• last year


00:06Get up to the races decorum
00:08No, it's another can over here. It's not one a companion. I thought I met you don't problem. I'm weird
00:13But what I can tell you to the minute to kill sense in your life
00:16They'll tell me not to lose you
00:18But I can't go to the different
00:20You sound we have a movie and I don't fit on and I'm so simple. There's a group in Sankara. How do you miss my nose?
00:26It's a fear
00:27Martina puede ser lo que tú quieras pero no es una asesina y sobre todo es tu sobrina es una luján
00:32Así que como le pase algo grave por tu culpa te aseguro que pondré todo mi empeño en destruirte
00:37Ya verá que cuando Gregorio vea su lápida
00:39Vas a ver que esos rumores sean ciertos y cuando piense que yo he muerto
00:44será para siempre quiero que estés atendida
00:47y sobre todo controlada
00:49Al menos hasta que descubramos que es lo que pasó por eso creo que lo más sensato será que ingreses en un sanatorio
00:59Pero como un sanatorio que sentido tiene eso padre por favor no deja que me encierren en un manicomio
01:06Ignacio mi hija no está trastornada
01:08Así que no veo qué sentido tiene que la metamos en un manicomio en ningún momento he hablado de eso he dicho sanatorio
01:14Lo cual no deja de ser un eufemismo porque mi sobrina no tiene la tesis ni nada parecido un sanatorio mental se entiende
01:22donde sanan mentes enfermas
01:25Así es sí y cuál es la diferencia con un manicomio
01:30bueno el lugar que me han recomendado tiene a los mejores especialistas doctores que no sólo cuidarán a martina sino que le ayudarán
01:38a repasar todo lo sucedido
01:42tal vez eso
01:44nos dé pistas de qué pasó
01:47Y determine su responsabilidad
01:50ingresarla con ese fin es matar moscas a cañonazos
01:53Bueno mi propuesta es la que es la verdad no entiendo que viene tanto revuelo estoy siendo muy generoso
01:59al fin y al cabo estamos hablando de entrar una temporada en una institución clínica
02:04algo nada comparable a pasar tiempo en prisión
02:07me lamento tener que hablar de una manera tan cruda pero no nos engañemos
02:11una acusación de intento de asesinato con las pruebas que tenemos podría llevar a martín a la prisión muchos años
02:18Me parece que las razones de hallada son más que atendibles
02:23Si como él dice esto trascendiese y llegase a las autoridades las cosas se pondrían muy mal para martina
02:29por lo tanto la propuesta de ingresarla en un sanatorio es como dice el conde sensata y generosa y por supuesto vas a decir tú
02:36que tienes a tu mujer en uno desde desde ni se sabe cuándo
02:40esta es una asunción realmente grosera incluso viniendo de ti por favor no compliquemos el asunto de una manera innecesaria
02:48He puesto sobre la mesa una propuesta
02:51O eso o la guardia civil
02:56Ahora es vuestra decisión
03:16No sé si puedo contarte
03:20las cosas que han pasado desde que te vi
03:24las luces que han bailado por nuestro jardín
03:28los rumores nuevos
03:30entre el corazón y las murallas
03:34En la promesa
03:36Habrá partículas de amor en movimiento
03:40Habrá secretos que nunca saldrán ahí fuera
03:44Será tan bello como el vuelo de un avión
03:50En la promesa
03:52Las despedidas son girones por el suelo
03:56Hasta las flores bailarán a su manera
04:00Equilibristas entre el miedo y la pasión
04:06Somos como un salto a la D3
04:10Somos el amor cuando se vive a vida o muerte
04:14Un camino largo a recorrer
04:20En la promesa ya serás cuestión de suerte
04:24Somos como un salto a la D3
04:28Somos el amor cuando se vive a vida o muerte
04:32Un camino largo a recorrer
04:36En la promesa ya serás cuestión de suerte
04:40En la promesa
04:46No era necesario Petra
04:48Bueno señorita aquí podremos hablar más tranquilamente
04:51y para mí es un honor que usted quiera tratar un asunto de tanta importancia conmigo
04:58Aunque la verdad no sé cómo podría yo ayudarla
05:02Ni yo pero bueno ya veremos
05:04Por eso estoy aquí
05:06Lo cierto es que mi conocimiento sobre el Conde de Ayala se reduce al poco trato que he tenido con él
05:13No sé quiénes son sus enemigos ni si los tiene
05:17Pero tú ejerciste de secretaria suya durante un tiempo
05:21Bueno secretaria señorita eso es mucho decir
05:25Yo solo he sido una simple criada a la que se le pidió que ayudara al Conde en ciertas tareas
05:30Sobre todo con su correspondencia como usted ha comentado
05:33Porque eso es lo que me interesa precisamente
05:37Me parece que no la entiendo señorita
05:41Si tú Petra leías las cartas de Ayala
05:45Escribías otras a su dictado
05:48Eso te daba acceso a cierta información
05:51¿No se te ocurre algo que hubiera en esas cartas que pudiera explicar lo sucedido?
05:55¿Algún tipo de rencor, inquina?
06:03Lamento la verdad no serle de más ayuda señorita
06:10Aunque sin embargo sí
06:16Lo cierto es señorita que no tiene nada que ver con la correspondencia del señor Conde
06:20Y bien mirado fue más una impresión mía que otra cosa
06:25Pero hay algo que me llamó muchísimo la atención desde el principio
06:29Y es que el Conde de Ayala mostraba muchísimo interés en la promesa
06:33Y no solo en el palacio también en la finca y en sus posibilidades de...
06:38Es que no sé cómo se dice
06:40Posibilidades de explotación
06:41Sí sí así lo decía el señor Conde
06:44Supongo que es algo que no tiene importancia
06:48No necesariamente pero admito que no sé qué relación puede tener con la causa del envenenamiento
06:54Bueno señorita yo no digo que la haya
06:57Simplemente me limito a señalar algo que me llamó mucho la atención
07:01Claro claro y yo te lo agradezco
07:04Sigue por favor
07:07Pues verá al principio yo pensé que todo aquello era mera curiosidad
07:13Pero enseguida me di cuenta que lo del Conde de Ayala era puro interés
07:18Porque por ejemplo no dejaba de hablar de cosas prácticas
07:22Decía que todas las posibilidades que ofrecía la promesa estaban en su mayoría desaprovechadas
07:32Y luego hubo algo más que también me llamó muchísimo la atención
07:44Era usted señorita
07:46Es cosa sabida que don Ignacio y doña Margarita no se toleraban
07:51Eso por decirlo con delicadeza
07:54Y sin embargo de un día para otro
07:57Don Ignacio dejó de hostigar a doña Margarita
08:00Y empezó a frecuentar su compañía y a bailarle el agua en la menor ocasión
08:07Sí es cierto que no sé cuándo empezaron a intimar
08:10Es que fue todo muy repentino
08:14Y al poco tiempo
08:17Ignacio anuncia que está perdidamente enamorado de ella y su intención de desposarla
08:22¿Y a ti te extrañó su cambio de actitud?
08:24Sí muchísimo
08:27Pero como luego comprendí el motivo
08:31Que espero que me cuentes enseguida porque me tienes enascuas
08:37Verá usted señorita
08:39Estoy convencida de que precisamente durante esos días
08:42El conde conoció que doña Margarita era la dueña
08:45Nada más y nada menos que de un cuarto de la promesa
08:49Así que se propuso seducirla, desposarla
08:53Y de ese modo
08:56Todo había salido según sus cálculos
08:59Estaba donde quería estar
09:01Y las piezas donde él había previsto
09:04Todas menos una
09:11El conde de Ayala se encontraba
09:13Con que todos los agasajos, requiebros y regalos
09:16Que le habían servido para ganarse el favor de la madre
09:19No le habían sortido afecto ninguno con la hija
09:22Porque la señorita Martina se negaba en redondo
09:25A que su madre se casara con él
09:28Y el conde de Ayala se dio cuenta de que
09:30La señorita Martina se había convertido en un obstáculo para sus planes
09:34Y a medida que pasaba el tiempo
09:37En un escollo cada vez más insalvable
09:41O eso parecía
09:44Pues que ahora todo apunta a que va a dejar de serlo
09:52¿Quieres decir que el conde
09:55Hizo que pareciera algo que no es?
09:59Uy señorita
10:01¿Quién soy yo para decir nada?
10:07Usted saque sus propias conclusiones
10:16Yo le agradezco la confianza y no le quito la razón
10:19Los lacallos y los mozos han de rendir cuentas al mayordomo
10:23Pero la próxima vez que la señora Arcos le pida explicaciones
10:26Usted deselas
10:27¿Estás seguro señor Meza?
10:28Sí, sí, sí
10:29Usted hágalo
10:30Por el bien de todos
10:33¿Me ha entendido?
10:34Alto y claro señor
10:35Eso espero
10:36Se ha podido retirarse
10:41Bendito sea Dios
10:42Empezaba a preocuparme
10:43Muy tarde, siéntese
10:44Ya lo sé
10:45Y por eso he venido lo primero a verle
10:47Le daba pena dejar sola a señora Darry supongo
10:50Pues sí
10:51La verdad es que mucho
10:52Cada vez más
10:53¿Y la señora Arcos?
10:54¿Qué ocurre con ella?
10:56Bueno nada
10:57Que me fui con el rumrum
10:58De que ya no se hubiera escuchado algo
11:00La verdad es que cuando preguntó
11:01Que a dónde iba
11:02Se meló la sangre
11:03Y pensaba que nos había descubierto
11:04Pero la gozó
11:05Y se fue
11:06Y se fue
11:07Y se fue
11:08Y se fue
11:09Y se fue
11:10¿Bueno luego a usted
11:11Se le ocurrió eso
11:12De la alusión del señor y...?
11:13Lo primero que me vino a la cabeza
11:15Pues menos mal
11:16La verdad es que esa mujer
11:17No nos deja
11:18Ni en nuestros momentos de descanso
11:19Bueno en este caso
11:20No hay de qué preocuparse
11:21La señora Arcos
11:22Lo único que quería
11:23Era quejarse
11:24Porque yo la hubiera
11:25Mandado a Lujan
11:26Sin haberlo consultado
11:27Antes con ella
11:28Madre mía
11:29Está molesta
11:30Porque dice que
11:31Actuamos a sus espaldas
11:32¿Qué le parece?
11:33Bueno me parece
11:34Que tiene motivos
11:35Eso es como el zorro
11:37Que se queja
11:38De que el dueño
11:39What's the matter?
11:42Nothing. I like your sense of humor.
11:46I always like it.
11:48Well, the fox we're talking about also wanted to comment on the matter of Mrs. Carrance and her son.
11:54I'm telling you all this to reassure you.
11:57If Mrs. Alcos had known something about Mrs. Darre, she wouldn't have let us know.
12:01So she doesn't know anything or suspect anything.
12:04Well, thank goodness.
12:06Very important. How is Mrs. Darre?
12:09Is she well? Did she take all the food?
12:11Was she able to find the blankets in Lujan?
12:13Yes, I took everything, but the truth is that I found her very unwell and quite weak.
12:18She had a bump when I got there.
12:20But then she went to drink Mrs. Simona's broth and the colors came out even of the semblance.
12:25That broth is an apostolic blessing.
12:27Baby, I'm going to confess something to you.
12:29Sometimes I go down to Hurtadillas at night to the kitchen and I have a cup,
12:33like this, without permission and without need.
12:39Is everything in order then?
12:40Yes, ma'am.
12:42Today I have ordered Lope to take care of the inventory of the pantry
12:46and I am pleased to inform you that we have enough canned provisions for a month and a half.
12:52You don't know how happy I am.
12:54And also, to make sure that there was no possible mistake, I asked him to repeat the task.
12:58Very well.
13:00I have also commissioned a young lady who, during the cleaning of the palace these last few days,
13:05will take note of those furniture that will need some arrangement.
13:09But almost everything is in very good condition,
13:12beyond some small imperfection such as some seats in the furniture of the greenhouse.
13:18But I have already given orders to start with the arrangements tomorrow.
13:22Splendid, Petra. I give myself for informed.
13:26And then there are the rumors, such as the case of Virtudes, Simona's daughter ...
13:30Stop, stop. I don't need all those details.
13:34Do you think I don't have enough with the things that matter?
13:41A desperate situation with my niece,
13:44a brawl with my husband, which does nothing but avoid me,
13:48not to mention that my son is in a war where thousands of men die every day.
13:52Excuse me, ma'am.
13:56As you will understand, the mischief of the service matters very little to me right now.
14:01As long as the work done for me is done, as if they were killed.
14:06With the permission of the lady.
14:17Come in.
14:23Has something happened?
14:26Hayal has taken advantage of the dinner to make us a proposal.
14:51Good morning. Yesterday I left a lot of clothes here to mend.
14:55Do you know where they left it?
14:57They are there. The rest is mine, I have to get everything later.
15:00Thank you.
15:09Good morning.
15:11Good morning.
15:13My father has asked me to go buy some things in Wuhan.
15:16The problem is that there are too many for one person.
15:21So I showed it to you and he gave me permission to go with a lacayo or a maid.
15:27Why don't you come with me to Wuhan and so we take a walk or chat together for a while?
15:34If you want and dare, we can take a little longer and go to a tavern to drink something or a hot chocolate.
15:43I don't know, Santos.
15:46If what worries you is the return, I can talk to Mrs. Petra to give her a good excuse and that there is no retaliation.
15:52No, that's not it.
15:54Cheer up, come on.
15:56I wish I could. The plan seems very tempting to me, but I have a lot of work.
16:00Are you sure you can wait?
16:02No. In fact, all these clothes should have already been re-mended.
16:05They were accumulated yesterday and you see how I am.
16:08And with all this, at least I have all morning.
16:10But ...
16:11Santos, leave it.
16:13You already know how demanding Mrs. Arcos is and the last thing I want is to start the day putting her against me.
16:32Martina. Martina, you have to eat.
16:37I don't say much, but don't stay on fasts.
16:40If you don't eat, you'll end up feeling worse.
16:42I just can't. Catalina, I really can't. I have a closed stomach and I can't eat anything.
16:47That's fear.
16:48Of course it's fear. How can it not be fear? You wouldn't be afraid.
16:52Well, yes, of course I would. No, no.
16:55I didn't mean to say that. They want to take me to a sanatorium.
16:59And I know they call it that, but it's actually a madhouse.
17:02And I know those places are horrible and I know it because I work there.
17:06That his mother has been in them all her life.
17:08This doesn't have to be the same.
17:09I think they are all the same.
17:11You're going to leave. It's not all said and done yet.
17:14I have no choice. They've already decided for me.
17:17I can't deny it. I can't hide in the hangar.
17:20Look, I hope you don't have to go.
17:23But if in the end it's safe to say that your mother won't let you enter a place like Curro described.
17:30Not her, not my father, not me. Martina.
17:35You know what's the worst?
17:38The food.
17:45The worst thing is that when I leave, if I ever leave, I will never take my stigma off.
17:53In all the hangars, I will no longer be Martina, I will be Martina la Loca.
17:59You haven't entered yet and you're already thinking about what will happen when you leave.
18:03I don't know how I got here.
18:07I'm not a murderer and I'm not crazy and you're giving yourself away for nothing.
18:13I'm sorry. I'm very sorry.
18:17I'm sorry.
18:19I'm sorry.
18:38Are you very busy?
18:40I don't want to entertain you and make you lose your temper because it's not my fault.
18:43No. Yes, I almost have nothing left. It's twisting this and this.
18:47In the meantime, you can stay if you want.
18:51Can you believe that until I got here, I thought that the rich people, when they took off their socks, threw them away?
18:57Well, you see that they don't.
18:59Well, I don't understand it. Because they are rich, right?
19:02Why don't they put on a new one and here peace and then glory?
19:05What sense does it make to wrinkle a sock to make it last longer?
19:09They don't wrinkle them. They have to wrinkle them.
19:13Yeah, but it's not worth it, Vera.
19:15How does it show that you don't know how much a pair of rich people's socks cost?
19:19Oh, what's that?
19:21Of course, what's that?
19:24And how are you? Are you still getting better?
19:28Yes, I'm much better.
19:30My back hurts a bit, but I had to wait after the beating they gave me.
19:35What worries me is something else.
19:39Well, we prepare the food down here, but the stomachs are up there, Vera.
19:44And if half of the breakfast comes back, it means that something is not going well,
19:47and I don't quite understand what it is.
19:50Do you know if something has happened?
19:52I don't know, but I've heard that yesterday the Count of Ayala
19:54must have said something to Miss Martina, which shouldn't be a small thing.
19:58It's the same.
20:01Well, it's the same, yes.
20:03I don't know, I haven't heard anything.
20:05But well, it's also true that I never heard anything.
20:10What's wrong?
20:11Is it funny that I didn't hear anything?
20:13I think it's true.
20:18And now what's wrong with you?
20:20Well, I just realized that I have three kilos of peas in my veins.
20:24No, don't laugh, because by now they should be out.
20:27I have to go.
20:29Wait, I'll go with you and I'll give you a hand.
20:31This is done.
20:33Let's go.
20:36Let's go.
20:44A few days later.
20:51From what I've seen, the Count of Ayala made things very clear.
20:54That he was working with the sanatorium and that he was going straight to the Civil Guard to report.
20:58Well, all this reminds me of the baroness of Grazalema when she threatened Mrs. Marquesa.
21:03Well, yes.
21:05Something similar happened when the lady tried to strangle her.
21:09Anyway, I feel sorry for Miss Martina.
21:12She was so excited a little while ago, because I told her to write a letter to Manuel and Curro
21:17and she thought that enthusiasm was a good idea.
21:22We just have to pray for her.
21:24Because she has a future, a black man like coal.
21:27Well, yes.
21:31And speaking of praying, how about your free afternoon?
21:35My free afternoon? What free afternoon?
21:37Yes, the afternoon you went to the church to light a candle for the Virgin.
21:41For Curro and for Manuel.
21:43Ah, well ...
21:46Well, the truth is that it was good. Good, good. It was good.
21:49The church was half-empty and well ...
21:53I took the opportunity to ask for everyone.
21:57Well, your prayers were answered.
21:59And why did you come back so late?
22:02Well, because I was taking a walk around town and suddenly it got dark, so ...
22:07So I decided to have a drink at the tavern for dinner.
22:12Well, what about around here? Has something happened that you didn't like?
22:15Don't you think what I told you about Miss Martina is not enough?
22:19Well, then María Mandrago set up a good virtue for her when she went in search of her son.
22:24She didn't let her go?
22:25Well, yes. Miraculously, she let her go.
22:28And because it was her free afternoon and because she didn't know where she was going.
22:31But something was suspicious. With so much hug and so much farewell.
22:34Well, I think that sooner or later she will find out.
22:37That she always finds out everything.
22:38Well, yes, for sure she will find out. Come on, and more now.
22:41And more now? Why?
22:43For two reasons.
22:45The first, because since she has been a key master, she has been watching more than before.
22:49Come on. She seems like a permanent guard.
22:53And the second, for Santos.
22:54Indeed. That he is going with the story of Pato.
22:58Well, look, I think those two get along so well because they are just as bad.
23:02So you have to be very careful with what we say to Santos.
23:05Because it is clear that Petra will find out later.
23:11What's wrong with you?
23:14Because I was remembering ...
23:17That when I was in La Verbena with Salvador, with Santos and Vera.
23:20That you already know how I get when they give me a couple of wines.
23:23Come on, that I start shitting and I don't stop.
23:26María, but you didn't say anything to her, did you?
23:29Knowing me, Hanna ...
23:31No, Nina.
23:34This one too, right?
23:45Well, well, well.
23:47Well, well, what?
23:48No, how are you?
23:50Now that you are again in the low ends.
23:54You are always so thoughtful.
23:55No, no. Seriously.
23:57How about this side of the law? Do you adapt?
24:00Well, the truth is yes.
24:03I feel very good, Salvador.
24:05It's been a long time since I felt so good.
24:07I'm waking up wanting to work, to be with my colleagues, to cook new recipes.
24:14Well, I'm glad, that's very good.
24:16Yes, the only problem is that I feel a little back pain, but I think that's normal.
24:22Why don't you ask Hanna for one of her miraculous encounters?
24:25I'm sure you'll heal before you take it.
24:27Like Benita's purge?
24:28Look, he did know about pottings.
24:32Yes, yes, I think I'm going to ask Hanna for some advice.
24:35Of course, man. Ask her. I'm sure she has some remedy for you.
24:41Let's see.
24:43Come on, what is mine?
24:44I mean your back.
24:47The other thing, how do you keep getting into trouble like this,
24:51neither Hanna nor Santa Hanna, I believe you.
24:57I still don't know how I ended up in there.
25:00I don't know.
25:03You knew how to get out.
25:04That's the important thing, right?
25:08I didn't know how to get out, Salvador.
25:11If I got out, it was thanks to you.
25:13And above all, thanks to Mr. Baeza.
25:16He looks good, but he's twice as good as he looks.
25:20But I assure you that I have learned the lesson.
25:24That's for sure.
25:27I've always trusted you, Lope.
25:31I'll make sure you know.
25:34Even if it's just so I don't disappoint you or Mr. Baeza.
25:40I just hope you forgive me.
25:45Of course, Lope.
25:53Thank you.
26:01I've already told you that it bothers me that you approach me.
26:03I just want to tell you something.
26:05Yes, I guess.
26:07I just want to tell you about a letter I received from some good friends of mine in Madrid.
26:10What you're telling me is very interesting, but right now I can't answer you.
26:14Do you mean we'll talk about it another time?
26:16I have a lot of things to do.
26:18I don't promise you anything.
26:23I'm sorry.
26:28Puzzle solved.
26:30I've been asking myself where you've been all lunch.
26:34I was barely hungry and I've decided to eat something here.
26:39Can I ask you what happened to you, Maria Antonia?
26:45I appreciate it, but I don't think you can help me.
26:49Is it because of the last assault yesterday on Martina?
26:51Well, there's not just one reason.
26:54But yes, it's heartbreaking what happened to that girl.
26:58What future awaits her?
26:59A very dark one, certainly.
27:03But you said you weren't like that for a single reason.
27:07The other is that since Alonso invited me to leave, I feel like an intruder in this house.
27:14It's natural.
27:16It could seem that everything would be solved when Cruz intervened and demanded that I stay.
27:21But no.
27:23But Alonso accepted it.
27:25We talked about it and agreed that it was still a misunderstanding and to make a new account.
27:31But there is still a lot of tension between us.
27:34Especially on his part.
27:35And not just with me.
27:37Also between him and Cruz.
27:39And that worries you?
27:42And not just because I think all this can affect my relationship with her,
27:45but because I also suffer from all those possible disagreements between them.
27:50I wouldn't like his marriage to be ruined by all those disputes.
27:55Don't blame yourself.
27:57The situation in the palace is part of the problem.
28:00The Marquises are very tense about everything that is happening to Martina.
28:04Not to mention that they have Manuel in the lead.
28:07It is logical that Alonso does not show himself at all kind, but neither with you nor with anyone else.
28:12Well, that's Maro Consuelos, isn't it, Captain?
28:15I also tell you, as a consolation, that if you manage to talk to him, you will be able to reach an understanding.
28:24Yes, I am also of that conviction.
28:27But as things are, being able to talk to Alonso is practically impossible.
28:31Among other things, because he constantly avoids me.
28:34I understand.
28:35Is there anything I can do to help you?
28:38No, I don't think so.
28:41I think so.
28:44What do you mean?
28:45You know, I think the constant presence of the Marquise is what makes Alonso not completely relax.
28:55That if you want to have the opportunity to have a normal conversation with Alonso, that happens because ...
29:02because Cruz disappears.
29:05Let's see, I don't know where you want to go.
29:09I can distract her.
29:12I'll take her for a walk, or whatever I can think of.
29:14And I'll leave you free so you can solve your problems with Alonso once and for all.
29:19No, I'm not sure that's a good idea.
29:22People understand each other when they talk.
29:27You may be right, yes.
29:28I have it.
29:31Leave it to me.
29:35I'll be right back.
29:42But let's see, they are from the town, we know them.
29:45What's the problem in joining us?
29:46You mean, what's so good about that, Salvador? It's a football club.
29:49Well, what's so bad about it?
29:51Let's see, if the club is a football club, it is because those who found it want to play football.
29:56And neither you nor I know how to play.
29:58But that is learned, Lope.
29:59Salvador, I have no interest in learning how to play.
30:01But if you haven't played in your life.
30:03Well, that's why. Another reason not to learn.
30:06Besides, I don't see myself.
30:07And I don't have the ribs to start exercising.
30:10The ribs, no, but you don't need them, you have good feet, right?
30:12I'm telling you no, that's it.
30:14Well, it's fine, it's fine.
30:18And now I'm leaving because I have to continue with my homework.
30:20But I don't forget.
30:27Come on.
30:34This morning I was in Lujan, doing some errands.
30:39Well, very good.
30:42And while I was in Lujan, a little birdie told me that Vera has been helping you in the kitchen.
30:51What do you have to say about that?
30:58And now, if you'll excuse me.
31:00And now, if you'll excuse me.
31:03What was Vera doing in the kitchen?
31:07Helping me get rid of Gisantes.
31:10Since when do I have to give you explanations?
31:14Is there something wrong with that?
31:17Leave my girlfriend alone.
31:20Do you understand?
31:21Leave me alone.
31:24What you have with your girlfriend is your business.
31:27And if you don't trust her, it's not my fault.
31:31Leave me alone.
31:45Actually, it hasn't been long since your son left.
31:47This is the second night.
31:49And with what happiness, girl?
31:52If you want, I say it with a smile on my face.
31:54Well, you can try. You're always getting worse.
31:57But this time, I think I have more than enough reasons.
32:00Well, Mrs. Simona, it's no use torturing yourself as much as possible.
32:03Before the unknowing, the best is not going to gather anything.
32:05Is that what I'm saying?
32:07That's very easy to say, but it's not that simple.
32:09But your daughter is a very awake girl.
32:11Don't worry about her.
32:13She may be in a hurry and would prefer to stay in the Lucerne fountain to spend the night.
32:18To arrive in the morning with a better time.
32:20Well, let's hope that's not the case.
32:23Because I've been to that fountain once.
32:25A tower in a sardine.
32:26I will not forget that.
32:28I don't know if it was the fault of the sea or the mountain.
32:31But the sentence was served.
32:33Miraculously, I didn't go to the garden that night.
32:36More bad fatigue.
32:38Maybe it was indigestion.
32:40Are you calling me a glutton, Mr. Pellicer?
32:43No, no, no. For God's sake.
32:45That's what I thought.
32:47No, I assure you that I would never insinuate something so disrespectful, Mrs. García.
32:53Avenged, Ricardo.
32:55He was in a hurry.
32:56Don't give me those drawings, Mr. Pellicer.
32:59I'm sorry.
33:00But don't tell me that your face wasn't meant to be in a sardine.
33:05I would rather you were in a hurry right now, Candela.
33:08Anyway, I don't have to have dinner at the Lucerne fountain, even though I sleep there.
33:11Don't you want to go to bed early?
33:14Well, Mr. Baeza, I prepared some snacks for you so you didn't have to eat outside.
33:18Well, as you will understand, after a day and a half of those snacks, I won't even remember.
33:23I don't think so.
33:24I prepared seven for you.
33:25Two of pork loin, two of bacon, two of chorizo and one of paletilla.
33:29And according to the way I wrapped them, they have to last until tomorrow.
33:32Well, then the girl won't go hungry.
33:34You have prepared plenty and forceful snacks for her.
33:37Blessed be my Lope, who is so much.
33:39No, yes, that's true, but ...
33:41This is very strange.
33:42She should be back by now.
33:44And if she has made things complicated ...
33:46Don't be a whore, come on, Sibona.
33:48I should have gone with her.
33:50Because I could have helped convince her in-laws to respect me and we get along very well.
33:55It's no use regretting what you could have done in the past, Mrs. Martínez.
33:58Besides, Mrs. Arcos would have put inconveniences to her absence in the kitchen.
34:02With all due respect, Mr. Baeza, I don't care about the inconveniences that Mrs. Petra would have put in this matter.
34:08That, that, if we cared about what she says or says, we would be bitter.
34:13Whether we like it or not, Mrs. Arcos is the master of keys.
34:16What we have to do is not make it easier for her to get into trouble.
34:19Yes, of course, and you are her superior.
34:22I would like to ask you one thing.
34:25What thing?
34:27Let me leave to get my daughter so that I can help you in your task.
34:31Look what real agony, huh?
34:32Mrs. Martínez, I think the most prudent thing is to wait for your daughter to return.
34:37But this is very strange, Mr. Baeza.
34:44You are a blessed man.
34:45Yes, but you will leave tomorrow morning.
34:48If your daughter has not returned until then, then she has permission to leave.
35:02Have you seen Cruz? I can't find him anywhere.
35:06Lorenzo had agreed to dinner with a superior of his, who happens to be in Lujan,
35:11and who has been a military observer in the front.
35:15And he has asked Cruz to accompany him to that dinner.
35:18In case the other one has any news about Manuel's battle, right?
35:21Yes, I guess he doesn't know anything new, but ...
35:25And how is it that you have not gone to dinner with them?
35:29I would have loved to.
35:32But Lorenzo does not want to deceive his guest.
35:34The man prefers to be discreet.
35:36Because of the neutrality of Spain.
35:38The less people know that he has been in the front, the better.
35:41A cautious man, it seems.
35:44And I was going to retire.
35:48I can always stay here alone.
35:52Wouldn't it be very gentlemanly of me?
35:57It wouldn't be.
35:59And in any case, Alonso.
36:01Are you going to keep avoiding me?
36:05There has been too much tension lately.
36:07I mean, between us.
36:10Are we really going to allow your misunderstanding and a little touch to spoil everything?
36:15Because it wouldn't be beneficial for us, but it wouldn't be for anyone.
36:21Wouldn't it be better if we lowered our guard?
36:23And if we treated each other naturally again?
36:27The promise needs harmony and understanding again.
36:35Maybe you're right.
36:38We already have enough real problems to complicate everything with something so easy to solve.
36:45It couldn't be more.
36:56I love you.
37:26I love you.
37:34Martina, daughter.
37:37The time has come.
37:39The time for what?
37:50The time to go to the sanatorium.
37:54No, no, no, no.
37:56Please, don't make it more difficult.
37:58This is also very painful for me because you are my daughter.
38:00It can't be. It doesn't make sense.
38:02No, no.
38:04There has to be a way to prove that I'm innocent.
38:06No, there isn't.
38:09There isn't.
38:11This is ...
38:13This is the best solution, or at least the ...
38:16the least bad.
38:20I promise you that the count
38:22has searched heaven and earth to find a place in a wonderful place.
38:26It is a residence with all the amenities.
38:28It is a first-class sanatorium, daughter, so that you can ...
38:30And that I don't have to get well?
38:32That I'm not crazy? That I don't have to take care of anything?
38:34I know, of course you know.
38:35No, no, no, don't take me to such a horrible place, please.
38:37Martina, listen to me.
38:38No, no.
38:39Listen to me. I'll go with you. I promise I'll go with you.
38:41And if the place is as horrible as you think, I will never leave you there.
38:44Do you hear me? Never.
38:47It doesn't matter, Tracy.
38:49It doesn't matter.
38:52Mother, please.
38:54If you love me, don't leave me in that place.
38:56If you love me the most, don't leave me in that place.
38:58Of course I love you. You are what I love the most.
39:00You are what I love the most in this world, Martina.
39:02You are what I love the most.
39:06And that's why I ask you to let me help you, daughter.
39:10Everything will be fine.
39:12Everything will be fine.
39:21I love you, Martina.
39:28I love you.
39:39First, we are going to serve a soup.
39:41Then a spoon and a deep plate.
39:44Well, and one less service.
39:46Is it true?
39:47Yes, that of Miss Martina.
39:49How could they have taken her like that? Poor thing.
39:51Besides, in the middle of the night.
39:53She wouldn't have time to say goodbye to anyone.
39:55There is no right.
39:56Well, but Miss Martina is a very strong and very smart young woman.
40:00So I'm sure she can handle all that and she's home before it's too late.
40:03I hear you, daughter.
40:04Of course, Maria.
40:07In addition, I am convinced that sooner or later the truth about the poison will be discovered and who is behind the matter.
40:13Are you sure it's not Miss Martina?
40:15Because Miss Martina is not a murderer.
40:17As long as there is no evidence against her and she will be back on her feet.
40:22Well, I have to go back to the kitchen to check the soup.
40:25I'll go with you.
40:27Of course.
40:37You don't understand either, do you?
40:38Well, no.
40:39The truth is no.
40:40If they see the glory together.
40:43Do you realize that the phrase ends?
40:45One to the other and the other to one.
40:48Anyone who doesn't know they broke up a long time ago would think they are still dating.
40:51Well, yes.
40:52They are dating who fight very little.
40:54Not like us.
40:56It's a joke.
40:57A little chance, huh?
41:00If he looks for me, he finds me.
41:03How am I going to fight with you?
41:05With how beautiful you are and how outstanding you are.
41:07It wouldn't make sense.
41:09Going back to Lope and Vera.
41:11What doesn't make sense is that they are not together.
41:13Well, yes.
41:14That girl is still with the cretin of Santo.
41:16Especially when she doesn't love him.
41:18Because Lope is the one she is in love with.
41:23Did you realize that you and I also ...
41:25Did we finish the phrase?
41:28Yes, I had realized, yes.
41:31You are very smart.
41:32Very smart.
41:33Well, yes.
41:48It's not that I thought you were a good mother, but this is already ...
41:50Let me go, Cruz.
41:52Take your daughter to Rastras.
41:54In the middle of the night.
41:55Without even allowing her to say goodbye to her family.
41:58Because you haven't even stopped saying goodbye to me.
42:00When you know that I consider her like one more daughter.
42:02Well, I already feel pretty bad.
42:03As for you to come to me with your reproaches.
42:05And do you know what makes me most indignant?
42:07That someone does not obey your will?
42:09That when I was still fighting for Martina,
42:11you, who are her mother, you had already given up.
42:13I did not resist what I could.
42:16I tried to dissuade Ignacio when he said he was going to go to the Civil Guard.
42:19But it was useless.
42:20Because you had already claimed from the beginning.
42:24That is not true.
42:25Of course it is not true that you have allowed them to take her to a asylum.
42:28Well, I have made the best decision for Martina, given the circumstances.
42:31The best?
42:32It will be for another person, but not for your daughter.
42:34Well, I have done what I could, Cruz.
42:36I have done what I could.
42:37So don't overwhelm me.
42:38Oh, you're overwhelmed.
42:40Poor girl.
42:41Cruz, leave me alone.
42:43Do you know how Martina will have felt these days?
42:49You don't have a heart?
42:50Look at yourself in the chest before saying that.
42:52How do you think your daughter will feel?
42:54Sad to despair.
42:56And on top of that, locked up in such a scary place.
42:58It's not a scary place.
42:59Because I have accompanied my daughter.
43:01And it has ...
43:02It has magnificent gardens and the rooms are very cozy.
43:05And it also has an excellent medical setting.
43:08But what are you saying?
43:09Don't you realize that this is what they say to silence the conscience of the relatives,
43:13who leave their madmen there as if they were broken dolls in a basement?
43:18I want you to be clear about one thing, Margarita.
43:21You can decorate it as much as you want.
43:23You can call it whatever you want.
43:24Sanatorium, if that makes you calmer.
43:26But I have made a couple of calls and I know what that place really is.
43:29And it's not a retirement home, like the place they took me to.
43:32No, of course not.
43:34Because it is a clinic for conduct ailments.
43:36I'm talking to you with knowledge of cause, Margarita.
43:39It's a madhouse, let's see if you find out.
43:41Shut up! Shut up!
43:43Maybe with this you have avoided the scandal and the dishonor of prison.
43:47But I don't even want to imagine how Martina will get out of that ...
43:51clinic for conduct ailments, as you call it.
43:54If she ever leaves.
44:00I don't know what you told her, but you managed to destroy her.
44:03The truth. I only told her the truth.
44:06Did you know this?
44:08Did you know that they were going to take her last night?
44:09Of course not.
44:10Otherwise, I wouldn't have offered you dinner.
44:13I would have loved to see how you faced those two.
44:15Or they could have taken Catalina instead.
44:17And not poor Martina.
44:20Are you outraged about your niece?
44:22You still don't understand?
44:25Not only have I not been able to help her,
44:27not only have I not been able to help her,
44:30but on top of that, just when they take her,
44:32I have the other one back.
44:34My stepdaughter.
44:35With her airs and her face of repapalo, for God's sake.
44:39And I have to put up with her.
44:40If it was only her.
44:42What do you mean?
44:44That her visits are also there.
44:46What visits?
44:48your stepdaughter is still seeing the man in the coat that she saw in the hangar.
44:52I don't know what coat you're talking about.
44:54It doesn't matter.
44:55The fact is that now, since she is not locked in the hangar,
44:57she is going to see him here.
44:59So any day you find yourself with a kid playing the piano.
45:08But where are you going, Simona?
45:10I can't wait any longer here, Candela.
45:13Simona, for God's sake.
45:15I'm sure the girl was fine.
45:17And only that things are getting a little longer than we expected.
45:20A little more?
45:23Don't move, Alexis!
45:25Let me go, I'm losing my mind!
45:26I won't let you go!
45:28Candela, don't get on my nerves.
45:30Simona, use your brain.
45:32What brain?
45:33If I don't know anything about my virtues,
45:35I'm afraid to know where she is and what has happened to her.
45:37The most normal thing is that she is on her way.
45:40And what can happen then?
45:42If you go there and she comes here,
45:44she's going to cross you and see us.
45:47That's also true.
45:48Of course I'll tell you.
45:49Tell me!
45:51But no.
45:52I prefer to cross with her and take longer to see her later,
45:55risk that something has happened to her and take longer to look for her.
45:58You're a big head.
45:59Besides, I have Mr. Baeza's permission.
46:01So you, Chitón.
46:02Hey, stop it.
46:03Ale, go away.
46:05I've already tried.
46:06Can you tell me what those screams are coming from?
46:08How does Maria Mandrago hear you?
46:12Simona is going to look for virtues.
46:14Virtues? But why? What happened?
46:15Well, that's what I want to find out.
46:17What does she want to find out?
46:18But she suspects something.
46:19She's going to find out.
46:22Because it's the same thing over and over again.
46:23Well, that's why.
46:24And she's still in agony.
46:26Well, I'll continue with what you want, Candela, but I'm leaving.
46:29Well, go away.
46:41What happened, Candela?
47:12I came back to the palace because I knew she needed me.
47:16I wanted to help her, but ...
47:19But I have failed.
47:22I have absolutely failed.
47:25Miss, but it has been a very short time since you came back.
47:27Why are you talking about failure?
47:29You have not been able to fix anything, much less fail.
47:32The bad thing is that there is no longer time, Adriano.
47:36Last night ...
47:38Last night they took her to a asylum.
47:40I found out this morning.
47:42My God.
47:44I'm sorry.
47:47I will never forget yesterday.
47:50Yesterday you were with her?
47:54Yes, I ...
47:56I tried to comfort her.
47:58But I didn't know how.
48:00If at least I could have said goodbye to her.
48:22But what is this?
48:24Come on, man, what I needed to see.
48:28Who is this Gañan?
48:29And what is he doing here?
48:40Do you want to do me the favor of coming in?
48:43What I don't understand is why we have to talk here.
48:47And what's wrong with this place?
48:49No, it's not that, but was it necessary to come here?
48:55Don't rush.
48:57And now you will understand.
49:04Are you sure that Mrs. Arcos has given you permission to enter her office?
49:09I have her permission.
49:18Don't look at me like that.
49:20What's wrong?
49:22I look at you like the boyfriends look at their girlfriends.
49:26I don't like it when you look at me like that.
49:28Yesterday you told me that you couldn't come with me to Lujan because you had a lot of pending tasks.
49:36Of course.
49:38There wouldn't be that many.
49:42That there wouldn't be that many.
49:45Santos, I don't know what you mean.
49:47They told me that you were in the kitchen all day beating up Byzantium.
49:51You were in the kitchen all day beating up Byzantium.
50:01With Lope.
50:08And you didn't bother to deny it.
50:13I wasn't going to do it.
50:19If everyone saw you.
50:21That's not true.
50:24Yes, it is.
50:27They also told me that you didn't stop laughing.
50:30That's not true either.
50:32The last time you laughed with me, I think it was the day of the funeral.
50:37It must have been for something Maria Fernandez or Salvador said.
50:42Look, Santos, I don't know.
50:43What do you know?
50:47I don't remember either.
50:48I agree.
50:50But I'm sure it wasn't for something I said.
50:54Santos, I don't know what you mean.
50:58Do you like being with Lope?
51:03Do you enjoy his company?
51:06He's just a partner.
51:09Just that?
51:12Just that.
51:13And then this is a thing of the past?
51:18Now you're my girlfriend.
51:23Say it.
51:25Say it!
51:28I want to hear it.
51:33Now I'm your girlfriend.
51:37Let's see if it's true.
51:45I would have liked you to love me, you know?
51:49But you've made it clear to me over and over again
51:52that that's not going to be possible.
51:55That you're never going to love me.
52:02This is all I have left.
52:06Santos, please.
52:07Please let me go.
52:14You can always imagine what Lope's hands are like.
52:17Lope's lips.
52:30You should thank me.
52:32A woman less generous than me
52:34wouldn't have put up with two unbearable people like Tomás and you.
52:37This conversation...
52:38You shut up, Gañan.
52:40Get out of here.
52:41You're not going anywhere, Mariano.
52:43I couldn't see the place well.
52:45I mean, it's true that they greeted us with a lot of cordiality,
52:48but I don't know if it's a rude greeting.
52:50I did a lot of research before I left for that place.
52:53I have to talk to a doctor.
52:55Please, it's a mistake that I'm here.
52:57If I could talk to a doctor, please.
53:00Start by getting dressed, please.
53:02You'd better do it on your own.
53:03In the darkest of nights,
53:05there's always a ray of light.
53:09At least I don't have to put up with your daughter Catalina anymore.
53:11That's the ray of light.
53:15I wouldn't leave a poor creature
53:17in the hands of a stupid witch like me.
53:19No, no, no, no.
53:21Don't talk like that, daughter.
53:24I'm sure there's a way to convince them.
53:27Yes, there is.
53:29There's a possibility.
53:31It's an impossible one.
53:33I just want you to understand
53:35that this is going too far.
53:37I can't help it, Alonso.
53:39I know this is affecting our good relationship.
53:41But how can it not affect our good relationship
53:43if you take advantage of any opportunity
53:45to try to get closer?
53:47This can't happen again, Maria Antonia.
53:49Never again.