactly.
47:17Then they're not stolen.
47:19I could tell the authorities here
47:21in St. Thomas.
47:23You could.
47:25Assuming you ever get back to shore.
47:27Mr. Hollister, I...
47:29I am prepared to offer you
47:31one million dollars
47:33in cash right now.
47:35And we'll just...
47:39Forget about the whole matter.
47:41Eleanor Case says she can get me three million.
47:47What the devil do we do now?
47:59Yes, my love?
48:01Since the merchandise isn't officially stolen,
48:03why don't you just give it back?
48:05Take the million dollars and walk away.
48:07If I don't?
48:09Then you and I have a big problem.
48:11And the last thing I want
48:13with you is a big problem.
48:15In case you hadn't noticed,
48:17I've grown very fond of it.
48:21You're all so damn good at your job.
48:23I suppose the safest thing
48:25would be to take the million and run.
48:35It's almost worth it.
48:37What was worth it?
48:39Two million it just cost me.
49:17Here we are.
49:23Oh, my.
49:29The serial numbers are sequential.
49:31I'll need a written release.
49:33I'd planned on giving you one.
49:37And you'll get possession of this
49:39just as soon as you've signed it.
49:41I think I have the forms in the closet.
49:43I would like to propose a toast.
49:45To a job well done.
49:49A million dollars.
49:51So pretty.
50:01Thank you.
50:15Here, now, uh...
50:17You sign both of those,
50:19as do I.
50:31Thank you.
50:47And this...
50:49ends it.
50:51Now you may, uh...
50:53get possession.
50:57Well, if the ship's about to sail,
50:59let's go reserve a place at the rail, shall we?
51:01Good idea.
51:05Have you got confetti?
51:11Thank you.
51:13I think this calls for another toast.
51:15What'll we drink to?
51:17Justicia ante utilitas.
51:19Justice before expediency?
51:21I think you have it backwards.
51:23Oh, I switch it around?
51:25How stupid of me.
51:27You know, it could happen to anyone.
51:29Don't be so hard on yourself.
51:31Well, I'm glad you feel that way.
51:33Here's to switching things around.
51:37Well, I have to fly.
51:41Oh, yes, as in airplane.
51:43See, I love your company,
51:45but I'm afraid I, uh...
51:47I, uh, haven't the time
51:49to enjoy another pleasure cruise.
51:51Oh, you understand.
51:55Thank you.
52:01I, uh, usually have a terrific exit line.
52:05I seem to be fresh out.
52:09Say goodbye, and it's been terrific.
52:11I could say that, or maybe...
52:25I don't know.
53:09I get the impression
53:11you're gonna miss him.
53:13I am.
53:15I wonder what he'll do
53:17with a million dollars.
53:19Oh, I think he'll do, uh...
53:21very well.
53:23So will the boat people in Malaysia.
53:25He's gonna help.
53:27It isn't fair, you know.
53:29Well, I know sooner
53:31I get here than I've got to go back.
53:33No, I'll pamper you, Bosley,
53:35all the way home.
53:41You know, I think this girl
53:43has gossip to live in.
53:45I think so, too.
53:47We all do.
53:49Welcome aboard.
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