Charlies Angels S02E22

  • 3 months ago
00:00Once upon a time, there were three little girls who went to the police academy.
00:06Two in Los Angeles.
00:13The other in San Francisco.
00:16And they were each assigned very hazardous duties.
00:22But I took them away from all that.
00:25And now they work for me.
00:27My name is Charlie.
01:28The Police Academy
01:52Yes, this is Leland Swindon.
01:56I thought I'd made it clear to you people I'm not interested in selling to your client.
02:00Whoever he is.
02:03I don't mean to be rude, but you'll have to excuse me. I'm very busy.
02:25The Mother Goose Appalachian has been mine for about 50 years.
02:36And in all that time, we've never produced a truly violent or even an unpleasant toy.
02:42And we brought happiness to millions of children.
02:45I'm proud of that.
02:47You ladies probably played with my toys when you were little ones.
02:51Well, they said they came from Santa Claus, but I knew it was really you.
02:56I must admit, I still have one of his koala bears in my closet.
03:08Hello, Charlie. Mr. Swinderton is here.
03:11Good. How are you, Leland?
03:13In health, Charlie, but troubled.
03:15I hope you can help me.
03:17I'm sure we can. Fill us in.
03:19Several months ago, a law firm, Dunstan and Wheeler, approached me about selling my company.
03:24They made me a fabulous offer, which I naturally declined.
03:28Toys are my life.
03:29Did they say who they were representing?
03:31A rival toy company.
03:33About that, they refused to say.
03:36Of course, that did nothing to engender trust.
03:38You were right to be suspicious, Leland.
03:40Some of their clients have underworld ties.
03:43They buy legitimate companies to use them as fronts.
03:47They won't take no for an answer.
03:49Since I refused their offer, there have been several incidents.
03:53A week's production of sailboats sank.
03:55A whole room full of rag dolls burned up.
03:58And the smoke bomb in the train last night.
04:01Sounds like more than coincidence and worth looking into, huh, Charlie?
04:05It also sounds like maybe somebody's working from the inside.
04:09One of the employees.
04:10No, no, no, no. I refuse to believe that.
04:13We're all one big family at Mother Goose.
04:16Oh, absolutely not.
04:17No offense intended, Leland.
04:19Thank you for coming in.
04:21You'll be hearing from us.
04:24Well, maybe I should leave it to you.
04:28You're the professionals.
04:32So lovely.
04:34Oh, to be 50 again.
04:43I don't understand, Miss Duncan.
04:45Mr. Swinerton.
04:47Jennifer Collins from Hong Kong.
04:49Now, you must try to remember that because it's very important.
04:52That's what I mean.
04:53All this subterfuge.
04:54But, Mr. Swinerton, it is necessary.
04:57I know.
04:58But I have never lied to my employees about anything.
05:01Mr. Swinerton, we understand your feelings.
05:03But you've got to face the fact that if we don't put a stop to this, someone could get hurt.
05:08I know.
05:09Not very well.
05:11Let me introduce you around.
05:12And believe me, we will be most discreet.
05:14Your employees will never know.
05:23Oh, Miss Collins will be with us for a few weeks, Mrs. Cooley.
05:26We'll give her that empty office down the hall.
05:29Oh, how nice.
05:30I know you'll be very happy at Mother Goose, my dear.
05:33Well, thank you very much.
05:34Please call me Jennifer.
05:36You come this way?
05:44I want you to see our design.
05:55This is the nerve center of our company.
05:57It all comes from here.
05:58The brains.
05:59More like the loins.
06:03I mean, after all, it is the creative end, right?
06:06This brash and brilliant young man is our vice president in charge of design.
06:10Gordon Roclair.
06:12Gordon, I'd like you to meet Miss Jennifer Collins.
06:14How do you do?
06:15And her attorney, Mr. John Bosley.
06:18How do you do?
06:20Um, you suing Mother Goose here?
06:23Well, no.
06:24On the contrary, I'm here to learn from him.
06:26My father is in the toy business also.
06:29Where's that?
06:30Well, we are an international organization.
06:33We have offices in several countries.
06:35I've just spent the last few months at our main branch in Hong Kong.
06:38My father would like for me to take over the operation there.
06:42Oh, I see.
06:43Sounds like Daddy's quite an operator.
06:45Gordon, really.
06:46It's quite all right.
06:47I, uh, I don't mind brashness as long as it is, as you say, combined with brilliance.
06:53Well, Jennifer, maybe you and Mr. Roclair can get acquainted.
06:56He might show you some of his designs.
06:59Now give us a chance to look into some legal matters.
07:02Thank you, Mr. Bosley.
07:06Let me show you some of my work.
07:13Now, I'm curious.
07:14If you're a vice president, why don't you have a separate office?
07:20Practically everybody in the company is a vice president.
07:22He doesn't want anyone to feel left out.
07:25Do I detect a note of dissatisfaction?
07:27Look, I am what Mother said I am.
07:29I'm a brilliant designer, but...
07:32I'm sick and tired of cute, cuddly trash.
07:36I want to do modern work, things that reflect today's world.
07:40Now look.
07:41Look here.
07:43That's a complete guillotine.
07:47That's a most unusual toy.
07:51Mother almost had a heart attack when I showed it to him, and he ordered me to keep it out of sight.
07:57Tell me.
07:58Is this the direction that you think the toy market should go?
08:05If we got into horror toys, we could double our volume.
08:10And I've also got gallows with a functional trap door.
08:13And look here.
08:16This is a driving game.
08:19The cars are all souped up on a simulator,
08:21and you get pedestrians, who are the targets,
08:24and you get points for every pedestrian you hit.
08:31Do you think this is good for the children?
08:33Children have always lived in a world of fantasy.
08:37And besides, they actually get rid of their little aggressions this way.
08:41Uh, tell me, Mr. Roclair.
08:44Gordon, please.
08:45Gordon, tell me.
08:46Why are you telling me all this?
08:49When you show up here with a family attorney,
08:52I, uh, I detect a sweet smell of money.
08:57My father is very successful.
09:01You're not here to learn the toy business, are you?
09:07I think it's time I met the other employees.
09:11But just remember,
09:13Mother Goose is down the tubes.
09:17Uh, yeah.
10:18If he plays that one more time,
10:21I am going to require insulin.
10:23Shh, Bosley. Mother Goose will hear you.
10:26Now, that music is inspirational.
10:28He's inventing.
10:30Why here, and why in the middle of the night?
10:33Bosley, we're supposed to protect him, not run his life.
10:36This is where he feels creative.
10:40Well, I'm gonna go walk off some of these cobwebs.
10:43I may even commune with the teddy bears.
11:35Hey, I think I heard a brower.
11:37Here we are.
11:38I don't like the design room.
12:18Is he dead?
12:22He's dead.
12:24Oh, wow.
12:41This door is locked from the inside.
12:46Hey, Sabrina.
12:49He was a wiretapper.
12:52How did they do that?
12:55He was bugging the place.
12:57He got shot by somebody that wasn't here.
13:20The deceased was one Larry Wilkes,
13:23an ex-con and a professional wire man,
13:26just as we suspected.
13:28His clients have usually been as crooked as he was,
13:32therefore well-concealed.
13:34So we don't know who he was working for.
13:36No, not a clue.
13:38Only thing Charlie's been able to come up with
13:40is a girlfriend named Donna.
13:42Charlie says that Wilkes' funeral is today,
13:45and he suggests that we pay our respects.
13:48And see who else shows up.
13:50That means you and me, Chris.
13:53Kelly, we have all the fun.
13:55Bree, what about this Roclair guy?
13:57Gordon Roclair.
13:58Well, he may be very bright,
14:00but he is also El Wacko.
14:02He wants to make a whole line of little horror toys.
14:05He wants to make a little guillotine
14:07that cuts little heads off,
14:09and he wants to make little automobiles
14:11that hit little pedestrians.
14:13He also said Mother Goose
14:16is going down the tubes,
14:18and that's a direct quote.
14:20A Wacko and a definite suspect.
14:22Yeah, but if Roclair's a suspect,
14:25then there's gotta be somebody else involved,
14:27because why would he need to hire anybody
14:29to go in there and bug the place?
14:31He works there.
14:32He could have done it himself.
14:34That's right.
14:35Okay, Chris, let's go.
14:41That must be Wilkes' girlfriend.
14:45Donna, can we speak to you?
14:47What do you want?
14:48Sorry about your fiancé.
14:51He didn't seem to have many mourners.
14:54Why would he have?
14:56Larry Wilkes was a jerk.
14:59I mean, he was my jerk,
15:00but that's what he was, you know?
15:02You were pretty close to him?
15:04Okay, come on.
15:05I mean, you knew my name,
15:06so you gotta know he was my fella, right?
15:08You're cops, right?
15:10Well, we used to be.
15:11Used to be and still are.
15:12We're private detectives.
15:13Listen, did the police interrogate you
15:15about Larry's death?
15:19Oh, I didn't tell them anything.
15:21Nothing honest.
15:23You know, if you loved the guy,
15:24I should think you'd want to see his murderer caught.
15:27Look, one, I don't know who killed him, okay?
15:30And two,
15:32nobody offered me a dime, you know?
15:35Well, we operate differently.
15:39Well, I hope it's a lot differently.
15:42He didn't leave me much.
15:44That's funny.
15:46Larry Wilkes is considered
15:47one of the best wire men in this town.
15:49Yeah, well, not by me, honey.
15:51I just knew him as the guy
15:52that paid the bills occasionally, you know?
15:56What do we get and how much?
15:58Um, I could tell you who he was working for,
16:02and from the looks of it,
16:04I mean, the way you dressed and everything,
16:05I'd say that's worth, oh...
16:08Five bills?
16:21Boy, what a jerk.
16:24I should have asked for a grand, huh?
16:28Uh, the dude's name was, um, Tony Phelan.
16:32Yeah, that's it.
16:33He was supposed to be
16:34some kind of legitimate businessman,
16:36but, uh, Wilkes told me he was a mob guy.
16:39Did he ever mention a man
16:41by the name of Gordon Roclair?
16:44Work for Mother Goose Toys?
16:48If he had, it would have cost you extra.
16:52Okay, thanks a lot.
16:54One thing.
16:56Would you do us a favor?
16:57Yeah, what?
16:58The man's dead, so cry or something.
17:06Oh, my.
17:10Let's see what we can find out about this Tony Phelan.
17:17There it is.
17:19Charlie says Phelan seldom goes out,
17:21and it looks like it's well guarded.
17:23How do we get in?
17:29I got an idea.
17:31I think maybe I'll just drop in.
17:34Now, this is the back entrance, see?
17:38Design room, Swinerton's office.
17:42You seem particularly well informed
17:44about the Mother Goose Company, Mr. Phelan.
17:47Not half as informed as you're gonna make me.
17:50I got a guy on the inside,
17:52but the problem is he's crazy.
17:53I can't trust him.
17:55What happened to my predecessor, Wilkes?
17:57Oh, he got inside,
17:59but somebody surprised him,
18:00and he never got the place wired.
18:04I heard he was dead.
18:06He is?
18:07He got into a beef with his old lady,
18:09and she shot him.
18:10That's why I sent to London for you.
18:13Now, look, Orwell, don't worry about it.
18:16This is no big deal.
18:18My company wants to buy their company,
18:20and that's all.
18:21I see.
18:23What specific information is it you require?
18:26Well, this Mother Goose Company is in trouble financially.
18:29I want to find out how bad,
18:31and also about the new line of toys for the Christmas season.
18:34You'll get it.
18:36You're damn right I will.
18:58Oh! Oh!
19:00You've got to be careful.
19:02Oh, hi. I'm very sorry.
19:05Can I help you?
19:07See, this is my first time,
19:09and, well, I guess I ran out of wind.
19:11I'm very sorry.
19:12Don't worry about it.
19:14Just as long as you're okay.
19:16Oh, you're very nice and very understanding.
19:19I'm always understanding
19:21when a gorgeous girl like you is concerned.
19:24You're being very nice again.
19:26Well, I guess I should introduce myself.
19:27Hello, I'm Chris Monroe.
19:29I'm Anthony Phelan.
19:30Nice to meet you, Mr. Phelan.
19:32Do you suppose that I could use your telephone,
19:35and then my friends could come and pick me up?
19:37Don't worry about it.
19:38We'll get you home safe and sound.
19:40But what's your hurry?
19:41You look a little shook up.
19:43Why don't you come inside and have a drink, huh?
19:45Oh, terrific.
19:46What should I do with this?
19:48Oh, well, you take care of that, huh?
19:50We'll finish our talk later.
19:52What do you do for a living, honey?
19:54I'm a model.
19:56I'll bet you are.
19:58This way, huh?
20:02You two, take care of that.
20:06His name is Jack Orwell.
20:08He's one of the top wiremen in the business.
20:11He lives in England.
20:12Flies over for the jobs.
20:15Charlie checked him out and came up with that picture.
20:19So I would say Phelan obviously has brought in
20:23a replacement for the late Mr. Wilkes.
20:25Sabrina's locked in at Mother Goose
20:27and Chris is working on Phelan.
20:29So I guess Orwell's mine.
20:30Wait a minute.
20:31How do we know that he's never met Wilkes' girlfriend?
20:33Well, I was worried about that myself,
20:35so, uh, well, I took a chance.
20:38I called Donna.
20:39She said she'd never heard of him.
20:41Cost me another $100.
20:43Cost Charlie.
20:45Yeah, well.
20:46Uh, listen, what else do we know about Orwell?
20:48He's single.
20:49He likes the girls.
20:51And he hangs out in an English pub in Santa Monica.
21:21Mr. Orwell?
21:23Well, if you say so, love, yes.
21:25Kelly Garrett.
21:27I've got a proposition for you.
21:30I don't believe this.
21:31You're propositioning me?
21:33Well, you haven't heard it yet.
21:35I was a friend, a good friend of the late Larry Wilkes.
21:41Sorry, love.
21:42Don't know no Wilkes.
21:46Order me a black and tan and, uh,
21:48I'll tell you a lot of things you don't want to hear.
21:51That's bad logic.
21:53If I don't want to hear it, why should I listen to it?
21:56They may save your life.
22:00All right.
22:01I'll listen.
22:06You're here to wire up the Mother Goose toy company.
22:09Oh, yeah?
22:10Who told you that, then?
22:12Someone in the Phelan organization.
22:14He knows I'm broke and thought I could use a little extra work.
22:17I work alone.
22:18I don't need any assistance.
22:20Do you know how Larry Wilkes died?
22:27All right.
22:32Shot by some bird he was living with.
22:34Could be you, for all I know.
22:36He was shot and killed on the premises of the Mother Goose toy company.
22:41Look, if you don't believe me, go to the newspaper morgue and get a back copy.
22:45How was he caught?
22:47And who did it?
22:49Now, if I told you that, you wouldn't need me, would you?
22:54I also know how to get in and out of there safely.
22:58That's your proposition?
23:00That's it, and for that I get a third.
23:07All right.
23:09You say you worked with this Wilkes.
23:12What kind of equipment would you use in a noisy location?
23:16High impedance mic.
23:21What kind of VOX did you use on your last job?
23:25You mean what kind of voice activated switch?
23:28AMG security.
23:32You're good, lady.
23:33You're good.
23:37How about if I buy you lunch to go with that?
23:41Now that I'm working, I'll buy my own.
24:11You take this room.
24:32I'll take the offices, okay?
24:35Take this room, sir.
25:06I don't understand.
25:34There, now you can talk.
25:44Good Lord, the things that are happening.
25:46It's all right, Mr. Swinerton.
25:47You see, last night the whole place was bugged, but we know the locations.
25:50Then you can get rid of them?
25:52Well, we're not going to get rid of them, but we are going to move them around a little.
25:55You see, we think we can use their own bugs against the people who planted them.
26:00You know, lately I have been thinking I should get out of the toy business, get into something similar like cuckoo clocks.
26:06If you did, the Swiss would probably send a hit man.
26:09Listen, Bosch, you better watch over Kelly.
26:12I'm going to send her a little message.
26:17How are you this morning, Mrs. Cooley?
26:19Oh, delightful, Miss Collins.
26:21I hope you're having just a wonderful stay with us.
26:23Well, yes, I am, and I'm certain that it will be better and better.
26:35Mr. Swinerton's office.
26:37Greta, how are you?
26:39Would you like to have lunch, dear?
26:41What about Chico's down the street? He's so adorable.
26:45That's the secretary's voice, isn't it?
26:48Yes, I'm celebrating.
26:49I don't understand this.
26:51I put the bug there myself and...
26:54That girl was never remotely good enough for him.
26:56I told him when he married her, but he wouldn't listen.
26:58Maybe she's in her boss's office using his phone.
27:01While we're having lunch, I want to tell you about the wonderful lecture I went to last night.
27:04Turn it off. Just...
27:06What went wrong?
27:08I don't understand this.
27:14Switch on the one in the design room, love.
27:17The one you planted there.
27:20All right.
27:21There's something I think you should know, Gordon.
27:24What is it?
27:27Well, you said when we first met that you expected Mother Goose to go under soon.
27:32I still do.
27:33Well, I hear otherwise.
27:35What do you mean?
27:36I hear that Swinerton has come up with a Christmas toy collection that is so good, it's going to save the company.
27:41How do you know this?
27:42He asked my father if he would like to become involved in it.
27:45Why didn't he tell me? The old fool's never kept anything secret from us before.
27:49Well, I don't know. It would appear that he has this time. He wants to surprise everyone.
27:53Do you know if it's what kind of toy it is? One or many?
27:57He says he's going to keep it secret until the last moment, but I do know that the designs are hidden somewhere in the plant.
28:04The toughs are going to want to hear that right away, I'll tell you.
28:08You mean Phelan?
28:11I thought we had enough...
28:12...bandy names around, all right?
28:15Besides, I liked your ideas.
28:20I was right about you, wasn't I?
28:22You were right about my father. He does want to buy into the American toy market, but at a price.
28:27No, no, no, no. I meant something else.
28:31As a person, we're a lot alike.
28:34If things go our way, Gordon, perhaps we'll be able to find out.
28:38My designs? Your financial backing?
28:42If we can find Swinerton's designs.
28:48Just give me a chance, that's all I ask.
28:58You were right about my father.
29:00He does want to buy into the American toy market, but at a price.
29:04No, no, no, no.
29:08Wait outside, huh?
29:15Hey, this broad must be something else, eh, Gordon?
29:20She's attractive.
29:22And very intelligent.
29:24It didn't take her very long to get to you.
29:27Well, if it wasn't for her, I wouldn't have known about the old man's plans to save the company.
29:31And if the Englishman hadn't bugged you, I wouldn't have known about your plans, Gordon.
29:36You should have told me you had the place bugged.
29:38If I had told you, I would never have found out
29:41about your plans to sell us out to some Hong Kong operator and his daughter.
29:56It's our first toy design for Mr. Phelan's company.
29:59Smell shake?
30:02Coffee break. Excuse me.
30:09There's no question of loyalty, Mr. Phelan. I don't work for you.
30:12I was hired to perform certain acts of sabotage, and I did it.
30:15It's not my fault the old man doesn't scare.
30:19The first wire man I sent in there, Wilkes, he got shot.
30:24Nobody knows how.
30:26I got a feeling you know how.
30:30I do.
30:32And it was absolutely ingenious.
30:35You see, I rigged a toy gun to fire a small caliber bullet,
30:41and it was guided by an electric eye.
30:45But, of course, it was an accident.
30:47After all, you didn't tell me you were sending a man in.
30:49Okay, okay.
30:51I'm sorry.
30:54But, of course, it was an accident.
30:56After all, you didn't tell me you were sending a man in.
30:58Okay, ingenious.
31:00Who were you trying to snuff?
31:02The old man, of course. He's outlived his time. I hate him.
31:07I told you I didn't want no hit on Swinton.
31:11And as I explained before, I don't see myself as being employed by you.
31:15You jerk.
31:17You're a genius, huh?
31:19You're an idiot.
31:22Now, this is what I want you to do.
31:24You're gonna ask the Collins girl to find out where the designs are.
31:29You're gonna steal them, and you're gonna hand them over to me.
31:33Now, that's clear and simple, huh?
31:36So even a genius can understand.
31:38She thinks I'm working for her and her father.
31:41Well, hey, there's nothing wrong with that.
31:45Only you're not.
31:47Of course, we'll give you something no Hong Kong operator's gonna give you.
31:51Oh? What?
31:53A bullet.
32:14Mr. Orwell?
32:17Well, you're a bit of all right.
32:20This must be my lucky pub.
32:22It is now, honey.
32:25My name's Donna.
32:27Well, that's nice.
32:29Larry Wilkes was my old man.
32:32What do you mean?
32:35What are you trying to say?
32:38The answer to that...
32:41depends on, uh, how much you're willing to pay.
33:12Well, I thought you were gonna bring me something to eat.
33:15I'm sorry. I forgot.
33:25Anything interesting happen while I was away?
33:28Roclair had just called Phelan, and he said he saw you.
33:32Oh, I see.
33:34Well, I thought you were gonna bring me something to eat.
33:37I'm sorry. I forgot.
33:41He's still trying to find the plans.
33:43That's it?
33:45Well, he also had a little message for us, if we were listening.
33:48What was it?
33:50You wouldn't want a lady to repeat it.
33:53You're no lady, love.
33:55You're a copper.
34:01All right, what are you gonna do about it?
34:03Oh, that's easy.
34:06I'm gonna kill you, love.
34:09Get up front and drive a little bit.
34:12Move it!
34:14Move it!
34:33Jack, what are you gonna do?
34:35Look, cut the chat and put it down a little, will you? Come on.
34:44Come on.
35:03What is it?
35:05Is there somebody back there?
35:11What are you slowing down for now?
35:14It's a red light.
35:17What are you doing?
35:41What are you doing? You'll get us both killed, woman!
35:47Listen, if he catches us, you're dead!
35:50Think about it, Orwell. Just think about it.
36:17Hey, what's going on here?
36:19This man's kidnapping me.
36:21Kidnapped? She's just trying to get me into trouble, officer.
36:24We had a lover's quarrel, you know.
36:26Would she be driving my van if I was trying to kidnap her?
36:29He's lying. He forced me to drive.
36:31You call that driving, lady?
36:33He had a gun to my head.
36:35I didn't have a gun.
36:37I didn't have a gun.
36:39I didn't have a gun.
36:41I didn't have a gun.
36:43I didn't have a gun.
36:45He had a gun to my head.
36:47That's right. Machine gun, wasn't it?
36:49Look, officer, I insist that you search me.
36:53Excuse me, sir.
36:55You dropped your gun out of the window.
37:16Hello. Jennifer.
37:18Look, did you find out...
37:20Yes, I did, Gordon.
37:22The designs are hidden, appropriately enough, in the design room.
37:25They're in the doll's house.
37:29How did you find out?
37:31Gordon, I've just come from dinner with Mother Goose.
37:34Go and get them. I'll be right over.
37:36Okay, great.
38:42Did you find them?
38:44I got them.
38:46Do they have any potential?
38:48I hate to admit it,
38:50but they're better than anything he's turned down in years.
38:53Then they could save the company.
38:55They could, if we didn't have them.
38:58I'll make some copies of these and put the originals back.
39:02You'll never know. I'll have them for you tomorrow.
39:04Then you can put them on the first plane to Hong Kong.
39:06My father will be very grateful, Gordon.
39:09And so am I.
39:22Hello, Mr. Phelan?
39:24Yeah. Yeah, I got them.
39:27Yeah, the whole Christmas line.
39:29Um, if you'll send someone over, I'll meet them up front.
39:48Should have called Phelan by now.
39:50He's gonna make copies and then put the original plans back.
39:52Is Chris in the design room?
39:54Yeah, trying very hard to hold her breath.
39:58Let's just hope Roclair doesn't decide to redesign her.
41:23Please see that Mr. Phelan gets this as quickly as possible.
41:39That was one of Phelan's bodyguards.
41:41Yeah, and there went the secret plans.
41:43Should we make our move on Roclair?
41:45Uh, no, let's give Phelan a little time to enjoy those new designs, huh?
43:33Well, what do you think? You're the expert.
43:36Don't mean nothing to me, just looks like a bunch of blueprints.
43:39They are.
43:41But I'm afraid someone's playing a joke on you, Mr. Phelan.
43:45What do you mean?
43:47Well, these aren't designed for toys.
43:50This one seems to be a blueprint for some kind of a vacuum cleaner.
43:57And this one is a...
44:01Well, it's a blender for fruits and vegetables and things.
44:05There's no mistake?
44:07No, I'm afraid not. I'm sorry.
44:10It's a joke!
44:12Why, that screwball's trying to double-cross me.
44:16Vince, get the car. We're going over there.
44:20Leland, this is Gordon.
44:22Listen, something's come up. I think you'd better get down to the office right away.
44:26Yes, I know what time it is, but it's terribly important.
44:30No, I don't want to tell you over the phone, not with all the bugging that's been going on.
44:36Good. I'll meet you in the design room.
44:39Uh, you know what? I think he's had about enough time to hang himself.
44:43Let's go.
44:46All right.
44:48All right.
45:14Holy Gordon!
45:16What's going on?
45:17You're not leaving. Why don't you sit down?
45:20Aren't you the attorney?
45:21We're private detectives.
45:23How could you do this to me?
45:25We switched the plans that you gave to Tony Phelan. By now he thinks you tricked him.
45:29You're a lot safer with us than you would be with him.
45:31Provided you give us a confession.
45:33You switched the plans?
45:37Okay, okay. You win.
45:47Uh, uh, no, no, no.
45:57That's it.
45:59Stay right where you are.
46:01And don't move.
46:09Throw clay, you little creep!
46:17All right.
46:23Drop them!
46:25All right, up against the wall.
46:32It's okay, Bree.
46:34Is he dead?
46:37I think he fainted.
46:42See, he rigged the cannon to shoot people.
46:44And then he ran in here and he got it himself.
46:46Only he didn't really get it because I put my chewing gum in the barrel.
46:53You did what?
47:10Tony Phelan is being charged with conspiracy and assault.
47:13Roclair is undergoing psychiatric observation.
47:16And they are both so anxious to accuse the other that the D.A. says he can hardly wait to bring them to trial.
47:22Poor Gordon.
47:24I believe the boy really is demented.
47:26All those horrible toys he wanted me to produce.
47:29Gallows, monsters, weapons of war.
47:32Speaking of toys, Leland, how's the new line going?
47:35Oh, quite well, thank you, Charlie.
47:37Here, I've added to it.
47:39Let me show you.
47:42Oh, wait a minute.
47:44Wait a minute.
47:46Those look like us.
47:48They sure do.
47:49Hold it a second here.
47:53Oh, can I have a set for my niece?
47:57Not only that, you'll get royalties from the sales.
47:59Royalties, terrific.
48:01It certainly is, Bosley.
48:03And they deserve them.
48:04They do indeed.
48:06Thank you, Bosley.
48:07That's very sweet.
48:08Of course, Charlie, with this additional income, they won't be needing raises.
48:13To get it.
48:38To get it.