• 3 months ago
00:00Once upon a time, there were three little girls who went to the police academy, one in Los Angeles, one in San Francisco, the other in Boston, and they were each assigned very hazardous duties.
00:21But I took them away from all that, and now they work for me.
00:26My name is Charlie.
00:56My name is Charlie.
00:59My name is Charlie.
01:02My name is Charlie.
01:05My name is Charlie.
01:08My name is Charlie.
01:11My name is Charlie.
01:14My name is Charlie.
01:17My name is Charlie.
01:20My name is Charlie.
01:23My name is Charlie.
01:26My name is Charlie.
01:29My name is Charlie.
01:32My name is Charlie.
01:35My name is Charlie.
01:38My name is Charlie.
01:41My name is Charlie.
01:44My name is Charlie.
01:48Well, well, well.
01:52Devlin, I knew I'd catch up with you someday.
01:56What do you want, Mackey?
01:58It's been three years since we pulled that heist in Baltimore on that broad, remember?
02:05You got all the jewels.
02:08I got three years in the can.
02:11It's a breaks, pal.
02:16Not to my way of thinking.
02:19I see you made the news.
02:21Got yourself in some big trouble this time.
02:23I also got a big lawyer.
02:25He got my bail, and he's getting me off.
02:27Now, what's your point?
02:28Well, my point is the paper said that necklace was worth about 150 grand.
02:35I settled for half.
02:41Tell you what, Mackey, you'll settle for 1,000, and that's for old times' sake.
02:46And, pal, just forget that you had this conversation.
02:52You better think twice.
02:54I got enough on you to put you away for life.
02:58Mackey, before you say any more, you better think twice.
03:03You better think twice.
03:05I think the cops would still be interested in hearing about the broad in Miami, remember?
03:11And there's the one in Chicago.
03:15Want me to keep going?
03:19I need a little time.
03:22I still haven't fenced the necklace.
03:28Sure, I'll give you 24 hours.
03:33I'll be in touch, partner.
03:58Hey, Vic.
04:18My lucky hat is talking to me.
04:21Compression in the night.
04:23Stay tuned now for the local news.
04:25In Santa Monica early this morning, a man identified as John Mackey was found shot.
04:29Hey, Vic, shh, shh, shh.
04:30He was taken to County Hospital, where he remains in a coma.
04:33Police have no leads or motive for the crime.
04:36However, they are speculating the crime may be gang-related, since Mackey has a police record.
04:40Investigators are hoping for his sufficient recovery to identify his assailant.
04:47What's the matter with you?
04:48Nothing. Look, look, look, I'm just a little on edge.
04:50Go onto the track by yourself, will you?
04:55Anything you say.
05:21Yeah, I'd like some information, please, on your flight to Arizona.
05:25Yeah, Phoenix, Phoenix, Arizona, that's fine.
05:30I've been a bail bondsman for 30 years.
05:32This is the first time anyone's ever run out on me.
05:35I could lose $50,000.
05:38My home is mortgaged, my wife's in the hospital.
05:40What about the police?
05:42They're not gonna look for Devlin out of state.
05:43There hasn't even been a hearing yet.
05:45I still don't understand why he jumped bail.
05:47I mean, his lawyer said there wasn't enough evidence to convict him.
05:50That's right.
05:51Even the woman he supposedly stole the necklace from is reluctant to testify against him.
05:56They were dating each other. They had a thing going.
05:58He looks the type.
06:02He's been linked socially with several beautiful and wealthy women.
06:07Apparently, he has something they find attractive.
06:09So what do you want us to do?
06:11I want you to find him and bring him back.
06:13What if he doesn't want to come?
06:14Bring him back anyway.
06:16Hmm, that sounds like kidnapping.
06:17I think that's against the law.
06:19Well, perhaps we can dangle a lure in front of Mr. Devlin.
06:23If he runs true to character, he just might take the bait.
06:26I don't quite follow you, Charlie.
06:28If the police won't go after him, perhaps a beautiful bounty hunter can.
06:32Did you say a bounty hunter?
06:34There's no indication he's dangerous.
06:36He's suspected of nothing more than filching expensive trinkets.
06:39And confronted with all three angels, I doubt if he could make a choice.
06:44So I'll make it easy for him and send Chris.
06:48Okay, how do I find him?
06:49Devlin's car was found abandoned near L.A. Airport.
06:53A man fitting his description booked a flight to Phoenix under the name of Tony Cole.
06:58He's checked into the spa hotel just outside Phoenix.
07:01Your flight leaves in the morning.
07:03Any questions, Chris?
07:04You said he likes wealthy women.
07:07Women that look wealthy and dress wealthy?
07:10Yes, I get your point.
07:12All right, I've set up charge accounts for you at some of the nice boutiques.
07:16There's an elegant rental car waiting for you in Phoenix.
07:19You've got a lot of class, Charlie.
07:32Flight 601 from Los Angeles to Phoenix now arriving in gate 5.
07:47Thank you.
08:00How's this?
08:05Very fond of gold, as you can see.
08:13Enjoy your drink.
08:14Put that on my tab.
08:32I guess there's no easy way.
08:36I beg your pardon?
08:37Well, to avoid all those clichés such as, um, haven't we met?
08:40Or aren't you so-and-so from such-and-such?
08:43Well, there's just no easy way.
08:45Are you trying to introduce yourself?
08:47Well, that was the plan, but I seem to be fresh out of Clever Repartee.
08:51Well, maybe you should just tell me your name.
08:53All right, Tony.
08:54Tony Cole.
08:57See, that was easy.
08:58Yes, it was. Thank you.
08:59You're welcome.
09:00May I join you, Miss, uh...
09:02Monroe. Chris Monroe. And yes, you may.
09:04Thank you.
09:06You alone?
09:08Very much so.
09:09That's hard to figure.
09:11Well, I want it that way. At least for a while.
09:14Where are you from?
09:17I've been to L.A., but it's not one of my favorite places.
09:21What is your favorite place?
09:23Right here next to you.
09:26Why, Mr. Cole, you haven't run out of Clever Repartee.
09:28Well, it comes and goes.
09:30By the way, was that Miss or Mrs.?
09:35Recently divorced.
09:37Would you join me for a drink tonight?
09:40Well, you certainly don't waste any time, do you?
09:42Well, time is precious.
09:45I'll think about it.
09:48I'll be in room 301, waiting by the phone.
10:19Los Angeles, please.
10:22Townsend Agency.
10:23Oh, hi, Chris. How's it going?
10:25Well, Mr. Cole certainly is a fast worker.
10:27I don't know what all those other women saw in him.
10:29Frankly, he makes my skin crawl.
10:31Well, whatever his faults, bad taste isn't one of them.
10:33He picked you out right away.
10:37Listen, the less time I have to spend with him, the better.
10:39Do you have an address?
10:40Did you find a house we could use?
10:42Yeah, I checked with a friend of mine who's a real estate broker.
10:44We've got a house in Bel Air that we can use.
10:47The people that own it are in Europe.
10:48Great. What's the address?
10:50It's 2234 Ridgecross.
10:532234 Ridgecross.
10:57I'll call you right after I set up the bait.
11:06Room 301, please.
11:09Mr. Cole, hello. Chris Monroe.
11:11Tony. Okay.
11:13Listen, I got your roses. They're beautiful.
11:15I'd like to accept your invitation.
11:18What time?
11:19That should be fine.
11:20Thank you.
11:30Looks like a custom-made piece.
11:32I'll probably have to break it up.
11:34Just remember, that's worth 150,000 retail.
11:37I want 80 grand, no less.
11:39Get a load of her.
11:44She's all mine.
11:46Expect an answer tomorrow.
11:53Good evening.
11:54Good evening.
12:00Thank you.
12:02Guess who's the envy of every man in this room?
12:06You're very good for a divorcee's ego.
12:08Oh, something tells me that you're used to being stared at.
12:12I took the liberty of ordering champagne.
12:14What a nice liberty.
12:15Thank you.
12:16What'll we drink to?
12:20To my new friend, Tony Cole.
12:22And to my stunningly beautiful lady.
12:27So, fill me in.
12:29How did I get so lucky to find you unattached?
12:31Well, it's a short story.
12:33My ex-husband owns half the world,
12:35and I got very tired of being in another position.
12:37What brings you to Arizona?
12:39I'm cutting the old ties.
12:41Actually, I'm selling my house.
12:42I didn't want to be there while they were showing it.
12:44And I wanted to spend some time alone, get my thoughts together.
12:47Well, I'm sorry I spoiled your plans.
12:49That's a lie.
12:51It's not a lie.
12:53I'm not sorry at all.
12:55Neither am I.
12:59What do you do for a living?
13:01I dabble in a little of everything. It's boring stuff.
13:04I'm growing tired of the rat race.
13:07I feel like my life is passing me by.
13:11I've never been married.
13:13Never found the right woman.
13:15Well, I didn't find the right man either, so there you go.
13:19Seems like we have a lot in common.
13:21Seems like we have a lot in common.
13:24What happened?
13:26I broke my bracelet.
13:27May I?
13:29Looks like the clasp is broken.
13:31I could have this fixed for you, you know, an excellent local jeweler.
13:34It breaks all the time. I know how to fix it. Thank you.
13:36Guess I'll have to think of another way.
13:39Another way?
13:41To see you again.
13:45Well, you could always ask.
13:48To asking.
13:50To asking.
13:59Thank you for a lovely evening.
14:01You're welcome.
14:02Really, it was just what the doctor ordered.
14:06What's wrong?
14:08I'm just taking things a little more slowly these days, that's all.
14:12I'll call you in the morning.
14:14Please do.
14:20Thank you.
14:45It's all there. Eighty thousand.
14:47Well, I might have something else for you pretty soon.
14:49Let me guess. That blonde you were with in the lounge last night, right?
14:53Well, I think the lady has possibilities, don't you?
14:56I don't know from ladies, Devlin.
14:58I only know from diamonds.
14:59Keep in touch.
15:00Take it easy.
15:03Can I help you?
15:05L.A. General Hospital?
15:07Yes, sir.
15:09Yeah, I called earlier about Mr. Mackey's condition.
15:12Mr. Mackey died this morning.
15:14If you want any further information, I'll have to transfer you.
15:17No, it's all right.
15:19Thank you.
15:20You're welcome.
15:21I'll see you in the morning.
15:23Good night.
15:24Good night.
15:25Good night.
15:26Good night.
15:27Good night.
15:28Good night.
15:29Good night.
15:30Good night.
15:31Good night.
15:32Thank you.
15:49You know what?
15:51You have succeeded in doing the impossible.
15:53I have?
15:55You've really helped me get my mind off my troubles, my divorce and everything.
15:59I'm glad to be of assistance.
16:03Um, I think we should get back to the horses.
16:05We don't want to be out here after dark.
16:22Well, there's more to you than meets the eye.
16:24What are you carrying a gun for?
16:27My husband taught me how to use it.
16:29We had some kidnapping threats.
16:31Sort of a habit.
16:32Well, I hope you never get mad at me.
16:35Listen, I'm feeling kind of shaky.
16:38Can we go?
16:43There's nothing.
16:44Thank God.
16:46Would you like to join me in the jacuzzi, get the knots out?
16:49I don't think so.
16:50I think I'll settle for a hot shower and a short nap.
16:56This is kind of important. I forgot to mail it.
16:58Would you mind?
16:59No, I'd be glad to.
17:00Thank you.
17:01Okay, I'll see you for dinner.
17:02See you for dinner.
17:22Boz, Chris.
17:24Yeah, fine.
17:25I gave him the envelope with the Ridgecross address.
17:28No, I'm fine. Stop worrying.
17:30I'll get back to you later.
17:38I'm glad you're all right.
17:39Well, let me tell you, my lucky hat and myself, we're doing all right, too.
17:42We got something nice in the eights.
17:44Yeah, never mind your lucky hat.
17:46I want you to check out a house for me.
17:48A house?
17:49Yeah. Take down this address.
17:51Got a pencil?
17:532-2-3-4 Ridgecross.
17:56Ridgecross, Bel Air.
17:59It's for sale.
18:01Call Timely, T-I-M-E-L-Y Realty.
18:04Make an appointment to see the house and check it out.
18:07Look over the furniture, the paintings, the security systems, or call me back.
18:10All of it.
18:11Timely, huh?
18:12Okay, I'll talk to you later.
18:16Thanks, Bob. I appreciate the favor.
18:20Well, that was my friend at Timely Realty.
18:23Hey, Mr. Beck wants to see the house at 2-2-3-4 Ridgecross this afternoon at 3 o'clock.
18:29Yeah. The servants are on vacation and the gardener doesn't come in until tomorrow, so we're in the clear.
18:34Didn't our client say a guy named Beck was living with Devlin at his beach house?
18:38Right. Fred Beck.
18:40Which means Devlin has taken the bait.
18:43Time to go put the signs up at Ridgecross.
18:45Let's go.
18:54Let's go.
19:15Here he comes.
19:17How do you do? I'm Mr. Beck. I'm in an appointment to see this house.
19:20Oh, of course. I'm Kelly. So nice to know you.
19:23Won't you come in?
19:24Charming. Cape Cod?
19:26No, no. Not quite.
19:28Hey, how you doing?
19:30Could we get started, please? I'm in a bit of a rush.
19:33Oh, of course. Mr. Beck, Mrs. Stevens.
19:37She's here to see the house also. I hope you don't mind.
19:41Not at all. It's my pleasure.
19:43This is the dining room. Notice the moldings? Very unusual.
19:49Yes. After this, I'd like to take you to the kitchen.
19:53A gourmet's delight. It has everything.
19:56Custom cabinets, built-in Spanish tiles, you name it.
20:01And then we're going to see the game room. It is really something.
20:05This is excruciating.
20:08Quite a layout. Reminds me of Roman days.
20:14I just love these antiques.
20:17Miss Monroe has exquisite taste.
20:19I must agree.
20:21What more could anyone ask for? At a million and a half, it's a steal.
20:25Why, it certainly is.
20:28Yes, sir. Very reasonable.
20:32Problem seems to be somewhere in the switch.
20:35I'm going to have to disable the alarm system for a couple of days
20:39until I can do some rewiring.
20:42Well, I guess that about does it.
20:48It's lovely.
20:51I'm going to have to go back to work.
20:54I'm going to have to go back to work.
20:57I'm going to have to go back to work.
21:00It's lovely.
21:02I like the appointments and the drapes.
21:04I'm glad.
21:06Here's my card.
21:08And as I said, I don't think it'll be on the market long.
21:11You'll have to beat me to it.
21:13I'd like to see it all over again.
21:16I'll discuss it with the wife. She makes all the decisions.
21:19Thank you. Bye-bye.
21:27His tongue's hanging out.
21:29It's a few chunks on it.
21:46I'm telling you, Vic, it's some joint.
21:48They're asking a million and a half.
21:50There's this blonde broad that wants it.
21:53Hey, listen, there's a big safe.
21:55It looks kind of tough, but I think it's your lucky day.
21:58A security man was over there and he was turning off the alarm.
22:00What was that all about?
22:02I don't know. Something to do with the wiring.
22:04But look, I've got to go back there today anyway.
22:06I've got to go back there. I left my lucky hat there.
22:09Would you believe 50 bucks and a lining?
22:11All right, stay near the phone. I'll get back to you.
22:20Ah, gracias.
22:22Thank you.
22:24Hi. Hi.
22:26Guess what? What?
22:28I got an offer on my house. So soon?
22:31I know. The only problem is I have to go back to L.A. immediately and start escrow.
22:35Get some valuables out of the house.
22:37Well, that's unfortunate. I was looking forward to establishing a more permanent kind of a relationship.
22:43I didn't know things could happen so fast.
22:45And besides, I didn't know I'd meet you.
22:47I guess we have a mutual problem.
22:49I hate to think that you're going to go out of my life forever.
22:53What do you do in the next few days?
22:55What do you got in mind?
22:57Why don't you go back with me?
22:58I told you, L.A. is not one of my favorite towns.
23:01Well, it's the company that counts.
23:03You could stay with me.
23:08Make it hard to say no.
23:10Now look who's putting up resistance.
23:12What's in it for me?
23:14Now, isn't that a silly question?
23:19Why don't we get a flight tonight?
23:21Uh-uh. I told you, no more flights.
23:23I can't fly since I crashed my Learjet.
23:25You know, even with hypnosis, I still can't handle it.
23:28Mind driving?
23:30I turned in my rental.
23:31So I'll rent one.
23:32I don't know. My real estate broker wants me back as soon as possible.
23:35It would only take us 12 hours. We'll drive straight through and split the time at the wheel.
23:40It's the only way I'll get you to go, huh?
23:42It's the only way.
23:44I guess we're driving.
23:46Shall we pack?
23:47It'll just take me a minute.
23:48I'll drive.
23:56Well, what is it, Charlie? What's the origin?
23:58I've just learned from a source that Mr. Devlin is not the simple con man we supposed him to be.
24:03Now, if that information is correct, Chris is in danger.
24:06What do you mean?
24:07A man named John Mackey died at County Hospital.
24:10But before he died, he named Devlin as his killer.
24:13Terrific. Now we know why Devlin jumped bail.
24:16There's more. He also fingered Devlin as the man responsible for the rape murders of three women.
24:22Charlie, are you sure?
24:23Unfortunately, yes. Bosley, call Chris. Get her away from Devlin, fast.
24:29I'm right on it, Charlie.
24:47I'll get it.
25:02What's the matter?
25:03I forgot my earrings.
25:04I'll meet you right downstairs.
25:06Hello. Hi, Boz, I've been trying to get a hold of you.
25:16Listen, he took the bait. I'm going to be heading back to L.A. with him.
25:19What do you mean I'm not? He's what?
25:24Chris, he has killed three women. It's time for the police to take over.
25:28Since it's a major crime, they'll start steps for extradition.
25:31Listen, Boz, by the time the police do their paperwork, Devlin could be in Brazil.
25:35I think I better hang in there with him.
25:37Chris, Devlin sounds like a psychopath. Anything could trigger him off.
25:40You just can't put yourself in jeopardy like that.
25:42How do you know he's not going to get you out on the highway and try to kill you?
25:46Because he thinks there's a big payoff in Los Angeles and I'm the icing on the cake.
25:50Chris, Charlie wants you out of it.
25:52Bozzy, I can't. If I back out now, we could lose him.
25:55Three women raped and murdered. I mean, I couldn't live with myself knowing I didn't do everything I could to stop him.
25:59Chris, I have got to clear this with Charlie.
26:01Bozzy, I'm hanging up. I don't dare keep him waiting much longer.
26:04Listen, I'll call you when I get to a gas station, okay?
27:12You looking for somebody?
27:14Yeah, I was here yesterday to buy the house.
27:16I left my hat behind. And where are the real estate women?
27:19I don't know what you're talking about. This house isn't for sale.
27:23Hey, old pal, you got the wrong information.
27:26No, I haven't. The owners are out of town. I'm taking care of the place.
27:30Well, where were you yesterday?
27:32Charlie, I'm only here a couple of days a week.
27:34Look, pal, I was here yesterday. There was a real estate woman. I don't know. I forget her name.
27:39She showed me through the entire house. There was this other woman.
27:42She walked through the house with us. There was this guy that was working on a safe.
27:46You better get out of here.
27:48Hey, that's all I want is my hat. That's all.
27:51You better get out of here or I'm going to call the police.
27:54Don't break out in a rash. All right.
27:57All right.
28:02All right.
28:29Getting tired?
28:31Energy to burn.
28:33We're going to need some gas.
28:35We should be hitting the station soon.
28:38Good. I'll have to call my attorney, let him know I'm coming in.
28:44We'll be waiting inside the Ridgecross house with the police.
28:46The minute he steps through the door, we'll nail him.
28:49Chris, if he makes any unexpected moves, don't stick around.
28:52Uh, I won't.
28:55About five hours should do it.
28:58Right. Okay.
29:06Honey, I'm going to take over.
29:18How are you feeling?
29:22You seem a little tense.
29:25I've just been thinking about all the stuff I have to get done when I get home.
29:30I'm sure it doesn't have something to do with me.
29:33Don't be silly.
29:36Well, you've been kind of quiet.
29:38I'm sorry.
29:41You having any second thoughts about me and me?
29:44No. What makes you think that?
29:48I just want you to feel as good as I do.
29:51Just a little moody, that's all. Don't let it bother you.
29:55You hungry?
29:56Now, are you?
29:58No, but I will be.
30:01Why don't we stop someplace for the night?
30:03Instead of driving straight through.
30:05I'd really rather just keep going.
30:09You see, it's my back. It's bothering me.
30:12I heard it playing tennis.
30:14The only thing that helps is a hot tub and a good night's rest.
30:17Maybe a little massage.
30:19You look like you have real strong hands.
30:24Well, if it's the driving, it doesn't bother me.
30:27You could sit over here, put the seat back, relax.
30:29No, it's too uncomfortable.
30:33Is there any particular reason you have to be in L.A. before morning?
30:36Well, I did make an early appointment with my lawyer.
30:38Well, we'll leave first thing in the morning.
30:40I really would feel a lot better.
30:42You know a nice motel nearby. We'll stop there.
30:45I really...
30:46Please, no more discussion. We'll stop there.
30:49Besides, I already made our reservations this morning.
31:12I'll go in and get us a room.
31:16Okay. Rooms. For the moment.
31:29Sure you don't want something to help you relax?
31:32Sleep relaxes me.
31:34Sounds like a good idea. Don't let me keep you.
31:37No, no. The plan was that I was going to sleep here and you were going to your room.
31:41Very unimaginative.
31:43But safe.
31:47You're very attractive, Mr. Cole.
31:49But like I said before, my head's really not into it.
31:52Maybe tomorrow when we get to my house.
31:56Why is everything always tomorrow with you, my love?
32:02Wait, please. I'm just not ready.
32:05Give me some time.
32:08Don't you play head games with me.
32:10It upsets me. I don't like to be upset. It brings out the worst in me.
32:14No, no, no. Look, tomorrow. Tomorrow.
32:17When we get to the house, I promise you,
32:22you'll have a surprise you'll never forget.
32:37Good night.
32:41Good night.
32:50Yes, I'm calling Los Angeles.
32:53Town's an agency. We're out for the moment.
32:56So please feel free to leave a message.
32:59Hi, boss. Chris. Listen, I'm at the Moonlight Motel in Blythe.
33:02Everything's under control. Call me in the morning.
33:29Beck, what are you doing here?
33:30I've been driving all night. I'm glad you told me you stopped here.
33:33We gotta talk.
33:34Devlin, you've been hired. That Chris Monroe brought his opponent.
33:38Don't tell me I was in the wrong house.
33:41I know exactly where I was.
33:44I'm telling you, somebody's playing games.
33:46That house on Ridge Cross ain't for sale.
33:48And that little lady friend of yours, she doesn't own it.
33:50Well, Beck, if you're telling the truth and you're too stupid to lie,
33:53then somebody's setting me up.
33:56Setting you up for what?
33:57I don't know.
33:59But I'll bet she deliberately gave me that letter to mail,
34:01figuring that I'd look at the address.
34:04I don't understand any of this.
34:05Listen, actually, fix me a drink.
34:10You know, I thought I was doing the kind job that they must think I'm some jerk.
34:14Well, two can play the same game.
34:16Miss Monroe didn't tell me she lost her key.
34:19She told me.
34:21Now, come on, can I have another key, please?
34:31That'll cost you a dollar extra.
34:35And don't lose this one.
35:12What are we gonna do?
35:14First thing we're gonna do is get out of here in your car.
35:18Good morning, love.
35:20How'd you get in?
35:22Who's this?
35:23Well, this is a friend of mine.
35:24He just got in from Los Angeles with some very interesting information.
35:31Yeah, about you, doll face.
35:34Me? What about me?
35:35Well, that's what I want to find out.
35:37Like, who are you?
35:39I don't understand.
35:41I mean, who are you?
35:48Aren't you gonna answer it?
35:49It'll probably be a wrong number. Nobody knows that I'm here.
35:52Answer it.
35:59Chris, we got your message on the answering service
36:00saying that you'd checked in there for the night.
36:03You okay?
36:04Has Devlin been giving you any more problems?
36:09Chris, are you there?
36:15You're right.
36:17It's a wrong number.
36:33You'll have to go over all that again for me, Mr. Bosley.
36:38You say you were talking to her and you were cut off.
36:41Hold on.
36:48Hey, wait a minute! Come back!
36:59She just got taken out of here in a car with two men.
37:02Try to stop them, they nearly run me down.
37:04Something's gone wrong.
37:05Yeah, I'd say so.
37:07What kind of a car were they driving? Did you get a look at the license?
37:09No, but it was a Ford.
37:12Four-door sedan, vinyl top, green.
37:1673 or 74.
37:17All right, now look, sir, this is an emergency.
37:19I want you to call your local highway patrol.
37:21Give them a description of the car.
37:23Also, tell them there's a kidnapping in progress.
37:26We'll call the field office, fill them in on the details.
37:29Also, though, I want you to tell them that we'll need a helicopter when we get to Blythe.
37:33Now do that right away, will you please?
37:41Okay, let's get down to it.
37:44That house in Beverly Hills you don't own, my friend here checked on it.
37:49You've been setting me up for something.
37:52Okay, I'm sorry. Look, you're right.
37:55I was supposed to come and get you and bring you back to L.A.
37:57I was doing a favor for a friend.
38:00Well, that's not really true either.
38:02I was doing it because I need the money.
38:04Who? What friend? Who wants me?
38:08Your bail bondsman, Harry Silvers.
38:10Look, I'm sorry I got involved in this whole mess.
38:12I didn't count on falling in love with you.
38:17That's terrific. I can't even touch her.
38:21Suddenly she's in love with me.
38:23Hey Vic, I think she's telling you the truth.
38:26It makes perfect sense. Harry Silvers is on a lot of bread.
38:29Shut up, Beck.
38:31I don't believe a word that comes out of her mouth.
38:34Listen, that guy back at the hotel may have called the cops.
38:39We better get off the road for a while.
38:42Pull in that turn up ahead.
38:53Let's go.
39:15I guess we're out of water.
39:16Put any in lately?
39:17I think so. I don't know.
39:19You keep your eyes on her and watch her.
39:21Watch her good. She's a lot smarter than you.
39:35Thanks for standing up for me.
39:38You shouldn't have double-crossed him.
39:39You know him a long time?
39:40That's none of your business.
39:43I know him.
39:44What if I told you I could prove that your friend's a murderer?
39:46You're trying to do to me what you did to him, right?
39:49Well, it's not going to work.
39:54I'm sorry.
40:03Get rid of the gun. Out.
40:07Now what?
40:08Now we go for a little walk to the highway.
40:10How's I say no?
40:11Then I'll have to use this.
40:13Gosh, honey, you sure fell out of love in a hurry.
40:16Well, you can't win them all, Devlin.
40:17Yeah, I can.
40:19Stay where you are.
40:24Now don't move.
40:26Sorry it isn't a gold bracelet, baby.
40:28It's going to do the trick just fine.
40:31Hey, what are we going to do now?
40:33We're going to take a walk.
40:36The same direction.
40:37Now move.
40:55Get up.
41:05I don't see anything.
41:13The green sedan didn't go through the roadblocks,
41:15so it must have been this way.
41:17I don't see anything.
41:18I don't see anything.
41:19I don't see anything.
41:20I don't see anything.
41:21The green sedan didn't go through the roadblocks,
41:23so it must have gotten off the main highway.
41:44Take a walk, Beck.
41:46Miss Monroe made me a promise last night,
41:48and I'm going to hold her to it.
41:49Wait a second.
41:51There's no point in hurting her.
41:53We've got enough problems.
41:54That's right, Beck.
41:55And you're about to become an accessory to a murder.
41:58What are you talking about?
41:59Do you think he's going to let me go when he's finished with me?
42:01He's already killed three women.
42:03You're crazy.
42:04It's true.
42:05A man he shot in Los Angeles, John Mackey,
42:07talked to the police before he died.
42:08I told you to take a walk, Beck.
42:10He named Devlin as a man who raped and murdered three women.
42:14Wait a second.
42:16Hey, that was a guy on television.
42:18That's why you were upset.
42:19That's why you threw the glass across the room.
42:21She's right.
42:22You killed him because he knew all about you.
42:24Beck, you're thinking too much.
42:26There's no way I'm going to stand around and let you kill her.
42:29I don't need that on my conscience.
42:31You really think I'm going to stand by and let you spoil my fun?
42:48There's nobody down there.
42:55It looks like they've abandoned us.
42:57Why don't we just keep on going this way and follow the road?
43:19I don't know.
43:38I don't know.
43:43I don't know.
43:45I don't know.
43:48I don't know.
44:18I don't know.
44:19I don't know.
44:20I don't know.
44:21I don't know.
44:22I don't know.
44:23I don't know.
44:24I don't know.
44:25I don't know.
44:26I don't know.
44:27I don't know.
44:28I don't know.
44:29I don't know.
44:30I don't know.
44:31I don't know.
44:32I don't know.
44:33I don't know.
44:34I don't know.
44:35I don't know.
44:36I don't know.
44:37I don't know.
44:38I don't know.
44:39I don't know.
44:40I don't know.
44:41I don't know.
44:42I don't know.
44:43I don't know.
44:44I don't know.
44:45I don't know.
44:46I don't know.
44:47I don't know.
44:48I don't know.
44:49I don't know.
44:50I don't know.
44:51I don't know.
44:52I don't know.
44:53I don't know.
44:54I don't know.
44:55I don't know.
44:56I don't know.
44:57I don't know.
44:58I don't know.
44:59I don't know.
45:00I don't know.
45:01I don't know.
45:02I don't know.
45:03I don't know.
45:04I don't know.
45:05I don't know.
45:06I don't know.
45:07I don't know.
45:08I don't know.
45:09I don't know.
45:10I don't know.
45:11I don't know.
45:12I don't know.
45:13I don't know.
45:14I don't know.
45:15I don't know.
45:17Can we go down?
45:20Can you get close enough to pick her up?
45:21I'm afraid.
45:22Let's go.
46:41Honey Eddie, okay the only way to fly Oh
46:50Honey what he doesn't look nearly as good as his picture
47:10Suppose I should reprimand you Chris for insisting on bringing mr. Devlin in alone and scaring us all half to death
47:18Well, everything would have gone smoothly if it hadn't been for Beck's lucky hat
47:22By the way, we should do whatever we can for Beck. He don't try to help. Oh
47:29This compliments of our client Harry silver
47:32I think Beck will probably get a light sentence Chris his biggest crime seems to be a poor choice of friends and Devlin
47:39There's enough evidence to put him away for the rest of his life, by the way
47:44That's a very beautiful bracelet you have on there. Hmm. Oh
47:49How careless of me I suppose you'll be wanting this back. I think you should let her keep it Charlie
47:54I think she deserves it Charlie. She has my vote. All right, Chris, you can keep it
47:59Maybe it'll serve as a reminder that you're to follow orders next time. Yes, Charlie. You still got a lot of class